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    Thursday, January 14, 2021

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST


    Once a week we provide an additional space for Corps/Alliance to post recruitment, and for people looking for a Corp to sell themselves.

    Please consider in your post to include;

    • Area of space (NPC/Sov Null/ Wormhole/ Low/High sec)
    • Type of Corp (Indy/Small gang/F1 blob)
    • Main and active timezones
    • Any requirements of SP/Alts etc
    • Any external discord/website links

    You can also post your recruitment on /r/evejobs which is open for recruitment all week - however keep in mind you can only post a fresh thread there once your previous post is 7 days old.

    **Comments are in contest mode and so are not influenced by vote count**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - January 14, 2021

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:00 PM PST

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Have you seen him?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:54 AM PST

    BLOPs Battleship Rebalance - Reforming Roles and Traits

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    TL;DR: Move some outdated traits out, reform them as role bonuses or as ship base stats. Then rebalance each BLOPs to suit a specific role (Tank/DPS/Support). Read the post for details.

    I'm excluding the Marshal from this as its a pretty limited ship and its also pretty well balanced. It also has multiple bonuses in it "black Ops" bonus already.

    I'm not a fan of how T2 battleships are currently balanced. As both BLOPs battleships and Marauders fall into the same "toy" category. Meaning, they don't really have a defined role and are used as extravagance due to boredom. A BLOPs battleship's singular "role" is being a bridge bitch. Otherwise, it can be replaced with a bomber or T3 to achieve a similar, cheaper effect as a DPS ship.

    I'll say this now; The main issue with BLOPs battleships is they have a severe lack of "ideal" targets. Meaning, back in the day, before ishtars and Gilas, ratting battleships were a very common target. But people rarely rat in battleships anymore (Domi and maybe rattles are the common exceptions), which has snuffed out a good portion of BLOPs battleship targets. Most BLOPs drops are just against things that can't fight back (see most of lowsec) and aren't used to try "punching-up" because BLOPs are squishy and can easily be removed by a T1 battleship if isolated.

    However, its unlikely we'll see CCP address the BLOPs target issue as its a more complex issue that a singular change would not affect. So instead, i'd like to see a refocus on BLOPs battleships to help flesh out their roles during a drop and potentially add something to help allow them to punch up a level or be more viable in various roles.

    BLOPs Trait Rebalance and Role Bonuses

    To start, BLOPs battleship traits and bonuses are a mess in my opinion. For example, the Sin gets an inertia bonus and the Panther gets a velocity bonus. Why? These are very dated bonuses and like the vagabond of old (vagabond used to have a velocity bonus as well), should have been rolled into the hull's base stats.

    The "125% bonus to ship velocity when using cloaks" trait should be removed from the trait bonuses and placed in as a "Role bonus". This is something that helps define the role of the BLOPs battleship, its unique to the ship class and takes up useful trait slots. Setting it as a 625% bonus to ship velocity when using cloaks role bonus would make more sense.

    For BLOPs battleships, because they are often flown together in a drop, i've always thought they should be balanced more like a "Gang" or, typical MMO "Party". I don't like making the comparison, but i think it illustrates the point easily. Each BLOPs battleship should serve a particular role to suit your gang/party, just like a standard MMO has DPS, Tank, Support and Debuff class, BLOPs could be balanced in a similar manner. So when you drop, your party comp can be adjusted to your target. The proposed breakdown would be:

    Widow = Tank (ECM)

    Redeemer = Debuff (neuts)

    Sin = DPS/Support

    Panther = DPS/Speed

    Marshal = Dps/Tackle (remains unchanged)

    With their roles more clearly defined in this method, the following changes could be made to the hulls themselves:


    The Widow would see a drastic re-arrangement of its traits to better suit the tank role. Since the Widow uses ECM as a "taunt" with current ECM mechanics, that means it can redirect damage to itself. So its bonuses need to reflect that ability to tank and do ECM things. As such, the Widow would get a stronger ECM bonus (possibly the strongest in the game in pure ECM strength). To actually be able to tank the taunt, it would then get both a 4% bonus to shield resistance per level and 5% bonus to shield HP per level bonuses. It would lose the missile velocity bonus (because do you really need 222km range cruise missiles on a BLOPs ship?). As for torpedo range, remember that torpedoes just got their range buffed, so the current torpedo range (unbonused) is the same range that the Widow used to get with the velocity bonus before the torpedo changes.

