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    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    Eve Online Such a small change but what a relief 😂

    Eve Online Such a small change but what a relief ��

    Such a small change but what a relief ��

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:54 AM PST

    From JF pilots everywhere

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Init moving to Curse: The vanguard of a new warfront?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:16 PM PST

    So, looking at zkill, and seeing brisc podding people in curse, I must ask myself, what is next for the Initiative? It is said curse is where alliances go to die, but to be honest, I think that is just a steppingstone for them after being evicted from fountain.

    There are several reasons I believe they chose that location; obviously to recover from the war, it's far away from the front lines, and it puts them in droppable range to smaller alliances in the area such as Solyaris Chtonium via the Great Wildlands and Valkyrie Alliance next door. And it allows them to follow the imperium's tried and true game plan of attacking and isolating smaller alliances. Now even in their weakened state, they boast over 7500 members mixed with imperium associates. They can go toe to toe with most single alliances.

    Now where am I going with this? I think there is a case to be made, that Init will push out the smaller alliances in the area, most seem to be overextended, and we may see a combined force of Darkside, Init, and goons take wicked creek, Insmother, or Etherium Reach.

    Think about it for a second, they would cut off the much-needed highsec supply line for PanFam, and they have been known to crush smaller alliances. There has been talk in the recent past about discontent in slyce, and what seems to be a highly active PVP corp left slyce, and not 2 weeks later init moves in down the block. With darkside chipping away at horde sov, and launching small gang attacks on slyce https://zkillboard.com/kill/89043259/ it only makes sense for init to join in the fun, and increase pressure in the region. Possibly even taking sov for themselves in the process

    Thats my conspiracy anyways, they may just be content shooting brave.

    submitted by /u/Yolo-Swagens
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    CCPLS just make clonebay available in Jita 4-4

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:04 PM PST

    I mean come on

    submitted by /u/Peeledapple
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    CCPls can we swap the position and size of these two lines? The location of the jump clone matters a lot more than it's name, so it should be the first thing noticed at a glance.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:49 PM PST

    Lets move the jita market to jita 4-5

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:34 PM PST

    Can't medclone to 4-4 anymore and I'm too lazy to undock from 4-5, time to move the Market

    submitted by /u/Space_Reptile
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    Lasker offers free life coaching to the EVE community

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:32 AM PST

    I am not playing EVE much these days, but I wanted to talk about something else. In 2018 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and in 2019 the combination of the fatigue, chronic migraines, newly developed sensory sensitivity problems and various other health issues forced me into early retirement. While I was still working, I worked as a consultant and professional negotiator, and I really enjoyed flying all over and solving business problems. One of the things that I noticed was that in addition to whatever business problem we were working on (Often save X Million $ or solve X operational problem), I often ended up helping out with clients and coworkers personal problems. At the time I had a philosophy of consulting that called for me to try to leave everyone I interacted with better off, and by as large a margin as possible, so when over drinks the conversation turns to what job someone might work next, or how they might solve some political roadblock, I was always delighted to be able to lend a hand.

    I am now in the process of trying to figure what on earth to do with my time. I am not sure workaholic is the right word, but I used to work A LOT. I enjoyed my job, and thought helping people and solving problems was fun, and between the work, the travel, dinner and drinks with colleges and clients it added up to maybe 65-80 hours a week. Even if I cannot work, I would like to find something useful and interesting to do. I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head, but one of them is to try life coaching.

    I want to help some members of the EVE community with their life problems.

    What sorts of things might I help with?

    Career Advancement: I cared very deeply about my career, and spent a lot of time thinking about, reading about, and working to advance it. I was much promoted, and found a great deal of success, and I was also fortunate to be in a position to help a number of other friends, colleges, and clients achieve promotions, raises, or career pivots. In particular, if you are transitioning from a technical role to a management/business/consulting role, I feel like I would have something to add, having been through this exact process myself (And in my case began the move with good technical skills, but a real shortage of the business and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in such a position, figuring out what skills I needed to add and how to add them was a big part of my success).

