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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 26, 2020

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 26, 2020

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 26, 2020

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:05 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Trust me

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:55 PM PST

    My first cruiser

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:29 PM PST

    I just buyed and fitted my first cruiser, a beautiful Thorax.

    The inaugural flight mission also was a success, those rats stood no chance.

    I feel so powerful!

    submitted by /u/Nestmind
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    1 more day till I can fly this bad boi

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Why the incoming nerf to mission payouts is not the answer CCPLZ

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:55 PM PST

    So the incoming nerf to mission payouts is coming most likely because of the influx of people running missions because with the fact that nullsec ratting is not a great source of income anymore, running missions in hisec is just better isk/hour right now and it is way less risk. My issue is that this is not the answer to the problem. Lvl 4 missions have never been considered to be a god tier way to make isk, they have been historically an "OK" source of money. Why nerf something that is just an OK source of income now that people actually want to run the stuff because you screwed most other forms of making money?

    The ESS sucks not because it makes people PVP, it's because most people who are ratting in null are doing it to afford pvp stuff. I mine, and when I am mining, I do not ever pvp, because I want to get my mining done asap, so I can jump clone back to my pvp staging, and go pvp. I have 0 interest in mixing the 2 because I do not want to mine, I do it because I need funds for pvp, so the idea of stopping my stuff, docking up, re shipping to fight, then reshipping back to my mining setup, to go back to mining is a waste of time as far as I am concerned. I can pvp whenever I want, hence I feel no need to pvp when I do not want to. The problem with ESS is that the null sec ratter now has no choice but to reship to pvp unless the ratter wants to get terrible isk ticks. Even if the ratter re ships to pvp, maybe he wins, maybe he dies, so 50/50 ish that he loses a ship, oh and he still gets his terrible tick. It is frankly not worth it to rat in null anymore unless your super ratting in a back water system that no one goes to, in which case thats pretty much it.

    So now from the influx of people in Lanngisi, and Dresi, and other good mission systems in hi sec tells me that many other people have figured this out on their own, and like the miner, has left null sec. So now also the pvper is screwed because no one is mining because 99% of systems in null do not even have ore spawning. no one is going to be ratting soon once everyone is sick of the ESS. So from a pvp stand point, if no one is mining, and no one is ratting, your small nano gang that you like to run now has even fewer targets.

    A simpler solution is for null sec to be good isk/hour be it pve or indy, and let the nano gang pvpers have targets aplenty.

    If you hate the fact that people afk rat while watching netflix, make your pve not complete trash.

    If you hate the fact that I am literally mining while I am typing this, then make mining an active thing like the plethora of other games out there where mining is an active thing, and not something so braindead I can watch youtube, type this rant, and quad box 3 hulks and a porpoise, all while smoking a cigarette and petting my cat thats on my lap right now.

    If you have an issue with L4 mission payouts not being balanced, balance them because there is an actual economic reason, do not just nerf them because to many null seccers are trading in their afk gilas for L4 golems.

    My region has next to no ore anoms anymore, my home system which has been max ADM for the past 2 years straight, is now at indy adm 1 because, turns out if nothing spawns in system that is minable, your adm crashes. Now for the first time in about 10 years, I am mining in hisec, because hisec mining income is better then the 0 mining I can do in my previously maxed out system that had all sorts of stuff in it. Local pirates who lived nearby who I talk to in local sometimes when they try to gank my mining fleet, said they are moving to another region after years of hanging out locally because they said there are just no targets anymore, and they can't sustain their living of farming the area for ratters and what not since its dead. I have a few moons in the area that is my only real source of null income atm, and I do not even bother using a ceptor to scout my mining stuff because there is no one around anymore, and I can jump 7 or 8 jumps without being bothered. 2 months ago, I would always scout because pirates roamed constantly.

    CCP has an answer to all of my above complaints. Turns out, since you nerfed wormhole income, and you nerfed null sec income, and you nerfed fw lowsec income a while back, I guess the answer is to nerf Hisec as well, so that no one is going to be able to make money, while the price of stuff goes higher and higher. L5 missions are going to be good money still for like a patch, but tbh that's not worth getting setup for since that is probably going to be nerfed next anyway.

    As a long time player of this game, abandon your dumb plan of fucking everyone's income, and fix this so that when this war is over, subs do not drop off faster then they already are going to. If you want stuff to be more expensive, just make it cost more to build, boom problem solved. You have a built in isk sink on every blueprint in the game, that you do not really use. If your not familiar, it is the tiny activation cost to run a blue print. CCP just crank that up, and bam every thing costs more, so people will need to tighten the belt a little, but they can still make what feels to them like a decent amount of isk no matter where in eve they live. It is a psychological thing, people would rather make 200mil/hour and pay 400mil for something, then make 100mil/hour and pay 200mil for something. Regardless that either way it takes them 2 hours to earn it. Sadly the direction you are taking this game atm, people are going to be making 50mil/hour and paying 800mil for the same thing. No one is going to stick around for that.

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    Are you serious CCP?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:55 PM PST

    So I'm here to vent. I've seen these new Trig wormholes showing up in HiSec, but I don't have any real interest in that content, especially given the overwhelmingly negative feedback from the community about it.

    Today I am scanning signatures in HiSec and warp my Heron to a wormhole, which turns out to be a Trig hole. Despite having a low align time and spamming warp I was still insta-scrammed, killed, and podded. I mean, even pre-aligned spamming warp and a Pod can't escape? The fuck is that shit?

    There was nothing I could have done to prevent being killed except not warping to the hole in the first place.

    Is this CCP's idea of introducing fun and engaging content? Are they actually serious that this passed any sort of play testing before being deployed?

    Most content in Eve with potentially fatal consequences allows you to make a choice to avoid or consciously accept the risks - but these wormholes offer no warning until you have landed on grid - by then it is too late.

