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    Friday, March 5, 2021

    Eve Online Got my 3d printer going first couple of rough prints

    Eve Online Got my 3d printer going first couple of rough prints

    Got my 3d printer going first couple of rough prints

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:30 PM PST

    Brave Bowling Through Querious

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:12 AM PST

    Gate Campers are coming???

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:40 PM PST

    Gate Campers are coming???

    First off this is my first ever AAR for EVE. I have seen a few and can only hope to achieve the exquisite writing some of the authors possess. Link for the fight at the bottom.


    NFG - No Forks Given accepted a merc contract to go out to Catch and help in the burning down of it. We saw this as an excellent source of income and quite frankly some good fights out in Null Space. Our numbers on fleets can fluctuate from time to time but usually 25 is a good turn out for us.

    The UNDOCK

    We began to boat toward the desto system all while checking intel channels we had access too. We had heard the enemy fleet had undocked in Munnins but they might be traveling away from us to an I-HUB instead, queueing the tears and comments from fleet members baited on a structure bash.


    We arrive on the Tatara and start shooting. Local allies INIT and Dread Bomb where there as well INIT in a Munnin fleet and Dreadbomb in a Nightmare (cough FC get this fucking doctrine cough). Intel starts to come in, after we get the structure down to around 30%, that enemy fleet is moving back and that eyes have spotted them coming back for a bridge.

    The Quote

    "I don't care if we have to fight 100 plus Munnins in our 40 man fleet or if the structure is anti cap fit and our FAX eat shit. We are taking the fight!" - Kain Tarr

    The Fight

    What to say…..The volley from that many Munnins is fierce. Valertha Rose died first and you hear the saddest -1 across comms. Never fun to be first out in a major fight. We stayed the course though and the trading began back and forth Munnins for Typhoons. The thing that worked well for us was the ADC nerf if someone started catching we could just swap immediately and come right back and alpha them off grid. I think Shattered realized this and warped his folks away. To add to the complication of the fight Brave dropped a dred at some point. That DPS along with the structure kept our FAX pilot awfully busy. He was sad he chose not to wear his brown pants this day. After another warp in attempt by BRAVE one last time we were able to clear enough DPS and hold what we had on grid at this point BRAVE did the only smart move left and that was to leave.

    End Report

    We won the objective and the isk war. We lost 12 Typhoons total and our morale Harbinger while the enemy fleet lost 36 total subs and 1 Cap, mostly Munnins. Great job to Shattered and Brave on the maneuvers in space especially after the nerfs to HAC's while MWDing. All in all though one of the best fights we have had in Catch thus far when we trade back forth. Definitely keeps it spicey and all of us on our toes. Huge shout out again to Brave for undocking and taking the fight absolute blast hope to see you guys for more timers.


    submitted by /u/Aerosthunder
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    Sisters of Eve Flotilla, Vidette WH

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Fleet in honor of LordSory

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:42 PM PST

    On March 1st 2021 our group that has played Eve online together for 9+ years has lost one our our friends to Covid-19. This has been devastating to us as a group and we appreciate the support from the eve community. We are planning a dedication fleet in his memory and would like to invite as many people to it and make it a big bang for him. The event fleet departure from Jita will be sat. March 6th at 00:30 eve time. The in game channel is Lordsory Event and our discord is.

    https://discord.gg/xqZXWk9BHf - RedShift Tactical

    https://discord.gg/DPFe9qw - Spectre Fleet hosting sever SF Spectre Fleet In game channel

    https://www.spectre-fleet.space/ - website

    LordSory Ownage (Bryson)

    submitted by /u/Mtaylor_2790
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    How 2 Krab Part 8: Marauders

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:41 AM PST

    One of the perks of New Eden exploration - Graphs !

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 01:47 AM PST

    How is everyone feeling about Eve at the moment?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:42 AM PST

    With CCP direction and changes and current state of the game, be interesting to know how People feel about the game. Good, bad or indifferent, do you see yourselves still playing for the next 1 or 2 or more years? Whats really bugging you or what do you really love about about game..

    submitted by /u/thisiseveinnit
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    So about these minerals...

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:52 PM PST

    I realise that this is beginning to sound like a broken record but I think everyone can agree that nullsec right now in regardless of the war right now is in a damaged place.

