• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 7, 2021

    Eve Online Leader of The Imperium, The Mittani, celebrating victory over PAPI and ending the M2- Hellcamp

    Eve Online Leader of The Imperium, The Mittani, celebrating victory over PAPI and ending the M2- Hellcamp

    Leader of The Imperium, The Mittani, celebrating victory over PAPI and ending the M2- Hellcamp

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:00 PM PST

    What a collossal waste of time. Goon leadership should hold their heads in shame.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:10 PM PST

    For 2 months whilst Goons hellcamped M2- under the auspices of impending victory over the invaders, PAPI went around Delve glassing and burning anything it could get its hands on.

    Whilst Goons were staring at space in m2-:

    > PAPI have captured all constellations, bar the 1DQ constellation.
    > PAPI have glassed all industrial capacity outside of 1DQ.
    > Goons now have no exit routes from Delve which isn't hellcamped by PAPI forces.
    > The entire Goon jump bridge network is non-existent.
    > PAPI have secured their allies in Querious.
    > M2- caused PAPI to streamline the war coalition leadership and comms. Joint comms and discord were set up to better organise PAPI forces. Thanks for giving us time to sort out our admin.

    This has all happened whilst Goons have just sat back in m2- and watched it all happen. They have done nothing at all to counter PAPI. They have just let the anaconda tighten its grip over Delve. What a colossal waste of time.

    The Mittani and Goonswan Federation leadership should be embarrassed of their absolute strategic disaster. At no point did they try to seize the initiative following M2-.


    submitted by /u/VentureBrusier98772
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    I did a concept illustration for a Guristas-related character

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:19 PM PST

    Zkill guide to the Sleipnir

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:28 AM PST

    Goons end Hellcamp according to goon fireside

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:28 PM PST

    Goonswarm annouce end of the M2- "Hellcamp"Last stand now in 1DQ1?

    submitted by /u/Tesla_eve
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    Space Janitoring 101. Pochven ninja salvaging guide.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:08 PM PST

    Pochven right now is the number one source for trig related salvage, and has a quite lucrative LP store for those who can exploit it. One of the great things about Pochven is both NPCs and locals love generating wrecks for the aspiring space janitor.

    You too can become a Space Janitor, it has not been uncommon to come across half a bil worth of salvage and Nav logs on a single dive in risking no more than a few mil if you know where to look for it - and there is a certain fun in looting under hostile fleets.

    Here is how to to be the best god damn space janitor you can be and enjoy your time in the oddest region of eve or test it out on an alt and make some bank in the process.


    Forget about grinding standings for now grasshopper, what we're interested in is diving into Pochven getting some dank loot and getting out preferably in one piece. If you decide you like the life of a janitor you can work on these later and the region becomes 100 times more enjoyable.

    First your going to require a ship ; as a true Pochven space janitor we care about one thing above all else. This would be align time.

    The only way to reliably move around Pochven solo before you have bookmarks everywhere is a very fast align time and or cloak. Rogue drones can still insta-lock but don't apply too much damage and are without points/scrams. You also need it to be able to ninja loot under hostiles but more on that later.

    We also need high slots for salvaging, preferably a cloak (even if non covert-ops) a decent chunk of cargo space, and at a throwaway cost because just like regular wormholes, its just a matter of when will you die, over if you will. Although the below ship is about as safe as you can get for this method of ninja salvaging/looting, smart pilots will find ways to catch you.

    Destroyers would be the obvious choice and the clear winner of the above criteria in my eyes is the humble Sunesis. Base align time 2.81sec, 4 highs, 600m3 cargo. This below fit has given me the most fun but feel free to modify to your individual needs, meta down as required. You can also use a Astero, or any other destroyer if you fit towards the same principles. I have found Sunesis to be the nuts that said.

    [Sunesis, Oi You little Shit]

    Nanofiber Internal Structure II

    Inertial Stabilizers II

    Nanofiber Internal Structure II

    Inertial Stabilizers II

    5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

    Warp Scrambler II

    Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier

    Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier

    Salvager I

    Improved Cloaking Device II

    Salvager I

    Core Probe Launcher I

    Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

    Small Salvage Tackle II

    Small Salvage Tackle II

    Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8

    4 x Warrior II

    4 x Salvager I

    Once fitted grab a border-5 and a proximity-5 filament, warp to a safe spot and Yeet yourself to the place where the skies always red using the border-5.


