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    Eve Online The Irrelevant Keepstar

    Eve Online The Irrelevant Keepstar

    The Irrelevant Keepstar

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST

    There will be many things written about the fight that went down in the system of M2-XFE in Delve over the Keepstar called Big's Disco Palace over New Year's Eve 2020 but none will reflect the feelings of a little know corp called Discoverings, who joined Goons after the fall of Fade.

    Yes, we were Space Monkeys and at the very beginning we as a corp held the C4C-Z4 gate in Fade for days as the Casino War kicked off. After Fade was evacuated and after a brief spell in the hell of hisec we join Goons for real. (Well, I say we, I had a short time in a corp inadvertently on the enemy side).

    Now jump forward to the glory days of mining, ratting and building in relative peace, a challenge was offered to one of our members one evening on comms, bigandblue. He took up that challenge and started building a Keepstar, and of course that Keepstar was (is currently while writing) Big's Disco Palace.

    Biggy, as we call him, had a few rorquals (3 I believe) but not the fleets some in Goons ran, so to singlehandedly mine most of the ore required was amazing. He had also built himself a Titan which he then sold to help fund the rigs and fittings, despite being asked not to. Now the rest of us did contribute, we had corp mining and ratting ops, we held lotteries and contributed where we could but Biggy did most of the work. When we were ready to anchor, it was a choice between MO-GZ5 and M2-XFE for us. At the time a lot of our Corpies were ratting and mining in M2 as well as building in the Sotiyo of Echelon Research. So, in M2 it was placed.

    Anyway, this is(was) OUR Keepstar, it has been called "irrelevant" and "not important" during the fight but we are proud of it none the less. We were the smallest corp in Goons to anchor a Keepstar at the time even though it was around the 30th to be placed. We held that position for some time. Now to have the biggest fight in the history of EVE to happen over this strategically unimportant citadel in space …. Well even if it is abandoned to its fate of being returned to space dust, we are proud. And Biggy should be …. Well done man, cheers to you. It will live in our memory forever even though it was considered irrelevant, we will not forget it's name!

    Cheers all


    Reposted on r/Eve with permission of Mukk Spredda

    submitted by /u/st0rkant
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    A new name for our current scenario

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:01 PM PST

    At your lows, you are at you lowest, but at your highs you can soar across the plains of existence

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:01 PM PST

    One thing we can all agree on post M2-

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:59 PM PST

    City of London Officials to Investigate Use of CCP's Server Waste Heat, As M2 Battle Raises City Temps by 3°

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:48 PM PST

    Well 2020 has been a long ride, and EVE got me through it, I found this game around right after everything shut down and from a humble beginning I've gone very far and I'm happy to be apart of this amazing community!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:45 PM PST

    (Video) Graveyard of Titans - The Massacre at M2-XFE

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:16 PM PST

    The blobs have found their balance

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Is it just me or is there a surprising lack of shit posting over the M2 fight? The majority of the posts I have seen are surprisingly enjoyable to read.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Seems this fight has actually brought out the best in some people. The back stories about the Keeps history and cheeky anecdotes about losing titans in this fight have been enjoyable to read. Cheers nerds and well done.

    I thought I would add a small insignificant event that happened to me during this fight. I was sitting in my Avatar attempting to mash a couple of buttons every 8 or 10 min while scanning the overview every 5 min or so to see if I was being being yellow boxed. All of a sudden, you guessed it.... DC. After a long 30 min or so I am back in my space butt plug chugging through the system at the blistering pace a titan warps at in 10% tidi. I came out of warp and nothing was near me. I initially just thought the grid had not loaded yet but then I see a lone dic dropping out of warp near me. My Av started another warp sequence on its own as I was trying to drop my Nestor to do a refit. A Tengue, Onyx and another hostile ship then dropped out of warp on top of me. bubbles started going up around me and I was getting scram indications. I then started inquiring in fleet if I could get some assistance from one of our sub cap fleets. I was still getting the notification that I was going into warp so at that point I just figured I should ride things out and see what happens. Watching that avatar align and start accelerating out of the bubbles while being scrammed was one of the best feelings I have had in this game. I would say sorry to those of you who did a great job of trying to lock me down but I will take it lol. Seems lots of things were "Balanced" in this fight. Tidi got me into that situation and the eve universe saw fit to also get me out of it. I would be interested in hearing your experiences during this fight. Yes it was a tidi f*** fest but it was so much more than a BR.