    After the war if there is no good way of making Isk:

    • No materials = no krabs
      • No krabs = no reason to roam
        • No reason to roam = lack of people wanting to play
    1. No reason to play = no money for CCP
    2. Game gets worse because no money coming in.
    3. No one ever under docks because ships can't be replaced.
    • No change / nerf to ratting
      • It's boring and hasn't been updated in like forever
        • It's been nerfed into the ground
    1. Using more than 10% of my brain trying to krab hurts me deeply
    • Everyone is now doing explo
      • Makes the risk reward value drop
        • Indirect nerf
    1. Don't nerf this as relic sites are the only half decent way of making money
    2. Data sites need to be looked at... like seriously. The money difference is insane.

    New bro focused game ?

    • We ALL want new people to play eve. The more people there are means more people to shoot or friends to shoot people with.
    • The people that have been with you for years deserve the same love and attention if not more so because we are loyal scrubs that keep on playing the game that is what feels like in a permanent state of being broken. No eve is not dying don't you do it. I can smell the nerds coming with that.
    • This game isn't designed to be "New bro Friendly" The older players help keep the newer players around in a lot of occasions.

    What an old vet would like to see (IMO)

    New ships - all ship classes.

    Bring back battleships and just have an assault battleship for mass bawls at close range. The kite meta has been around now for well over 8 years, give it a rest and try something else ? 100 v 100 - 10km in your face, Torps, Blasters get it going (Make sure they can't hit stuff smaller than a cruiser so they can be countered). The change to marauders was a good one.

    • Angel capitals ?
    • Triglavian titan I hear you cry ?
    • Edencom T2 ?

    Idea's that I'd like to see

    • Focused questions to the player base of what we would like to have and see. There is nothing wrong with in game surveys once in a while about the content in game.
    • FIX the ORE in Null. There's a reason people come to Null.
    • Fix the ratting content.
      • Just fix nullsec basically.
    • More variety in the meta. The hac change was good

    Overall, love the game but it needs help in the right places.

    Thanks for listening to my TED talk ?

    submitted by /u/Shandaila360NoScope
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    As an Imperium line member

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 01:08 AM PST

    ESS Math - Corrections on previous post.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 01:00 PM PST

    EDIT - I have to correct myself here. I did fuck up on some math. I'll adjust below and mark as edits. Someone pointed out I was incorrectly figuring the taxes.

    I will adjust that. That might account for the reserve percentage. I'll figure it out in a second and show my work on that.

    So I updated my numbers below. Again it only changed the math on which percentage went to what. It didn't change the fact that the players tick is affected by the BRM, not just the ESS ticks.

    Also I found the 3.3% for the Reserve. By double dipping on the tax math I was hiding the Reserve percentage from myself.

    This post is a direct rebuttal to this post:


    Now I like people going about and researching information, however that information should be correct. On a number of points this poster is incorrect so I wanted to show where he was in fact incorrect and provide corrections and evidence to back this up.


    Before I get into the mechanics, a few basic things to understand.

    BRM does not impact bounties at all for your ticks, it only applies to the ISK that goes into the ESS main bank (this was enough to figure out that I'm completely ignoring the reserve bank and the mechanics there). This is easily tested by killing the same rats with the same bounties in two different systems with different BRM values, wait 20 minutes, the paid bounties will be identical.

    This is wrong.

    My methods for showing this. I ratted in two systems. One with a BRM of 124.2% and another with a BRM of 118.0%.

    I will use a Hub site as my basis and I will kill one rat type per tick to show exactly what the payouts are on the tick.

    System with a 124.2% BRM System A:

    A Hub rat, Core High Admiral is 993,750 ISK per kill.

    EDIT - Corrected the math for the tax.

    At the tick mark I was paid 740,449 ISK, (74,044 ISK was paid as tax) for a total of 666, 405 paid to my wallet. This is equal to me being paid out 59.99% of the adjusted rat value on my tick.

    407,028 was paid out by the ESS.

    452,244 ISK was paid to the ESS originally.

    45,224.4 ISK was paid as tax.(As an aside here, the tax percentage for some reason seems off by like a small percentage. I should have paid 45,224 in tax but I believe I paid 45,216. 45,216 is 9.99% not 10.00%. Not sure why there is a difference of .001%.)

