• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    Eve Online CCP will be reverting death clone changes with patch tomorrow!

    Eve Online CCP will be reverting death clone changes with patch tomorrow!

    CCP will be reverting death clone changes with patch tomorrow!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:44 PM PST

    Drone aggro changes

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:04 PM PST

    Coming in CCP's next pack:

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:47 PM PST

    Brave has finally found the 'real' Delve

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Slackbot @channel PING _ "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant And fill him with a terrible resolve."_ -Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, following the attack on Pearl Harbor Ladies and gentlemen, by now you've heard the rumours. In a final act of desperation, from the comfort of their dead end, cyno jammed pockets in what little remains of "Fortress Delve", The Imperium has thrown their pets in Initiative to the wolves, in an attempt to slow down the pace of our destruction. Well folks, you are the wolfpack, and Catch is now your hunting grounds. Right now, home is where the war is. We are at BEACON 1 effective immediately, and will be restaging secondary capital hulls and Munin-compatible doctrine ships back to GE-8JV as soon as possible. Everyone here needs to have jump clones, entosis ships, munins, HFIs, and all the rest of our Catch staged doctrines ready to go in GE-8JV, and it needed to be there yesterday. Initiative has had the audacity to make a play on the heart and soul of Brave Collective, our ancestral home of GE-8JV and the cornerstone of the Coalition's defensive posture in Catch. To this, we will answer with the might of a thousand bravelings, and the thousands more that have come before us and built this alliance's Legacy. In 2 days I want to see the Brave of legend and years gone past emerge from our home and carve a path through our enemies in the most swift, violent, and classiest way that I know only you all know how to do. Get fueled, armed and watch for move op pings. We go live in 42 hours. https://i.imgur.com/wMzsZPa.png 2020-12-10 01:53:15 - Shattered Armer TO Announcement

    submitted by /u/-Warmeister-
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    CCP really fixing the Game...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:25 AM PST

    The Migration

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:56 PM PST

    Let me just start by saying, I'm not making this post to bitch and moan about the recent changes to eve online but to look at it and state my thoughts on the changes and the way eve online is headed at its current state. This is a very long post.

    Recently CCP has pushed out numerous changes to the game that have altered many players different playstyles, or have straight up just killed off entire ways to play the game for many players. Some of the changes have broken the game to an almost unplayable state for some alliances or corps. Others have changed the way many have played eve online drastically.

    1: The change that reduced resistances across the board on all ships. This change seen handfuls of different doctrines that need to be reworked or just completely scrapped because they didn't work or preform to the level it was build for anymore. It did cause to alliances to rethink over doctrines and make changes shifting the meta for sub cap doctrines. This change also saw capitals and super capitals change in the way players or alliances use them going forward. You saw alliances as big as Goonswarm Federation completely halt the use of ratting supers and actively told members to keep supers docked and to not use them as much after the changes. Which is not what you want if you are hunting for supers, less players out using super carriers ratting and being stupid with them means less supers to kill. Yes supers have still died in delve and the other regions of space as these changes but ultimately less super capital targets of opportunity.

    2: The reduction and removal of certain ores in nullsec. This change saw many give up on mining and industry, a lot less people tried their hand with industry as it because too tedious or there just wasn't enough ore in the area of space for them to gather to build anything unless they dedicate more play time to mining and industry. Many of these players aren't full blown industrialists meaning that going forward if they still wanted go forward with industry that they would have to give up on doing activities in game like pvp to spend more time to just source the ore all the while fighting the slowly increasing price of the ore to still be profitable. Players with massive stockpiles and massive industrial power saw the gap widen between them and the guy who just started industry making it harder for the newer industrialists to compete or reach the players who have massive stockpiles of ore and minerals. Later with the patch that redistributed ore types by hisec, lowsec, and nullsec sealed the faith that newer industrialists will never be able to catch up unless they now delicate even more time to trying to make it work and will now have to try and live in 3 different types of space that are very different from each other to try and get the ore needed themselves. Regions like provi were unable to even spawn ore to get ADMs up, which is an unfair and unbalanced change that can destroy alliances and make corps and alliances fold. For a change to drastically effect sov mechanics and make alliances struggle due to game changes and not because someone else has bested them is beyond unfair and just shows how neglectful CCP is with these changes.