    Widow bonuses would look like this:

    Black Ops Bonuses

    40% bonus to ECM Target Jammer and ECM Burst Jammer Strength Per level (was 30%)

    4% bonus to shield resistances per level

    Caldari Battleship Bonuses:

    5% bonus to Rapid Heavy Missile, Cruise Missile and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire per level

    5% bonus to shield hit points per level

    Role bonuses:

    All the same bonuses they have now

    625% bonus to ship velocity while cloaked

    With these changes, it would now be able to fit 2-3 jams for better jam consistency with the extra ECM strength but with the shield HP bonus and resist bonus, will have much healthier EHP to tank the target that its jamming so the other BLOPs ships can do their job.


    Redeemer is in a reasonable spot currently, but as part of the rebalance to suit its role, it would get Neutralizer bonuses

    Black Ops Bonuses:

    7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret Tracking speed per level

    7.5% bonus to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer drain amount per level

    Amarr Battleship Bonuses:

    5% Reduction to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer Activation Cost and Cycle time per Level

    5% bonus to Large Energy Turret rate of fire

    Role bonuses:

    All the same bonuses they have now

    625% bonus to ship velocity while cloaked

    Redeemer losing the laser cap bonus isn't a huge deal, especially in the age of battleships using 3200 cap boosters. Plus, with the increased Nos cycle time along with amount stolen, allows it to maintain cap with a Nos if needed. The neut bonuses allow it to be different than the bhaal, but not as strong as far as direct neut "alpha" but with the faster cycle time and limited highs, would still apply good cap pressure to a target. The reason i kept the neut bonus lower than the bhaal is because the bhaal should still have the biggest neut "alpha" to retain its uniqueness, but also because the Redeemer can cyno in.

    I'm aware that you could go full neut redeemer. I'm ok with this, and could give groups an option to counter ships that they need neut pressure against much quicker, or even when fighting against capitals (instead of burning a bhaal over, they can light a cyno to get redeemers in quick). Remember, you're putting isk on field (1.5b+) and providing a better role for a ship class with these changes. Its ok for them to be strong in these specific situations.


    The Panther is also relatively well balanced as a BLOPs battleship, but for consistencies sake, since we are moving the cloak velocity bonus into its role bonus, that frees up a trait slot. As well as moving the velocity bonus into the base hull stats, we can incorporate 2 new bonuses to better distinguish its role and be lore friendly.

    Black Ops Bonuses:

    3% reduction in ship signature radius per level

    7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret Tracking per level

    Minmatar Battleship Bonuses:

    5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret Rate of Fire per level

    5% bonus to Large Projectile turret damage per level

    Role Bonuses:

    All the same bonuses they have now

    625% bonus to ship velocity while cloaked

    The Panther's changes are more subtle since its already favored as a DPS BLOPs platform. The 15% sig reduction would bring its signature down to about 250 on an armor version (before MWD) which is basically a battlecruiser sized sig. Could help open up some niche fits where it can sig tank against larger ships and even against other battleships.


    Sin currently functions as the "Neut ship" in the BLOPs line-up. With the Redeemer taking that over, it would transition more into a DPS role or a support role. Inertia bonus would get rolled into the current hull base stats, so it has 2 new trait bonuses to work with.

    Black Ops Bonuses:

    15% bonus to logistic drone transfer amount per level

    7.5% bonus to heavy drone tracking and optimal range per level

    Gallente Battleship Bonuses:

    5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage per level

    10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage per level

    Role Bonuses:

    All the same bonuses they have now

    625% bonus to ship velocity while cloaked

    With these changes, the Sin can act as either a DPS platform (hybrid/drone damage) or a Support platform with the logistic drone bonuses. It could also fill its highs with RR instead of guns, in conjunction with the drone bonuses. But it also means it would do 0 damage at that point.

    With these changes, i think BLOPs could find better uses than their current iteration. Even in non BLOPs drops, the Widow would most likely see a lot of use in WH fights as a dedicated ECM ship (even though it lacks the range bonus, it could actually tank and not die immediately). The redeemer could be a fast response neut ship against capitals or stubborn tank targets. Panther could even be used in nano or dual prop fits with the lower sig and tracking bonus. Sin would have a lot more utility and could diversify to make it more unpredictable.

    Even though we can't bring back BLOPs ideal targets, we can certainly make them viable to start hunting new targets, or find other uses outside of straight drops.

    There are other gimmicks that could be done, but I think at the bare minimum, BLOPs Battleships need a general trait rebalance to refocus their roles and then go from there.

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    I like to make stupid videos for my corp.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 05:08 PM PST

    You're not authorized to do what now?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:14 PM PST

    HED Fortizar AAR - Dock Perspective

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:20 AM PST

    HED Fortizar AAR - We Got Dock!

