• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 31, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - January 30, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - January 30, 2021

    Shameless Saturday - January 30, 2021

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Hello and welcome to Shameless Saturday.

    Today you're welcome to shamelessly self promote your site/video/stream/product etc provided that it's related to EVE Online and your self-promotion to interaction ratio is 10:1 (1 self promotion link for every 10 normal interactions.) Accounts should also be a month old and have prior interactions with /r/eve.

    Now what are you waiting for? Go out there and sell your ~~soul~~ self!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    PAPI when they finally make it to 1DQ

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:41 PM PST

    INIT vs BRAVE in U-Q - Muninn Grinder over Fort Anchor

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:22 PM PST

    The Imperium [Together]

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:02 PM PST

    Frat vs The Freemen of the North - Week 4

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:56 AM PST

    Bonjour mes amis. Je viens avec des cadeaux et de bonnes nouvelles.

    Week 4

    Technically week 4 started off with a bang with Fraternity's attempt at anchoring a D7-ZAC fort falling flat in the early hours of Saturday. The battle was covered last week, as it makes for a better article to end on an interesting story. I'd direct your attention to Week 3's War Report if you need to catch up. I apologize that this report is shorter than last weeks, but there's only so many words to use when describing the day to day.

    This week would also see more skirmishes throughout the various timezones. With TP/Quote forces continuing their campaign against jump bridges and netting a few kills of their own for their efforts. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Rote forces began their blops campaign in earnest this week, seeing a drastic increase in botters killed, reported banned, and the sell price of Ishtars on the Jita market. Effectively casting a net over most of Vale, we've been able to net dozens of generic ratter kills but also the odd carrier or two.

    With the Frat superfleet moving into the area we'll be interested to see what kind of impact the umbrella will have on the region and their commitment to ratting.

    Finishing out this week's report (but occurring mostly in the middle) was the attempted anchoring of the a Frat Fortizar in ZA0L-U in Vale. FMOTN forces picked up on the anchoring and we decided to commit since it was at an excellent weekday time for the USTZ contingent. Knowing we'd be outgunned, we decided to commit our last remaining supercarrier to turn the tide. Ultimately, what ensued was a pitched subcap battle that saw a properly modern Muninn and Machariel fleet bested by the old warhorse, the Dominix.

    I'm certain I've missed something else interesting during the week in my summary and my comrades will properly flay me fort it, but ultimately this week has been quite other than the two forts dying (D7 being the more impressive BR). The EUTZ has continued to rage against every jump bridge they can find, forcibly reinforcing various Frat r64s and support structures. USTZ has pivoted heavily to a dedicated blops campaign, while hunting down Frat militias when they make a move on structures. There have been wins and losses on both sides overall, I myself missed most of it due to Dad mode and hosting my parents. Cry for me, /r/Eve.

    Onto the numbers!

    The Scorecard

    Week 4 - 22-28 Jan 2021

    Current Hubris Tax Level for Frat V Rote Kapelle: 1459%, for TP: 1127%

    Current tallies are:

    Team Frat Freemen
    Isk Lost 579b 246b
    Ships Lost 3305 2138
    Supers 1
    Dreads 12 7
    Fax 5 1
    Carrier 5
    JFs 1
    Rorqs 3
    Orcas 1
    Forts 3
    Azbel 2
    Athanor 1
    Ansiblex 9
    Tenebrex 4 2
    Battleships 112 38
    HACs 105 63
    Botters 253

    And some graphs to go along with it:

    Rote V Frat

    TP V Frat

    Again, as previously stated, these numbers don't capture the entirety of the forces arrayed against Frat, as that may negatively skew the public narrative and lead one to believe that the Freemen are, in fact, at a numbers advantage.

    The previously reported "Trail of Tears" move op from last week has seemingly been completed and we expect to see Frat beginning to fill up the abandoned areas of Vale with their legions of dedicated Gurista hunters.

    If you have any further questions for us feel free to hit us up here or on Discord as usual.

    The biggest of thanks to the following:

    • We Form V0lta
    • United Federation of Conifers (RIP)
    • No Vacancies
    • Odin's Call (all 600 of them)
    • Triumvirate
    • Pen Is Out
    • Brotherhood of Spacers
    • Arkhos Core
    • /u/_DJtanner for these slick visuals
    • Anyone I missed: I love you
    submitted by /u/Savanted
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    Is it a good time to join EVE?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:17 AM PST

    Title says it - I'm a new player, i basically just created a character and then stopped playing 2 years ago But reading about the wars in EVE rekindled my interest and i am wondering, is it a good time to join as a totally new player?

    submitted by /u/azxqw2
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    Caldari Minmatar ship line

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    Average Tritanium Enjoyer

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:35 PM PST

    Hurricane turned Triglavian

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:04 PM PST

    Regular Carriers neglected

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 11:37 PM PST

    Regular carriers have received nothing but nerfs to resistance and fighters over the last couple of years. In last years quadrant structure we saw Super carriers gain an interesting new ability along with a boost to ship maintenance bay.

    I have seen several posts and you tube videos were players show interest in the nomad life were one would carry all ships required for their activities in the ship maintenance bay and move around the cluster in a carrier/orca.

    For players interested in the nomad life wouldn't it be great if regular carriers also had an increase to ship maintenance bay?

    submitted by /u/_Rumpelstilzchen_
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    Brisc keep speaking some truth..