    3: ESS, DBM, and now drone changes are some of the newer changes that CCP has released so we have yet to see the long term effects on the game yet from the changes. But in the short while they have been on the live server we have seen the ESS give a lot of content and pushing players to fight. The DBM on the other hand have seen systems drop to the point it isn't even worth ratting in these systems at all, players move to new system to rat and the old system they were using is now desolate with a DBM on the floor and nobody will use that system causing ADMs to fall in said systems. Once again CCP making a change that goes against the sov system they created making it like pulling teeth to maintain ADMs to even keep your space. Also CCP gave the agency a way to see exactly how much ISK is inside the ESS to steal from regions away, this tips the scale of balance far in the favor of the hunter. A few months ago people were getting up in arms about too much free intel and that people should have to work a little bit to get some intel, yet now that it favors the hunter and not the hunted nobody wants to say a damn thing. The changes to drone aggro force players to now take a subpar form of ISK making that was already very boring and makes it even more boring and now unable to be scaleable which can be a good thing from this change. If this change to negatively affect bots then CCP has missed the mark and clearly doesn't know the legit player base and the botting player base. The drone aggro change only affect legit players that now have to sit there and press F on their keyboard for hours to only earn enough isk to be able to afford ships to go pvp with the increasing prices of hulls and other important parts to pvp. To the players that are using bots this changes almost nothing for them as bots can have the code for the bot altered to have the bot now press F for them and still will be scaleable for the players that are botting.

    These changes have and will continue to effect nullsec and the whole of new eden negativity to the point that small or new alliances are now at a massive disadvantage to other alliances that are bigger or similar size. With these change it also makes holding sov in nullsec much more difficult then if not almost indefensible due to the difficulty with increasing ADMs.

    If CCP continues with changes like these to eve online, we will see a massive drop off in player logging in as the game has now because not fun for many and will just go play a game that they rather play that is fun to them and spent their time according. Before all of you go and say "Adapt or Die" I want to remind you of local blackout that was put into the game a little over a year ago now. Tuzy from Goonswarm Federation made a few posts on reddit during the time blackout was live and showed the stats of players slowly not logging in because of the changes CCP introduced. There were players that found the blackout to be amazing fun at the beginning for pvp, but has more and more players stopped logging space became more quiet with less targets. I feel with these changes CCP has been putting into the game the same effect will happen but it will end up being legit players that end up logging off and don't open eve and botters will grow to run more rampant.

    TD;LR - CCP is brain dead and doesn't learn from their mistakes and with recent changes, you will see more player stop playing eve and the same effect of blackout had on players logging in and subbing

    submitted by /u/The_Real_Joe_Shi
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    Born to Die

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    The Eviction of SYNDE (Singularity Syndicate)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Good day everyone, my name is Tiberius, some of you may know me from my work in TiS: The Anoikis Connection, a project that I started earlier this year and is the spiritual successor to ExookiZ's "The Hole Story" where I bring on guests to discuss to have a conversation about the things that happen in and around wormhole space. Due to personal and professional time constraints, I have decided to put my journalism minor to good use and write up a story surrounding the details of the eviction instead of doing a full blown video episode.

    USTZ based evictions on a large scale are typically reserved for grudges either long or short or long standing hatred among two rival groups (Think TDSIN back in February) has come to a boiling point. There are a number of groups in USTZ that do evictions for money; either from mercenary contracts or they've been circling the dying body of a waning corp. However these types of evictions typically do not garner the same kind of response that was seen in SYNDE's home this past weekend.

    Hard Knocks Citizens, Lazerhawks, and Wormhole Society assembled nearly a 200 character fleet to infiltrate into SYNDE's home and began the process of burning down their structures on Wednesday last week. Hole control was established immediately and the HK coalition started running additional logistics in and out of SYNDE's static wormholes while their main staging structure anchored. Their initial doctrine was a large muninn fleet but brought in more ships as time passed in the hole.When I first reached out to Hard Knocks for a comment on this unraveling situation, I was initially and politely told "no comment." This is not out of the ordinary as reasoning behind evictions typically are opsec or have opsec related issues surrounding them. However, an HK source did manage to tell me "I don't think we're going to be public about our reasoning" during the initial stages of infiltration and timers. This piqued my curiosity as HK is generally known to be public with their casus villi after evictions are complete.

