• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    Eve Online Snuffed Out, HK/HAWKS, INIT, VOLTA get outplayed by RC,SC, SG and friends

    Eve Online Snuffed Out, HK/HAWKS, INIT, VOLTA get outplayed by RC,SC, SG and friends

    Snuffed Out, HK/HAWKS, INIT, VOLTA get outplayed by RC,SC, SG and friends

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    BR: https://br.evetools.org/br/6063a50e19edce00135454ff

    AAR: In amazing display of their strategic prowess the anti snuff coalition has successfully evicted Snuffed Out from Lantorn and Siseide.

    Their Fortizars in shambles, it is yet unknown how Snuff high command will react to this devastating blow. There are plans of living out of cloaked Orcas, sitting at safes in Lantorn.

    Snuff and friends chased the sacrificial lambs around in fighters, with volta sniping in rokhs and the wormholers in TFIs.

    GF and see you again guys


    submitted by /u/Yonis_Pserad
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    A message from Lowsec to all Imperium Members

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    We, the people of Lowsec are aware of the humanitarian crisis that is raging in Delve right now. That is why, despite our differences, several notable Lowsec Alliances have formed the "Lowsec Man Aid Operation" (LMAO). Our goal is to help Delve Refugees successfully evacuate.

    To make your evacuation as smooth as possible, we have already spoken to "The Mittani" and "Fountain Frank". They are well aware of your suffering and therefore they formally accept our help.

    Every Imperium member is eligible to ask for our Aid!

    Here is how it works:

    By contacting one of our aid workers, we can give you access to our Lowsec Citadel chain so that you may evacuate your belongings all the way across Lowsec or wherever you may wanna go. How does it work? Firstly, do not leave your current corporation. You will only leave your corp after arrival at your destination. By adding you to the Lowsec Citadel ACL, we can easily help you cyno your supers from citadel to citadel safely. After that, you may switch corporation as you like. For more details see below:

    1) Contact any of the people below using discord:

    Tau AD - TauAD#7894 - Snuffed Out

    Baltrom - sImpLover#6969 - No Handlebars.

    RocketX - RocketMan#7532 - PURPLE HELMED WARRIORS

    Paquito - PocoYum#4741 – Shadow Cartel

    Valasius - Valasius#2243 – Dock Workers

    Yonis Pserad – BumpMeHard#3479 – Snuffed Out

    2) Send 250 mil Isk to "Mittani's Assistant". He works close with the Mittani and he will make sure that everything is going smoothly.

    IMPORTANT: The ISK will be exclusively used to replace any Cyno losses. All the remaining isk will be send back to the Goonswarm SRP fund, as soon as the aid campaign is over.

    3) We add said pilots to ACL

    4) The pilot "Insane Buddy" will cyno them to one of the LMAO citadels.

    5) Jump to the citadel; wait until you are tethered; log off till you can jump again.

    6) Strictly follow the order in 5), we don't take liability if people fail to comply.

    7) ACL is purged every calendar day then process will have to be redone from 2).

    Note: The offer is never free. Anyone offering help for free is a scam and just wants to kill you.

    PS: If you are living in Lowsec and your alliance is not part of the "Lowsec Man Aid Operation" you can still help us. Just send ISK to "Mittani's Assistant". Any amount helps. Together we can make New Eden a better place.

    submitted by /u/Douche_Baag
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    CCP: Removel of setting profiles was intended

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Some of you may have seen my post from yesterday, saying that setting profiles were no longer available after a launcher update. I initially believed this to be a bug.

    Well, today a GM answered my ticket and said this:

    "Unfortunately this is a new change to the launcher which has been released as being permanent. I am aware that this may be inconvenient and may have been a well used feature in previous version of the launcher for yourself."

    CCP, why remove this feature? It was a great way to quickly launch clients on different monitors with different resolutions, have different settings depending on what you wanted to do that day etc. (read the previously linked post for some examples).

    EDIT: We did it reddit

    EDIT2: Setting profiles are now back in the launcher, thanks to the CCP devs who got it back in so fast

    submitted by /u/snortel
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    The circle of life is complete: Supers dying in Delve again

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    The brave forces of the PAPI coalition have again been foiled by the ebil uber and dark goonies, with one of their more crustacean members falling prey to the invisibru Imperium forces.

