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    Tuesday, March 30, 2021

    Eve Online The current state of WWBII (Shitpost alert)

    Eve Online The current state of WWBII (Shitpost alert)

    The current state of WWBII (Shitpost alert)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Goonswarm: "Hey Papi, look at all your regions we are burning.. haha"

    Papi: "Don't care, we said we were moving out"

    Also Papi: "Hey Goons, look at all your regions we are burning.. haha"

    Goons: "Don't care, we said we were staying in 1dq"

    I just summed up 2 months for you. You're welcome.

    submitted by /u/Prometheus_Aeon
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    J122728 Spike Ball Home Defense AAR

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    Greetings Friends,

    CEO of Be Nice Inc. of the Prismatic Legion alliance here.

    On Wednesday a group of folks from Hard Knocks and Ugandan Death Squad arrived in our wormhole with the intent to evict us. This was not unexpected: evictions are inevitable in wormhole space and we have been living out here long enough to attract the attention. We have been preparing for the possibility for months by building capitals and logoff freighters, and bringing in a substantial cache of cruise missile Praxes. We had already seen the cruise Praxis defense doctrine firsthand at the fight between Hole Control and Outfoxed and it worked quite well there. We also flip our fortizar and make a point to buy assets from inactive members before we remove them so our structures just aren't very big pinatas, so we're arguably not a very desirable target for an isk-motivated eviction.

    When they arrived we decided to dock/cloak up, observe them, and avoid getting podded (mixed success on that one) while we reached out to our allies. There was a frigate hole to null-sec in our home when they took hole control. That it was there meant we could batphone all the people in J-Space we wanted as long as we had enough ships to hand out to whoever came since they'd be coming in frigates. We figured doing that would probably push our evictors to bring more people in though. It was also end-of-life so the attackers could have waited until it expired to show themselves, so we suspected they actually wanted us to bring more people in. We decided to just use the hole to get our members stuck outside the hole back in, as well as our friends from TURBO and Outfoxed. We asked several other groups to be ready to burn over later depending on how many the evictors brought if we got an entrance.

    Our friends made a case for fighting the evictors on the reinforcement of our fortizar's shields instead of waiting for a later timer but before the enemy started to reinforce it Outfoxed all had to bail so they could defend their home from a Wormpilled fleet that showed up in their system. It was inconvenient timing but we understood that Outfoxed had to bounce and we opted to wait for a better moment to fight.

    The evictors maintained hole control, but we did manage to get a group of people through in an unexpected way. An Astero pilot from our C3 static got rolled in with us and the evictors let it go out the new static. Since they left that C3 via k-space, we reached out and asked them to give us the name of the system they just exited into. They agreed to help us and that made it much easier to slip past the enemy doorstops. TURBO brought in a few more folks along with a group from OMGGF to replace Outfoxed: 15 interceptors in total. Our leadership team kept their approach strictly need-to-know just in case we had a spy, so our members were a bit surprised when blues started jumping through the hole they were observing.

    At this point we were settling in for a few days of eviction; mainly just hanging out, watching our evictors, and occasionally flinging rolling sigils at the wormholes to screw with the mass. A few more folks filtered in to join the evictors including a few from LAZERHAWKS. One of us fell for the old "invite to fleet" trick and got her Loki blapped and podded. As if that wasn't bad enough, the next day I made the mistake of sitting on the undock of our Fortizar while I was alt-tabbed out until I suddenly heard the start of a combat timer. My main was 12k off the Fort undock and blowing up in my Stiletto. They very generously opted not to pod me. We all vowed to stop making silly mistakes.

    We continued to reach out to locals in our statics to see if we could get another entrance to bring a couple more people in. We managed to find more sympathetic folks who tried to help us but the C3s kept getting rolled before we could use the entrances we got. In the meantime, some of our allies were running locator agents on the enemy scouts to follow them into our home.