    "Dock Workers is influential within lock range of a gate in Kourmonen" – Reddit 2020

    I admit, the gerbils have been resting in their cages in our lowsec villa for the last few months while mainly disturbing the local gate network of Orca bots. Given, every now and then we like to put the animals to work in the form of wormhole dives and drops on unsuspecting super ratters. In this case, the gerbils were let loose upon Catch properly for the first time since our deployment there months ago. See Here


    We recently started a fresh deployment in null. After a few months taking it easy, compared to our hectic schedule last summer, we were all eager to jump right back into the fold of disrupting a place we hate to live in but love to visit: Nullsec.

    However, ghosts from our past decided to emerge. One of the few permanent blues we retain routinely runs fun fleets into null, and graciously invites us along, on a weekly basis. On last week's fleet, it was noted that diamond rats were rfing a Brave fortizar in HED. No Forks did the polite thing and helped the rats burn through armor as well. So, the timer was set, and we became interested in finishing what the good Bob started.


    The day was upon us and, the doctrine flavor, after some lovely discussion, was chosen to be Zealots (Zee-lots). The gerbils fit a tracking disruptor into their wheel, and we were off. Just getting to HED became an adventure. Two titan bridges and a wormhole chain (thank you NFG) materialized us on the field. Between soundboards being blared on comms and memes being shared in fleet, we were already having fun.

    The first few minutes were relaxed. We shot the fort a bit and waited for the defenders to make the first move. Numbers looked relatively even at initial glance, and we suspected a slugfest was about to occur. What we got was an hour of solid, non-tidi combat, something the gerbils thrive on. While we were going through scimis and muninns at a respectable rate, our critical ships were taking a beating. We began losing our web lokis and hics, critical for the application/projection of our damage and for providing needed screening. The back and forth continued for the full hour, with Brave reinforcing their fleet while our dead waited in lowsec to hear the final toll.

    Hold On Strong Little Loki:

    Our Hics were wiped, and we remained reliant on dictors. Not ideal, but it worked. The bigger concern at this point was our entire loss of all but 1 web loki. With a 96% burnt armor plate, burnt afterburner, burnt hardener, and webs repaired more times than an old Dodge, the fleet was vested in our loki's future. We held the field long enough, with reps poured onto our loki, to garner the win against their reinforcements. The fort died, and we had a blast.


    A shout out to NFG for our continued relationship and their part in this night. A huge thank you to our Init. and bridging/comms friends for their support. Props to our final loki pilot for flying with slaves. You da real MVP.

    Most importantly, thank you to val and all others who called out relevant information to make the big plays.

    Win or lose, we always hope to have fun in a fight. We had a blast and hope Brave enjoyed themselves as well. Thank you for the fight! : )

    Dock Workers are coming to a standing fleet near you

    "Somebody pod this toucan!" – Val 2021

    Video: Here

    Battle report can be found in video description.

    submitted by /u/EveMelkie
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    I kinda miss the easy access to the Trig systems. Anyone else?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:36 AM PST

    Is papi space ripe for picking?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 11:50 AM PST

    Considering how majority of active pvp'ers from papi are deployed down in Delve and papi likely won't be able to safely extract from Delve at any time soon, wouldn't it be plausible to say that a majority of papi's space remains vulnerable to attack from any1 willing to take it? I think I am already seeing many groups form new coalitions to pick apart papi space, which may be a great opportunity for them to expand and grow.

    In the past, papi probably used their sheer number and threat to deter others from making such moves.

    However, with papi's recent defeats at M2- battles, it has been shown they are no longer the sole dominant entity in the game. Furthermore, around half of their active titans and supers remain trapped in M2-.

    Thus, in light of recent events, papi is not in the best position to defend their spaces while trying to free their trapped capitals. Also the Imperium can easily coordinate with these entities to burn down papi space.

    submitted by /u/Yuno808
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    CCPLS : Dont remove BLOPS Bridge to Industrial Cynos.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST

    It's OK that we can jump to an Industrial Cyno.

    It's OK that we can bridge to an Industrial Cyno.

    It doesn't really affect us big boys, we'll just jump a Big Boy to the Industrial Cyno.

    It affects everyone.

    submitted by /u/hagenissen666
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    Thoughts on CCP's Dilemma

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 06:50 AM PST

    After 36 Episodes of TTT, Redline has FINALLY lost it!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 12:07 PM PST

    My feelings everyday when M2- Titan meat grinder hasn't started back up yet

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:58 PM PST

    PSA: Pathfinder seems to be working again

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:59 AM PST

    POS bash 2021 style

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 11:39 AM PST

    "The Crusader" - A Faction Warfare Story | Eve Online PVP

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 12:51 PM PST

    State of WH space?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 01:19 AM PST