    Dealing with Limitations: I feel like there is a sort of expectation on the part of employers that employees will be good at everything. Certainly as I moved up in my career I felt this pressure. As I looked around at the executives I worked with, none of them were good at everything. The successful ones had a high level of self-awareness, and coordinated with other people (Superiors, colleges, reports), to ensure that they were able to do the things that they were good at, and that they were not in a position where their weakness would tell against them and their organization. For me, my primary limitation was fairly pronounced ADHD, and I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out ways to successful manage my attention well enough that I could succeed at the job. I think lots of us struggle to figure out how to work around our limitations so that we can bring our strengths to bear, and if you feel like you are stuck and want to bounce ideas back and forth, I am happy to help.

    Dealing with Loss: This one is perhaps different than the two above, I feel like I have helped a lot of people with their careers, for example, but I don't think I have to date helped many people deal with loss. That said, the last three years for me has really been a master class in loss. A number of people who are close to me have died, my Father, a good friend, a mentor and the owner of the company I worked for. I have developed a series of interconnected health problems that have forced me to give up a career that I found engaging, interesting, and rewarding. Apparently when I was healthy, I leaned a great deal on an excellent memory, and that has been degraded along with so many other things. The sensory sensitivity has made a number of things that normal people don't even think about completely impossible for me. Despite all of this, I feel fundamentally ok. In each case I had a set of limitation, strengths, and goals; When I had a better hand, I wanted to play it for all it was worth. Now that I have a worse hand, I still want to play it for all its worth. I don't know if my experiences will be helpful to others or not, but if you want to talk about loss, we can talk about loss.

    Setting goals, getting moving: In both a professional and a personal context I feel like I have had more success than most in focusing (either myself or my client), on what is wanted, and what are we going to do to get it? If you are not sure which way to go or how to take the first step perhaps I can help.

    Dealing with people: Much of my career success ultimately came back to people skills, and I suspect many of the worlds problems and their solutions ultimately boil down to the interactions and relationship between the humans. If you are interested in improving your skills on this front I am happy to share the steps that I took.

    These are just ideas, of course, I am happy to talk about a range of topics. If I don't think I can help with a problem I will say so, of course. I am not a doctor, a lawyer, or a tax expert, and if you have a problem that requires one of these professionals you should definitely talk to one of them.

    I don't expect to be paid for any of this, this is me stretching my wings a bit and trying to find ways to be useful in a post-retirement world, and perhaps learning something along the way.

    If you want to reach out,

    my discord tag is: Lasker Emanuel#9016
    my email address: LaskerEmanuel1@gmail.com

    Best regards,

    submitted by /u/LaskerEmanuel
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    PSA: Change to how cloning works in today's patch

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Previously in any structure/station you could right click on the top left and select "set home station", and your cloning would be set there. Similarly you could install a jump clone regardless of whether the station had medical/cloning facilities.

    Apparently that was a bug, and it no longer works.

    submitted by /u/EliseRandolph
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    A reminder to all you indy bois out there...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Assisted Drones no Longer Respond to Target Painters

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

    Hey guys, after the most recent update with the drone changes I was running a site when I noticed that the assisted drones on my alt weren't responding to the target painter. I would lock up the sleepers on my main and paint them, but the drones wouldn't shoot them.

    Is this a bug or was it apart of the drone aggress changes?

    submitted by /u/eku952
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    My favorite screenshot I've taken in Pochven.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    CSM15 Factional Warfare Presentation

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 09:07 AM PST

    o7 Capsuleers!

    CSM15 FW Presentation

    (sorry for crappy formatting/low res slides - I had to copy+paste slides from Microsoft PP to Google Slides :P)

    Quick preface, this does not guarantee or promise anything from CCP. We (the CSM) did our part, and presented the information, but this does not mean that CCP has any obligation to act on this information.

    I've been given the ok to share this, so I thought those of you who are interested in Factional Warfare/Lowsec would like the information. This year on the CSM we've been somewhat productive for the FW/Lowsec community, with three of us on the CSM (Gobbins, Phantomite, and myself) pushing heavily for changes and fixes for FW/Lowsec. After a considerable amount of pushing and poking, we finally got the audience (CCP Producers) we were hoping for. CCP Dopamine has been an incredible help for this, working with the three of us to tailor the presentations to fit the audience. I personally focused heavily on ideas and solutions, however it was important to focus on the type of players, gameplay, and what those issues are. With that being said, the attached document is the presentation that I gave to producers at CCP.

