• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 13, 2021

    Eve Online EVE Vegas 2021, Lets party like it's 2019!

    Eve Online EVE Vegas 2021, Lets party like it's 2019!

    EVE Vegas 2021, Lets party like it's 2019!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:54 AM PST

    Hello Fellow Capsuleers,

    Well it has been quite a year since we started planning EVE Vegas run by players again. Eve Vegas has become one of the fond traditions of EVE players getting together and just having a good time which was unfortunately stolen from us last year. With the rollout of vaccines and restrictions slowly starting to ease it seemed like there is a good chance that EVE Vegas in 2021 would work out.

    With that I am pleased to announce the date and location for EVE Vegas 2021.

    Dates:Oct 22-24th.

    Location: Circa hotel (brand new hotel built on fremont) https://www.circalasvegas.com/ (hotel discount room rates will be available later)

    EVE Vegas Discord server: https://discord.gg/jCFq2PvT

    Most years (especially when CCP hosted) we would have a big dinner, a nightclub party, presentations and Dev meets. This year we are getting back to the roots of what EVE Vegas is about! Internet spaceship friends hanging out together and having a good time. Considering the uncertain times between now and October, we are not planning anything as highly structured as all of that. We are going to have a main hotel where people will get together and be able to hang out along with a discord server to coordinate with fellow capsuleers on what everyone is doing and if others would like to come. There are no fees, no costs, and no registrations for the event. It's just a time and a place where we can congregate and have a few drinks with one another and enjoy each other's company for the first time in what feels like an eternity.

    Hold on, EVE meet up remix By looktoyourleft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWOsdxSzCII

    Alongside the excitement that comes with an announcement there are a few caveats to be aware of. Everything is going very well now, and we feel confident in EVE Vegas happening, but we have no way to predict the future, so i would recommend any booking you get is refundable just in case something changes. Most of all make sure you are safe and have a good time.

    Quick FAQ:

    Q:Wait, we don't usually stay in Fremont!

    A:You are correct! We are mixing it up a bit and since Fremont has a ton of stuff to do and is clustered with several hotels it gives everyone a range of hotel options and fun. The circa is 21 and over only hotel (no kids allowed) but is really neat and I think a lot of people will enjoy it along with a bar that is even longer than the D bar on Fremont street! (Which if you haven't been to its huge.)

    Q: With all of this uncertainty surrounding vaccines and the pandemic who will actually show up?

    A: At the very least Goons will be there to hang out and party like it's 2019. As for anyone else I know there is, that a lot of people that are looking forward to getting out and going on a vacation and seeing fellow spaceship nerds.

    Q: "You should not do this event! Its not safe and not everyone may be vaccinated!!!"

    A: Look I get it, there is a lot of uncertainty out there and concerns about people's health and the pandemic. Hopefully by the time of the event everyone that wants to be vaccinated will be vaccinated. But in the end that is a decision for each individual to make.

    I look forward to seeing and hanging out with everyone that comes out!

    ~Hyprviper1, Eve Vegas Coordinator

    submitted by /u/Hyprviper1_GSF
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    Comments that aged like fine wine.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:37 PM PST

    M2-XFE Keepstar Destroyed

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:31 PM PST

    Weebs Rejoice!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:54 PM PST

    I'm currently shooting the M2-XFE Keepstar in my Titan AMA

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:49 PM PST

    I drew this for the current Federation Grand Prix event

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 07:05 AM PST

    The Beacon continues providing �� Sixth Imperium Supercapital jumps to PAPI beacon after suffering apparent brain aneurysm.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:51 AM PST

    More breaking news after our investigative reporting from earlier this week, Fifth Goon Supercarrier jumps to AJI-MA beacon. The Beacon Provides 🙏.

    After apparently suffering some sort of brain aneurysm, Goonswarm member Lucien La'bar brashly piloted their Nyx-class supercarrier directly onto a PAPI-operated Cynosural Generator. They were promptly met with volleys of missiles and fighter fire from the two nearby fortizars.

    Lucien La'bar's Nyx worth 30.36bn ISK - https://zkillboard.com/kill/91382708/

    They joined two additional Imperium capital pilots - Win Sui and Lucita Pappotte, who also suddenly and mysteriously lost their ability to cognitively function this morning.

    Sudden Beacon Jumping syndrome has now claimed the lives of 49 Imperium capital and supercapital pilots, costing 376.75 bn in line-member assets. Sources inside the Imperium question these value numbers though, claiming "nothing of value was lost."

    The Beacon provides 🙏

    submitted by /u/tony-mke
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    Toss a coin to your Bridger - Eve parody

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 11:34 AM PST

    You all liked the last couple prints

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:46 PM PST

    POV- You're in the M2- Keepstar getting shot by 300 Titans [Ultrawide Screenshots]

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:21 PM PST

    Super logs in to the M2 hell camp location, gets the timing wrong

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:48 PM PST




    Super logs in to the former M2 KS location, dies instantly. Pod

    submitted by /u/Somizulfi
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    EVE Online: Withdrawal - Black ops & Nano Super PVP

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:38 PM PST

    Anger Games Update: Opens, Adverts, and More

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:22 PM PST

    Starting with the big ticket item—this Saturday, March 13, will see the first Anger Games Open Practice, with eight teams going head to head over the course of two hours. This will be the first in a number of AG Opens, and this week's open practice bracket is:

    • Templis CALSF vs. RamRod Shenanigans
    • Jovco Mining Division vs. 2 Rigs 1 Ship
    • WeR4 vs. If All Else Fails
    • Piggers vs. Hangry Nubs

    The practice will see eight matches played, with unique bans for every fight. To top it all off, this will be livestreamed by our fantastic casting team over on the EVE_NT Twitch channel, starting just before 2000 EVE, so tune in to get your first idea of this year's meta!


