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    Sunday, April 25, 2021

    Eve Online 3GD6-8 Rakogh Administration

    Eve Online 3GD6-8 Rakogh Administration

    3GD6-8 Rakogh Administration

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    TLDR below for the livestock.


    Some people know about some war that's going on, some people know about game changes designed to keep a false economy functioning by manufacturing scarcity, so in that way, EvE is just like real life. Me, my space job has been milking a cow for billions of isk and I'm here to tell you where it is.

    When Brave moved to Catch the second time, also known as Catch 2.0, we found a Russian with two marauders doing a static 10/10 site in 3GD6-8. It took about 20 of us headless chickens to kill him and run him off, the next day a TEST bro was in there, with two marauders, doing the site.

    He was greeted with a friendly hello and a flat demand that he leave because Bob Carebare Raholan (Barve MilDir for life and player solely responsible for the death of PL in its entirety) and Blade Reiper did some research discovering two unique implants that only drop in that site.

    The Pashan's implants give redonkulous bonuses to either energy turrets or turrets in general, being unique, they were being sold for a billion and 2 billion respectively. Through a tireless campaign of swearing and whining, it fell to me to sell the implants for the alliance and pay all the nerds who took part. Pumping the price up to 5 and 3 billion, with hundreds of billions in profit after payout, has been one of the enduring pleasures in all my 12 years of EvE.

    It's been said you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, but if you want to catch ALL the flies, use shit. In EvE, isk is the shit, and boy did we get a lot of flies show up. We've had irrelevant nerds take the site for a few weeks, before going back to smartbomb camping some pipe somewhere because that feeds the howling, sucking holes in their chests more, we've had gangs of fighters arrive to dunk krabs and learn the hard way about the mechanics of the site. We even had Kate R land on grid with a Revenant, more than once pwning newbros and warping to a safe to cloak up. Dreads, failed blops drops, bubbled structures and ambushes, straight theft, every combination of shenanigans from within and without the alliance. With the billions being a sweet bonus and a great way to smoosh players new and old into a 20 minute sig that might pay out a cool hunjy mil.

    Indeed. Now I'm going to hand it to you and see if anyone out there has the vitamins to contend.


    -The Rakogh Administration Complex is a static site that appears as a beacon on your overview in 3GD6-8.

    -The beacon warps you to zero on a gate. You can warp at range, or a bookmark, but a bubble on grid brings you to zero, the grid is deadspace. Which means cynos of all kinds don't work there. If you want to blops or drop caps you need to blops into system and warp to the gate. Many people have learned this the hard way and become very sad.

    -the first room has two gates. The left gate needs the room cleared of ships, leading to a second room that also needs the ships cleared to use the gate to a third room where a few times a day, at random, a named rat Pashan's Battle Commander spawns. Kill him for the Rakogh Key. All three rooms will web you and lean on any tank. A marauder will spank it all in 20 minutes after the recent changes.

    -IMMEDIATELY AFTER DOWNTIME kill the named rat on the ingate. This spawns a structure in a 3rd room down the right gate from the 1st room. We call it the Space Toilet.

    -with the key in cargo 1st room doesn't need to be cleared, the right gate can be taken and anyone in fleet can use the gate within a 10 second window.

    -2nd room needs to be cleared of ships before gate to 3rd room can be used. This room will split dps, bully drones, web and tracking disrupt, so logi is a good idea for gangs. A gang of stainrus cerbs got slapped in this room, then sat at about 30 in the 3rd room and got their leet pvp asses leathered.

    -3rd room down the right gate has the Space Toilet structure, one of those hellish spiky looking Sansha castles. It will web and hit hard with torps. It won't switch targets. Rats there will point you (elite frigates on your left) and switch targets periodically.

    -The shield rep on the Space Toilet is really something. Like all pve content, it's designed to keep you in space while others creep through the weeds trying to make you pvp content. A single marauder can cut through it now, but less damage will find it challenging.

    -Once the structure asplodes, a can drops with a roughly 2-in-seven chance of a Pashan's implant, or the default drop of a t2 mindlink (info or shield) and overseer's effects.

    -control of this site means ownership of the entire supply of a unique item. On average about 2 sell a week. Knowing EvE as I do, my confidence that people will travel to contend for this prize is VERY LOW. You are all krabbers or krabber muggers and this current farce of a war (basically the hideous bullying of the least liked group of blobbing krabs in order to forestall CCP nerfing keepstars) has shown me now that Barve has left, that the tiny group of stain woodworms squirming out of NPC null to run this site will be completely safe.

    Truly the sweet milk and honey spewing out of this isk fountain is only to be held for long by powerful, clear-eyed capsuleers with aesthetic facial structure and chests broad enough to stop an out-of-control forklift. Flying with such nerds has been an honour and a privilege.