    This totaled 1,192,693 ISK.

    The 124.2% increase of the rat value of 993,750 is 1,234,237.5.

    41,544.5 ISK Is the difference between the adjusted value of the rat and how much I was paid.

    The value paid to the ESS was a 36.6% of the total adjusted value of the rat.

    The value difference was 3.3% or 41,544.4Isk, that must be the amount paid to the Reserve Bank.

    So here for a fact the value is adjusted on the tick level. The base value is added to your ratting pool. The BRM is then applied to the whole amount on the TICK. Then the ESS portion is added to the ESS Pool, the Reserve Portion is added to the Reserve Pool, and you are paid out the difference on the regular Tick.





    System B with a BRM of 118%:

    Site - Hub

    Rat - Core High Admiral, value: 993,750 ISK.


    The adjusted value of the rat is 1,172,625 ISK.

    The Tick I was paid was 703,680 ISK.

    Tax was paid at 70,368 ISK.

    EDIT - Corrected for the tax issue.



    For a total value of 703,680ISK. This is a percentage of 60%. A .01% difference but I hold this to a rounding difference between System A and System B.

    The adjust values were different and solely on that point we can conclude that the BRM does have an effect at the TICK level and not just in the ESS values.

    The ESS payout for this was 389,134. Unfortunately in my System B someone else was ratting so I couldn't get a Screen Shot of the ESS.

    However using the math of 36.6% paid to ESS, the adjusted value being 1,172,625, that gives me a pre-tax ESS value of 429,180.75. I was paid 389,134. The difference is 40,046.75 which is the tax paid. However this percentage of 9.33% , which like before is the same where it should be 10% but by some strange rounding issues CCP has, it comes out less then what it should have.

    The difference between what i was paid, the ESS payout, and the adjusted value of the rat is 39,764.25 which is 3.3%. So this works out the same as the other site and must be the value going to the Reserve Bank.

    My share of the bounty pay out was 774,048(pretax), The ESS payout was 429,180.75(pretax) for a total of 1,203,228.75. Which is 2.6% higher then the adjusted value of 1,172,625.

    One small note on the reserve bank, the ISK that goes into there is 100% bonus/generated, all of the ISK from the bounties are accounted for. I did not calculate how much ISK goes into the reserve bank, or if it's effected by BRM as well.

    Edit - Corrected for the tax math, which solved the mystery of the Reserve Monies.

    The reserve bank amount is 3.3% in both systems after I fixed my math issue with the tax. All monies are accounted for.

    3.3% goes to Reserve that you lose completely.

    36.6% goes to the ESS.

    60% goes to the player on their normal tick.

    ISK paid out by the ESS *IS* taxed, the capsuleer does not see this in their wallet however. If you have access to the corp wallet you can run tests and see that when the ESS pays out, the corp gets their cut of it. This ISK appears to be generated from nothing as 100% of the money that goes into the ESS is paid out from the main bank. I do not not have access to a corp wallet, so cannot speak directly or definitively to this.

    This section is wrong. I showed this above. The tax for the ESS payout is adjusted when the ISK is delivered to your wallet.

    If your "tick" is 100k ISK or less, then there is no corp tax applied and it bypasses the ESS entirely. So I guess if you really REALLY hate BRM/ESS mechanics, just limit yourself to 100k ISK per 20 minutes. Stick it to your corp CEO and to CCP, it's win/win/win!

    I didn't look into this. I might in the future but seeing how he was wrong about the ESS tax, I think this might be wrong as well.

    Corp tax is a little screwy. Even if you set it to 100%, the chars earning the ISK still have (very small) ticks in their wallet. Not sure if that's because of the 100k ISK mechanic above.

    Same, I might look into this in the future.

    ISK goes into the ESS when the pirate bounties are paid (hits your wallet, aka ticks), not when the bounties are generated. This means that potentially you could have a delay of up to 2 hours and 20 minutes before you get paid out from the ESS.

    This is correct.

    The TL;DR:

    If you hate the BRM/ESS mechanics, you can rest easy and happily ignore the BRM. I cannot find any hard numbers, but I have found some reports that 5% of bounties pre-BRM were disappeared, so apparently even pre-BRM you weren't making 100% of the bounties regardless.

