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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Weekly Recruitment Thread



    Once a week we provide an additional space for Corps/Alliance to post recruitment, and for people looking for a Corp to sell themselves.

    Please consider in your post to include;

    • Area of space (NPC/Sov Null/ Wormhole/ Low/High sec)
    • Type of Corp (Indy/Small gang/F1 blob)
    • Main and active timezones
    • Any requirements of SP/Alts etc
    • Any external discord/website links

    You can also post your recruitment on /r/evejobs which is open for recruitment all week - however keep in mind you can only post a fresh thread there once your previous post is 7 days old.

    **Comments are in contest mode and so are not influenced by vote count**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - April 01, 2021


    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ship names taken literally


    Ships were too cheap, making them more expensive is the whole point


    I am genuinely flabbergasted by some of the reactions to the industry changes. People swearing that large portions of the playerbase will quit the game because they won't be able to afford to PVP. People who seem to think that CCP is making ships ridiculously expensive so that players are forced to buy ISK with PLEX, turning the game into pay2play and filling CCP's coffers. What universe do you live in?

    Before scarcity, there were several years of over-abundance that made ships so obscenely cheap it broke the game. T1 Battleships became a joke. Remember when The Imperium suicided thousands of them into PAPI keepstars in NPC delve without breaking a sweat? Pirate battleships are so disposable that Machariel doctrines are the norm. Capitals are so disposable that losing one is a complete joke. All of this would seem completely insane pre-abundance. Remember when 75 titans died in BR5, completely decimating the losing side and changing the null landscape for years to come? Well, 300 titans died in M2 and all we got was a lousy few weeks of a morale slump on one side and (deservedly) smug reddit posts on the other. This is a bad joke. One of the selling points of EVE is that loss matters and actions have real consequences. That's doesn't work if shit become disposable.

    If you want to be given a ship, teleport to the place where action takes place and have gud fights for 30 minutes, why are you playing EVE? Honestly, there are thousands of games that cater to the "log in, quick join, pew pew, leave" type of players. EVE was never supposed to be one of them and CCP, seeing what a fucking mess they made in the abundance era, is trying to shift the game back to it's roots that made it so unique and great. Will they do an amazing job of it? Probably not, it's CCP. If you want to complain about them ultimately fucking it up, be my guest. But if you're complaining about them trying to turn EVE into EVE again, you may respectfully fuck off.

    submitted by /u/Genlador
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    Gate to Stain Under Construction




    annual april fools reminder


    you're not funny and your joke is bad

    submitted by /u/Your-Neighbor
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    CCP I am not 16, I don't need emojis in my emails.


    USTZ brawl between Imperium and Papi


    Seeing a relatively small PAPI fleet form, Imperium formed Muninns under Tom Flood to hit an objective, which was the PUIG-F Ihub. This Ihub in South Delve has repeated flipped between the two sides due to efforts from, and is yet to reach the Sov 3 for the cynojammer prerequisite for PAPI to attack the PUIG-F Keepstar. Imperium forces were able to set up entosis drakes and a mobile jammer on the Ihub. The PAPI fleet engaged the Imperium fleet on the Ihub, but was unable to kill the cynojammer and retreated with moderate losses after killing tackle. Imperium forces finished the initial ref on the Ihub, and attempted to catch the Papi fleet on their retreat to O-H. A good drag bubble by a papi dictor left the Imperium fleet 100 from the gate and unable to effectively pursue.

    After this, Imperium forces decided to bait a fight by starting initial ref on the 0-H Ihub next door. Both sides started pinging for more reinforcements. With Papi greatly reinforcing their Muninn fleet, as well as Tornados under Vily and Eagles (wasn't clear on which monitor was the eagle FC) under Sandrin Stone, while Imperium formed Tornados under Aritiza and Cerbs under Dave Archer. Imperium forces recreated their setup of a mobile jammer on the Ihub and perched Tornados, while Papi forces bridged into PUIG and then gated into 0-H, perching up on their on grid fortizar before committing to the fight. With the HAC MWD sig nerf, both sides decided to have muninns do a MWD off wide orbit (20km) in close proximity to the enemy fleet, while Eagles/Cerbs + Tornados snipe from range. Muninn alpha and damage is immense from close range and both sides started trading ships a rapid pace without really losing critical volley mass. Without the benefit of ADC or T2 resists, the entosis drakes and the cynojammer were both killed (although some drakes tanked a lot).

    With the cynojammer dead, the possibility for PAPI capital escalation was open, and the Imperium Muninn fleet moved to disengage, clearing tackle with help from Tornados and Cerbs. The fleet was able to clear tackle right as ~30 PAPI carriers loaded grid, and then bridged home to 1DQ. The fight in O-H was basically dead even, with both sides losing 25B. The Ihub was not reinforced.