    TLDR static site drops billions a week, as well as shiny killmails, dare you to get it

    submitted by /u/omrootinkayngznshiet
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    Gobbins starts Horde townhall 4 minutes before the scheduled start time!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    UNACCEPTABLE. WOULD THE MITTANI HAVE DONE THIS? edit: turns out my clock is fast

    Key points:

    "If you are expecting a massive fight then I think you will be dissappointed"

    There will be another townhall before the assault on 1DQ.

    The main challenges for 1DQ is that there is a faction fort on the ihub.

    Goon staging system means there will be a ton of goons and assets in 1DQ.

    When we get to the 1DQ assault stage, I believe we will be in a harrassment stage, we will drop azbels, and take the ihub.

    Will there be a big super fight? No

    Super fights are very unpredictable and dependent on the FCs on the day whether a fight happens.

    Final assault on 1DQ keepstar I doubt there will be supers dropped. Especially as we know server conditions cannot be relied upon.

    The reality of the war is that super fights can spark out of anywhere, unpredictably.

    CSM discussions over server conditions didn't really go anywhere.

    CCP were helpful and cooperative for reinforcements of nodes. We fought them for quite a bit to get the M2- node perma reinforced.

    I am concerned about node crashes whilst we are hitting an armor or hull timer, resulting in us losing the timer. Massively demoralising.

    If goons can keep 6000 people logging in then the 1DQ is likely to be defended.

    Log in numbers for all sides are going down.

    A ton of goons will log in for the 1DQ ihub timer. Even ones which haven't logged in in awhile.

    Would you accept a surrender from the imperium? I doubt they ever would offer one.

    Querious is cleared and well under PAPI control.

    Dunk said that brave are in a good spot. They have got moon and production up and going in Q.

    Delve has been cleared of enemy keepstars outside 1DQ. A few forts and sotiyos left thats it.

    Fountain has been glassed for a second time.

    Imperium struggle to kill keepstars in former legacy space. Keepstar chain is still intact.

    Darkside harrassment has continued in Horde homelands. Insignificant and they have been easily repealled by FRT.

    I wanted to address that legacy and test have settled in new territory which is pretty secured now. Retaking legacy space will be easy now but there is no one to live there anymore.

    Allies are doing well. FRT doing really well. NC/PL one of the most stable and active alliances.

    What do we consider winning? To burn 1DQ. Burning 1DQ entails killing central staging keepstar for goons.

    Dread stimi still happening. 77 dreads handed out so far.

    I want horde to be able to spam dreads

    Lowsec locust fleets will be a thing. Maybe with rorquals.

    Dr Mibbles posting on reddit is mass cringe.

    CCP said that rorqs are underappreciated right now and will put in changes to improve that.

    Do we plan to relocate the alliance at the end of war? end of the war is so far away right now. Any post-war plans keep changing all the time. Focus right now is 1DQ constellation which will take several months to take.

    ESI gave us a 3D visualisation and mapping of where our trapped titans/supers were on the M2- grid.

    This enabled us to shoot specific bubbles to break out certain titans.

    We used shooting bubbles to make goons rage form daily.

    Only 10 people planned the m2- breakout.

    Every rage ping for m2- breakout happened at exactly the same time accross the coalition

    A bookmark set showed which bubbles needed to be killed.

    My own thoughts: The whole M2- titan mapping/3d visualisation is the exact type of meta game I have come to love from this game. I bet some real world intelligence workers were loving it. Props to those who actually did it. Next level work.

    we killed 64 sotiyos in delve, 11 are still alive

    we killed 68 tataras in delve, 9 are alive

    we killed 53 azbel in delve, 5 are alive

    we killed 129 forts (including faction) in delve, 49 are alive

    we killed 1016 (athanor/rait/astra) in delve, 94 are alive,

    We killed 35 goon keepstars in 6 weeks. Goons raged that we couldn't kill all their keepstars. But we did it, 1 by 1.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Quarter61
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    Your Meta Show TL;DR for 4-24-21

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    Mittens is rocking a black snuggy.

    CCP is fucking up the economy.

    Imperium's finance guys have "solved the economy".

    ... And they think think Titans are going to cost 350 billion isk.

    Mittens is worried and concerned about the economy

    CCP isn't giving us any stuff.

    Merkelchen is pretty frustrated that Gobbins isn't going to YOLO into 1DQ. Literally ruined his day.

    Horde only has 560 people in their townhall.

    Horde are bitches.

    Brisc is frustrated with the pace of the war too.

    PAPI are blobbing blobbers.

    Gobbins has no clue.

    PAPI are little dick bitches.

    Mittani doesn't take pubbie bitches seriously.

    We won't lose 1DQ, but if we lose 1DQ we'll just take asset safety out.

    Brisc is frustrated with the pace of the war.

    Look at these participation graphs.