    We debated whether we should try and make a play for hole control, wait for the hull timer or take the fight at the armor timer. We went with our original armor timer plan for a few reasons:

    1. It seemed like the evictors really wanted a big weekend fight instead of a smaller weeknight fight, possibly because it can be easier to muster more people on the weekend. We on the other hand were motivated to defend our home and ready to, even on a Thursday night.
    2. We felt having fewer numbers on both sides would benefit us. It adds weight to our cap advantage and it means we have extra ships to hand out when people need to reship instead of just one ship for each pilot who came. Since our Praxes had escape frigates there was a good chance our people would get to reship before they got podded.
    3. Fighting on a structure instead of making a play for hole control gives us the benefit of the structure's paint and webs to help with cruise missile application, as well as making it possible for our capitals to de-aggress and re-tether or dock up if things got too hot.

    So we took the fight on the armor timer. The enemy brought Ikitursas, Guardians, Legions, Devoters, Zarmazds, and a Monitor of all things. We undocked a giant spiky ball of Praxes with our command ships, a handful of Scorpions and our FAXes. (D-Scan looked like this). Shortly after the fleets engaged, our scanner flung his rolling alt at our C3 static to crush it so we could scan out an entrance for reinforcements and we undocked our carriers.

    Between all of our Fortizar's EWAR and the guidance computers on the Praxes, the cruise missiles applied almost all of their damage to the Ikis. They started going down fast while our FAXes were having no problems keeping our Battleships alive. Our Magi pilots managed to land some solid booshes and while the enemy returned the favor, our Praxes had so much range they just kept shooting anyway. Eventually the enemy fleet warped in close so we brought two dreads out and slugged it out at close range. When the evictors warped off we had destroyed 21 Ikitursas and a Guardian, and we lost two Praxes. Our Fortizar repaired and our jaws collectively hit the floor.

    We managed to get entrances for RONIN AND AD4PT during the fight, but by the time they got there it was over. We took back hole control, though it wasn't really contested by the evictors, and waited for the rest of our structures to repair. After that we reinforced the enemy POS and Astrahus. The next day it became clear that they were leaving. We finished off their POS on Saturday and their Astrahus 48 hours later.

    Looking back on it we learned some important lessons from all this:

    1. Cruise Praxis good. It's a really solid and easy Home Defense doctrine that's got a lot going for it: cheap, high damage, loads of mids, pretty much everyone can fly it, the capsuleer package made them easy to bring in and easy to suitcase, and the cruises shoot faaar. It's by no means unbeatable, but it works well. Credit goes to Ashy & Teddy of Outfoxed for coming up with it, though I'm a little bummed we didn't get to use the Target Spectrum Breaker since CCP MURDERED it.
    2. Allies can be found everywhere, not just on your batphone list. Random scanners that get rolled in, people who live in adjacent systems, even people who recently died in those adjacent systems, all of them might be willing to help you and you lose very little by asking. One of them even asked if they could come in with our backup and join the fight.
    3. Fight on your clock, not anyone else's. Even before the eviction, I was told that it was crazy not to wait until the hull timer because it gives you more time to get more people in or maybe a frigate hole. We didn't because we decided we already had enough for this timer.

    I hoped but did not expect to actually rebuff this eviction attempt. We figured we'd blow up a few ships before we ran out of Praxes and that we'd maybe inflict enough losses in a relatively cheap doctrine to make people question whether or not we're actually worth evicting for isk. But we had some things go very right for us and our members were motivated to fight off an eviction, so our spiky ball of death prevailed… this time.

    I have to caution my members against over-celebrating though because next time we might not be so lucky. The folks who tried to evict us are in alliances that are fully capable of taking on even bigger fish than us, and they're not even the only groups in wormhole space capable of doing it. For the moment though, our structures are still standing and that is indeed worth celebrating.

    Regardless of what happens next, I'm glad we got a chance to put our preparations to use and we appreciate that our evictors gave us that shot. Really. I also have to shout out to our members in BNYSE/PRISM as well as Outfoxed, RONIN, OMGGF, SPOOPY, AD4PT, our BFFs at TURBO, and everyone else who helped us along the way. Holler if you ever need us for your own spiky balls.

