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    Eve Online Extended Downtime Notification - 3 February 2021 - Announcements

    Eve Online Extended Downtime Notification - 3 February 2021 - Announcements

    Extended Downtime Notification - 3 February 2021 - Announcements

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Eve Online added 1.3 million new players in 2020

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PST

    Meanwhile in Impass and Catch...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:52 AM PST

    Ran my First Fleet tonight - AAR

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:53 PM PST

    I decided I wanted to bring some extra fun to Brave Newbies tonight and decided I would run my own fleet.

    I settled on Mallers as the hull because they arent used often and Brave doesnt use them at all. So the plan was to go around and steal some ESS's. I settled on Blaster fit Mallers. People wont be expecting blasterfit Mallers at 0 so that was my only thinking behind it.

    With half decent skills I managed 570dps and a 37k ehp buffer. combined with webs and blasters I was hoping we would atleast kill something nice coming in to stop us before we all died to the rest of an enemy fleet coming to secure their ratting ticks.

    I prepinged it and got a few positive responses so went with it. I had 5 Maller hulls to give out and was a little worried people wouldnt wanna spend 30-40 million isk on entire fit/hull combined. Ended up with 27 in fleet 22 of which where in mallers.

    We headed out to Provi. First ESS gate we grab 40mil out and our scout says a sabre is camping our proposed out gate with a nag of gate on the other side. As we land we get bubbled but i Tell the fleet not to jump and just orbit 500.

    Whilst we orbit other ships are reported to be joining the enemy and setting up at their optimals. Our poor blaster Mallers had no hope.

    I intsead decide to force their hand and call for a burn out of the bubble towards the other gate and we can just enter the next ESS and force them in at 0. We land on the I7S-1S gate and an enforcer lands at the same time as a sabre, I call an immediate jump, so the sabre either has to bubble us and the enforcer or we all get away.

    Enforcer gets caught, Mallers approach and start shooting. A cyno goes up and a Nid, Nag, moros and an Archon make it through before the the Enforcer is killed.

    Excitement at our impending doom gets the better of me and I call primary on the Nag. Seconds later I change my mind and scream the Nid will go down a lot faster so lets focus that, Nid dies in like 30-40 seconds

    Meanwhile the enemy are shooting the Lone Maelstrom which is active fit and tanking like a legend and the enemy sabre has us bubbled. Next target is the Archon who has one hell of a buffer and we start bleeding Mallers, The Maelstrom is dead, The Archon is aligning out on the edge of the bubble and we lost our only point when the maelstrom died.

    At this moment the enemy sabre comes burning in and rebubbles, Trapping the Archon again meters from the edge of a bubble. With just 22 Maller's to start with our DPS is dropping as Mallers begin to fall. Archon is holding but slowly being chipped away. With just 6 Mallers left the archon enters structure and is quickly killed.

    That was my first fleet and a big thanks to those who dropped, Those who came along with me from Brave and other alliance members not knowing what we would get in a crappy Maller meme fit.

    To top it off a 40 mill donation to the Brave Dojo!

    Fly Safe,

    Marroc 7o


    submitted by /u/Zeroth1989
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    now in color )

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:31 PM PST

    Keepstar fight expectations vs reality (classic)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:09 AM PST

    AAR: V0LTA + dreadbomb + INIT bombybois vs FI.RE Coalition

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:34 PM PST

    V0LTA has setup a JC deployment to curse and began poking the locals for fights. The first few days resulted in no real fight, but finally today we got the first brawl of the deployment.

    FI.RE opted to form real big with many many cerbs, the BR is difficult to assess because they reshipped a LOT, but we rolled up with our 70ish hacs and 16 guards and 1 apostle (ty for the loan dreadbomb.) We had our own bombing squad as well who did a great job.

    Seddow rocked up with cerbs and INIT also showed up after the fight started with bombers.

    The fight itself was pretty simple, mostly centered around pinging around constantly and vying for different ranges with cerbs. Unfortunately half way through the fight our SBing nestor actually burned his smartbombs out. At this moment we finished the JB and then chased them to a tac, without our fax which resulted in our guards just getting wrecked finally (rip).

