• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    Eve Online Received my Christmas present to myself today and could not be happier

    Eve Online Received my Christmas present to myself today and could not be happier

    Received my Christmas present to myself today and could not be happier

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Let the M2- Prefight shitposting begin

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:37 PM PST

    A 30x Speed Timelapse and Breakdown of M2-XFE

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:51 PM PST


    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:02 AM PST

    75,000 (real) ISK donated to Icelandic Red Cross on behalf of the players of Eve Online

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    Just wanted to take a moment to thank all those who shared, liked, commented, sent me messages and downloaded the hand drawn Eve Online fantasy map I released just before Christmas.

    https://twitter.com/IthicaHawk/status/1341396900755501060?s=20 I collected donations up until the end of 2020 and then donated it all to Icelandic Red Cross today on behalf of all the players of Eve Online.

    That worked out at around $200 (25k ISK) https://twitter.com/IthicaHawk/status/1345103716349849602?s=20 A short time later Jan Krueger doubled it https://twitter.com/janhkrueger/status/1345119757012525061 Then Rixx Javix went and trebled it https://twitter.com/RixxJavix/status/1345135353032826880?s=20 That's now 75,000 ISK (~$600 USD) donated to the Icelandic Red Cross on behalf of all the players of Eve Online as we go into 2021.

    We might shoot each other in game and blow up 200+ Titans but Eve players still find the time to be the best community in gaming.

    If you are interested in also donating, you can do so here: https://www.raudikrossinn.is/donate

    Happy New Year

    submitted by /u/IthicaHawk
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    Helping PAPI From The Outside

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:36 PM PST

    More Titans! More Explosions! More DOOMSDAY! Will We Outdo Round One?! M2 Massacre Mark 2: January 2nd @ 2200

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:56 AM PST

    Kotaku - Both Sides Claim Victory In Massive EVE Online Battle

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:56 PM PST

    Paxton Federation Disbands

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:17 PM PST

    So this will be the last post from me, however I can confirm that my EVE Corp that I have been in for the past number of years is now closing its doors which makes me sad. I've been in it for a long time and will miss them

    @everyone Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is with regret that I am informing you that after investigating the options that are available to us, that Paxton Federation Corp will now be winding down and closing up shop.

    We have had a marvelous run in New Eden, but it seems that Bloc Warfare is where the future is and we simply are no longer big enough to be considered for alliance membership at a Bloc level. As we have struggled to keep active numbers when in smaller alliances, the corp would only continue the decline into the abyss.

    When a lot of us started playing, we had big ambitions for this game and for the corp and over the years the corp has achieved things in game others can only dream of.

    The corp was founded in Providence and was the executor corp for Paxton Federation alliance. Back then the corp was called Paxton Industries. After the fall of Providence, the corp moved to an alliance called Mostly Harmless which was a member of the Northern Coalition. It was during this time that the corp suffered it's only Titan loss during the battle of 020 in Geminate. Eventually the Northern Coaltion was evicted and we then joined Gentlemens Agreement. We had an amazing time in Gentlemens Agreement back in the day. GENTS truly was our corp heyday. After this we then made our way through the Imperium Alliances of TNT, SMA and GSF. After a run within GSF, we decided to try out a more smaller alliance with a big PVP focus: Trigger Happy. This in my eyes was the 2nd best moment we had. Flying nightmares, having really top tier FCs take out fleets and regularly fighting outnumbered. Finally we ended up in TRC which was full of promise, but eventually ended up in the alliance that it is now.

    Now a lot of us are older, very bitter and after the horrific RL year of 2020, its all taken it's toll on many of us and it is now time to call it a day.

    I'd like to thank you all for sticking with us until the very end. It is actually quite poetic that the corp should end in the very place where it started: Providence.

    I'll keep the discord open so we can all stay in touch no matter where were land.