    Here's a video of the eviction.

    We are always recruiting.

    - XVXTeacherVXV

    submitted by /u/DarkElfOnTheShelf
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    Space junk with thrusters

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    If you've been wondering why 1DQ is taking so long

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Most underrated comment about Industry Changes

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    The Eve Community Gathers to Give Thanks to CCP for Scarcity Changes

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    CCP Industry Stream Summary & Liveblog

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    I liveblogged the CCP industry change stream that just happened for my alliance (heyyy Dead Terrorists), and thought I'd share it with the community too. I tried to make it more readable, but Reddit completely killed my formatting, so, sorry. Timestamps during bits I thought people might want to look up the stream on. Enjoy otherwise. Sorry if I used the wrong flair.

    [17:03 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    I'll be tl;dr'ing in here. Stream is at: https://www.twitch.tv/ccp

    [17:03 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Present: CSM Kenneth Feld, CCP Psych, CCP Rattati, Dr Spodumain, CCP Swift

    Background, Ship Tiers, Rationale for Changes

    [17:03 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Short story about how the changes came to be:
    "We know what we're doing" this quote is going to go down in history
    Goes back all the way to moon mining changes, this has been planned
    Trying to restructure foundations of industry
    "We looked into what the game has - tech levels, meta groups, things that have existed for many many years. We tried to define them clearer... and really couldn't."
    Months of work, "20 years of this", it has piled up - it needs to make sense to them and to players (new and old alike)
    Need to use what they have and work around it. Need to differentiate tech 1/tech 2/tech 3, but also faction, pirate, and trig ships.
    "Things are not as clear as they should"

    [17:05 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Groupings image

    [17:06 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "Titans are considered tech 1, and that doesn't make sense. It shouldn't be as simple [as being produced like a frigate, where it's the same materials but just much more]"
    There needs to be a progression in all the groupings
    "For now, the [more fine-grained] grouping is internal" - and that's part of the equation too
    "You get many many many combinations [...] and that's where the new tiering system [comes into play]"

    Tierings image

    [17:08 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "This is not complete" but shows you that there's a way to break it all down (and is just an example of how the previous groupings cam be combined)
    A lot of these ships don't exist yet, but could happen. Important to recognize that this also means a lot of them probably won't happen. Sorry for your Faction T3 titans.
    "Potential mapping of manufacturing progression"
    "We have the foundation in place [if we add ships] that would make sense"

    [17:09 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Components image

    [17:09 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "Control points" - ships needing to be normalized in each group and ways to adjust them
    This is the same data as the Excel sheet that was previously released, but it's not complete - meant to be an example comparing the groups.
    There are specific components that they can tweak to adjust different tiers of ships.
    Kenneth Feld - you used to be able to easily make titans, they're just very big frigates. This adds stuff to T1 faction, battleships, capitals, then supercapitals. You could measure ships in multiples of other ships before, in fact.
    "Instead of having to spend 2 years to rewrite the industry underlying everything, you can tweak 1 or 2 items to adjust the pricing, availability, drop rates, or whatever to affect [the availability of particular tiers of ships]"
    This de-couples any given tier from other tiers. This is good - the example given was that when minerals were super easy to get, it made everything else also be super cheap to get. Then when minerals in nullsec got nerfed, BC prices went through the roof.
    (Acknowledges that no one wants to go back to that)
    Addresses the concerns of "I used to build my battleship in highsec and now I can't" - megacyte and zydrine is only available from nullsec, and is imported into Jita, it works the same way now.
    If you want to be vertically-integrated, you'll have to venture out a bit.
    "All and all, that's good for the game as it spreads more people out"
    Nothing new is being added, it's all available. Gives an example of R4 moon goo now being valuable.
    "All very easy to do, all low-level type activities that are new-player friendly"
    "The more you diversify the portfolio of [new player activities to make isk], the [better retention you get]"