    So whatever no big deal, who needs logi anyways, we warp out (SFC leaves me to die, what a dick), and then we bounce back down to the fax to continue.

    FI.RE continue to reship and reship and reship and get reinforcements, going no lower than 60+ hacs throughout the fight. After awhile we chose to extract as we had 0 guardians and only the fax and there was no longer any objective to fight over (https://zkillboard.com/kill/90428806/)

    So we gated it on home with our loaner fax (thx again dreadbomb.)

    gf gf, looking forward to more fights in this area

    BR: https://br.evetools.org/related/30000570/202102021900

    submitted by /u/Wolfsdragoon
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    MY Dust514 fan-fic is now an original comic

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:04 PM PST

    Thinking of FC’ing my first fleet, any suggestions?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:08 AM PST

    Im planning on FC'ing a fleet of (mostly) newbros into Pochven, where we can kill Rogue Drone and maybe even Sleeper NPCs for that standings increase, while maybe doing a couple ESS raids before that.

    Im at a loss, however, for what ships I should fly. A corpmate of mine formed a fleet of T2 blaster Mallers, which intrigued me, but I dont have the skills to fly one.

    My plan was to light filaments and steal ESS bounties along the way, before finishing off the raid with a trip into Pochven to kill some of the battlecruiser/battleship NPCs that I so often see. The original fleet comp suggested to me was:

    24 Thoraxes, shield tanked and blaster fit. 5 Ospreys, cos shield tanking needs shield logi. 2 Maledictions/Ares, one to keep the ESS loot and another to scout ahead. Prob a Loki for command bursts, I cant fly one so Im not sure

    If you have alternate compositions, pls feel free to share them with me, Im interested to know what you guys can think of. I dont mind if its weird, crazy or just downright ridiculous: its a fun fleet after all! o7

    submitted by /u/IronForce_
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    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:59 AM PST

    北方屁民 think we're all bots.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:55 PM PST

    PSA Tier 5 Abyssals can spawn 5 marshals

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:20 PM PST

    I have done about 400 tier 5 abyssals and never saw more than 4 until today. I was able to handle it but was a little surprised. Fit your ships accordingly.

    submitted by /u/swallowmyloadredmods
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    Who was the solo VNI legend and what happen to him, does anyone remember him?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:28 PM PST

    I don't know if any of you would remember but there was a guy, a one man army, that would always fly his trusty, trusthy VNI everywhere he went.. I remember looking at his zkill, a handful of kills (including a structure, solo btw) and a few hundred(thousand?) deaths.. I remember bumping into him a bunch of times during his solo skirmishes, few Corp mates invited him to join us but he just refused to join anyone..

    Does anybody remember him, his name or have an idea what happen to him?

    I remember reading a long Reddit post about his story and his adventures/achievements by somebody that interviewed him, but it's completely gone out of my mind, I really wanna look into his story again.

    Edit: sorry wrong flair

    Edit2: It's Lumio! In case anyone is unfamiliar with this absolute legend, this is an interesting read about him https://evenews24.com/2018/07/17/who-is-the-legendary-lumio-en-tilavine-champion-and-hero-of-providence/?fbclid=IwAR3mQ6zPQe-xXkAqM3Frci-B3OTE9vIkgF_gc7JohPd7NuQD1Rg0l39jLnk

    TLDR: https://zkillboard.com/kill/69148532/

    submitted by /u/R_1_S
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    Question about the Mixed Dimensions models

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:30 PM PST

    With one of my favorite ships, the Hyperion, getting added to the list I am tempted to pick it up, but clearly it's a 3D printer operation which makes me wonder about the end result.

    Has anyone brought em? If so could I see examples of the final products? Any over all thoughts on the quality? The Hyperion for instance looks like it is in a base, are they removable? Over all the more more info the better! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Famout
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    Constant disconnects anyone? (UK)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:14 PM PST

    Been happening for a few days now, mainly in the mornings every half hour or so. Internet is completely fine on my end, couple of other guys in my corp have been dealing with it too but there seems to be nothing said by CCP at all.

    submitted by /u/Screwdriver_man
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    Quick fix for EDECOM Ships. New single target gun/ammo without any extra graphical fireworks for fast implementation.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:53 AM PST

    This ship line have many issues, like the whole EDECOM plot.
    What i propose is not a solution but a quick fix for the current situation.