    Everyone, especially CCP, knows new player retention is a problem. Everyone also knows Exploration is a very common path for new players to take... and this sort of insta-death content is their answer?

    Honestly if the only counter to a situation is 'Don't Try' then how the actual fuck is that supposed to give any sort of player experience except one that results in players saying 'fuck that' and either avoiding the content altogether or just quitting?

    Seriously CCP, you fuck up a lot of things, but mostly the game remains playable and fun - but your content designers must be braindead to think this content is fun, engaging, or remotely healthy for the game.


    submitted by /u/SpiteFactory
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    pochven desktop?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:08 PM PST

    [Video] ENG Roam. Leshak. Small-Scale. \0/ by Lussy Lou

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Any new players wanna team up for a bit?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:09 PM PST

    I'm new to the game. This game also seems like it would a lot of fun with people. Being that I'm mostly a single player type of person that's something.

    submitted by /u/steven-needs-help
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    Advanced AI Graphs Out WWB2 Outcome

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Triglavian fleet in Perimeter.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:15 PM PST

    Every destroyed goon structure so far in the war

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:26 PM PST

    Best SmallGang Corps out there

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:41 PM PST

    Looking for a list of the best smallgang corps that are currently active. Can be null low or wh.

    Who are some of the most talented players out there nowadays?

    submitted by /u/SanshaLord
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    It's okay to be upset about the changes.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:41 AM PST

    Nobody should be telling anyone how they're supposed to feel about the changes or how they're supposed to enjoy the game. People shouldn't be criticized for maximizing an advantageous situation nor do I think it hard to understand why people aren't happy about losing that advantage. I've posted much salt about it all as I was a Rorq-multiboxer and supercarrier ratter. I enjoyed those playstyles mostly because I wanted to accumulate enough ISK to minimize the impact of a loss. People preach about meaningful loss, but the very nature of our existence is to mitigate the effects of unexpected, unfavorable circumstance. That's why we formed tribes, built villages, and organized into societies that would one day become civilizations.

    To anyone discouraged by the changes I won't tell you to HTFU... no, cause if you choose to play EVE you're already a hardass masochist in my book. Every time you undock you make that choice to take a risk for your enjoyment, because at the end of the day that's why we're all here. To enjoy the time we spend in New Eden in our own way and in any way we choose. But it is the interconnectedness of it all that makes it what it is. None of us are completely isolated from each other or from the risk that carries.

    So, if you're upset by the changes, good, that's natural. But I would encourage everyone to look around them and see that we're all in this together. It is in our best interest to find a healthy balance of risk vs. reward. It is in our best interest for CCP to remain profitable lest the servers be shutdown and New Eden's stellar flames be snuffed out. I don't know what the future holds despite my best efforts to predict and doomsay it in my moments of despair. But I do know that I hope you stick around to be a part of it though. I hope you seek out new adventures and new challenges, to learn, to grow, as a pilot, as a player, and as a human being!

    submitted by /u/GamerGrunt
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    Epic Arcs and Not Sucking

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Just a year ago, I completed the Caldari epic arc with a Drake. It was slow going, but it went fine. Here I am now, after a bit of a break, and I'm trying to complete the Gallente one. Unfortunately, in one short afternoon, I have lost both a T3C and a Drake trying to get through the mission "Assistance". Now that I am mostly bankrupt and have to liquidate some of my assets to pay for a new ship, does anyone have any tips for completing the epic arcs? I read up on these things online, and I was advised against using a T1 Battleship, but it seems I am either just a really bad pilot or I have been deceived.

    Edit: Mandatory ZKillboard links



    submitted by /u/GrafVonZan
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    Wide TAPI intensifies

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Cargo scanner?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    I recently obtained a cargo scanner and my question is if I scan a ship. Will it tell the person that they are being scanned?

    submitted by /u/steven-needs-help
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    Literally unplayable

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:28 AM PST

    As the war takes it's heavy toll on Goonswarm's allies, you can still make a difference today!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Minerals cost after reballance

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:24 PM PST

    Total ore cost required for building typical battleship (and t2 analog)

    Tritanium 24,8% Pyerite 19,7% Mexallon 27,6% Isogen 2,5% Nocxium 15,2% Zydrine 8,6% Megacyte 1,6% Morphite 0,1% 

    Sum of exclusive for nullsec minerals - 10%

    Sum of exclusive for low minerals - 18%

    Sum of exclusive for hightsec minerals - 25%

    Who know total amounts of pyerite and mexallon mined at low and null secs?

    Is it healthy state of EVE economy?

    submitted by /u/Strontium_Atom
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    So you think goons lost todays keepstar because of human error? WRONG! CCP did it!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    the_mittani: this is entirely our dumb fuckup and/or entirely ccp's fuckup but it's a fuckup regardless and there's no way or reason to spin that

    asher_elias: it wasn't supposed to unanchor till tomorrow

    submitted by /u/Weyland_Stark
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    Is the old Aura voice still in the game as an easter egg?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:06 PM PST

    So I've just been PvPing some rocks in my kite fit Battle Retriever when I finally popped one, and I'm 90% certain I heard the old Aura "The asteroid is depleted" voiceline, not the new one.

    Has anyone else heard this or any other remnents of old Aura, or do I need to stay away from the Mindflood dispenser?

    submitted by /u/Cohen_GCS
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    What are common phrases everyone says all the time in EVE?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:48 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I'm looking to make a fun t-shirt for my nephew who is a big fan of the game. I do a lot of parodies and I was hoping the community could give me some trending short phrases that people use all the time when they play Eve Online. I'll turn it into parody design for fun for my nephew.

    Any help would be appreciated! :)

    submitted by /u/notadouche1
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