    I have no clue what this poster is talking about here and never heard about a 5% difference. I also cannot find evidence of this anywhere.

    To break down effective ISK earning potentials, in the following scenarios you will earn:

    ESS Stolen: 81% of earned bounties

    30% BRM: 92.4% of earned bounties

    50% BRM: 100% of earned bounties

    100% BRM: 119% of earned bounties

    180% BRM: 149.4% of earned bounties

    Effectively this means as long as you defend your ESS, you are earning close to what you would have before ESS mechanics were introduced, even at 30% BRM. The true break even point is 50% BRM, anything above that is generated ISK.

    All of these numbers are wrong and I have no idea what he's talking about. I think his logic is flawed but I have no idea what he means.

    If the BRM is 100%, you have a ratting pool of 1,000,000, your safe ISK is(pre tax) 660,000, your at risk ISK is 366,000.

    The level where you will always get a return equal to a 100% share if your ESS is stolen is 152%(ish).

    Otherwise you are always risking ISK.

    At 30% BRM you are making nowhere close to what you used to make.

    In my example above if you have 1,000,000 ISK in your ratting pool, at 30% BRM you make 198,000 adjusted risk free and have to worry about 102,000 ISK in the ESS.

    I'm not sure where he's getting 50% BRM is the break even point?????

    Also here is a Sankey Diagram a commenter asked for. I've never used this before so hopefully it looks good.


    submitted by /u/South_Aardvark8285
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    Triglavian systems are still connected to their k-space neighbors

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:59 AM PST

    I don't remember if it was in the patch notes for the update that created Pochven, but the wormholes that connect a t-space system to high/low system, have been connecting to their old neighbors 75% of the time, from what I've seen. I tested this yesterday by finding my way to Konola's old constellation (that one specifically because I needed to get a ship out of there). I scanned it down, and low and behold, one of the systems with a disrupted gate had a wormhole with triglavians on it. After jumping the wormhole, I landed in Konola! Like I said, it's happened several times now, most often in systems with disrupted gates. I HAVE had them also connect to nearby systems, but never to distant ones.

    The t-space systems also have a wh in it very often, usually a high/low wh. They're almost like a "pseudo-static" wormhole to their old neighbors.

    Thought I'd see if anyone else was experiencing this before I take a break from EVE for a while, I just lost my last ship to those damn hypnosian drifters.

    submitted by /u/SeventhAlkali
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    Any NPC station in Drone lands?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:54 AM PST

    I want to travel around null-sec and I noticed most of the region clusters have NPC stations that anyone can dock and chill.

    But I noticed that the dronelands lack NPC station, why is that the case CCP??

    submitted by /u/Yuno808
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    What are the best fit of structures for industry?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 01:48 AM PST

    I am a relatively new, fully industrial player with 4 mining accounts, (1 killer whale, 3 hulks) and I intend to acquire more alters in the future.

    And I would like to know which are the best structures for an industrialist to have EVERYTHING in the best possible way without jumping to fits of 600-800b

    My illusion would be to move to wormhole and mount my system with my bases and be "close" to low, null and high to have access to everything but I don't know how wormhole works.

    Thank you all, in advance, for your help.

    submitted by /u/artoriasprime
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    Eve online: Resurrection (Trailer)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Brave rises from the dead like Jesus. FYI the 2 systems remaining has been taken over as well. Dotlan hasn't updated yet.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:31 AM PST

    We are Zorya Triglav.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:20 PM PST

    PSA: It appears as if EVERYONE will gain the ability to fly Interceptors for the final weekend of this month to celebrate the Federation Grand Prix.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:46 AM PST

    EVE Steam client never closes, so it looks like you're always playing

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:31 PM PST

    Anyone notice that the EVE Steam client never closes? If you close all windows, then right click the taskbar icon and select exit, evelauncher.exe still runs in the background and it says you're playing on Steam. The only way to close it is to open the task manager and to end it.

