Eve Online Analysis of the active participants involved in player vs player activities in Eve Online |
- Analysis of the active participants involved in player vs player activities in Eve Online
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Analysis of the active participants involved in player vs player activities in Eve Online Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:59 PM PDT Author: Normann Tivianne Reviewed by: Aneu Angellus Abstract. This analysis examines the number of active PvP players for the parties involved in the current conflict in EVE Online. Activity numbers from the start of 2020 until March 2021 will be provided and subdivided by the involved parties including the techniques to gather and analyze them. It will be shown that the overall PvP activity for all of EVE Online is not affected by the war. Furthermore the PvP activity of each participant is not declining, neither on coalition nor on alliance level.
The number of people participating in Player vs Player (PvP) content can be used as an indicator for the overall health of the community for PvP driven games. This is true for the space-based, persistent world massively multiplayer online roleplaying game EVE Online. It will be shown how the latest changes to the game are affecting the PvP activity. Furthermore it will be shown that activity numbers are used as a propaganda method [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] and are wrongly interpreted. As of 05.07.2020 many players are participating in a war called World War Bee (WWB). In this war a coalition named PAPI or Blue Donut Coalition is assaulting The Imperium. It must be noted that the Author is part of The Imperium. Particular care is taken to ensure that all information in this article is true and is backed up with sources.
2.1. Assumptions and definitions. For this analysis some assumptions and definitions must be made. Only active PvP players will be counted. "active PvP players" will be defined as a player who can be found as an involved party on a killmail. Players who got killed and are not on any killmail as an involved party is not counted as "active". A "player" is every participant involved in killmails. Many people playing EVE Online have more than one account and are playing them the same time [14]. Every one of those accounts is counted as one player. 2.2. Source of data. All data used for this study is publicly available. The gathering is using two steps. First all public killmail identifiers were downloaded using the API of zKillboard. com. An API endpoint is provided as a dump feature for providing access to the history of all killmails contained within zKillboard. It can be accessed by using https://zkillboard.com/api/history/{date}.json with date in YYYYMMDD format. This was done for all dates between 06.01.2020 and 14.03.2021. In this time frame, 7878197 killmails were collected. With the assumption that all killmail ids are generated in ascending order it can be calculated that 73,56 % of all killmails in EVE Online are collected by zKillboard in this time frame. Secondly the API of EVE Online got accessed with the provided killmail id and killmail hash by zKillboard. This can be done by using following API endpoint: https://esi.evetech.net/latest/killmails/{killmail_id}/{killmail_hash}/. All information is stored in a MySQL Database for further processing. The database can be provided if requested. 2.3. Visualization and statistical methods. All data shown are collected with the method written above. Several methods got evaluated and a grouping of the data by week got chosen. All graphs have an abscissa with the date and the ordinate is showing the amount of unique active players in that period. The first day of a week is Monday. The data points are calculated for one week, but represented on the first day of a week. For a better visualization data points are connected with a line which is not indicating any other calculated data. Any data about activity changes purely on a week-to-week basis is statistically wrong and won't be covered by this article. The author of this article recommends that such analysis be entrusted to persons with appropriate training. All numbers are based on all regions of EVE Online. All information published here does not indicate any fleet participation numbers. 2.4. Participants of coalitions. For a better overview of the participants, data will be presented with the activity of the five major coalitions. The following tables 1 and 2 are showing the major participants of every involved coalition. The information is based on [13] and updated by the author. The alliances Red Alliance, Siberian Squad and MIDAS 22 are not counted towards any coalition in any state of the war since they switched sides.