    [17:15 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Rattati - "We created a lot of new opportunities for new players", like trit all the way up to BCs; there's new value/wealth generation opportunities.
    They're building out new career paths and hopefully new opportunities for new players - e.g. going from low-level gas to high-level gas
    Swift - trying to build progression, rather than trying to max skills just so they can build T1, train a whole bunch of skills, get to T2. Now they can make stuff along the way.
    Rattati - "We expect prices to be very volatile for the next 3 to 6 months while things pan out", they're keeping an eye on the changes so they can inject or take away materials if needed.
    Swift finds it funny people are speculating, acknowledges that a lot of these won't pan out.
    Rattati has said that they will inject resources if needed if there are shortages.
    Psych - They're trying to anticipate where the bottlenecks are and address them.
    "This demonstrates the way we're moving forward with this [in the future]" and will also apply to other ores
    Rattati - PvPers are used to rapid-fire changes, industry players, less so.
    "If I'm to be honest, we should have been doing more iteration of things"
    Focus going from resources -> industry, early work on resources was to get things in place, i.e. mineral redistribution

    [17:19 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    This is essentially industry redistribution for what can be made in lowsec, hisec.
    Next step - in-station industry, reprocessing and manufacturing
    "Don't worry, this isn't near-term, it's mid-term"
    Want to fix the game "one-step at a time, from the source"
    Chat is calling this "Kenneth Industry", lol
    Swift - "some things become very apparent [looking at the numbers]" - mykoseracin gas now being used for more than just boosters

    R4 Moons and Gas

    [17:22 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Psych - R4 moons should be way more important, not just slightly
    "We're delivering on the promise we made, back in March about a year ago"
    Rattati - "We knew that we were diminishing moon value at the time. We knew wormholers were unhappy about it. That's why we told them not to get rid of the athanors and rigs. It took a bit of time, but [it needed a whole lot of refactoring]."
    Dr Spod - "[for wormholers] it was a real kick in the teeth when the moons changed"

    [17:24 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    It's going to come back, "because everyone needs battleships, right?!" (is he trying to convince us or himself?)
    They're acknowledging that there's a lot of unhappiness now.
    Kenneth is laughing that nullseccers were saying they had to go to highsec to mine trit (3.6bil), and now trit for titans have dropped to 600mil, and now they need wormhole space
    "Next they're going to have to [claim] lowsec space"
    "Until [everything's settled], it's going to be industry chaos"

    [17:26 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Swift - "there's a lot changing to the institutional knowledge of what industry is"
    There's a huge shakeup of that happening now, so now new players have a chance to put a foot in the door
    "There's more inputs to look at", and he seems happy that people's spreadsheets are broken to give new players a chance

    [17:27 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Rattati - "It's going to be hard to industrialize [wormhole gas]", and it'll be hard to scale (thankfully)
    Dovetails from another CSM conversation of "how do you introduce a hard currency without having to manufacture it"

    [17:28 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Kenneth - all the Fullerenes are in C1-C6
    You don't need to go evict Hard Knocks, you can just daytrip into a shattered, huff, and make isk for your corp that day
    (The number of times "wormhole" has been mentioned is surprising, and I'm happy they're giving us some love)
    Swift - they're happy that lower-end sites and wormholes in general have more opportunity for isk without needing to do a full dread or subcap krab fleet in high-class
    Rattati - hinted that there's now a new opportunity for a ship type to compress gas
    "Everything here has two three four five new opportunities [for expansion]"
    He uses the snipping tool to copy and paste snippets from the Eve Forum to his planning doc


    [17:30 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Questions from the chat and forums now

    [17:31 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "How will insurance work after all these changes?"
    Kenneth - insurance is tied to the base ship cost, 30 day sliding window of mineral prices, will automatically recalculate day-by-day based on that
    Psych - will neither confirm nor deny what Kenneth just said
    Swift - insurance is a mystery box, and nothing changes there
    Rattati - "it's not hardcoded, so don't worry about it"

    [17:34 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "Is there a concern that a boost to synth boosters will break stuff or make them too strong?"
    Psych - 2nd degree effect that they tried to foresee (and adjust for) based on what they saw that mycoseracin prices are going to spike, but they'll be monitoring them and adjusting if need be. At 3% they wouldn't be used at all, so they tried to make the future price of it worth using "before it's too late". Seems people are excited more than concerned about that.
    Rattati - they're pre-buffing synth boosters first, but there were 2 other opportunities they did not do that with. T3 Cruisers and battleships are going to be reviewed. This is in context of buffs, take this how you will. (I'm interpreting it as T3Cs and BSes getting a balance pass - possibly with buffs - in the future)
    Rattati – they should be aspirational goals, and should bridge subcaps to caps.