    Is this an actual bug? Or an intentional feature to make it look like more people are playing EVE on the Steam charts than actually are?

    submitted by /u/C4U7Df8IjREu50GXpjxt
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    As a new-ish returning player, where should I really start?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:53 PM PST

    Hey all! I'm technically not a 'brand new' player, and am technically looking to return to the game. But I never really did get a good experience with EVE the first time I played, and never really did get all that far. My question is, where should a new player really look to start? Where should one really look to get a real grip with things?

    I'll preface with the story of my first month or so with the game:

    I was brand new, but I knew that corps were the core of the EVE experience. I was in it for the social experience. I wanted to get involved, get engaged, and find a group I could mean something to I suppose. So I did what any newbro would do... I asked around looking for "Noob friendly corps".

    Of course, this meant that I was swarmed with recruiters. Big corps, small corps, alliance corps, upstarts, you name it. Of course I chased some of those leads. I was convinced by some smaller corp recruiters that I don't just want to be a "key mashing puppet" for BigCorpTM. Of course, I bought into this, and got sent on a wild goose chase, trying to find a corp that would take me and disregarding big alliance corps entirely.

    I got dragged around for about a week, hopping between chats with recruiters and with corp leaders. The recruiter would promise that this corp is growing and totally newbro friendly, only for the leader of the corp to accuse me of being a spy, saying I'm too new (that's... why I'm here), or just generally being so slow that I gave up on their corp.

    Then came the wormholer corp. A small group of players who operated exclusively in wormhole space. Initially I was apprehensive. Sounds like complicated stuff, and I barely understood high-sec! But they won me over with their friendly nature, insisting that they could teach me, promises of the riches of wormhole space, and claims that nullsec was boring and for chumps. Long story short, I learned a lot, but the corp basically ceased to exist within 1-2 months and I am pretty sure my account is still adrift in a wormhole somewhere. With increasing work commitments, I wasn't willing to dig myself out of this hole, and cancelled my subscription. This was just over one year ago now.

    But damnit I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to come back and learn the ropes for real. I loved the social aspect of the corp when it was actually active, and have been utterly unable to replicate that sort of thing in any other game. My only fear is that, once again, I'll get sucked into a fruitless goose chase hopping between recruiters, or even worse, getting sucked into yet another corp that would dissolve or go inactive. So, on that, how can I avoid this? Should I have just gone with BigCorpTM in the first place? Or is settling down in Eve a long process that I was attempting to rush too much?

    Thanks for reading and for any responses, and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/TriggzSP
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    Dont Tread On Me

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 02:22 AM PST

    ESS Maths: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the BRM

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:27 AM PST

    As one does, this started off with a very late night discussion about EVE mechanics that progressed into spreadsheets, data gathering, scratching ones head, and learning that most of the things you believed to be true were wrong. Apologies for the length of the post, you can skip to the bottom for the TL;DR:.

    Disclaimer: All the numbers below are true for today. If CCP tweaks them, they may not hold tomorrow or next week.

    There's not a lot of actual hard information on BRM/ESS mechanics, what little you can find out there is almost all player generated, and much from SiSi in early testing. Some common theories I've heard:

    • 30%-50% of your bounties are "stolen" and placed into the ESS.
    • ISK going into the ESS bank is then split between main and reserve (I've heard 60/40 to 90/10) splits.
    • Not all the money you put into the ESS gets paid out (variations of some to reserve, some vanishes, some to CCP's wallets, etc)
    • The ISK in the ESS main bank is not taxed when it's paid out, meaning you avoid tax on 10-50% of your ticks.
    • The BRM effects both ticks and ISK in the bank.
    • Ratting in XXX% BRM is equal/worse/better than ratting pre-ESS/BRM, you have to rat in XXX% BRM system to break even. (Usually the break even number is 110% to 130% BRM.)
    • 180% BRM means your ISK generation is (almost) doubled.

    Turns out, none of these are true. Who knew!

    Before I get into the mechanics, a few basic things to understand.