    Mostly any grid can be spicy with NPC on NPC action in Pochven including your landing grid : launch probes, mwd in direction of your choice and cloak.

    You can tell how juicy a system will be for janitoring by the amount of incoming wormholes the Pochven system has. The more connections the more NPC on NPC violence can be happening which in turn equals more wrecks for you.


    Scan down the incoming connections to the Pochven system, whilst running d-scan, Try and figure out if there are PLAYER ships on d-scan and where they are. Current meta in terms of player Pochven PVE fleets you will see mostly revolve around long range Nagas, Rokhs, with the occasional Heavier Leshak comp. Having hostiles in system is a good thing, they are generating more loot for you!

    Once fully scanned it is time to warp to the wormholes and create some important bookmarks. When initially warping to the wormhole you will land at a button roughly 50km from the wormhole itself. The best way to deal with this issue as a janitor is to make a perch bookmark whilst your in warp to the grid itself.(Ctrl - B prior to warping, bookmark doesn't create until you press enter, press enter on the last 50-25k of your warp, watch the screen - and you end up with a bookmark around 1-3k off your warp in point with some practice,) as soon as you land warp to this slide in and cloak. Due to your align time you are almost impossible to catch.

    You are now at a perch off a Trig wormhole connection. Bookmark the exit itself via right clicking the wormhole and you now have a warp directly to the wormhole as well as a perch 1-3k off. You can show info on the wormhole itself to find out where it goes (Kspace,NS,Jspace) and also see if Crit/end of life although this isn't a primary concern when janitoring.

    Repeat this for every connection, this is important as if a roaming gang or locals wake up and run some PVE you need to be a good janitor and clean that shit up for them. Generates some impressive hate mail as well as iskies.

    Once you have all wormholes bookmarked, as well as handy perches around 1/3k from them do the same warp in/bookmarking method for gates in system as you did prior ensuring you always warp to 100km to any celestial.

    On landing grid ALWAYS warp instantly to your perch bookmark and cloak, you are only relying on your align speed to stay alive and the initial warps to 100km to make perches can be sketchy and land you in the middle of NPC fleets.

    Once gates are pinged out this way repeat for all POCOS in system and NPC stations. Essentially in an ideal world you leave your diving system with a full cargo of loot you have also fully mapped it for next trip.


    You found a wreck field off a poco/npc station/gate. Excellent.

    You can decide your risk factor next, if system is quiet you can judge if you have time to get inside the field and start grabbing stuff and salvaging everything by mwding between wrecks. In terms of salvage, trigs give great stuff and the t2 edencom wrecks give t2 salvage. Prioritize Trig wrecks and Edencom t2 wrecks over anything else when aiming to salvage the field, I wouldn't bother salvaging t1 Edencom wrecks personally although if you have time it isn't an issue. You have a great align time of 1.6 secs so spam dscan and get ready to warp to a ping/safe should anything decloak / land on grid with you. Loot everything when using this method you can dump out worthless stuff to keep going when your full.

    If you have ended up watching hostiles (EITHER PLAYERS OR NPCS) from a perch at a wormhole or a station you can absolutely get away with ninja looting wrecks with your dank align time. Sit at your perch 3k away from them and once a wreck has popped simply warp to 0 scoop and warp back to perch rinse and repeat. If they have fast tackle, use your brain and don't try this method on NPCS that are not engaged on each other. I don't personally bother salvaging under hostiles and just go for loot instead.

    In terms of actual loot from the wrecks over salvage your main money maker is Interstellar Navigation Logs as well as the assorted Pochven Filaments and a couple of big ticket items which you will learn over time. The NAV logs can be exchanged inside Pochven NPC stations for various Trig related items and BPCS. You can do your own research here on what best to buy. You do not require standings to use the LP store. Some meta mods are worth keeping also

    Shouldn't take you too long to fill up on juicy loot at which point either leave through the High-sec wormhole or pop the proximity filament, due to the nature of Pochven and the filaments, border systems will always tend to spit you out close to a main hub to drop off and go again.

    Typing this document I salvaged a system that had 2 wreck fields on NPC stations that gave me 239mil in loot in less than 15mins. Go out and clean space nerds.