    [17:37 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "For PVP alliances and small groups in general, a lot of these guys don't have industry wings and ship them to the front lines" (editorialized question)
    Kenneth - commenting that previous PL leaders would roll in their grave if they heard PL had an industry wing now.
    "Jita is not the Jita it used to be years ago", what's there is scarce. The ecosystem is changing, you cannot be single-focused on PvP, you need to consider industry now too.
    Dr Spod - "I hate to be the bad cop on this, but boo-hoo, get an industry wing"
    Rattati - you either have your own industry, or you have a partnership. If you want to vertically-integrate, you need a big alliance or more alts.
    "Ultimately, this is not a solo game and you are impacted by what people do"

    [17:40 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "Are these changes meant to drag people out to lowsec?"
    Psych - there is no specific goal for "people need to do X Y Z", this is about building foundations for the future.
    "This is a baseline that will affect balance in the more traditional sense", it'll affect how raw numbers balancing like DPS etc. are done. The more complex you move industry-wise, the more you'll need to move around, be active in the market, or have more people.
    They're not looking to specifically boost lowsec numbers. But they're watching to see what people do. They don't have explicit player residency distribution goals.

    [17:43 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "Myco is going to be important to industry, are there plans for gas compression to make it easier to haul around and move about?"
    Psych - "maybe?"
    Dr Spod tagged along with another question of moon ore compression since R4s are even more important now
    Psych - "maybe"
    Kenneth - "There are capital mining changes coming up next", kinda gave a non-answer on this except "wait"
    Psych - ecosystem team was "pivotal" in helping what the industry changes shook out, including ships, etc.
    "We haven't really shown what [will] happened to [Orcas, etc.]" (not 100% sure what he's referring to here)
    Acknowledging that the mineral changes were contentious
    Kenneth - they tried to stick to the build ratios for combat ships, but the other support ships didn't share that progression. CSM tried to direct some of the changes for ratios of these things, no smooth progression. (I missed some of this)

    [17:47 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Swift - they don't want to make the things "that are important for baseline industry" like freighters too complex or expensive
    Psych - they're phasing in the materials and BPs early with a buffer time so that the market doesn't go too nuts all at once
    Rattati - they're looking to create new content, including new sites for this stuff. Can't speak to it.

    [17:52 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "Are the new BPs are going to be cost-prohibitive, and what's their availability?"
    Kenneth - reactions will be "the normal" 10 to 15 mil ("as you would expect"), supercarrier ones will be 3 bil, the rest will be 1.5 bil. But in context, existing capital BPs are already 2 to 2.5 bil and so this is in-line. It might be pricey for battleships, but battleship BPOs are not cheap either.
    He did not find out about prices until Hoboleaks updated, and he was surprised himself (but relieved?)
    "Skillpoint requirements for the new BPs? Science V is a shock for some people"
    Psych - "not much to talk about it", it's a natural progression, reactions are needed.
    "Battleships are the last frontier before capitals", so it's appropriate.
    Kenneth - the 2 weeks gives people buffer time to train the skills, buy the BPs, and build the components needed

    [17:56 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "Is the praxis a T1 or faction ship?"
    Psych - "that's a very interesting question", doesn't remember off-hand, but it has "very specific roles" (?), so you won't find the same resources you would find on the table.
    "The praxis is an interesting ship"
    Kenneth - currently to get faction ships it's easy - you get the BPC, and then you only need the minerals (to build it). Now the calculus for LP store will change as to what's more profitable and/or easy to get faction ships.

