• Breaking News

    Monday, March 29, 2021

    Eve Online Could have been a learning experience

    Eve Online Could have been a learning experience

    Could have been a learning experience

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    The Silk Road, only one jump away.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    A service is now open to Imperium pilots who wish to leave the warzone. By contacting one of our officers, we can give you access to our keepstar chain so that you may evacuate your belongings all the way to lowsec or wherever you may wanna go. Note that this offer does no require you staying in PAPI after you no longer need the ACLs. How does it work? Firstly do not leave your current corporation. You will only leave your corp after your first jump. By adding you to the keepstar ACL, we can easily help you cyno your supers from keepstar to keepstar safely. After that, you may switch corporation as you like. For more details see below:

    1) Contact any of the people below using discord:

    Noraus - Noraus#7852 Hedliner - Hedliner#2262 Lady Scarlet - LadyScarlet#5038 Vily - Vily#4141 RDMR - rdmr#4790 Jax Khema - Jax Khema#1246

    2) The people above will then contact Noraus, vouching for you.

    3) We add said pilots to ACL

    4) The pilot Meelah Ra will cyno them into one of the papi keepstars.

    5) Jump to the keep; dock immediately; switch corp; relog.

    6) Strictly follow the order in 5), we don't take liability if people fail to comply.

    7) ACL is purged every calendar day then process will have to be redone from 2).

    Note: The offer is always free. Anyone asking for financial favor is a scam.

    submitted by /u/TurbulenceZERO
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    With whooshing animated tail and whiskers that ruffle like in a breeze when the ship is moving

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    "We want to make industry easier to understand" - CCP

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    How to kill a Fort without feeding 50 Machariels every timer

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    BR: https://zkillboard.com/related/30002540/202103290300/

    killmails still loading


    With RC being risk averse as always it was time to set up for another fight in USTZ, the only time they'd feel confident to drop caps instead of feeding subcaps. They dropped a Fort on our staging Forts grid in Lantorn and bridged in their Machariel fleet starting a brawl with our sleep deprived TFIs.

    Immediately dreads loaded grid with their fleet, ours logged in, jumped and a few seconds later dreads were dying left and right. With the dreadbrawl slowly turning into our favour, supers and Titans logged in to join the battle a minute later.

    With the subs holding down most dreads, we cleaned the caps before forcing off the subs and killing the Fort.

    https://down.loaded.ie/XlOPmDoj.gif Rocket X could not yet be reached for further comment

    GF and my Titan didn't even bump this time

    submitted by /u/Yonis_Pserad
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    CCPlease can charges default to the ship cargo hold when removed?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    Instead of charges being placed in the station inventory when docked, can charges be placed in the ship cargo hold?

    Ideally, if they could stack with other ammo of the same type, similar to the scan probes (thank you so much for that update!), that would be awesome too.

    Just trying to save some clicks!

    submitted by /u/dexx26
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    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    Obviously CCP act like its not even their fault

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    Hey Imperium

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Hey /u/DarkShinesInit the top of zkill **is** looking pretty nice

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:44 AM PDT

    What pill would you have taken?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    PAPI and friends successfully anchor about 50+ structures in 1dq! [Black Omega Security isn't recruiting, Dreddit is though!]

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    A cautionary tale about flying jump freighters.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    XVIII - The Moon (7G-QIG)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    FUN inc turns 3!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Yet another milestone for the F.U.N.nest NPSI group.... our 3rd Birthday!!

    Without further ado...I am super proud to announce the first annual FUN week!

    There is NPSI content going out every evening this week in celebration of our 3rd Birthday / Anniversary!

    Also - please watch out for some impromptu stuff during the day... There may be the odd last minute fleet posting!

    We've got a Newbro roam, a guest FC yeet & brawl, an assault frigate roam, a small gang Party of 5 PVP competition, and not one, but two ShrinkWrapped combat inty Party ... one for when we hit the 300BN isk destroyed, and one for the 3rd Anniversary roam ...

    there will be prizes, there will be giveaways, there will be FC bingo, but one thing is for sure.... there will be FUN!

    Don't forget to jump on discord check #fwend-planned-ops⏰ & #npsi-rocks for all the details!

    Expect explosions, expect kills.. expect FUN! More details of all the fleets this week.. and indeed in forthcoming weeks can be found at the NPSI community gateway! https://www.ebwf-eve.online/npsicalendar

    submitted by /u/keacte
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    Full House

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Gas market

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    So is it true there's a new update which will give gas a higher value or is that just a rumor? I'm trying to decide if I should stock up and then sell when it jumps. As an alpha, it's my best way of making isk right now

    submitted by /u/Rc620
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    Saga of Slavback Big Baals

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    There once was a warrior, his name engraved into the sands of time by the legend known only as Dolore Tormento. His name was Slavback Big Baals, this is his story.


    This above is the 39P constellation, currently losing it's keepstars to the passpi panzies. Every system is under a cyno jammer and it is virtually impossible for goonswarm to stage capitals inside of this constellation to contest any keepstars. This was until Slavback Big Baals made his plan.

