• Breaking News

    Friday, December 11, 2020

    Eve Online RIP to the HIX4-H Krabstar

    Eve Online RIP to the HIX4-H Krabstar

    RIP to the HIX4-H Krabstar

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:46 PM PST

    What a nice view doing the tutorial

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:43 PM PST

    CCP every holiday season

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Drone behaviors being reverted due to unintended impact on Drone assistance in 'certain scenarios'

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:46 AM PST

    Drone Changes Reverted

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator vs Large Skill Injector – Is it worth it? – SP / ISK comparison.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:53 PM PST

    So, I found a few basic and potent radiance accelerators in my inventory, and tried to figure out if they were worth using or not, compared to just buying skill injectors, or selling them on the market. Couldn't find anything, so I decided to do some calculations myself.

    Note: Prices referenced from Jita 4-4 sell orders at the time of writing this post.

    These accelerators become worthless after DT, December 15th, as they will expire. Make sure not to buy more than you can use within that timeframe.

    TLDR; Yes, it's worth it, depending on how much SP your character have, and which accelerator would be applied. As a new character with less than 5 mil SP buying a basic accelerator, you get a -47% discount, compared to current Large Skill Injector prices. As a character with 80+ SP buying an extended accelerator you get -57% discount compared to Large Skill Injectors. Generally speaking, the accelerators are at current price levels way cheaper than the skill injectors.


    Basic 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator

    - Gives +4 ability skill points across the board.

    - 24 hour duration without Biology 5

    - 48 hour duration with Biology 5

    - Total SP: 17280 w/ Bio 5

    - Current Price 11,77 mil ISK

    - ISK / SP = 681

    Potent 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator

    - Gives +8 ability skill points across the board.

    - 24 hour duration without Biology 5

    - 48 hour duration with Biology 5

    - Total SP: 34560 w/ Bio 5

    - Current Price 97,67 mil ISK

    - ISK / SP = 2826

    Extended 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator

    - Gives +6 ability skill points across the board.

    - 72 hour duration without Biology 5

    - 144 hour duration with Biology 5

    - Total SP: 77760 w/ Bio 5

    - Current Price 143,8 mil ISK

    - ISK / SP = 1849

    In comparison, Large Skill Injectors:



    Basic: You get a huge discount all across the board with this one compared to ordinary large injector prices, going from a -47% with a character below 5 mil SP, to -84% discount for a character with more than 80 mil SP. The 'disadvantage' is that you get a relatively small amount of SP spread out over a maximum 48 hours, but still at a huge discount regardless of how much SP you character has.

    Potent: This one is really only worth it for characters with more than 80 mil SP, and in particular those who want to maximize their SP gain at a still very good discount. For 80 mil SP characters, this one still offers a -34% discount, and compared to the extended one, only has a 48 hour duration with Biology 5 as opposed to 144 hours, which means you can squeeze more out of the accelerator before they expire, basically resulting in more total SP in the given time period but at a slightly lesser discount rate. This one is for the rich boyz out there who want to maximize it.

    Extended: Worthwhile for characters with between 50-80 mil SP, but exceptionally worthwhile to characters with 80+ mil SP. Sure, the activation time is so long that you can basically just activate one before the expiration date of Dec 15th, but with a -57% discount it is a ridiculous bargain compared to current Large Skill Injector prices.

    For those who really, really want to optimize their 80+ mil SP chars (and can afford it), you probably want to use 2x Potent and then 1x Extended before the deadline of 15th December.

    If you're not one of those, and you're looking for really cheap SP, then you might want to consider popping Basic 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator's like they're candies until the 15th.

    submitted by /u/Son_of_Darthion
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    world war beetz

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Some great feedback on the stream last night running the Winter sites in the Tengu. The fit towards the end was the best. About 100 mil an hour with chatting. Skip first 10 mins or so

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:40 AM PST

    I am confusion. Cusp... 3 months... cusp........... 3 months................. WHAT DO

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:19 PM PST


    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:17 PM PST

    Hi , this is me first festival and i am not sure how is working...
    1.i need to use a exploration ship to discover this sites ? if yes is a specific system where i need to do this?
    2.and about the snowball from where i can have them ? because is a quest where i need to hit some 1 with a snow ball.
    3.And what i need to do for Station hit ? i need to attack a station ? a NPC station or a pvp one ?
    I am new in the game so any info is welcome.

    submitted by /u/Funnic
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    New sites dropping NM BPOs

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Question about the event site (the pve one)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:47 PM PST

    How is the loot?