    At first, SYNDE believed this to be a half effort eviction, possibly even a content astrahus. "It was obvious to us that the decision to do this was hastily made," a source inside SYNDE expressed. SYNDE has developed a reputation over the years as being "outspoken" members in the community so perhaps this was their past catching up with them. Cyrus Kurush, CEO and executor of SYNDE alliance, came on TiS on Wednesday December 2nd and said as much himself. He believed that their previous actions and behaviors of current and previous members to be the tipping point for his organization and this is the price they were to pay and such is the way of wormhole space. While this is true to some regard, perhaps this was just the surface of the problem.

    After some consultation with allies with an in depth assessment of the situation and resources available to SYNDE's defense, the decision was made to not fight and instead use capable characters to log assets off in freighters. "There comes a point in eviction theory-crafting where you can only spend so much money in certain types of homes before it becomes a moot point," Cyrus said to me. "If I can't get bodies into the ships that I need to contest timers and hole control, there's generally no point in contesting this eviction. I could've organized an infiltration party and tried to get people in, but that's an incredibly stressful endeavor that would take serious amounts of time, effort, and commitment that I wouldn't want to put my people or anyone else through. At the end of the day, this is a video game and I'd like to have fun actually playing it instead of stressing out myself and everyone else involved in our defense."

    To a large extent his mindset is reasonable. There are 505 C4 wormholes in the game currently. If SYNDE were to organize an infiltration party, they'd have to roll wormholes for days in order to try and get people in with very little chance of success. Here's an example of the math: every time you roll a wormhole, you're tossing a dice and in this case, a 505 sided dice. For each single event, there is a 0.2% chance, that is two tenths of one percent chance of rolling into the target hole. Because rolling wormholes does not remove each one from the pool mathematically, the probability of rolling into the wormhole does not scale logarithmically or linearly, that is, an ever increasing chance of getting into the wormhole the more holes that are rolled. Instead, the probability remains at 0.2% for each roll due to the near zero covariance of the probability variable. Factoring in people's availability to wait in the system being rolled for an entrance adds a conditional probability variable to the equation that drastically reduces the odds LOWER than 0.2% of the defender getting an additional garrison into their home. Even if the probability scaled linearly, as basic statistical math would suggest, with a 5 minute scan and roll cycle between each hole, it would take approximately 43 hours of straight rolling in order to get an entrance into SYNDE's home. This is in stark contrast to the literal minutes that it would take the attackers who have hole control to get reinforcements in if they're ready and on standby.

    As time ticked away, many of SYNDE and their enemy coalition members passed the time by playing Among Us and Krunker. During this time, SYNDE leadership was working behind the scenes to figure out what was going on. "I was concerned about getting the TDSIN treatment," Cyrus emphasized. "I want to continue playing this game and not have to leave the place that shapes me and my organization as players." After some digging, Cyrus and his team were able to disseminate the base issue behind this eviction: Their association with Peter Moonlight.

    Peter Moonlight is a well known individual in the long standing community of wormhole space. Hailing from Eastern Europe, he has been an active member in the RU community of wormhole space since its inception. He's an experienced PVPer with deep connections to his community, including to Adrameleth, CEO of the notorious Inner Hell corporation. But with this experience also comes a reputation. Some would regard Peter as a good friend and mentor, while others have named him their enemy. And arguably with good reason. According to an HK source, Peter has gone out of his way to accuse members of HK and their friends of "RMT, doxxing, IRL threats, etc." Evidence of this harassment can be found in Praise Bob discord which is a well known watering hole for wormholers. Peter has yet to share publicly any evidence he may have of these accusations, but sources close to him (2nd hand information) have verified the existence of evidence to at least SOME of his claims. Hard Knocks members have very publicly and openly denied any accusations surrounding his claims and even encouraged him to produce any evidence of his claims if there is any at all to be seen.

    Jimmy Michaels, Fleet Commander and ops planner for Hard knocks stated, "This really all ties back to his nutjob friend 4 years ago who offered $75K bounty on rage." (yes those are two links) He continues, "(Peter) has been using Cyrus and SYNDE as a platform to spread this misinformation as well as a shield to protect himself from any backlash." Peter's corporation did come under the SYNDE alliance flag in late June of this year, but left less than four months later. When asked about this, Cyrus stated, "Peter and I had a major difference in opinion as to where we wanted to go as leaders and what we wanted to do in the game. I learned a lot from him but ultimately what he wanted to do in the game I could not follow and so we parted ways amicably."