    [17:59 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Kenneth - mykoserocin and cytoserocin will be added to lowsec systems and some nullsec systems (clarification from Psych, only mykoserocin for now). There should be plenty of gas available to cover the booster and new ship requirements.
    They'll be monitoring it.

    [18:00 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Rattati - "we are taking a look at ice" to make sure it's abundant enough, but it's not directly being looked at
    Kenneth - fuel block will be in higher-demand because of the reactions
    Rattati - they're looking for feedback on this. They've made mistakes on numbers before.
    They've gone through the entire forum thread.

    [18:02 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Kenneth pointed out that the Bellicose and Scythe somehow got lumped with combat ships for requirements and is planning to bring it up as CSM to make sure it's in-line with support ships.
    Swift - "not many dev blogs come along with a 12 table Excel sheet!" acknowledging that they might have made mistakes
    Rattati - there's a graphic tracking everything from source to end, it's monumental, complex, and beautiful

    [18:04 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Dr Spod asking, since BSes now need fuel to produce, was it intentional to raise structure operation costs as a result of increasing fuel costs
    Psych saying costs "should not increase that much"
    Psych - impact on the whole ice availability should be minor, take into account ice reserves as well, but they're keeping an eye on it. It's high on their list of things to keep an eye on. They've been wanting to introduce "new features" for ice.
    The intention is not to increase cost of ice.

    [18:05 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Rattati – put it another way, ice (price) was not a design goal, but a market by-product of the changes
    Kenneth - re: morphite usage, tech 2 is in the next phase. Kenneth shoehorned the standup fighters changes as "they've been that way since 2016". Acknowledges that T2 guns are currently basically "building a HAC"

    [18:07 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Dr Spod - "When do structures get hit by this kind of change?" Caps are possibly now worth more than the structures they're docked at.
    Rattati - "we're not touching structures for now, and not in the immediate structure"
    "We think that they're in a pretty good place now." There's not a lot and actually less structure spam compared to before thanks to core changes.
    Although with Athanors coming back online, there'll be new targets for pirates.

    Intel Tool

    [18:08 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Question on the "new intel tool"
    Kenneth - "it's coming, we talked about it last Thursday, it's a thing, and it's an intel tool"
    Big smirk on his face.
    Rattati - "we want to solve some of the difficult, long-standing issues that keep getting raised. AFK cloaking is one of those forever topics."
    "We want to design our way out of it"
    "We want a dynamic play-counterplay around it"
    They had several ideas that went to CSM that were deemed non-viable, this is their 4th iteration of an idea.
    It has "strong merit", and isn't a "just something" patch
    It has strong dynamic interaction. Provides "proper escalation path" - "hopefully it's a step in the right direction rather than a single path"
    There was no single obvious path to solving it.
    It "taps into a couple of line items from the eco blog in December", which was their tentative rollout, and hoping they'll still hit most of them

    [18:11 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Kenneth - "We don't want to reward an AFK gameplay style with another AFK gameplay style. We want the intel tool to be active and useful by people who are active to find people who are AFK."

    ESS Bank Keys

    [18:11 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    "What about ESS bank keys?"
    Psych - "soon"
    Rattati - "this is something we've been striving for, it has not been forgotten, and is in progress"
    Some rough hints at ESS keys possibly being bought
    Psych - the reserve bank won't work the same way as the main bank. If you have a key, you won't be able to just get everything. "It'll be... very different". Other people will be able to buy a key and access it too. Not sure if this is a confirmation that keys will be bought.
    Rattati - the intent is not "one delayed mega-payment for the system owner"

    Closing Thoughts

    [18:14 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Swift is urging people to come forward with feedback on things they may have missed.
    The team has been reading the forums basically 24/7 over the weekend, shout out to them for that!
    Apparently, people on the team were messaging each other "at 3am" with ideas/thoughts and Swift was telling them to go to sleep.

    [18:15 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Rattati - they know that PI is not perfect, they can't tackle it right now but they're aware of it. Same with the over-reliance on external tools for industry, but they hope to address the worst offenders in a future industry update. Won't say when or how.