    So here it goes :

    • Create new gun for the ship line that can only attack single target. Only Faction variant.

      Assumption here is that we cannot simply move this effect to different ammo type. It don't have to be the Zappy gun even so no work on animation is required. 
    • Create new cheap ammo for this gun - only in faction variant

      No T1/T2 or SR/MR/LR variant to speedup the implementation. In order to create a niche for PVE and PVP : make it 90% thermal and 10% kinetic. Potential bonus to no cap usage for this gun Before people ask why this kind of split. It is good (not perfect) damage against triglavian ships that also don't share damage similar damage split with other ammo types. 

    Linking the EDECOM standings /LP? with the ability to acquire those guns and ammo can be considered as additional benefit.
    Outcome is a ship line that people can use in PVP and PVE that can be easily balanced using known mechanics.
    The "zappy" gun becomes on top of that kind of "offensive EWAR" that those ship can fit and utilize.

    We have a practically dead ship line.
    Instead of trying to balance the ship line over a weapon system with the unique mechanics lets create a 2nd new weapon system for them with minimal development cost that will make this ship line a viable for every day player.

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    Hard Knocks - Cap Killers

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:43 AM PST

    How to you survive Drainer Marshalls in the Abyss?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:17 PM PST

    So I recently Lost my Abyssal running Gila to the battleship DED room, and I can't really think of anything I could have done to escape it, I easily survived every other room in the T4 Abyss besides this one room, I spawned within 20km of the Marshall's, meaning running away was not an option, effectively killing me on the spot.

    The spawn was Drainer Marshall x 1 Disparity Marshall x 1 ThunderChild x 1 Pacifier x 5

    (This was done in a gamma abyssal site)

    What could I have done differently to survive this?

    submitted by /u/Lopyhupis
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    Can someone please explain why the Stormbringer is so crap?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:07 AM PST

    So, I was minding my own business testing out the Stormbringer in high sec, taking out combat sights. When a Gila fly's in and immediately gets hit by one of the chain lightnings. Next thing I know I'm losing my 1.5bil ship to CONCORD.

    So the damage output vs a single target is shit, and in terms of 5 target damage it's on par with my Jackdaw, so still shit for a cruiser size ship and the price to put a decent fit on it is absolutely dumb. Now you're telling me that even though I've done nothing wrong, I'm going to run the risk of losing this beautiful, dumb ship?

    Also yes I'm salty about this. There was no warning that this would hit other players. I'm getting sick of losing things to impossible gate camps, glitched NPC mining fleets, and now this!

    submitted by /u/Tankatraue2
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    Turbo miners 1nc - Is this the best troll ever?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:04 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Stumbled upon the gem on zkill and was wondering if anyone has the story on what happened here? I have many questions.

    Related Kills | J215930 | 2021-02-02 11:00 | zKillboard

    This is the kind of stuff that makes eve such a special game. So much work must of went into this...it must of been amazing to pull off.

    submitted by /u/Phat_P
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    Fraternity anchoring 2 new keepstars

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:54 AM PST

    18hours left of the new keepstars anchoring,do they want to take over the Eve server?
    M-O 4-HWWF systems.

    submitted by /u/solopvpishard
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    I think I stumbled upon a rare mating ritual happening

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:50 PM PST

    Hey is EVE Mon still a thing??

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:33 PM PST

    I have been trying to get EVEMon to work for the past month and seriously no luck, now I have started thinking if EVEMon has shut down or something, but that is not the case for a lot of ppl, so I thought I might come to Reddit and ask if the issue I am facing is just me doing it wrong or if there is a legitimate issue faced by some people.

    Anyways this is what's happening, I start EVE Mon and within a few seconds, it crashes or something like that and I get this pop-up, have tried older versions too and have the same issue( could be a computer issue, IDK )

    So if someone knows how to solve it pls do let me know :P

    ( The logs say that some other software is using EVEMon currently and so it cant use it rn, have tried it with EVE running and not running, not sure if that makes a difference but ya )


    submitted by /u/RsonyTTV
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    Crow and Raptor solo PvP - Fittings and commentary

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:15 AM PST

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