    • BRM does not impact bounties at all for your ticks, it only applies to the ISK that goes into the ESS main bank (this was enough to figure out that I'm completely ignoring the reserve bank and the mechanics there). This is easily tested by killing the same rats with the same bounties in two different systems with different BRM values, wait 20 minutes, the paid bounties will be identical.
    • One small note on the reserve bank, the ISK that goes into there is 100% bonus/generated, all of the ISK from the bounties are accounted for. I did not calculate how much ISK goes into the reserve bank, or if it's effected by BRM as well.
    • ISK paid out by the ESS *IS* taxed, the capsuleer does not see this in their wallet however. If you have access to the corp wallet you can run tests and see that when the ESS pays out, the corp gets their cut of it. This ISK appears to be generated from nothing as 100% of the money that goes into the ESS is paid out from the main bank. (Edit: This part is incorrect, if you gather the ISK shown in bank vs ISK shown in wallet the difference is exactly corp tax %). I do not not have access to a corp wallet, so cannot speak directly or definitively to this.
    • If your "tick" is 100k ISK or less, then there is no corp tax applied and it bypasses the ESS entirely. So I guess if you really REALLY hate BRM/ESS mechanics, just limit yourself to 100k ISK per 20 minutes. Stick it to your corp CEO and to CCP, it's win/win/win!
    • Corp tax is a little screwy. Even if you set it to 100%, the chars earning the ISK still have (very small) ticks in their wallet. Not sure if that's because of the 100k ISK mechanic above.
    • ISK goes into the ESS when the pirate bounties are paid (hits your wallet, aka ticks), not when the bounties are generated. This means that potentially you could have a delay of up to 2 hours and 20 minutes before you get paid out from the ESS.

    Example time:

    To break down the ESS mechanics and how the ISK flows, I'll walk through an example.

    1. You rat and earn 100m ISK in a single 20 minute pro-gamer level APM ratting session.
    2. When bounties are paid out, 81% goes into your wallet. (Side note: the corp tax shown in the wallet applies to the amount that hits your wallet, not the original bounty amount.). Note that BRM does not matter here, if you are in a 30% BRM or 180% BRM system, your ticks are the same.
    3. The remaining 19% goes through the BRM, doubled, and then into the ESS main bank. For anyone playing at home the formula is: Bounties*.19*BRM*2. Note that this is the logged bounties which are NOT the same as the amount that hits your wallet (that's the bounties * .81). This formula is NOT perfect, but it's within a few tens of thousands of ISK for every BRM and tick amount I tested. If you are ratting in a system with: 180% BRM becomes 19*1.8*2 or 68.4m ISK. 100% BRM becomes 19*1*2 or 30m ISK. 30% BRM becomes 19*0.3*2 or 11.4m ISK.
    4. When ESS is paid out, you will see 100% of the main bank paid into your wallet. The corp wallet will see the tax % of the amount paid out in addition (effectively ISK generated from nothing Edit: This isn't correct, the ESS bank shows the 19% passed through the BRM modifier, the amount if your wallet shows that amount less corp tax, so corp tax is NOT generated from nothing. The amount shows in the ESS vs the amount that is paid to your wallet differs by corp tax).
    5. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    The TL;DR:

    If you hate the BRM/ESS mechanics, you can rest easy and happily ignore the BRM. I cannot find any hard numbers, but I have found some reports that 5% of bounties pre-BRM were disappeared, so apparently even pre-BRM you weren't making 100% of the bounties regardless.

    To break down effective ISK earning potentials, in the following scenarios you will earn:

    • ESS Stolen: 81% of earned bounties
    • 30% BRM: 92.4% of earned bounties
    • 50% BRM: 100% of earned bounties
    • 100% BRM: 119% of earned bounties
    • 180% BRM: 149.4% of earned bounties

    Effectively this means as long as you defend your ESS, you are earning close to what you would have before ESS mechanics were introduced, even at 30% BRM. The true break even point is 50% BRM, anything above that is generated ISK.

    Thanks to Dax Farseeker for his help with figuring this out.


    One thing not addressed here is BRM in systems with no ESS. According to what I'm being told by people living there, BRM just effects the ticks directly (which makes sense). I haven't tested/confirmed this however so YMMV.

    Just got some numbers and it looks like BRM with no ESS is just straight up Bounties*BRM. RIP your bounties if you rat in NPC null in a 30% BRM system.

    Edit 2:

    Fixed some lazy maths and updated the section regarding corp tax and the ESS bank. It's all correct, the bit I was missing is that the amount banked differs from the amount that hits your wallet, it's not logged anywhere so I just plain old missed it.

    submitted by /u/Ebag333
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