• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST


    Once a week we provide an additional space for Corps/Alliance to post recruitment, and for people looking for a Corp to sell themselves.

    Please consider in your post to include;

    • Area of space (NPC/Sov Null/ Wormhole/ Low/High sec)
    • Type of Corp (Indy/Small gang/F1 blob)
    • Main and active timezones
    • Any requirements of SP/Alts etc
    • Any external discord/website links

    You can also post your recruitment on /r/evejobs which is open for recruitment all week - however keep in mind you can only post a fresh thread there once your previous post is 7 days old.

    **Comments are in contest mode and so are not influenced by vote count**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - February 25, 2021

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 09:00 PM PST

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    CCPlease stop filling my inventory with garbage and acting like it's a reward!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:28 AM PST

    What a useful feature! Good use of dev time

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:10 PM PST

    Since the Rev was Nerfed for no apparent reason - can we talk about the cost of T2 Capital Armor Reps?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 01:59 PM PST

    There is a huge material imbalance between the Capital Shield Booster II and the Capital Armor Repairer II. The armor rep uses 10x as much Morphite as the shield booster - which accounts for over half of its build price. This is made worse by the fact that armor capitals typically require two reps, thus doubling the cost if one wants to use T2 modules.

    Capital Armor Repairer II - http://evepraisal.com/a/yvm1m Capital Shield Booster II - http://evepraisal.com/a/yvm1y

    If we compare subcap modules - we can see that the Large Armor Repairer II uses 8 Morphite, while its cousin the Large Shield Booster II only uses 6. (And the XL version only uses 9)

    Large Armor Repairer II: http://evepraisal.com/a/yvmdl Large Shield Booster II: http://evepraisal.com/a/yvmdr

    Seeing as with the current update everyone needs to refit their Revs, now might be a good time to address the cost disparity between shield and armor capitals.

    EDIT: Just to clarify - my concern here isn't so much that the modules are expensive (Although... seriously, they are pretty frigging pricy). Its that there's such a tremendous difference between armor and shield modules. It legitimately looks like CCP added a 0 to the build cost, and nobody called it out because Morphite was irrelevant for years.

    submitted by /u/ForsakenBob
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    Fraternity Invades Tribute - Colourized (2021)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 10:36 AM PST

    ashimmu in work

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:41 AM PST

    Warped Intentions "misplaced" four Fortizar

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:31 AM PST

    Reports just came in Init. scooped 4 Fortizars in Catch belonging to Warped Intentions.

    Two of them with core. All of them were fitted.

    During the last 24h Brave lost one TCU 1 jump from there staging and and an Ihub 3 jumps from staging.

    submitted by /u/globsch123
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    TTC war update - Snuff headquarters under siege

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:35 AM PST

    Minutes after the beginning of the war.

    The Snuff headquarters - the mighty Raitaru class Citadel 'TTT is next' is under siege by a overwhelming force of 4 Hound class stealth bombers, a Purifier and one Hecate class Tactical Destroyer from TEST.

    Will Snuff be able to withstand this relentless assault? Only time will tell!


    submitted by /u/somsedil
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    AAR-Dock Does Lonetrek

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 10:57 AM PST

    Bob Blessed Us With His Holes – Dock Does Lonetrek

    Once again, the gerbils have been at rest. Our lowsec villa recently put in a tiki bar, and the little guys cannot get enough of the jungle juice around Kourm. Every now and then we still venture outside of our animal retirement cage. In this case, we got wind of fun times occurring in the north.


    A few days ago, a battle report was linked in our coordination channel giving us a view into what looked like a fun time via a Fortizar timer. After a brief chat, sides were chosen, and we optimistically reached out to Rote with the offer to assist in defending their Fort. Our hosts graciously accepted this offer, and the fun began.

    What to bring? This became the question as we dove through a doctrine composition larger than that of a Cheescake Factory menu.

    While we genuinely love variety and crafting, we began to hone in on the doctrine we've established as "Old Faithful". Two years ago, a doctrine was trialed courtesy of one of our members, Coldheart, and its inaugural run was documented here. Zealots got some chuckles back then, but we continued to refine the doctrine's capabilities with support ships we felt would augment nearly any situation, apart from straight alpha, to our favor. The Old Faithful doctrine continues to be modified, and we felt it would work in our favor once more in this fight. At one point, we began contemplating a full deployment of the dread fleet, but due to some initial whispers in the wind, we decided to wussy out. We missed out on what surely would have been a fun yet non-productive dread brawl for us. More on this later.