    Interestingly enough, this eviction happened nearly two months after Suddenly Carebears departed SYNDE alliance. As a result, the public casus villi of this engagement gave members of SYNDE a bit of a shock. "I'm not sure what this accomplishes, we parted ways with Peter and we shouldn't be held responsible for the things that he does when he's not a part of our organization anymore," a member of SYNDE expressed. Cyrus added, "It's ironic because when Peter joined our organization, they explicitly warned me that Peter would get Inner Hell to evict me, not that they would come after me because of Peter."

    But perhaps it's not as simple as the story implies. "The list just goes on and on, just a shit load of people tired of everything," an HK source stated. "There were RL threats during the eviction of ERB (SYNDE vs ERB). Orin also put in something around 50 hours of hole control as well as resources that SYNDE utilized to ensure the success of the eviction. They pulled something north of 200B and he (Orin) got 800m while peter got like 120B?" The source also provided me with a screenshot of a distasteful exchange between a SYNDE member and an openly gay person. For the record, "41% yourself" is a reference to the NTDS study that surveyed members of the LGBTQ community and found that 41% of their census had attempted suicide at some point in their lifetime. "We just kinda snapped one day in hk fc channel after Peter decided to come after Orin; he's literally the nicest guy we have, will never say a single bad or rude word about anyone," the source concluded. Another HK source said, "It could have been hawks making him (Peter) FC and we would have evicted them instead. (We're) Just gonna burn anyone with an association with him." When I reached out to Mortarian Decala, executor of Wormhole Society, he stated that "we're not super keen on just attacking someone for the sake of it, but the reasons presented were enough where we felt it made sense."

    Eventually, SYNDE structures fell. Their main fortizar in "F4" dropped nearly 65B in assets with untold amounts logged off in freighters. "I was pretty surprised that much dropped honestly, we just did a fortizar flip not too long ago, kind of crazy how much assets get accumulated in such a short amount of time," Cyrus said. "You can never guarantee a 100% asset denial during these fights which is what makes Jspace a great place."Cyrus made it clear that he's not going to allow this to interfere with his organization's plans moving forward. "I hope all my people learn from this experience and look forward to what the future holds for us," he said. "I'm looking forward to growing my organization as a whole and moving to High-class space as I think we've outgrown the C4 we're in now. I'd like to leave the past behind and start a new chapter in high class." Perhaps this was Bob the Wormhole God's way of pushing them to do so sooner. When I asked about Hard Knocks and Co. pursuing them to their new home, a source stated, "This close to Christmas, we're not keen on launching a full campaign. It depends on how they respond to this really."

    Hard Knocks and co have all but completely vacated "F4" as of now. Cyrus and SYNDE have begun the initial phases of scouting out a new wormhole and are going to be taking it easy through the holiday as they re-consolidate.

    Thank you to all of the sources who were willing to go on the record. Some names have been redacted in order to protect the identity of the sources and/or to prevent unnecessary drama in the community. My intention was to write a story, not take a position.

    submitted by /u/Orion_Tyrannos
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    the great highsec gila migration

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:22 PM PST

    How EVE Online's Players Started a War That's Cost $700K - IGN

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Visiting Tom's Shuttle.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:10 AM PST

    For those who are unaware, there is an Easter Egg in the game. A site that is named Space Oddity can be found and it contains Tom's Shuttle. A tribute to David Bowie.


    submitted by /u/AtomicTikiJim
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    EVE packs legality?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Is this actually legal? i remember when fallout 46 had the "discounted at release" dispute and inflated prices to give a fake sense of urgency, doesnt seem right ccp


    submitted by /u/DevProdigy
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    PSA: MCT in new Packs is NOT a Token

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    MCT is applied to the account on which it was purchased at the time it is purchased.

    submitted by /u/Xurples
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    What a nice fucking discount CCP I'm so happy right now

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Struggling to get my fit viable, I have all magic skills to V but unless I use a meta rupture or swap a low to a procurer or hulk it doesn't have enough grid to online the 6th ship high slot. Otherwise the stats are pretty good.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Just found a "Silent Battleground". A very rare, Shattered WH Data/Relic site

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:54 AM PST

    It had 20 data and 20 relic containers tho all data containers were shit with >1m loot in them. Some of the Relic containers had around 10m of loot in there so we managed to scoop 100mil in total out of the site.
    The site is very hard to scan and you'd need more then 120 scan strenght to get it to 100%.
    Was kind of expecting a bit more from an ultra rare site like this but meh.
    Have some screenshots of it if anyone is intrested.