    [18:16 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Dr Spod - echoing some concerns from players that NPC miners have been eating entire anomalies and belts, it's a "eat or be eaten world" in lowsec
    Kenneth - currently a bug where those anoms don't respond, but they're working on it (CCP Paradox).
    Rattati - it's an issue they inherited, as well as some other things (missed it) relating to how dungeons worked, but they're working on it.
    Kenneth - it's old tech debt that they inherited, but they're working on it. (anyone who's worked in software development is probably feeling a little sympathetic pain here…)
    Rattati - the NPC miners should still form something integral to the universe, but they're discussing it "high and wide" still. Still need to be discussed, but they had some thoughts around NPC factions mining, building, and buying their own things - that's why the NPC fleets exist.
    "That vision still is live", that's why NPC mining fleets aren't just ripped out, there's still value in the whole idea.
    Dr Spod - you don't think it's an issue, because it's just 5 ventures, but those ventures don't sleep, so there's a real impact
    "Maybe those ventures should go sleep?"

    [18:19 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Kenneth pushed real hard for an SDE for the external tools. Within several hours of the blog post, 2 of the largest industry sites had the numbers updated. He's also pushing for the SDE to be released before the patch hits, and "CCP has been extremely receptive to it"
    Those tools should be updated in a timely fashion, and your work shouldn't be interrupted too much

    [18:20 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    Kenneth and Swift are super excited for the next dev blog. No additional comments there.

    [18:21 EVE TIME] Enigwolf:
    They're signing off.
    Jon Hallur's Below the Asteroids playing - I miss this song! Truly a classic.

    submitted by /u/Enigwolf
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    [SISI] Old Man Star is getting a unique model to reflect its origin!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Shut UP

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Thanks to everyone who plays this game. Or who writes / talks about it.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    Even though the r/eve reddit is not known for people writing something nice or not crying about winning with 1% efficiency I would like to say something here.

    I love this game and every aspect it has to offer.

    I don't care if you only attack NPC's in highsec or only do industry or mold in null, yes even the highsec gankers I want to thank every single person that makes this game what it is.

    A unique MMO where I regret so far only that I have not started earlier.

    I've been playing for a total of 5 years with all the toons. (active but only for over 1 1/2 years)

    I have never had so much fun doing nothing.(you know what I mean :) )

    Turning my ship in the station or waiting for my colleague to make it out of the wormhole alive.

    Fitting ships like an idiot for hours only to realize that it sucks or just flying around and fighting. (Mostly I die, I am still working on getting out alive.)

    Jumping through a gate after getting ESS only to see that there is a Naglfar with a lot of BS that only writes "welcome to Impass" while laughing with my colleagues trying to save something.

    And all that always with people who are just such nerds who have nothing better to do.

    That's what makes EVE such a great game.

    The possibilities but especially the community.

    I can't tell you how much I don't care who does what in this game, if these things are "honorable" or if they are the last station campers in jita, I think everything is nice. As long as you have fun be an asshole or a station trader or anything else :).

    I also never thought I would play with the person who killed me after the first time I was in Null and have so much fun as never before in EVE.

    Thanks to my old alliance for keeping me addicted to EVE, and thanks to my new alliance for being as nice as I thought they would be.

    And thanks to everyone who makes this game such a unique experience.


    (Sorry for my bad English)

    submitted by /u/Chackusa
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    Arguing with goons be like

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    TIKLE: The Burning of Immensea, Part 2 [1080p60HD]

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    [Outer Ring] V.e.g.a/Stribog Clade vs. Shadow Cartel vs. V0LTA/Triumvirate

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 02:51 PM PDT


    AAR - Stribog Clade perspective

    Headed out to Outer Ring to defend an allied Athanor hull timer - formed Drekavacs + support. Friendlies rallied Sacrileges + support.

    Shadow Cartel brings ~50 in Tempests and support.

    Outnumbering Shadow Cartel, we think we have the upper hand and we trade favourably. Tempest TDs severely impact the ability of the Dreks to apply damage unless right on 0.