    Wondering what the state of WH space is, I've seen tons of people spouting that WH is infinitely better than anything else, but how does it compare to null? Been thinking of swapping my living space to a C5; recently got into caps with a carrier/dread and would like to rat to expand into one day being an elite pvper. The resource balance has really messed with my vibe as I've been part of a small corp that didn't have massive reserves so we're all getting boned in that aspect. Any insight is greatly appreciated, cheers!

    submitted by /u/def_not_sus
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    CCPlease can we get more colours to the standings section for People, Corporations and Alliances

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 07:09 AM PST

    We currently have
    - Dark Blue
    - Light Blue
    - Neutral
    - Orange
    - Red

    Surely we can have more than just 5 colours to assign to people based on what they are.
    Cyno pilot, Capital Pilot, Industry Pilot, Super Pilot, Cloaky Camper, Enemy Scout

    submitted by /u/Eric_Shang
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    Unpopular Opinion: I am really enjoying Pochven, and I think it is great.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:04 PM PST

    Unpopular Opinion: I am really enjoying Pochven, and I think it is great.

    I think this is probably the biggest change I've seen in EVE in a long time, this is on the scale of the citadel expansion in terms of significance.

    Having a super-highway through highsec by using one or two systems in Pochven has been great

    The completely new sites i.e. npcs on the wormholes are just wonderful and a really enjoyable challenge. I love the discovery and adventure that goes into figuring out these sites.

    Currently getting my alt up to +3 standings, and although it is a grind, I wouldn't want it to be an easy thing to do, I do think missions could be brought in to help with this, I think that maybe something along the lines of Faction Warfare between Edencom Capsuleers and Kybernauts.

    I do think the EC side got the shit end of the stick, but definitely looking forward to whatever comes next to Pochven, I have high hopes .

    Reminder: Breadfleet is recruiting!

    submitted by /u/Galifreid_Skord
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    Dual Monitor Target Off-set

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 07:25 PM PST

    Hey dudes,

    I'm currently playing with a dual monitor setup (one account), everything works fine except for locking targets.

    When i lock, the targets are still displayed at the center of the screens even if i've setup the offset to the left. (as i said, everythink else works fine, even the pop-up messages).

    Anyone knows a workaround for that ?

    Many thanks and good evening !

    submitted by /u/QuiGone
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    Looking for outfit model for cosplay.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 11:53 AM PST

    Hello! Does anyone happen to have a model somewhere for the male combat suit? I want to 3d print it for cosplay and to make a little figure for my desk. I tried to get the model myself but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Would anyone be willing to help me out?

    submitted by /u/Mastert3318
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    Where do you think Eve will be in 5 years?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    Do you think we'll have more players, or less? Do you think gameplay will be more fun or about the same?

    submitted by /u/PublicTransitShill
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    Gold Rush - Decouple Harvesting from Utilization.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:05 AM PST

    CCP has stated that the current "scarcity" phase will end and be replaced by a more "balanced" supply of resources. What if, when that happens, the baseline remains scarcity, but what gets added back are big spawns of depletable resources that will cause "Gold Rushes", and large scale conflict?

    In the 15 ish years that I've been playing in null, I've noticed a repeating pattern where an alliance conquers some space, sits in that space, and then slowly rots from the inside out as the repetitive nature of farming in EvE takes its toll. By the time someone comes to conquer their space, they're just an empty husk.

    What if your home space was where you store and utilize resources, but not where you get them? What if you had to send expeditions to get them opportunistically when they appear and fight for them against others who are doing the same?

    It might work like this:

    1. An explorer discovers a mega-spawn of resources. They try to keep it quiet while they farm it of course, but inevitably word gets out.
    2. Many entities rush to the site of the spawn, try to assert control over some or all of it, harvest it, and transport it back to their sov space. Chaos and widespread fighting ensues at the spawn site and along supply lines.
    3. These bounties of resources get stored back in sov space in huge silos that then become potential targets for raiders.
    4. The number of upwell production and storage structures in a given system are limited, and require sov to anchor, providing a reason to need sov space, and conquer sov space, in order to build and maintain your war machine.
    5. Some resources are still available in all space, similar to what they were pre-Dominion, but the Dominion forever-farms go away when it comes to mined resources.
    6. Entities who aren't interested in fighting for resources have an alternative. They can rat in their home space and buy them, or finished goods, with earned isk from the markets.

    In my opinion, this would drive conflict, make living in null space more interesting and dynamic, and make "combat mining" a thing as part of frequent integrated campaigns.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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    The Palatine Keepstar

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST

    Good evening...

    As someone who casually keeps up with eve online news I just recently stumbled upon the Palatine Keepstar and was curious if any organizations have started this undertaking as of 2021... I saw some old threads from like 2018 that said it was impossible... just curious if the game has changed in that time to make this behemoth a possible reality...

    submitted by /u/Stevesie11
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