    submitted by /u/JesusOnToilet
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    Logi WWW to Boca Chica

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:11 PM PST

    We sci-fi nerds may congregate to tidi and gudfights, but I play this game because when I ping a group viewing of history in the making, the mumble channel fills with nerds like me who wanna watch a rocket... land? I mean, it ended up on the ground :) 7o to each an every one of you who play space games to feel a little closer to the stars. 7o SpaceX.


    submitted by /u/Ulrich_b
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    Wormholes POS or Citadel?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I currently have a raitaru in a c2 and was wanted something abit tougher to put stuff, we only have afew of us for defence so a concerted effort would remove us but whats more annoying/tougher to deal with a astrahus or a large dickstar pos? Also i guess i should take into account the new core changes too?

    submitted by /u/bertyegg
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    Holiday event details - "Winter Nexus" - literally going to be snowing in space!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Nothing says "goons are the good guys" like spamming Cyberpunk 2077 spoilers in local chat.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:00 PM PST

    Running Abyss at nullsec

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:07 PM PST

    I know is not optimal but does it even worth it? I lived in null for years and i want to try the content, but all i hear is about people running it at hi-sec.

    submitted by /u/Cool-Dealer1
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    Losing my faith in ccp.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:10 PM PST

    OK so I don't want this to be a me complaining about changes but I'll admit it's probably going to have a lot of it as I don't agree with at least some implementations. So sorry in advance if you think I'm whining. I just don't like seeing this game I've loved for the better part of a decade in such a shape.

    Edit: Tldr at bottom

    So more to the topic..im losing faith in ccps ability to maintain this sandbox without making a bigger mess. I don't feel as tho they have been fully thinking about these changes. Specifically..

    Dynamic bounty system. OK so this in and of itself is a good change but from my perspective they didn't think about the implications of how damaging it can be to adms. if this is the goal or a side goal some communication would be nice are we intending to force adms generally down? Cuz your doing a good job of keeping people docked up ccp.

    Ess.. Ok I was an advocate for this for a long time i believed with its original inception it should have been forced on everyone. But the current form is so beyond unfair..

    OK let me explain that one. Ess idea is fine.. But the agency auto updating tick information is beyond absurd.. Did you even think ccp? This alone makes ratting simply not worth doing because someone Will simply log in and take it if they don't drop on you first. Yes this requires someone to camp but that isn't exactly hard to find... Catch atm is fairly heavily camped I suspect it's because int is pushing in but still with this change the camper (who just needs an Alt online) knows the second (maybe 5 min delay? Doesn't feel like it tho) I get my tick that someone's ratting in that system.. How is this fair? Don't even counter argue with local cuz that's not fair either. Both are fucked. Perfect FREEEE Intel is fucked. Emphasis on Free. Edit: Correction after testing it takes up to 5 mins for the ESS to update after a tick as been deposited. we can argue if 25 mins is enough time for safe krabing or not.

    In addition I don't approve of the mwd shut off at all I think it's rediculess. It's obviously forced a meta already of phantasms. I suggest instead of hard off. if speed is a problem then nerf the speed of the mwd when they're in the bubble if it's not then wtf ccp..

    Ore distribution... This one's a big one so I'm only going to address the bugs that AFAIK ccp still hasn't fixed. Some null systems simply can't get industry adms back because there isn't any ore to mine to get the anomaly to mine the fucking ore to get the adm up... It's beyond stupidity that they didn't see this coming.

    The hot button one now.. DRONE CHANGESSS! Everyone's favorite changes!

    OK auto permanent infinite agressing drones I can believe it is a problem.. My issue with total removal is lore wise and even game mechanic wise it hardly makes sense.. Drone virus making all drones absolutely retarded? Fine let's accept the aggression changes.. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU REMOVE ASSISTING.. This is insulting I can't use a fleet of Nestors in pve anymore as half their drones won't be engaged as they are at least in my fleets logistics.. So they simply won't be targeting the enemy why the fuck make them.. Nvm incursions.. Or any other larger fleet pve.. Ill just keep my drones in thanks 100 dps hardly makes a difference except when every ship stops dropping drones.. Dps it's not a huge issue but I know I prefer dps drones on my logi pilots which it becomes a huge issue I don't need my logi accidentally repping the opponent because they were trying to engage drones..