    FW is my favorite area in this game and it's been on the decline, so this year my number goal as CSM was to get FW the love and fixes that it needs to be an incredible part of Eve Online. While nothing is guaranteed, we've done our job and got the message across to the people that it needed to get to. We were granted a special meeting with this audience to present our cases on what the issues are with each of these areas; Faction Warfare, Lowsec, content/income on a personal and alliance level.

    During the presentation we focused on who this affects, what kind of playstyle that is covered, and the issues surrounding FW/Lowsec. I initially wanted to fill my presentation with solutions and ideas, but that was not the point of this meeting. The game designers will decide what happens, our job was to communicate the issues that need fixing to make that area better. During the meeting there was a lot of discussion about solutions and ideas, as well as questions. That won't be included in here because of NDA. What I can say about these discussions is that it was very productive.

    This wasn't an awkward meeting where we presented and received blind stares back. Each CCP Producer in attendance had plenty of questions and actual interest in the topic. I walked out of this meeting feeling positive and optimistic based on the reactions, but remember, this does not mean anything will be done!

    Hopefully this presentation and the meeting gives some of you hope like it did me. Faction Warfare has always been my favorite area of Eve, but it's fallen behind in the past few years.

    - Torv

    submitted by /u/TorvaldUruz
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    The Wormhole Police - Wailing on a wormhole whale

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 09:17 PM PST

    In regards to the recent Death Clone changes

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:02 AM PST

    Awkward time for me to tune into the CCP stream

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Drone Changes (didn't mention they were breaking drone assistance)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Has anyone noticed than assisting drones in PVE has been broken, and drones do not respond to the toon they're assisted to attacking rats?

    All the messaging on this was that they were explicitly disabling the aggressive mode in regards to PVE. When assisted to another character, they still require a human action (activating an offensive module) to be taken on a rat.

    Hoping this is a bug and not an intentional change, anyone know?

    submitted by /u/KommanderBubbles
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    Negative Steam reviews for this game are a gold mine of salt.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:44 PM PST

    PSA: cant set home station in any station anymore, needs clone bay

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:54 AM PST

    How to avoid suicide ganks at stations?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:59 PM PST

    So had a recent loss for few hundred millions. Got Tornado'd when decloaking after jumping to station, before docking. I was flying in a cloaky ship, but apparently it doesn't matter at station.

    So, what can be done to avoid bein killed like that? Approach station from another angle (gate -> celestial -> station) and hope their guns don't have the range to reach me across the station? Or instadock bm? Though from what i see, docking either way after exiting warp takes same amount of time, so im not sure.

    I was also thinking maybe have assault frigate at some station in Jita/Amarr that is not the main trading station (and thus almost never has gankers at them), so when i reach trade system, i can jump to that station, move cargo to assault frigate (i usually carry low volume but expensive shit) and then warp to main trade station and use assault dmg control to survive that time which i need to survie between exiting warp and docking.


    submitted by /u/KG_Jedi
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    Other trade hubs next?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:39 PM PST

    The new Jita station looks fantastic.

    I'd love if CCP gave Amarr and Dodixie the same treatment.

    Hek too, I guess.

    But not Rens.

    submitted by /u/ZazzRazzamatazz
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    What's the incentive of destroying upwell structures?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Is there any reason to siege citadels?

    submitted by /u/Dr-Batista
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    D R E A D B O I S #6 - Patience

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:03 PM PST

    More Low Effort Scams from CCP...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Primary Target Episode 18, Ashy in space.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:48 AM PST

    A talk with Ashy from Foxholers/Outfoxed and Ashyin.space, about her experience as a wormhole CEO, her most recent eviction defense, and a review of her website. https://ashyin.space/




    Google podcasts



    Thanks for listening!



    submitted by /u/Wh0TheFuck
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    The battle of 1DQ1-A Mk.I

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:00 PM PST

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