    submitted by /u/McLovinsAdama
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    After my dad passed away, in the most nerdiest fashion ever, I created a titan pilot in his name. Special thanks to the TEST dread FC who helped solidify that name as top damage in EVE’s greatest battle thus far! (It’s Don-G, not “dong” but yeah I know)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:42 AM PST

    LEGACY dreadbomb feel the wrath of the IMPERIUM doomsday's

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:46 AM PST

    The true winner of M2-

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Was sort dragon, who by being afk has finally successfully survived a titan brawl.

    submitted by /u/Low-HangingFruit
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    Just Finished 3D Printing an Astero

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:26 PM PST

    Have you seen them?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    AW0XU Kicked from Snuffed Out

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Nothing Comes to Mind, has been kicked from Snuffed Out.


    Reasoning is due to drama between Hy and Vertiso. Anyone who knows Vertiso knows this is to be expected. The full explanation is that rumours had been circulating that Vertiso was planning some sort of backstab to get revenge for his Erebus which was killed when he was still in Trigger Happy (he got baited by 7sins lol) https://zkillboard.com/kill/82245252/

    submitted by /u/Sgany
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    [zkill] A fix and a contest (and covid sucks)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:24 AM PST

    So, I'm under quarantine. yay (not). Ms. Squizz and I each have the symptoms but they're no worse than the mild flu for us, thankfully. With that said we're not going anywhere for awhile, which gives me time to have more online fun!

    This morning I fixed an issue that was causing supercarrier and titan overview pages to not load on zkillboard, sorry about that folks. Please never hesitate to poke me if something isn't working. I can't fix it if I don't know it is broken.

    With that said, I'm going to run a contest! Anyone who dies in M2-XFE between downtime 2020/12/30 and downtime 2021/01/04 will be eligible. Doesn't matter what you're flying, just go there and participate in some PVP!

    Three random winners will be selected and the following prizes will be awarded:

    • Non-faction titan hull of choice (1st place)
    • Non-faction supercarrier hull of choice (2nd place)
    • Non-faction dread hull of choice (3rd place)

    I'll also randomly give out some of the new Astero partner skins I have left.

    Happy hunting! o7 Squizz

    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    PAPI's dreadbomb gets obliterated in POV

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:11 PM PST

    History repeats itself. The people change (sometimes) but the agenda (sometimes) stays the same.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Happy new year you glorious bastards!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Have a happy but most of all a healthy 2021!!!

    submitted by /u/boomboss81
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    M2-XFE: The final tally

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:40 AM PST

    (edited to include killmails that trickled in after I originally posted)

    Simply incredible numbers of capitals are dead. And, perhaps even more incredibly, there is a near dead-even split on Titan losses - in an engagement on an Imperium Keepstar.

    Ship type Imperium Losses Papi losses
    Titan 123 125
    Supercarrier 4 1
    Dreadnought 228 83
    Carrier 69 4
    FAX 29 9
    Total ISK lost 12.01tn 11.47tn
    Total pilots involved 3217 3557

    Congrats to all involved in making videogame history. And thank you sincerely for clearing out 242 titans from the game during an era of mineral scarcity. Eve is healing.

    PS. Below are titan losses by alliance, for every alliance who lost 5 titans or more;

    Alliance Number of titans lost
    Goonswarm 87
    Northern Coalition. 38
    TEST 37
    Pandemic Horde 21
    The Initiative 17
    Ranger Regiment 10
    Pandemic Legion 8
    Fraternity 8
    TNT 5

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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    My dumb interpretation of the massacre of M2-XFE:

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:51 PM PST

    Mission Accomplished boys

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:50 AM PST

    The bounty modifier in M2-XFE is up to 151.9%, up from 148.7% yesterday. Appreciate y'alls help maximizing my krabbing.

    submitted by /u/Bruce_Campbell21
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    Happy YC123

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:14 PM PST

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