    So long guys, and stay safe out there!


    submitted by /u/el_frabbio
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    A parade of honour for the true heroes of sustained war

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Small ships in the big battle

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:42 AM PST

    I Didn't Hear No Bell

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:12 AM PST

    Mittani's speech leaked for tonight's clash of Titans!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:48 PM PST

    I made a video about test getting blobbed by goons the same day m2- happened and totally stole my own thunder. Here it is anyway

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:26 PM PST

    [VIDEO] New Years Massacre At M2-XFE - Super + FAX POV - 1440p60

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:20 PM PST

    Survival Rates for M2-XFE - Disco-Brawl for Titans and Supers

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:11 AM PST

    Twas the night before m2-ness round 2

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:19 PM PST

    Not a titan was stirring, not even a hel.

    The doomsdays were full with ammo galore in the hopes of clicking that button.

    The nesters were all snug in their sma, while visions of lasers danced in their pods.

    No matter who wins or loses tomorrow. I hope all of you enjoy the fight and bitch of tidi with glee. Let the titans die!

    submitted by /u/Trojanfatty
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    The community is amazing

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:08 PM PST

    I joined almost 4 days ago maybe even 5 and everyone I have met has been nothing short of helpful someone helped me out with much one of the people that work on the server gave me amazing stuff to help me out someone yesterday met up with me and I bought a ship from them like this is probably the greatest mmo game I've ever played thank you

    submitted by /u/Ehskrrrt
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    "Cancel your plans, call in sick to work" - PGL

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:30 PM PST

    Abyssal Filaments open the rift but don't create a gate

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:47 PM PST

    Title pretty much says it all. I don't get what's happening. This isn't the first time I've opened up an abyssal filament and never got the gate popup to show on my screen. I've done them before, but now like magic, they don't work.

    submitted by /u/iratus412
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    My first kill on the last day of 2020

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:52 AM PST

    Last night I decided to upgrade my account to Omega- I had thoroughly enjoyed my experience with the game, and wished to take my experience to the next level. I loaded up a few days of skills for L4 missions and decided to do what I've started doing when I'm bored: take a frigate out into lowsec and kill some rats. I'd done this a few times with mostly positive results: I had been able to make several million on each trip, but finding a safe system was often tricky, leading to a time where a Caracal and his friends managed to get the jump on me. The resulting altercation was less of a fight and more of an execution, with me panicking and franticly attempting to align and warp to a celestial while the cruiser literally bumped me around. Aside from a failed attempt at stealing from gankers this was the only time I had been in combat.

    Having found Gallente and Caldari lowsec to be a bit too populated for my liking, I decided to try ratting in Minmatar space. There was just one issue though: I didn't know what to fit. I had previously used an Atron and Incursus setup more or less copied from Reload's Gallente lowsec ratting guide. I looked at eveworkbench but all of the fits seemed fairly lousy- most had poor tank, were very cap intensive, lacked a proper tackle suite, or in most cases all three. Unfazed, I went back to his Executioner fit, and swapped out all of the laser and armor related modules for their shield/projectile counterparts (200m Gallium Machine Guns, an enduring shield booster, compact gyros and rig). Satisfied with my new creation, I undocked and made my way to Minmatar space. At the time I arrived, it was around 10:25 EST. There were plenty of other players along the way and I did find the wreck of a stealth bomber but no gangs I had to worry about.

    After some traveling I found an empty system with plenty of asteroid belts. Despite my frustration at encountering several clone soldier transports I knew I had no way of destroying, I was able to get some money from killing the various small rats. After a while however, a new player warped in. Rather than immediately run I did a quick check on their stats. They had a low sec status and had been around for two years, which wasn't. This new arrival didn't seem to have many solo kills, so they probably weren't a full-time hunter. Still, I started checking my dscan every few seconds to see if they were anywhere near and made sure I had a safe ready.

    Warping from belt, I came across a group of two elite frigates and two normals. In what I soon would find to be an absolutely boneheaded move, I attacked the frigates hoping to find some faction loot. While the elite frigs were taking some time to crack, my fit still seemed to be working fine. Then I checked my DScan, and a chill ran down my spine.