    Memes aside this is a perfect entry level activity to Pochven to get your feet wet and can provide a nice income as an aside. Its also allows you to print kikis and ikis........

    TLDR : Come Pochven,Make bank.

    Space Meme Janitor xo

    submitted by /u/Triglord3000
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    What a rush!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Went out exploring last night and came across something to behold, it took me 5 hours to finally lock down and most of today to clean up but man what a rush


    There's some unaccounted for as I had to asset safety them away before I thought to keep track.

    In one system there was a Tatara and a Raitaru with their cores, fuels and fits. I frantically started to search for a wh to access the system, it took me 2 hours before I realized this was futile, there were 3 other Raitarus unanchored in nearby systems as well and my heart was pumping, my palms were sweaty and every few minutes I could feel the sweat roll down my arm, fuck!!! Nothing but God damn data and relic sites! Any other day this would have been beautiful but TODAY! TODAY OF ALL DAYS!!

    It was getting close to down time and with no other choice I made my ships ready for the gauntlet run they were about to do, 2 jumps through low sec and 10 through null, in an Orca, DST, a Blockade Runner, and a scout. They were all ready at down time.

    At 11:06 eve time I began my run through the maw.

    First jump was clear and after setting up the safes everyone was through, the next system was held by Triglavians and there was a fleet on the out gate. After making the safes and distracting the Trig gate guns everyone made it through. By this time the fleet on the out gate had left and the other side was clear except for some bubbles around an anysblex gate, not anywhere near. Beautiful. Safes made and everyone is through. Out gate is clear and so I proceed with the process.

    After a few jumps while my ships were in warp to an out gate with a bubble to the side a wolf got stuck and saw me jump the gate, he proceeded to follow and search for the fleet of ships at my control but eventually took a wrong gate and I was able to make it safely to the Tatara and surrounding Raitarus. The fuel this dude left is crazy! Almost 5 bil worth of fuel I had to asset safety through some structures in the area. Man not looking forward to collecting that but hey! Money is money and the exchange rate on time/money on this one is nuts!!!

    Beautiful just beautiful. I've been glued to eve because of this for the last 8+ hours, I burned far into the night and saw the sunrise pass by.

    Please, please keep forgetting your unanchoring timers :) -Valksons

    submitted by /u/Gendrath
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    Goons go back to 1DQ pics

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:51 PM PST

    The Beacon Provides

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:49 PM PST

    A Thank You to the Eve Online Community

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:13 PM PST

    I want to thank everyone that took part in this fleet to show support for our friend that we lost to covid-19. by the end of this event I was doing my best to not break down because I know how much this would have meant for him. Thank you Spectre Fleet for helping in hosting this event on your website and fleet pages and thank you to everyone who joined in. This game can be full of people who scam and bully each other and be down right ruthless... but when things like this happen I am truly in aw how people can ban together in support for each other. I for one have never seen any other game out there like this and the community is so diverse, I for one plan on continuing with this journey and look forward making more friends along the way. I feel that this was a great Honor to show our friend how much we care for him and that we will miss him. Fly safe out there guys, and I look forward to the next time flying with all of you!


    submitted by /u/Mtaylor_2790
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    PRESS RELEASE: Signal Cartel Leadership Change

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:30 AM PST

    Thank you Rixx and Stay Frosty for FFA

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:48 AM PST

    Just a massive thank you for hosting it again this year. It was amazing and I think everyone had a good laugh. Thank you to the Dread, Orca and Marauder pilots who undocked to allow us to shoot at you.

    submitted by /u/Eric_Shang
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    No Meta Show Tonight?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:49 PM PST

    Bit confused, not seeing the Meta Show up today, have I missed it?

    submitted by /u/Majikmippie
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    We welcome LowSechnaya Sholupen [-LSH-] to the Pandemic Family!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:08 AM PST

    Free 1M SP wasted?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:47 AM PST

    2 months into the game now and i just realized that if i used someones referral code, i can get a free 1M sp. but since i dont want to restart all over again, is there anyway i can claim it?

    submitted by /u/Dominuscx11660
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    Can u explain the test goon war to me simply?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:41 AM PST

    I see so much meeming on here about the glorious war in delve but what's actually happening down there and who's winning?

    submitted by /u/jess-plays-games
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    A Band Apart's FFA: In the eyes of a newbie

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:44 AM PST

    A couple days ago, I heard about the FFA event that was going on today (and is currently still on). I thought it would be cool to take a couple free ships, and since I've never gotten a PvP kill before. I decided to undock, set destination, and jump over to Ouelletta. Upon approaching the Astrahus, my lemon-battery PC decided start lagging like hell, and my screen was filled with white, orange, and red triangles. Great.