3.1. Overall PvP activity in EVE Online. Figure 1 is showing the overall PvP activity of all players of EVE Online. As you can see, there is no extraordinary change in the activity since the start of the war. A period of lower activity can be found during December 2020 which is also the holiday season and the Christmas truce which got announced by most coalitions involved in the war [15]. There is a time of higher activity from March to May 2020. This is correlating with the first lock down of the Covid-19 pandemic. Figure 1. overall PVP activity of all players of EVE Online 3.2. Activity by the coalition. Figure 2 is showing the active players per major coalition. For four major participants in the war we see activity spikes along with major battles. The start of the war is especially visible at the activity of the Imperium, Panfam and Legacy. Also quite notable is the very low activity before the start of the war for these three. The second activity spike can be seen for the first PAPI Keepstar in the system FWST-. It must be noted that no killmail was generated for the FWST- and other Keepstars which reduces the counted number of Imperium players for these fights. The third spike is found around the new year of 2020/2021. It was this time the battle over the M2- Keepstar took place. Imperium numbers reached an all time high. An uptick is also found for Panfam, Legacy and Winter, but not for Fire. This fight is know as the biggest Titan clash in EVE Online [16] and also for the server instability during the second structure timer [17]. The missing uptick for Fire indicates low participation of capital ships in this fight, since those ships are only used in special circumstances. It must be noted that at the second structure timer most PAPI players were not able to participate in the fight and are missing as active players. The same can be said for many Imperium players. In the following weeks, the impact of the end of the M2- Keepstar can be discussed, but for now the data is not conclusive. Figure 2. Activity by the coalition 3.3. Activity by the major alliance. In figure 3 the activity is broken down per major alliance. The activity of the Goonswarm Federation (GSF) is closely tied to the overall activity of the Imperium since the majority of players of this coalition are in this alliance. The only difference can be found at the start of the war where the second largest alliance in The Imperium, The Initiative, contributed a significant amount of 1353 active players. After the loss of the region Fountain four of their corporation joined the Goonswarm Federation [18]. After this event there is no significant change in the overall activity of The Initiative to be found. For all other alliances, no major change in the overall activity can be found. Notable is the huge activity gain of the Goonswarm Federation between the already mentioned Christmas Truce and the first battle of M2-. GSF gained 90 % more active players in these two weeks with an all time high of 4633 active players. The reason for this increase and the all-time high is the usage of Super and Titan class ship. All PAPI alliances were able to use those ships during the siege of structures. The Goonswarm Federation and the other Imperium members were not able to do so and those player numbers can't be found on killmails. Figure 3. Activity by major alliance
It can be concluded that every activity point based on killmails is beneficial for groups who use their Super and Titan class ships. The active number advantage of PAPI forces over The Imperium is substantial for situations when The Imperium can't use capital class ships. It must be stated again that all numbers are for all regions of EVE Online. Contrary to public opinion there is no decline in activity numbers for all involved coalitions to be found. Neither is the PVP activity in EVE Online reduced during the war. There is only the indication that the PvP activity of Pandemic Horde, TEST and Northern Coalition is rising in the last four weeks, but the pvp activity of Brave does not show an increase. This can not only be explained by the lack of Super and Titan class ships in that alliance. A deeper analysis of this matter needs to be done in the future. References [1] NedFlanders900, 32 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 13.03.2021 [2] NedFlanders900, 30 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 27.02.2021 [3] NedFlanders900, 21 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 26.12.2020 [4] NedFlanders900, 18 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 04.12.2020 [5] NedFlanders900, 16 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 20.11.2020 [6] NedFlanders900, 14 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 06.11.2020 [7] NedFlanders900, "Their numbers continue to drop, ours are steady!" - The Martini, Reddit, 31.10.2020 [8] NedFlanders900, 12 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 23.10.2020 [9] NedFlanders900, 10 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 10.10.2020 [10] NedFlanders900, 12 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 24.09.2020 [11] NedFlanders900, 6 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 10.09.2020 [12] NedFlanders900, 4 weeks of war - The big Six (!) Zkill activity numbers, Reddit, 27.08.2020 [13] Chuggi, Rischwa Amatin EVE Coalitions, Website, http://coalitionsin.space/ , 15.03.2021 [14] CCP Quant, At Least We Know How Many Alts There Are, Reddit, 15.03.2021 [15] Gray Doc, Christmas Truces in History, imperium.news, , 22.12.2020 [16] Lee Yancyc, Both Sides Claim Victory In Massive EVE Online Battle, kotaku.com, 01.01.2021 [17] EVE Development Team, The Second Timer in M2-XFE, eveonline.com, 05.01.2021 [18] Dotlan,The Initiative corporations, dotlan.net, 16.03.2021 PDF Version: https://puu.sh/HqWN0/49cdd984ca.pdf [link] [comments] |