    How much ehp/sec do we need?

    Any ewar except scram?

    Any particular target or organisation?

    submitted by /u/Tyran_Cometh
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    #Rekkingcrew bullies Twilight Winters’s Smallgang Alliance (or how to bat phone Reddit and still lose)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST


    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:30 AM PST

    The new mining anoms for the event site only let in industry ships is this a joke?

    submitted by /u/xtra_squishy
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    Event site loot worth it?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:59 PM PST

    I spent 700m and bought a rattlesnake for the event sites only to find out I'm getting a total of 2m a site average should I just sell it and do something else or does the loot get better

    submitted by /u/grimaxemorpher
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    Activity Tracker not tracking properly.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Anyone else have this problem?

    Activity Tracker said I only ever visisted 243 High Sec Systems, 0 LowSec, 0 WH, 0 NullSec.


    submitted by /u/Jason_Prax
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    Tengu Setup and the loss of the Stratios.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:59 AM PST

    PSA: The HG Rapture implant set only gives 35% to cap regen and not 53% as expected

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:03 AM PST

    I just noticed that when I simulated these implants in pyfa. I thought I could make some crazy cap stable fits with these implants, but the bonus isn't that high as I expected it to be. Also, low grade rapture is only slightly better than genolution set with the cap regen implant in slot 6.

    The point is that the bonus from the implant gets calculated differently than I thought:

    It gets calculated by the way: new cap regen = old cap regen/1.53

    What I expected: new cap regen = old cap regen * (1-0.53) - This is the same way the cap regen bonuses from cap rechargers and flux coils get applied. Cap recharger gives 20% to cap regen time and it reduces cap regen time from lets say 100s to 80s. The rapture implant set that should give 53% to cap regen reduces the regen time from 100s to like 65s or so.

    I was rather dissapointe when I found that out. With only 35% from HG set it is not much worth using them over crystal or asklepian implants in most pvp and pve situations. I think only capital ships will benefit from them, maybe HAC and T3C. Other ships are not going to benefit that much. Imagine if these implants would have been introduced in greater old times, I wonder how the meta in the old arena would have developted with that.

    Screenshot: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    submitted by /u/Buddy_invite
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    Customer service related question

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:21 PM PST

    Do my ship get SRP'd when its cause is sudden power outtage? Or SRP is just for in-game errors?

    submitted by /u/aj766
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    Newbie Land

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:07 PM PST

    So I played this game once, for a minute. Got some cool stuff that sold really high on the market, did some manufacturing.

    Everyone says hey go nullsec that's where the real fun is so I find a random nullsec guild and joined them. Cool times, even showed me how to make a really aggressive drone boat.

    Then some guy invites me to discord and im like oh cool more people want to chat and they ask me about my company and I say some guy owns it.

    Apparently they never told me not to discuss that, I dunno, I thought the website made it pretty publicly available. Anywho, shame shame I'm a spy now. My bad. I get eve is full of pirates and spies and all that stuff and it is part of the appeal, but wtf. Can I get my ships back I only have 5mil isk.

    Fuck this game, its fun though.

    submitted by /u/MrGordley
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    Any place to network?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 10:34 PM PST

    Is there any way to actually network in this game? I've been back 4 days and have died 5 times between my toons. Nobody talks in general chat, pirates are just the typical troll dicks. So honestly.. is there any way to actually meet people and get into a decent corp for new or returning players? My time back in eve space has been a complete shit show of non-entertaining time waist. I at least want my time waist to be fun. Help me out, point me in a direction if there is any reason to stay in eve.

    submitted by /u/geekrawker
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    EVE PULSE - Winter Nexus, Volatile Ice Storms, Chilling Spree

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:35 PM PST

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