    Turns out this was not a ratting super, but a very courageous Don Quijote type of TEST pilot who decided to charge the windmills....errr... fortizar in a rare display of smugness.

    Turns out when a ping says "super to kill" all Goons crawl out of their vietgoon caves, foaming at the mouth and yelling "FO FO FO FO FO". Not even the munnins that tried to save him couldn't save him from goon grasp. He was dragged down yelling "But Vily said it's safe in Delveeeeee....."


    We are being assured that Goons are evaccing, they must be evaccing, so there is no way this could repeat itself if any smug wanna be PAPI pilot wants to show his balls.

    A random Goon pilot who was contacted about this while multiboxing 7 Orcas in Genesis said: Yeah, i'm evaccing my bowels on their supercaps.

    Thank you and tune in again for our totally fair and nonbiased Propagoonda news break.

    submitted by /u/bay_cee
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    quick question about citadel bashing

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Hi guys. Bit new. I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any cheap ships which would be effective for suiciding into a fortizar which is being defended? (goon feed style).

    I have a mach fleet but worried it might be too expensive.

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/Krios42_
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    Autopilot soon to take Ansiblex gate into account when calculating the route

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    CCP what is your end goal with industry?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    Pirate BS are going to cross 1b and marauders are encroaching 3b isk.....like do you want us to only use cruisers and below from now on?

    submitted by /u/fluffypenguin
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    Favorite ship?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Whats everyone's daily driver? No matter your job, I just wanna know what you fly the most, and why.

    submitted by /u/SlimScarab
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    marauder undock gone wrong

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    AF FFA short vid

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Took out the vengeance for this weekend AF FFA proving grounds.
    Was an absolute blast!
    Shout out to Sholto for some awesome match's on Sunday not featured in this video.
    The BSB community is full of great people and respectful GFs during these matches its great to see!

    submitted by /u/Unruh89
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    CCPlz: Buff Low Tier Implants

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    With the recent very much appreciated QoL improvement to clones and it being the season for eggs, I'm going to be greedy and ask for more!

    With there currently being 23 different implant sets (21 unique pirate sets, Genolutions, and +5s), the current clone capacity of ten with max skills is severely lacking! There are so many niche implant sets that would be fun to try, especially now that they can be stored all in one station, but aren't strong enough to justify "wasting" a clone on.

    Increasing the clone capacity to a point where we don't have to prioritize which implant sets to use would be a huge indirect buff to all the less used implant sets that are currently too niche to compete for a slot.

    submitted by /u/Tikktokk
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    PSA: 50% 3 Months sub + MCT Sale Starts Tomorrow

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    From this post: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/the-hunt-returns

    Shortly after The Hunt begins, running from 31 March to 5 April, visitors to the New Eden Store will be able to save 50% on 3 months of Omega and 3 months of Multiple Character Training (MCT), when purchasing the pair as a bundle. Omega lets you level up at twice the speed, command advanced ships, get better rewards from in-game events, access to higher tier missions, and much more besides. Meanwhile, MCT allows you to train skills on multiple characters on the same account simultaneously. Reach your goals faster with Omega and MCT together!

    Word of warning, if this is anything like before the MCT is applied to the account automatically and cannot be traded or sold.

    submitted by /u/Ashterothi
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    Activating the locked gate in the Hunt combat site consumed both keys in my cargo

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    Another well implemented event from CCP

    submitted by /u/EVEILpilot
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    [QOL Request] Please add Warp and Align buttons to the (L)ocations menu.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    As said. Please add warp and align buttons off to the right of the menu that comes up for your bookmarks. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/RyldSC
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    EVE IPH Version updated for Upcoming Industry Patch

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Here is a link to download an updated copy of IPH for the industry patch early to look at the changes.

    The updater is turned off and this comes as-is. There may be bugs and such due to the changes I haven't found yet.


    submitted by /u/Zifrian
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    Guristas Hunt Guide & Verdict

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:36 AM PDT


    I like to do these seasonal events so heres how this easter event is. Its a random anomaly you find all over the place. Max destroyer level ships allowed (command dessies can go). I demonstrate the event here: https://youtu.be/-YBzPUHJWKQ

    First room is a bunch of frigs, dessies and the occasional cruiser. Best damage type to deal is EM, best to tank is Thermal - these are not typical guristas rats. They scram, neut but dont do a whole lot of damage. No good loot found so far in this room.