    VOLTA accidentally jumps in their bridging titan, and a Machariel fleet + Phoenix follows shortly thereafter, picking apart both sides.

    We decide to fight it out honourably instead of withdrawing when VOLTA enter the fight, but the Mach fleet is way too much to handle.

    Eventually, we bleed too many everythings and have to withdraw from grid.

    Defenders lose but made Shadow Cartel bleed for it like it was a NPC Delve Astrahus.


    submitted by /u/Mahebourg
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    RC farmed CVA, Snuff farms RC, ILR farms all of us

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    There's no way having all my links clones in one station is going to go well.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    CCP's actual answer for smaller groups regarding new Indy changes. (AKA get bigger)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    When Pearl Abyss won’t pay CCP the buyout price

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    capsuleer.app is now open source

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    Hi capsuleers,

    I'm the author of capsuleer.app. (I'm the owner of /u/capsuleer.app reddit account also). For those unfamiliar, capsuleer.app is meant to be a quick way to check characters and their skill queues. The main focus was on being fast, no frills, and also to resemble the in-game GUI enough to have zero learning curve.

    I wrote this webapp back when I was enjoying EVE a great deal and was on leave from employment. However, I don't play EVE anymore and have been fully employed, so I haven't been giving capsuleer.app the attention it needs. After an incident where it was down for over a week without me noticing, I realized that the project isn't really likely to flourish under my sole maintenance.

    So, it's now open source. This is the github page with the source code.. My intention is to arm the ambitious with enough to run their own capsuleer.app if they want to. I am willing to accept pull requests for bug fixes or portability improvements. I ask that anyone who wants to add new features contact me first to make sure it's wanted; I don't want anyone to waste time working on something that I don't think will fit in the project.

    What will happen to capsuleer.app, the webapp as it exists today? Generally, it's outlook doesn't look good, but for now I will continue to run it and perform maintenance when I have time. If I start playing EVE again the outlook may change, but that depends on CCP more than anything.

    submitted by /u/AaronOpfer
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    Escalating 2: From Entosis to 2 Fleets!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    Quafe.de is now english too » Quafe

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    The (mobile) beacon provides...

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    The impact of industry changes on WWB2

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    Plan Bee - Thanks u/Tashre for the idea

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    Snuffed Out's Rorqual was destroyed by Siege Green. + Shadow Cartel

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:25 AM PDT



    Snuffed Out, who have been attacking SGGRN's staging lately, were happy to have most of Low-Sec's Crokite in their grasp and finally decided to extend Rorqual's reach outside their Capital Umbrella.

    Shadow Cartel, an alliance of EUTZ, had bravely tackled Rorqual and managed to put out a lot of DPS with Taros and Naga drops.

    Siege Green.'s kikimora + Vedmak fleet was not expecting them to be there, but decided to attack Rorqual together to kill them.

    The battle began, and soon Rorqual and his fleet launched PANIC to buy time, but the Cyno jammers were already anchored, forcing them to send up reinforcements 1000km away.

    The reinforcements included several Minokawa and HAW DNs, but only one or two were able to warp in near Rorqual as the SGGRN temporarily left the line and let them Siege or tackle them.

    Soon one Rorqual was dead for not Siege Red despite having Minokawa on the on-grid, and the other ship was also sunk as the DPS outpaced the Rep, but in the meantime Snuff had regained position and dropped an additional HAW DN or Minokawa, so SGGRN and SHDWC were unable to breach tank of the Rorqual and the damage started to mount.

    Soon Snuff's Sub-cap Fleet arrived and we were out of the line of fire.

    Snuff Lost:13B SGGRN+SHDWC lost:2B


    submitted by /u/furanka-
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    Launcher Update - No more setting profiles?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    I just got an update for the eve launcher and now i can't select different setting profile in the user settings. I used that feature to quickly choose the monitor the client should launch on and now i have to do it in the in game menu everytime? Thats quite annoying, thx ccp

    submitted by /u/snortel
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