Your Meta Show TL;DR for 3-20-21 Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:12 PM PDT Mittens brought his Anderson Cooper glasses again. Facts incoming. Red dots were a big deal. Brisc is the red dot hero. Taking a year and a half to get a check box installed demonstrates the value of the CSM. Multiple clones in a station will reduce structure spam and lead to more expensive clones going boom. Battleships got a temporary sig reduction module. Battleships are back? CCP only nerfs stuff when Imperium does it, not when pubbies do. Eat my ass pisspi losers. Imperium treats their allies better than Legacy does. Imperium is winning everywhere but Delve. Legacy is Failcascading. Warped Intentions, Requiem and RR aren't getting any sov. Brave only got Ghetto Querious Imperium is going to fight for Delve to the last ship. Asset Safety be damned. Nevermind the Keepstars dying. We're just waiting for the right moment to kill all of your supers. Legacy alliances are boot licking vasal pets. Legacy is the new BoB. You don't have 1000 Titans. Our space dick is bigger than yours. PAPI members are spineless shitty people, and we're not. Legacy isn't going to have all the space like PGL said back in December. One more hour of your life saved. This public service announcement has been brought to you by CSM, makers of Glacial Spot Remover, guaranteed to remove even the toughest spots in as little as 18 months. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:48 PM PDT |
Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:36 PM PDT |
Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:43 AM PDT |
Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:21 PM PDT |
When It's Gone-The Beacon Provides Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:59 PM PDT |
Goons get the uneven numbers fight they deserve Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:49 PM PDT https://br.evetools.org/br/6056a4e119edce00135447bd AAR: Both sides formed for the UEXO ihub. PAPI Subcaps caught a goon Muninn fleet on the UEXO gate in GY6. PAPI drops HAW Dreads and Carriers. Goons attempt to retreat. PAPI is able to hold them down with bubbles and webbles while slaughtering them as they attempt to escape. Ihub timer soon to be secured. edit: Ihub secured, additional feeds ongoing, BR updated. [link] [comments] |
some wallpaper worthy screenshots from 2018 Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:34 PM PDT |
Amarr viability with a mostly pve focus? Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:19 PM PDT Hi! Was thinking of starting to play again and always absolutely adored the visual style of amarr ships but have heard they are iffy to use in pve so I'm wondering how viable are they in a scenario where you mostly want to do pve with some side pvp? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:53 PM PDT Who's DJ and why is everyone opposed to his retirement? [link] [comments] |
Friendship Week 2021 - Now with 15% OFF 12 month Omega. Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:44 PM PDT |
Why are stuff from corporate hangars dropping instead of going into asset safety? Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:18 PM PDT |
Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:48 PM PDT Anyone else just hear a massive amount of Idle stargate humm but extremely loud? Only thing I can do is advanced audio settings > atmosphere and set to 0. but obviously this kills some other cool background sounds. I know, eve has sound? Well, yeah, I enjoy it, or did, until all I can hear is booming stargate noises :/ [link] [comments] |
ok. im a idiot. where do i search for faction in game Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:05 PM PDT |
Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:53 AM PDT Hey folks, I played eve for a year or so back in 2015, and have considered diving back in a few times since however I log on and everything is just so 'eve' and my brain hurts and I log off again. I'd love to get back in without starting fresh so I can utilise all the time that's been put into my main, is there any suggestions of ways I can ease myself back in safely?? TIA [link] [comments] |
Has there ever been a wealth fund in a corp???? Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:00 PM PDT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_wealth_fund I feel like in a hardcore market based economy like eve has, a wealth fund could be an extremely useful way for any decently sized corp to make a lot of money for structure fuel/upkeep, 100+% SRP, and possibly even a UBI. Has this ever been done before? [link] [comments] |
Carrier, Supercarrier Ratting Profit Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:35 AM PDT I started to ratting with carrier. Historical videos show that carrier earn around 60 mil per tick and supercarrier earn around 120 mil per tick. But I heard that there is a NSA nerf, an additional about carrier, after that. How much isk can i earn now? [link] [comments] |
I need yall to answer a question Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:44 PM PDT I need to know which standard frigate has the most medium power slots. going to increase my trig standings and i need this answered [link] [comments] |
Federation Day Grand Prix --- Stunning memorial Visuals Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:16 PM PDT |
Agent #211 - Tru Banks - Picking on betas Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:09 PM PDT |
Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:53 AM PDT you don't know me, so there's not really anything to back these suggestions up. cheers
Those are some of my thoughts. In case y'all might be wondering, these changes do not benefit me at all. I'm terrible at flying. My FW toon is Cinske Ostus. [link] [comments] |
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