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST

    Johnny Cash - Hurt Cover | lyrics re-written by me to match the EVE experience of New Eden. Space is harsh. But best ship is friendship

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:20 PM PST

    Wait, that's illegal

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:34 AM PST

    Moon Goo and PI - impact of redistribution

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:52 PM PST

    I'm not a moon miner or PI guy (nor do I play one on TV), but I'm interested in opinions on whether dynamic redistribution will have a positive or negative effect (or any impact at all) on moon mining and PI activity levels, and by extension, market pricing for those commodities. Not interested in complaints about redistribution (no one's really happy about it), I'm just wondering whether people believe this means moon goo and PI product pricing will go up, go down, or be unaffected by the coming changes.

    submitted by /u/Miskatonic_
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    Small Gang Piracy Corporation - Spudden Impact - Jan 2021

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:20 PM PST

    LP prices in the toilet?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:30 AM PST

    Did everyone just wake up one day and decide to start running missions?

    Trading LP at a rate of 1300isk/lp is painful 😢

    submitted by /u/AshrakTheWhite
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    Reading SharedCache/ResFiles

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:32 PM PST

    Hey everyone, as some of you may know, the game files are located in the CCP/EVE/SharedCache/ResFiles directory, see https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/213281985-Shared-Cache-Options for more information.

    Does anyone have any insight in how to read these files in meaningful ways?


    submitted by /u/PhD_Elli
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    What is the state of Amarr-Minmatar FW?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:01 AM PST

    Hello guys. I'm just trying to assess the situation and probably to compare it to what was there 3-4 years ago.

    1. How much was/is FW affected by Triglavians, including all that Niarja malarkey?
    2. Are fights in systems like Siseide, Arzad, Kourmonen common? (well as much as "common" can be applied to FW)
    3. Are there any larger groups still active? Any new larger groups?
    4. Any substantial changes in the playstyle in the last few years?
    5. Any substantial changes in numbers of people willing to live in the best sec - lowsec? (God I feel old now)

    And yes I know FW is not in the best state, never was. I'm just trying to figure out if there is still something to do in lowsec apart from flying through to join null blocs.

    Optional questions:

    1. Is Caldari-Gallente still a domain of large fleets?
    2. Who's flying there?
    submitted by /u/Ivoryyyyyyyyyy
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    Why there is no "armor Gila" equivalent?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:35 AM PST

    Having looked at the current ship tree development trend, I am puzzled as to why there is no armor-tanking equivalent of the Gila, the same way EDENCOM ships are, for the most part, conceptual mirrors of Triglavian ships: if Triglavians armor tank, focus on remote assistance and do primarily Thermal+Explosive damage, EDENCOM ships are solo shield-tanking and do EM/Kinetic damage. Pure mirrors.

    It's rather easy to imagine such a ship that combines powerful missiles and drones, yet uses armor, and can be another offspring of the Maller (think of the Sacrilege) made by a pirate faction of, say, Khanid descent, who already demonstrated prowess in combining armor, missiles and drones. Let's call this ship the "pirate Maller" for brevity.

    I can think of several counterarguments against introducing an "armor Gila", but all of them seem rather weak to me.

    • "The Gila is a balance disaster as it is, the developers don't want to repeat the mistake." This one seems to be the weakest, because the introduction of the pirate Maller (if it is balanced to be on par with the Gila) won't make the situation by any means worse. If it is that bad, the only proper solution is stepping on the throats of Gila fans and giving it a hit of the nerfbat, and the pirate Maller can be hit by the same nerfbat, mirroring the changes.
    • "The pirate Maller needs a pirate faction with all the accompanying stuff like agents, missions, nullspace and an Epic Arc for easier access. Expending workforce on cloning factions isn't good, nor it is on cloning ships, and we don't have an empty swath of nullspace for this." EDENCOM already set the precedent of mirroring a faction, and if Triglavians had their own Abyssal Deadspace to begin with, EDENCOM has only the k-space systems they captured from the Triglavians.
    • "Designing an entire faction takes a lot of expensive dev effort. EDENCOM is not a precedent here because their introduction as a separate faction has been beneficial to the ongoing lore development and the Triglavian story ark. Your new Khanidian pirates add little in comparison with the work required." Of course not, if they are going to be a simple clone of the Guristas. But what if their development was connected with the beginning of the missioning redesign as a whole? They may become the faction that is a testbed for the whole "missions 2.0" thing. As for the lore content, "missions 2.0" will provide a way to add depth to the lore via hundreds of little details, pretty much like the Epic Arcs do that now.
    • "Sounds interesting on-paper, but the devs have a lot of things on the to-do list already. They need to flesh out Pochven and the related developments, invent an S-set of Upwells to finally phase out POSes, fix Upwell balance, fix botting, fix over 9000 elusive bugs and even if the idea gets accepted it will be so much down the roadmap that it'll take forever to reach it." Sounds like the answer, but if the new "Khanidian" pirate faction will spearhead missioning redesign, isn't it worth the wait?

    I would like to hear your opinion on this.

    submitted by /u/Cheetah97
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    What Are The Wars That Are Going On Currently In EVE

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:21 AM PST

    I am a new player and I was wanting to join a corp and was wondering what wars are going on to help make my decision and who is involved in the wars.

    submitted by /u/Slipstream232
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    Nomad life in an orca?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:02 PM PST

    Hey team,

    First time posting on reddit but I have a question....has anyone tried the "Nomad orca" before? Looking to have a go at nomad life but dont want to have to try carry my life with me in a small ship.

    Has anyone come across and vids or guides?

    Any tips or advice is awesome :)


    submitted by /u/Formally_The_Joker
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    Kill The Wormhole Police!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:38 AM PST

    SPECTRE FLEET // Slavback vs Gherti // LIVE on EVE_NT

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 11:58 AM PST

    L A Z E R D U N K S

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:15 PM PST

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