    The system at the top right, 4O-239 is unjammed, if someone wished to stage capitals the only viable way is the kill jammers inside the constellation or take the infrastructure hubs. Slavback Big Baal's plan was simple, cyno into 4O-239, and take gates in the constellation in order to single-handedly keep enemy FCs forming fleets to maintain control over the constellation. This is what the execution of that plan looked like:

    Moving a cyno into position a falcon is caught by two hecates in a drag bubble in T-M0FA, 1 jump away from the target system of 4O-239. Slavback Big Baals resolved to light the cyno on the falcon and take the extra gate in order to spare his cyno, this was successful: https://zkillboard.com/kill/91700612/

    Once the cyno was safe in a station in 4O-239, Slavback Big Baals began his journey into the constellation starting with 39P-1J, the ancestral home of Karmafleet. Upon gating into the system there were 20+ hostiles in system, suspecting that the dinos had caught word of his arrival he quickly began to move toward NIDJ-K where Slavback would stage his thanatos, the warp was long from gate to gate but Slavback's Baals were big, the dino dics were not. In a hasty jump the thanatos would jump into the target system of NIDJ-K

    Finally, in the target system the thanatos began it's warp toward the keepstar, with the assistance of a small mainfleet bomber force they began to draw the hostiles attention toward the system, https://zkillboard.com/related/30004769/202103250700/

    The hostiles kept control over the system and the mainfleet bombers left, but Slavback stayed and waited, once the hostiles had grown confident that they had won the day they went home, but Slavback did not. Time passes and the thanatos undocks from the keepstar once more to began hammering away at the cyno jammer as a fellow goon joins the team, Savage Bagel in a hecate runs counter-support to keep the fighters safe from hostile interference. In order to try and avoid forming a fleet to contest only two hostiles enemy FCs worked together in a small gang to try and bring down Slavback Big Baals and his sidekick, Savage Bagel. The reports speak for themself: https://zkillboard.com/related/30004769/202103250900/

    The hostile FCs gave up and began to form two fleets once again to save their precious cyno jammer in order to make sure the keepstar in NIDJ-K could not be defended, once scouted there was no reasonable way the fleets would make it to the system fast enough to kill either Savage Bagel or Slavabck Baal before they were docked in the keepstar safe from enemies. The hostile fleets jumped into system to seemingly fight... nothing. However they knew if they left immediately that the cyno jammer would be finished so they had to wait for it to repair, once this 15 minute repair cycle was complete they would be free to go home.

    Several hours later the sleeping thanatos would awaken once more to harass the very same cyno jammer, this time it was 8 hours before the NIDJ-K keepstar would come out of reinforce so it is an utmost priority of the enemies to defend it, so naturally their response was swift, they cycled the jammer off for 2 minutes after forming approximately 150 carriers that would wait in that system for 8 hours to reinforce the armor on an undefendable keepstar. Slavback Big Baals had drawn the enemies in one last time for an 8 hour long standoff where one man kept the entirety of papi busy for nearly an entire day using only his Baals.

    submitted by /u/Dolore_Tormento
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    Suggestion: Quality of Life Planetary Interaction Change

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Meme Monday, no comment needed

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    why can I launch an alpha and an omega at the same time?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    did they change the rules? if not then that's a good way to get banned right?

    submitted by /u/cluntstevens
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    Eve online: Resurrection

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    A snack this good? Almost put me off my Sunday roast

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    XIX supers were out running incursions in Insmother, Darkside had the grid and we formed kiki's to support their legion fleet. After quickly dismantling the supers we were chased off by hostile Munins, but managed to scamper away unscathed. Gf's to all involved.

    Thanks to Darkside for putting the meat on the table.

    Battle Report Tool (evetools.org)

    submitted by /u/Senzatii
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    ATTN: Legacy Members with Assets in Abandoned Regions - Evac Assets from TEST and Brave Structures ASAP

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    To all former Legacy inhabitants of the now abandoned regions of Catch, Immensea, Impass, Tenerifis, Feythabolis, and Omist:

    If you have assets in any TEST or Brave structures in those regions, evacuate those assets ASAP or move them to asset safety. If you thought the worst case scenario was your assets ending up in asset safety when those structures were unanchored or destroyed, I'm afraid TEST has other plans.

    During our recent glassing of Impass a number of Legacy parties approached The Initiative and our friends with proposals to sell structures before their scheduled demolition date. One evening, a TEST representative showed up in local in our staging system with an urgent matter asking to be put in contact with Bad Dodger, leader of Red Alliance.

    Now that a few weeks have passed, I can share the following conversation from local chat with you:

    [ 2021.03.17 19:43:03 ] Thugseidon > Arragh online or he go to bed?

    [ 2021.03.17 19:45:16 ] Thugseidon > if u guys could tell em the deal went through ith the YALR-F fort and to DM me please

    [ 2021.03.17 19:45:29 ] Thugseidon > erm convo in game i mean

    [ 2021.03.17 19:46:06 ] pearcy15504 > Thaty Fort dies in a couple hours lol

    [ 2021.03.17 19:46:14 ] Thugseidon > 9 hours

    [ 2021.03.17 19:46:44 ] Thugseidon > we had a plan to make it go abandoned just let em know it went through

    The YALR Fortizar in question was destroyed a few hours later.


    If you are not overly familiar with the mechanics, it may appear TEST with the consent of Brave was looking to transfer a structure they don't intend to defend to recover some value, but it's a bit more nefarious.

    When a structure becomes abandoned, it becomes a loot piñata. When destroyed, all assets in that structure including personal hangers drop and become lootable. From another abandoned Fortizar in Impass, INIT looted approximately 200b isk worth of assets from personal hangers. TEST's offer to Legacy's enemies was: pay us, and in exchange, we'll let the Fortizar go abandoned and you can loot the personal hangers of our coalition members.

    As previously stated, Initiative policy is any structure with a Legacy ticker dies, so you can be reassured we will not accept any deals which lines the pockets of TEST and Brave leadership at the expense of Legacy line members, however, we cannot guarantee such deals will not or have not already taken place with any other parties. Please make sure your own assets are safe, or not, if you truly believe your coalition leaders have your best interest in mind.

    tldr; Evac your stuff or TEST will sell it to your enemies.

    submitted by /u/mauricesoult
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