    Overall BR for the 2 fights

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    Now you're just being cruel CCP


    Very Zbello Kitty


    Templis CALSF Returning to their Roots


    Current State of WWB April 2021


    BRAVE Announces New Reddit Focused Corp


    Squizz is a legend this April 1'st


    Fit Kitchen: Cockroach


    Im so happy right now that I got my Wife, Eve and my corp after I lost my Job today...


    thanks to the current situation.... I'm so happy that Eve is a great game to socialise with others... Thanks for everything CCP..... I don't know what else to say I'm scared about the Future... will I keep my house my friend do I have enough free space in my head for Eve..... I feel me lost right now....

    submitted by /u/trilox9810
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    I am releasing a statement of my leaving of TEST


    It has become apparent to me over these many months of war that the task we set out to do is impossible, and with the power and space, as well as our future enemy's getting insight on how we work as an alliance that we will fail. and we will fall.
    That is on top of the blatant disregard for all the hard work i put in, the many promotions that pass by me, and the lack of any courtesy on coms, They never called me a cunt once!!
    So, before we fail and collapse i'm leaving. If was fun, our line members are a bunch of awesome people and i am sad to leave them behind.

    But i have to do what i need to do to grow as a FC and player in EvE and i cant in the uncultured salted soil that is TEST.
    TEST has lost is cultures, and are doomed. Good job Thomas Wilke for taking down an alliance that lasted a decade
    Already moved all my assets to low sec, and i'm looking for a new corp to join :) Might join BUSA, They like all Australians are a bunch of war criminals anyway
    So thank you OMEGA, Vily, Karmen and PGL for what you have shown me and i wish you well

    Now i'm going the fuck to sleep.

    submitted by /u/KaeL_EaglesEye
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    Should I bother to continue training for a rorqual? Will CCP buff exhumers to make them worth it? Will rorquals exclusively be boosting ships? Questions brought to you by a noob that is very poor during scarcity.


    I may not be the first to 100,000 spins but I certainly hope I'm the last


    If you're not leaving highsec for this event you're just stubborn


    Folks are fighting over sites and eggs in highsec and I'm flabbergasted. There is zero reason to do that. This event can be done entirely in frigates. The eggs are everywhere out in lowsec and there are plenty of sites to run and plenty of empty systems if you're risk averse.

    I've seen so many complaints about the event being bad and the eggs/sites being too contested. It makes me want to rip my hair out! Leave highsec for Bob's sake. You can do it in a Tristan. You can do it in a PVP fit. Why are you stubbornly fighting over sites in highsec? Are you seriously afraid to lose a frigate?

    /End rant

    Edit: To reiterate in a different way; tons of eggs, tons of sites, tons of empty systems, just sitting there waiting to be run. Fit out a Hecate and you will be smartbomb proof and insta-aligning. The risk is practically non-existent, and the rewards are plenty.

    Edit2: Hecate can hunt eggs but can't enter the site.

    Edit3: u/Arcnx helped me compile a list of some commonly smartbombed systems: Oulley, Tama, Gonditsa, Aunenen, Rancer, Kinakka, Vecamia and the surrounding areas. Smart bombs can do a 3k volley and you typically don't see more than 2-3 of them together so 6-9k+ hp is enough to protect you in 99% of cases. I'll add more systems if anyone has more.

    submitted by /u/Recurringg
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    Who Are The Drifters?


    Naga sniping fits?


    Title says it, naga railgun fits that has effective range of at least 90 km and targeting range of 100~ km (for alpha clone btw)

    Edit: grammar

    submitted by /u/Chromer_ilovePS2
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    50MN Crusader Shatters The Abyssal Space-Time Continuum


    For those who didnt scroll to the bottom of Zkill yet...


    Marauders for all


    TRC's ability to feed Machariels is only rivaled by one thing, their ability to feed Marauders.


    submitted by /u/DiedToLag
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    So knowledgeable fans of the game overall (including lore nerds), talk to me about it.


    Here's some info: 99% ignorant of the game, I've tried it 3 or 4 times, never getting much further than the tutorial. I may actually dive in this time after (lightly) reading up on the lore and the giant wars you've had in the past, the more recent confrontation of December last year caught me. I appreciate that there's the risk of losing your things and that the world is constantly evolving according to player-decisions. I like to do some RP in games so my Empire is Calradian and race is Civere, I'm on EU. (I want to do military-focused stuff starting off. I liked the ISA and Helghast from Killzone so began a military career with these above choices as it seemed the closest fit to ISA, possessing a probably naïve hope of one day participating in those larger battles if I choose to stick around. Right now I'm progressing through that until I graduate to an advanced career and 'earn my stripes'.) I'm greener than fresh grass, I'm aware.

    The only thing I don't like that much so far is the soundtrack. If there's a way to replace the OST, I think I'll switch it out in game files or just mute and play my own. (Yes, Killzone. I admit to the fanboyism) So far, having a good time! I just got done killing some pirates ("Pithi Arrogators") and am now heading back to dock at the station. I've hoarded everything I can from destroyed wrecks, scrap metal so far.

    I'm managing my expectations and keeping in mind it'll take a while for me to learn how everything works before I get into more involved aspects of gameplay. So tell me whatever you think someone like me would want to know! is this going to be a good time? what should a noob like me know now to have the most fun?

    submitted by /u/Khefremat
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