    The Day of The Gerbil Is At Hand:

    A fog rolled in across the docks in the early morning hours, and we began the search for a wormhole. "Threshold! Take us to the threshold" yelled young Valasius. The specially trained prober gerbils were out looking for a highway from the Tiki Bar to the ass end of Lonetrek. When hope became lost, Bob answered. Bob, through his mysterious ways, giveth us a direct 2 wormhole chain to the target system from our home region. Our mid wh happened to be in the system WH-2EZ. Divine intervention at its best.

    It was fight time.

    Since our pings are about as secure as the US capitol, we gave some light misinformation right up to fleet time (Sorry boys no aridia structures to hit : [ ). The plan was revealed, and through Bob's holes we went. We nuked a ship or two on warp in as the enemies peeled off to regroup, and we tethered. A few minutes go by, and enemy TFIs warp within 40km.

    (Unfortunately, the calls for the fabled Narnia Maneuver fell upon empty ears as not all of us had gained tether. Aslan brought us to the wardrobe, but the way was shut.)

    We lose a few untethered logi while positioning for untether with our friends Rote. The go ahead is given, and we begin taking down enemy logi. Our logi gerbils, led galiantly by griz, continue to kite us perfectly while keeping the boys up. All goes well and we begin shredding TFI's. At this point, the heavens open and dreads begin to pour in over 100km from us. The slugfest had come. Snuffles and NSH begin dueling it out. Calls by Rote are given to their dread wing to reinforce the brawl. While we continue shredding subs, Rote drops into the fold. All is well for 30 seconds until the super hammer is dropped. At this point, we began to have the inkling that the dread war would be lost, but there was hope for the Fortizar. 27 Minutes had passed on the timer until the fort was paused by something we did not have the capability of clearing, the titan ball. We aided our friendly dreads in their battle until their numbers dwindled and survivors jumped out.

    We were back to chewing through subs while watching the fort slowly fade. To mix it up, we turned our attention to the rattle fleet. Val was heard chuckling as the first one to come across his sight for a broadcast was Wally. The tank was tested and proved to be strong enough to hold. So, we set the stopwatch and began churning through basis. "I want at least 10 killed in 3 minutes," shouted Alazaar. The fleet was all too happy to oblige (we got 11). Recognizing the time to extract was evident, we burned through the rattle fleets recon wing to secure a safe exit. Parting ways with Rote, we began our short journey home to garner more jungle juice and rest the gerbils for another few weeks.

    Battle Report


    Massive thank you to our fc team: Valasius, Alazaar, and Griz

    It was some of the smoothest comms we've had in some time, and some of the best supportive calls I've seen under such circumstances. Having Rote on comms with us as well made this a blast, and I must give props to their dread FC who flawlessly wove between our sub cap calls. It was a great effort, and a ton of fun. Furthermore, the IT department deserves some love in this one for keeping the comms server alive during a hell of a stress test. Thank you Dessix and Tuna for all you do.

    As always, I cannot thank NSH/Frat and any other baddies enough for the fight. Win or lose, these fights keep the thrill alive in EVE. The TIDI was a shame, but it happens. : ]

    submitted by /u/EveMelkie
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    Abyssal Siege Module with cloaking device is now considered as exploit.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 10:36 AM PST


    tfw calling your bad coding and lack of testing is exploit and blame players that using it.

    btw, there is another maybe bug or feature or exploit - abyssal siege doesn't consume strontium.

    submitted by /u/out_of_date
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    Nano - Noir. vs. Guardians of the Gate + The Celestial Empire

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:20 AM PST

    Since no one has posted an AAR yet... Aunenen Fort Hull Timer 2/24/21

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 09:52 AM PST

    BR: https://br.evetools.org/br/60368e19ed8590001b8c8f2b

    Editor's note: Rote Kapelle believe that NSH is offended by being referred to as WC. NSH is proud to represent their allies, so I will use Rote's naming convention. Note that's not an official NSH demonym.