    Sisters Combat Probes probes were surrounding my ship. I was being scanned down, and I couldn't warp away. I tried to run away from the elite frigate so that I could lose the point. I managed to get out of range for a second, but while I was aligning the rat caught me again. Checking my scanners, the probes had been replaced by an Astero. That's odd, maybe they were just looking at a signature? I thought. Then I saw a new arrival on my overview: the Astero had just warped in at 7,430m from my location, and within seconds I was locked and scrammed.

    Well, I'm screwed now, I thought. My fit was technically a "PvP" build in that it had tackle, but I had no experience with actually fighting anyone and my skills weren't even that great- I didn't even have overheating trained. His ship and skills probably meant he could keep me in range, so running was not likely to work. Thinking I'd probably lose the ship anyways, I set my ship to orbit him at 500 and activated my autocannons.

    Unlike last time, I wasn't. My speed and small signature seemed to mitigate a good bit of the drone damage, and my shields/cap were able to keep up for now. My guns actually managed to strip away his shield, but I knew better than to get my hopes up: SOE ships have strong armor bonuses, so I'd run up against a resist/repair wall soon until I ran out of ammo. Even more, there was a good chance he had a much stronger alt on the way.

    Except... that wasn't happening. My cannons kept chewing on his armor, without any signs of slowing, while my shield remained stable. I thought this might be a trick- maybe he was letting me get a glimmer of hope before he turned on his repairs- but as the Astero's armor fell below 50%, my frustration became astonishment.

    Wait a second... Is this guy completely untanked? He doesn't seem to have any damage mods, either. If this is a tackle alt, why wouldn't he have his combat ship ready if his Astero is this fragile?

    ...Am I actually winning this right now?

    I saw the Astero start to align- getting ready to run away- and whatever fear I had turned into determination. I activated my scram and web- he had chosen to pick a fight, and I wasn't about to let him leave without consequences. He tried to shake me, but I kept clinging on. Flaming wounds rapidly spread over his ship as 200m shells rended rivets from bulkheads, and with a flash of light and a resounding crack a new kill report slid into my notifications.



    I was practically laughing out of my chair at what had happened. I knew I'd get my first kill eventually, but I figured it would be probably something unimpressive like a Venture that didn't see me in time or another frigate with a low-skilled pilot. A pirate in an untanked Astero trying to gank a ratting Slasher- and the Slasher winning- was the sort of random event that I figured I'd only see in Youtube videos and forum posts.

    I opened up the cargo hold and was greeted with over 50M in loot. After some sorting to get the most expensive stuff I could carry, I ran back to hisec before someone else decided to pay me a visit. While I'm still branching out, I have a feeling that this won't be my last lowsec story- or the most expensive one, either.

    Stay frosty!

    submitted by /u/Bradley271
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    Does anyone have an idea of what the salvage haul was like for M2?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:25 PM PST

    I remember some PAPI posts about how much loot they were able to salvage after the first 4 or 5 PAPI Keepstar fights. I would love to get an idea of what, if anything(I can't remember if salvage sticks around after downtime) was salvaged from the M2 battlefield.

    submitted by /u/McLovinsAdama
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    Might have encountered a few minor issues when visiting M2-XFE the other day.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:29 PM PST

    Ngl, the more I hear and read about M2, though I swore up and down I'd never own one, I highkey want a titan now

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:49 AM PST

    I have no idea how I'd even afford it considering I only have 1 main subbed, 2 alts I'm too EVE/RL poor to sub, and will never be that dude to have, train, and maintain the veritable pit crew that each titan has (cyno alt, fuel alt, FAX alt, holder alt, I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting but you get the idea, multiple characters just to use one ship) because I just don't see myself taking EVE seriously enough,

    Hella highkey want an Avatar for the next Black Crusade-level bloodbath lol

    submitted by /u/GuyTiberiusKirk
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