    I docked up, grabbed a free ship, and undocked. Twenty seconds later, I was in my pod, waiting to redock. Did it again. And again. Shot at a Kronos, shot at some Atrons, died, undocked again. Finally, I came out and locked onto a Kestrel that already had half of its armor down. Seeing that this was my chance, I quickly turned on my afterburner and set Approach to that Kestrel. Guns blazing, I smiled as the last of its hull bar turned red and flashed away. https://zkillboard.com/kill/91230530/

    Two seconds later, another flash of light, and I was once again sitting in my pod :/
    I got a another kill later, but after an hour I decided to call it quits and logged off.

    Anyways, just wanted to share how it went for me, even though I'm a noob and I don't have much experience as far as PvP goes.

    submitted by /u/ErkZoiBoi
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    [Solo PVP] Wanna be Hero Vargur

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:51 AM PST

    Why is the bellicose

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:27 PM PST

    1.The only ewar cruiser with a weapon bonus

    1. Have a shorter paint distance than a vigil

    2. Have piss poor lock range

    It just seems like it tries to do everything but fails at it all

    submitted by /u/Yz221122
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    Just found this old video from 2012, back in the good old days of CCP and the AT.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:06 AM PST

    Evil Imperium FC baits the head of Brave into a podcast - what ensued might surprise you... | FC Chat #64 - Dunk Dinkle

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:29 AM PST

    Is PvP in eve fun and possible as a solo player?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:52 PM PST

    So i like the idea of pvp but i am a solo player, so i want to know if pvp as a solo is fun and actually possible

    submitted by /u/Megareaper85
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    One Dickbutt

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:17 PM PST

    Goons leave M2 hellcamp, PApi has won the war

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:13 PM PST

    Today we have seen the courageous PApi pilots flooding Reddit with morale posts the like have not been seen for several months. For the uninitiated high sec pilot, this is surely a sign that PApi has won the war. It is true, and let me add even more totally unbiased info to this news:

    1. Vily was heard singing in the shower to his Shattered Armer hand puppet. This is probably one of the first times Vily has had the chance to be happy with his amazing anti-goon crusade after CCP has announced they will immortalize him as the biggest blunder FC in EVE History.
    2. Brave pilots are already looting the field, including fully operational PApi titans. One PApi titan pilot has declared, while sobbing: "I logged in, because i thought it was safe.....but they stripped the plates off me like ants...."
    3. Fraternity was contacted for a statement but their diplo kept replying only with ":)", "gf", "you mad", "/script reply-local null pointer exception error" looped every 5 seconds.
    4. Reports from PL/NC. stations indicate a large amount of methane being generated, courtesy of "zkillboard flatulence syndrome" which generally makes these pilots recognizable through smell and sound, when they are around you and not docked.
    5. PGL declared: "I am really sad Goons left the camp. We were just about to deploy 1000 titans to M2 to save our battle brothers. We were really close too, only 45 move ops remained and in about 3 months we would have swiftly bashed goons".
    6. Warped Intentions members still wonder where is this M2 station and why nobody tells them anything. They find solace in kicking around the only Watchman pilot left.
    7. TEST pilots are now proudly walking head high and acting like they actually did anything in this war. A few of them have pictures of Esoteria in their wallets but pulling the picture out and looking at it has been banned under the threat of OPSEC kick.

    Reports of Goons is that their morale is devastated. Latest leaks indicate that they have gathered around the T5Z gate in 1DQ and listen to 'Avish battle songs while doing push ups for the incoming 1DQ siege.

    In a clear proof that they are demoralized, even their industry guys have given up and are selling doctrine ships at JITA import price, while PApi's superior economy is still churning overpriced...well...everything.

    Thank you for tuning in to our Propagoonda broadcast for news on the 17th time PApi won the war in the last 9 months (the 16th time was the titan breakout where they lost 410 dreads).

    submitted by /u/bay_cee
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