    The meaningful room is the second one. You need a gate key to access it. You locate these best by d-scanning celestials (belts, planets etc) where you find an "irregular capsule" - make sure to check this on your overview. Kill the capsule and you get a gate key.

    Verdict: took a long time to find a key. Its consumed on activation of the gate so you have to do it all again for the next site. Wish more capsules spawned.

    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    QOL Tips that you've found out

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    What are your's?

    For me, the newest has been that you can press Enter to accept the daily login reward. So now I can load all my accounts, close the launcher and just press Enter and close the client window repeatedly to accept them on all accounts fast. This doesn't work when the extra login rewards are happening though for some reason. But if you accept those ones, the next time you open the client it will show the daily and you can do the Enter and close client window trick on them all again.

    submitted by /u/S810_Jr
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    Battle of the Bards

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    Question about Eve Online OST and making videos

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    silly question but i cant seem to get a straight answer out of anyone, hopefully someone can shed some light on this here.

    i was planning on making an eve related video for youtube and wanted to include eve ost to keep things nice and eve-y (kek) instead of using free to use music (not looking for ad rev, just doing vids as a personal hobby).

    but i know the whole thing about copyright music. but ive seen tons of videos on youtube of people using eve ost for anything. even just uploading the songs themselves up with no problem. whats up with that?

    does CCP not care or mind its being used?

    appreciate any insight on this.

    submitted by /u/MannyKun
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    Patch Notes -- Let the hunt begin

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    The Hunt has begun!

    This limited time event runs from March 30th until downtime on April 13th

    • Mysterious brightly colored Guristas Capsules are appearing all over New Eden! These capsules can be found at planets, moons, asteroid belts, and stargates. They are detectable through directional scanners and probe scanners.
    • When destroyed, each of these capsules will drop a Hunt YC123 Acceleration Gate Key required to pass to the final section of the Hunt and Huntmaster Outpost sites.
    • The Guristas Hunt Outpost and Guristas Huntmaster Outpost sites have returned. These sites only allow access for T1 and T2 Frigates and Destroyers, and reaching the final room of these sites requires an acceleration gate key obtained from the mysterious capsules.
    • The Guristas Hunt Outpost sites can be found all over New Eden (Highsec, Lowsec, Nullsec, and W-Space).
    • Destroy the advanced fighter in the final area for a chance at valuable loot including implants, skins, clothing, modules, and blueprints for the powerful Gecko drone!
    • The Guristas Huntmaster Outpost sites are appearing in large numbers within Caldari Lowsec space and in lower numbers within the Venal region.
    • These more difficult sites feature much higher drop rates for the valuable Hunt rewards!
    • The new Guristas Secure Storage data site can be scanned down all over New Eden. This special limited time hacking site requires a Hunt YC123 Acceleration Gate Key to gain entry, and hacking the structures within can yield a mix of standard data site loot alongside additional Hunt loot.
    • The new Hunt season found within the Agency challenges players to engage with the Guristas event sites to gain points towards a reward track full of new Hunter's Quiver SKINs!
    • During the Hunt event, capsuleer capsules will have a 50% chance of dropping as loot each of the implants that normally would have been destroyed by the capsule destruction.

    AKA: Bring out your super pods to the Ajima beacon for offering please <3

    submitted by /u/Ordinary_Transistor
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    Let the hunt begin.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    The hunt returns.

    And sometimes hunters present themselves as prey when hunting.

    Let the Hunt Begin

    hope y'all enjoy it. o7

    submitted by /u/Yivol
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    How do you salvage the mysterious capsule wrecks?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    i can't salvage a mysterious capsule wreck. I tried using a T1 Savager on it but the game just said it's beyond my knowledge or something like that. Can they be salvaged at all or do you have to use a T2 Salvager?

    submitted by /u/lemonny3663
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    Question about T5ZI-S Gate Cam on Twitch

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    I am a complete newbie and when browsing on Twitch I've noticed a gate cam stream titled: 1DQ1-A T5ZI-S Gate Cam

    Could someone explain to me the significance of the system/usefulness of the gate cam? Is this the only one or would there be other gates/systems for which the same or similar thing would also be useful?

    Edit: Thanks everyone for the replies!

    submitted by /u/AnkisCZ
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