    Next up, Adverts! We have now released our full advert specifications over on the EVE-O forums, and you can also find our specs in this Google Doc too. Ads will be run on our Twitch broadcasts as we have time to do so, and we'll be looking to make sure we show as many as possible around matches and tournament commentary.

    There is no cost for advertising on the Anger Games live broadcasts – we want to see adverts for tournament teams, player corporations and alliances, EVE Communities, and everything in between. We will show as many unique adverts as possible, and there is no limit to the number of adverts that can be submitted.

    Prize SKINs!

    CCP have released the prize SKINs for the 2020/2021 tournament cycle on Tranquility this week. The EDENCOM Victory SKINs have been released for the Skybreaker, Stormbringer, and Thunderchild, and they look absolutely fantastic in white and gold. CCP have also very generously committed to supporting the Anger Games with a number of these SKINs for every match win!


    Finally, we have had a couple of changes to participating teams since we drew our bracket a few weeks ago. Team changes are:

    • Team 'Stribog Clade' have been replaced by team 'Sudden Vydra'
    • Team 'Reactive Try Hardeners' have been replaced by team 'Waffles'

    These changes have been updated on our current Challonge bracket, and interestingly, these teams have been seeded to face each other on Day One of the Anger Games.

    submitted by /u/DirkStetille
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    I think my graphics card it trying to convey me something...

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:11 PM PST

    EVE Minerals and there real-life counterparts

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:31 PM PST

    Veldspar - Feldspar

    Scordite - Scorodite

    Plagioclase - Plagioclase

    Omber - Umber

    Kernite - Kernite

    Pyroxeres - Pyroxene

    Dark Ochre - Ochre is a color made out of iron oxides... not so sure.

    Spodumain - Spodumene

    Gneiss - Gneiss

    Hemorphite - Hemimorphite

    Hedbergite - Hendenbergite

    Jaspet - Jasper

    Crokite - Crocoite

    Bistot - no clue

    Arkonor - no clue either

    Mercoxit - Marcasite

    I got most of them from this EVE Search link

    As for the pure minerals:

    Tritanium - Titanium

    Pyerite - Pyrite

    Isogen - Oxygen

    The others, I have no clue. Zydrine might be close to Zircon.

    submitted by /u/CarlyRaeJepsenFTW
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    M2 kerblam screens enjoy ��

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 04:11 PM PST

    An invitation you can't refuse

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:15 AM PST

    FC Chat #65- Bjorn Bee & Noraus

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:02 AM PST

    The Grand Prix Interceptors Expert System is actually a good idea

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:01 PM PST

    I know the response to the expert systems has been lukewarm, but I non-sarcastically think that the expert system for the grand prix event is a fantastic idea.

    The grand prix itself is a great way to get hisec players into dangerous space, and the expert system gives them a cheap ship to go there easily.

    Hopefully we'll see more ideas like that.

    submitted by /u/TheExWifeCheated
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    Grand Prix Timed Question

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:35 AM PST

    The idea of immortalizing yourself by getting your name on the statue near the finish line after the e vent by being one of the fastest people to do the grand prix (doesn't specify if it'll be top 10, top 100 or w/e) is really really appealing to me. I've never really done anything despite playing mmorpgs for the past 15 years of my life to achieve that so I really want to give it an honest go.

    I did the circuit once and laid down bookmarks to avoid general camping / smartbombing etc, and was just preparing for my timed run using implants / a good ship etc when someone told me to just place jump clones around strategically and i'd finish way faster with way less risk and way less isk to spend (hg ascend omega is pricey).

    Does anyone know if the way CCP times this if death cloning / jump cloning / cyno briding / wh connection shortcutting etc still counts? if so then i'll just do that. But if that is the case, the whole event would seem really cheapened by it.

    Since this is not the first time they've done a Grand Prix I figured maybe someone has asked this before.

    submitted by /u/jbvance23
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    Fishbowl 8: Phantomite's Excellent Adventure

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PST

    Hey, guys I found a cool site about Eve on their official list of Eve partners!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 12:17 PM PST

    I Made A Video About War Financing In EVE Online For Average Viewers (But Hopefully You Guys Might Still Like It)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 06:01 AM PST

    Update to Partnership Program plus a List of current EVE Partnership Program Partners - Streamers, 3rd party apps, podcasts, fansites, wikis and more

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:12 AM PST

    :salt: :whine: :even-more-salt: Blah blah, etc etc.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:06 PM PST

    Nothing I say here really matters, tbh.

    We all suffered in some way from this pandemic.

    I thought, because I was told so, that I'd be welcomed back to my corp after trying to deal with losing half my family and several close friends to the pandemic.

    W/e, Got asked why the fuck I even logged in to mumble today.

    And really, they're right. I shouldn't have, I had no reason to.

    To all the fuckers who don't give a shit, and all the other fuckers who are looking at this post in confusion before it gets removed by the mods, I say!

    Who the fuck cares?

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