• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 10, 2021

    Eve Online CCP knew just the right time to implement Expert Systems...

    Eve Online CCP knew just the right time to implement Expert Systems...

    CCP knew just the right time to implement Expert Systems...

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:50 PM PST

    I drew a sorta funart: Mira, Sisters of EVE

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:50 AM PST

    Fifth Goon Supercarrier jumps to AJI-MA beacon. The Beacon Provides ��

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:13 PM PST

    In its infinite charity, the PAPI Coalition set up a cyno beacon in AJI-MA in Delve - within jumprange of Imperium staging - and configured it such that anyone may jump to it.

    Starving for kills from a tethered Imperium, the People of TEST once against beseeched The Beacon of AJI-MA for nourishment. As it always has and always will, The Beacon provided:

    Nasha Natali's Wyvern Loss worth 34.64 bn - https://zkillboard.com/kill/91307046/

    This is the fifth Imperium supercarrier to answer the siren's call of The Beacon.

    Some fun stats. The beacon has claimed:

    • Five supercarriers (139.84 bn)
    • Two force auxiliaries (4.08 bn)
    • Twenty-three carriers (one TEST) (69.29 bn)
    • Nine dreadnaughts (two TEST) (35.97 bn)
    • Four jump freighters (65.44 bn)
    • Three rorquals (24.91 bn)

    ...for a total content generated of 46 capital and supercapital kills worth 339.53 bn ISK.

    The Beacon Provides 🙏

    Edit: data here

    submitted by /u/tony-mke
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    Way to Bury the Lead, CCP

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:32 PM PST

    Today marks the release of the single most important change to EVE online in the past decade. This revolutionary idea will improve this game to a degree that we may not fully comprehend for years to come.

    "Added functionality that, when failing to warp, the ship will now stay aligned and at full speed."

    Edit - I am willing to concede that, as an expression specific to journalism, the use of the journalistic jargon lede would be more appropriate. However, like many people after this change, you're kind of missing the point.

    submitted by /u/g_hollis
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    Chribba Monument

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:20 AM PST

    Goodbye Israd :(

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:07 PM PST

    I’m disappointed in all y’all.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PST

    It has been hours and i have not seen a single penis or dickbutt fleet formation screenshot yet.

    What the fuck are you all up to?!?

    submitted by /u/thereal_eveguy
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    anyone else notice the new skins CCP snuck in? possible twitch goodies?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:49 PM PST

    Dr. Mibbles too scared to accept Vily's offer to appear Trash Talk Tuesday and back up his shit talk in T5Z local chat.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:12 PM PST

    anyone elses' eve running like complete shit since the last patch?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:05 PM PST

    holy fuck i run 10 accounts and they'll randomly start blowing chunks out the ass until i relog, wtf ccp

    can anyone also chime in me and 3 other ppl are having issues, please fucking post in here if you notice issues too so ccp can fix it now instead of 8 months from now

    submitted by /u/spodumaincumdrain
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    Querious - Imperium vs Legacy (7th March 2021) Brilliant fight, lessons learnt, first time dropping dreads for FC.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:10 AM PST

    Official licenced eve online pc gaming case by commadore gaming. As soon as I find a box big enough will be on ebay. Due to age has taken a few knocks but overall good condition

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:11 AM PST

    Mobile Cynosural Beacons : add them to your overview

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 09:40 AM PST

    CCP has added the Mobile Cynosural Beacon into game. It is not in your custom overview.

    It's available in Overview settings (hamburger next to overview in the top left), Deployable, Mobile Cynosural Beacon. I recommend adding it to any tab that has mobile cyno jammers. Hit save at the top after you update it. If you don't add it to overview, you might not notice it. More importantly, if deployed off grid, it doesn't show up on your overview until it's activated in system. You could be in danger of hot drops from these.

    General details on the structure: It takes 2 minutes to online, lasts an hour, 400 m^3 in size, is 30k HP (so like a cruiser hitpoints and signature with a low shield recharge rate), costs around 23 mil to build, and is based off a BPC that uses both minerals and PI that is larger than the object by a lot. So a Hecate could fit this in cargo, drop it someplace, and then big things could come in 2 minutes later. Works nearly everywhere low and null. Can't deploy inside pos or 10km off a beacon, but easy on structures and gates. It's easy to deploy, Anchoring 3, so expect these to get spammed a lot. Must be in your fleet, so still have to join the fleet to use them.

    I run an overview pack, which I have updated already. To get it, details are in my bio in game under Kismeteer. https://imgur.com/a/j3Lev to reverse out of using it, can just go to overview settings, history, and go back to your previous overview.

    submitted by /u/goninzo
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    ElitistOps set to leave Goonswam Federation

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:59 AM PST

    The elite PVP group, ElitistOps, is set to leave GSF.