    I get it ccp is trying to make the game.. harder but removing quality of life stuff doesn't make the game harder it makes it more tedious. Your not enhancing game play your flipping off your customer base And this customer is getting sick of it don't make me vote with my wallet ccp. I've loved this game for to long to see you go down this dark and desolate path of no krabs you've chosen ccp. This game will not survive without the krab. Carebear probably but krabs no.


    Dbs: directly contradicts adms. Thx ccp..

    Ess: gives free Intel (universe wide?) after 5 mins when isk is added to it making cloaky campers have far to much information without even needing to be on the camping toon.. Edit corrections

    Ore distribution: tldr you can't keep your industry adms up because ore won't spawn if you didn't have industry adm before. This applies to all systems with 0 industry and little to no asteroid belts in system.

    Drone changes: aggression is acceptable but removing assisting in pve is insulting and only serves to hurt the player base. Incursion runners being the largest hit that I can think of that would be using the mechanic "legitimately"

    Thank you for reading and thank you in advance for responding with legitimate arguments.. I'm kinda tired of the trolling saying the assisting changes are a long time coming.

    Fly safe pilots o7

    Edit: thanks for the award kind stranger

    Edit: after doing some research it does take 5 mins for the ESS to update.. imo that isn't enough but that's a balance point. im not going to go through and edit every single post i made with this error so suffice to say its here corrected.

    submitted by /u/Galaxyfoxes
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    How to be a Ninja

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:57 AM PST

    This is a small tutorial about how to Ninja C5 Relic/Data Sites with a ~300m Stratios. (Fit is posted at the bottom)
    So basically what you are going to do is find C5 Relic/Data Sites which have a low DPS first wave. Those Sites would be "Forgotten Core Data Field" and "Unsecured Frontier Server Bank".
    Both sides only spawn in C5 space and have 5 Frigates & 5 Cruisers in the first wave. You want to warp your Stratios cloaked on 70km to the site. Just make a brief check if you are in the right site with the right wave and if so decloak and drop MTU and Depot. Wait till the frigates are close to you and deploy Warriors and start killing them.
    Watch out tho. They love shooting your warriors so always watch your Overwiev/Health of your drones and recall them as soon as they are getting shot by the frigates.
    If you managed to kill the frigates without loosing all your drones get your Gardes out and shoot the Cruisers down. Leave one alive tho as it would trigger the next wave, which would get you killed.
    If only one Cruiser is left, recall your Gardes and Deploy Hornet EC-300s and start jamming the Cruiser. Wait for the MTU to get all the loot, refit and burn to the Talocan Battleship (Only in Server Banks ).
    Now hack all cans, recall your drones when finished and warp off.

    Remove all Large Shield extenders and fill em with a MWD, Relic & Data Analyzer and a Cargo Scanner
    Remove a Shield Power Relay and a Drone Damage Amplifier and put a Warp Core Stab and a Nanofiber in there.

    You may change some Shield Power Relays with Drone Damage Amplifiers after you killed a few frigates

    I experienced that the Server Banks are worth more then the Data Fields. Server Bank gave me around 100-150m loot per site while the Data Fields gave around 50m.


    [Stratios, ❂ C5 Ninja Strat]

    Damage Control II

    Shield Power Relay II

    Shield Power Relay II

    Shield Power Relay II

    Drone Damage Amplifier II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Large Shield Extender II

    EM Shield Amplifier II

    Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

    200mm AutoCannon II

    200mm AutoCannon II

    200mm AutoCannon II

    Core Probe Launcher I

    Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

    Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

    Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

    Warrior II x22

    Hornet EC-300 x28

    Federation Navy Garde x6

    Expanded Cargohold II x2

    Shield Power Relay II x2

    Cargo Scanner II x1

    Nanofiber Internal Structure II x2

    Drone Damage Amplifier II x4

    Warp Core Stabilizer II x4

    50MN Microwarpdrive I x1

    Hail S x7271

    Barrage S x2115

    Data Analyzer I x1

    Relic Analyzer I x1

    Core Scanner Probe I x37

    Make sure to put a MTU and a Depot in your Cargo aswell

    Thanks for reading. This is my first "Tutorial", if you have any questions or anything, just post them. I will answer asap

    submitted by /u/JesusOnToilet
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