    AAR: After the armor timer on the aunenen fort, which saw the fort RFed at the expense of the entire NSH dread bomb due to fort guns, Rote and WC were chomping at the bit for another great fight. WC formed two subcap fleets, with NSH in Rattlesnakes and all other WC in TFIs. They initially started by parking the two sub fleets on top of four supercarriers 500 kilometers off the fortizar. As the super fighters boated to the fortizar, they began getting annihilated by the fortizar's grams, prompting the TFI fleet to warp to the fort to cover the fighters. Having killed the grams, the WC TFI fleet returned to the supercarriers.

    At this point, local spiked by 60 as dockworkers entered system with a zealot fleet. They warped to the fort and started shooting fighters, requiring the WC supers to recall. With the fort unpaused, both WC subcap fleets warped to the fort.

    When NSH's snakes landed, a cyno decloaked and lit about 10k off. This cyno brought a 25 man TFI fleet from Snuffed Out, plus a half dozen faxes and a half dozen dreads. NSH replied with 10 dreads of their own, and after a couple more escalation waves, both sides had balled out with all their dreads.

    With all dreads on field committed, a WC cyno went up 100k off the dreadbrawl, bringing in the WC Supercapital fleet. Over the next two siege cylces, the supercap fleet traded favorably with the dreads, leading to an overall win for the WC caps despite the loss of many early WC nags and phoenixes.

    With the cap fight lost, the Snuff fleet, which was dependent on fax and dreads, left grid. During the cap fight, however, the Dock Workers zealots and Rote Kapelle sacs slaughtered NSH basis, which were unable to catch reps against 90 hacs. Consequently, NSH extracted their remaining basis and brought in a mino to stabilize until the grid was thoroughly cleared.

    With the Snuff, Dock Workers, and Rote cap and subcap fleets forced off grid, WC finished shooting the fort and brought in freighters and rorqs to loot the ~50b of loot and salvage left on the grid.

    Total damage was at about 130b for the attackers and 225b for the defenders.


    submitted by /u/throwawayEEleaks2
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    It is done.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:47 AM PST

    Watch a Merlin die inside for 4 minutes

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Why dont extra large armor repairers exist but shield ones do?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:54 PM PST


    I might be missing some balancing thing but anyone know why extra large armor reps dont exist, but we got extra large shield boosters? Always thought that shield boost ships could get a lot more maximum hp/s if they went full tank. Dont really see a reason why x-large armor reps shouldnt exist tbh.

    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    Demonstrating Golem shredding L4 missions

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:07 AM PST


    Here I show how well the new Golem (3k DPS) does in the L4 mission buzz kill. Always hated this mission because the assault cruisers you have to kill in this mission are quite tanky, and took forever in a rattlesnake. But the Golem really doesn't care and goes straight through!


    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    [SnuffedOut] Asian Wars: Crokite Warriors

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 10:46 AM PST

    AUDIO BUG: Ship Health Alert Warnings Not Playing

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:28 AM PST

    About a week ago I started getting a bug where sometimes my client wouldn't play my ships health alert warnings when I take damage leading to at least one loss of ship. I can still hear other sounds like explosions and things but it seems my ship sounds are muted. I have checked all my client audio settings and do not use/check the inactive client setting either. Has anyone else experienced this problem because I figure it can't just be me right?

    submitted by /u/Skylarkinz
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    EU Early evening fleet AAR

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Legacy flying muninns, and Panfam flying Munins and Skybreakers formed to entosis the top left pocket of Delve. Panfam dropped in entosis Fax, with Legacy having drakes and indy's.

    Goons had ceptors, damage and burst jammers, and a separate fleet of Muninns.

    There were 3 or 4 little skirmishes across the systems, Goons came out on top in the Isk war, but Papi held the field and reinforced all the ihubs.


    Good fight goonies

    submitted by /u/davet2345
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    .9 sec Overnight Mining

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:53 AM PST

    Is it safe to leave any random ship mining a massive asteroid while I sleep? Or is it likely that I haven't prepared for npc rats and pvp encounters?

    submitted by /u/gojirafeara
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    Can't see window after launch

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:23 PM PST

    Hi, After i launch and the eve online through steam when I hit the yellow play button to start the window no longer comes up. I'm Using eve-o preview normally. This issue started 2 days ago

    submitted by /u/jeowf
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