    The failure cascade begins. Goon alt makers are going to be up for hours creating 160 alt accounts to mask their member loss.

    submitted by /u/VentureBrusier98772
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    Crazy First week back to EO after 4+ years of not playing.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PST

    CVA no shows to citadel anchoring next to their home staging. GF Shadow Cartel

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Vily toying with the new warps, on a super fleet in M2.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:36 PM PST

    Expert Systems - Zero Transparency

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:56 AM PST

    So CCP just launched this controversial feature and I thought I'd take a look to see what you even get from these packs.


    When going to the store to look at the options there is no further information other than the text. For Core Ship Operations it is "Boost your essential flying skills." What does that even mean? What skills are you getting? What level would they be at? The Explorer and Operator ones after are just as vague. Do you get to use T2 exploration modules on these ships? Is the ORE Barge T1 or are T2 exhumers available? The actual purchase screen gives no additional details either.

    Literally no information is given on fitting suggestions from these systems which is what new players would absolutely need. Do the players get a free first ship from the system? Seems like a trick to bait players into staying the 7 days to buy the ships they purchased the temporary skills for.

    This seems like another half-baked attempt by CCP to turn Eve into an MTX mobile game. Seems like a huge hit and miss but we'll see if new players are baited into it.

    submitted by /u/Elowenn
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    Federation Grand Prix Billboard Ad

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:59 AM PST

    CPU usage issues after DT\patch

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:50 AM PST

    Logged in after downtime, a bunch of accounts all docked in station, minimised clients.
    CPU usage is 10-15% per client instead of around 1.5% per client
    Work-around - initiate a session change on each client (change ship for instance) and minimise. CPU drops back down to 1.5% per client.
    /edit - fix doesn't persist. Back to 10-15% CPU after 10 mins
    /edit2 - doesn't need a session change, do anything in the client and minimise reduces cpu but only for 10 mins
    /edit3 - I'm using more cpu minimised than fullscreen lol

    submitted by /u/SabersKunk
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    Single Character Perspective of the War and Eve

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:42 PM PST

    I returned to Eve in June of 2020 after a nearly 6 year hiatus. I had previously played Eve mostly as a high sec care bear and dabbled in null sec towards the end of my previous game time. I had wisely sold all my assets and bought PLEX (back when 1 PLEX = 1 month) and managed to make a sizable profit when I returned. After I sold my ISK, I had around 10B liquid to play with.

    I decided to rejoin the Imperium as I had heard stories about them having the best logistics which is a big deciding factor for me because I am a single character player (no, my Reddit account is not the same name as my ingame character). It seems a single character player is a rarity, especially among the more successful players. Upon my return, my main sources of income was ratting in a Domi, doing a bit of exploration and the occasional mining op. When the war started, it was a blast, gave me something to do - but ISK making became problematic. So it forced me to dabble in industry, which once again, as a single character player is not an easy task. Luckily, the Imperium had the perfect setup to make this work. Soon, I was making decent ISK and able to fund anything I could want to do.

    I soon found the downside of being a single character player began to out way the fun of playing. I realized my various goals I was setting for myself were either being phased out of the game or not practical. I finally trained to be able to carrier rat and then ESS changes along with the war makes that not practical. I bought all the skill books to begin training for a Rorqual when further changes meant that didn't make sense anymore. Everyone seems to know you don't bother training your main into capitals because subcapitals are typically more needed than capitals in fleet fights - so no sense in training into a dread, super or titan.

    So now I am sitting here, on what is likely the losing end of the war (I know it isn't over yet, but the odds aren't in our favor, let's just be honest). My play style simply does not seem compatible with the majority of other alliances or an alliance that is homeless. And so I have come to the realization that this game really has nothing more to offer me. Every time I consider something to do I feel hamstrung by being a single character player. I don't have the benefits of my own logistics chain and I don't have the benefits of scale and quite frankly, don't want this game to become a full time job.

    I am sure much to the delight of our opposing PAPI forces, I recognize it has come to the end. I am not sure I would honestly feel much better if we were on the winning side, perhaps, but it just feels extra shitty to have been taken out by the entire game - countless fights with just crazy numbers of enemies and really no way to defend against it. I don't blame PAPI either, it was in each alliances best interest to join together to take out the top dog and perhaps it should be a position of honor for Imperium that it basically took the entire game to get us to this point. But anyway, I sit here looking at what I could or should do. I am sitting on nearly 20B in BPOs, around 35B in liquid ISK and realize I just don't even know what to do. Assuming we lose the war, I will have no practical way to restart my industry. And so, as I shut down my small time manufacturing operations and sell my assets, I will continue to join fleets until whatever end is coming, but will likely decide to finally win Eve at the conclusion.

    TL/DR: Being a single character sucks and the game is built for those who have multiple characters. War was fun but now puts me in a position of no options, so I will most likely quit Eve at the conclusion of the war.

    submitted by /u/ChaoticRambo
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    For The Spectrum Users Out There...

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:55 AM PST

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