    Nothing but 1DQ matters.

    Merkelchen is frustrated with the pace of the war.

    Mittens is too.

    Jammers are for cowards

    Insulting people is funny to Brisc

    Imperium wins all the big fights.

    Come into 1DQ please. Please? Losers if you don't.

    'member those anchoring keeps we killed?

    PAPI are little dick bitch cowards.

    You should use Titans or you're cowards, but when we don't it's cool.

    Brisc is awesome because he lost some ships.

    We're willing to risk our supers and you're not. See asset safety above.

    Little dick bitch cowardice shit. Fuck the pubbies.

    Merkelchen is really, really frustrated with the pace of the war. Please set him free. Please?


    One more hour of your life saved. If I miss a week like I did last week just read the one from the week before. It's more or less the same schtick every week. This public service announcement has been brought to you by Ketamine. Frustrated with the pace of this war? Tired of ship spinning and just want to end it all? Ask your local dealer if Ketamine is right for you. The war will be over literally before you know it.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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    Almost Had Him

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    CCPlease Navy Destroyers

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    We need navy destroyers. Every other subcap ship size has navy ships. We've got navy frigs, navy cruisers, navy battlecruisers, and navy battleships (even if overshadowed by pirate BS, they still exist), but there's no navy destroyers.

    Imo, navy destroyers would be a great way to fill the price and performance gap between T1 destroyers, and T2/T3 destroyers. As is, your only options for a very pew pew destroyer are T1 or T3. Dictors are specialized for bubbling, and command dessies are specialized for links, with neither being particularly good outside those roles afaik. I wish there was an intermediate step like how with every other ship class it doesn't jump right from T1 to T2 or T3, there's always navy or pirate options.

    Sorry that this kinda turned into a bit of a rant, but TL;DR: Navy destroyers would fill the gap between T1 and T3 combat destroyers pretty well.

    submitted by /u/GamingGuy099
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    TIL You can wash your ship

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    Needless to say, big difference in before and after...

    submitted by /u/Patyes
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    I got to take some pretty nice screenshots during an anchoring last night and I think this is my favorite image I have taken of anything, maybe ever. Such a beautiful game sometimes.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Abyssal PVP Arena 17

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    Update 2, Week 15 2021: Analysis of the active participants involved in player vs player activities in Eve Online

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    So I really liked the CCP landmark stream last week. So I made a CCP Myrkur card for this Sunday

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    A recording of the Horde townhall is now available at the following link:

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    0h Hai

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    [BLACK OPS] Few Will Hunt - Five

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Collectors of EVE! Are bookmark vouches considered rare collectibles?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Hi, for those of you who don't know me,

    I'm kind of obsessive when it comes to bookmarks.

    I'm aware that these vouches shouldn't exist anymore, but it's not true.

    At least one still exists, which is why I ask.

    submitted by /u/Solstice_Projekt
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    Recent indy changes have made me want to try it for the first time... but where to begin?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    I've been playing eve off and on since around 2009, and have just returned after a full year hiatus. I've been checking out the recent indy changes and it seems there may be more opportunities for smaller/solo indy setups, but I have ZERO experience or skills trained to get started. I've read a few guides, but would live r/Eve's take on where to begin.

    I'm not super interested at eeking out a few hundred-thousand isk - I probably have around 10B+ in personal wealth to play with - but at the same time I'm not expecting to suddenly start making boat loads of cash.

    With that in mind, what would be your suggestions with regards to:
    - Skills to train first? Indy has a number of 'areas', and I'm really not sure what makes sense to train first
    - Should I start by just buying raw mats and building stuff, or better to get into researching etc.?
    - (This is maybe asking a little much, but) what items/areas are likely to more profitable for a complete newbie?

    Thanks in advance o7

    submitted by /u/NineEggs9
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    Quick question(s) about incursions

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    I heard that incursion running is a very profitable career, but I literally have no idea wtf they are. Can someone tell me what it is about, the roles that players can fulfil and the ships that you guys usually fly

    submitted by /u/IronForce_
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    Transport trough highsec

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:50 AM PDT


    So I afked mined for the past couple of weeks (working from home is awsome)
    but now im in need of isk.

    So i want to sell my Veldspar,
    Im 20 jumps (all highsec) away from Jita, what would be a good ship to transport it?
    + I have max skills for Reprocces it, or would it be easyer to just compress it and sell it that way?

    submitted by /u/Pixxels1990
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    ELI5: What's making it so hard to take 1DQ, and what would be necessary to take it?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    Relatively new player who mostly does mining, so not really familiar with that conflict

    submitted by /u/AceSevenFive
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    38 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Brave Interim SOTA April

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:19 AM PDT


    If you don't want to watch an alcoholic talking, i made some notes and comments:

    war news:

    - "we are not in a rush"
    - "slow grind 1dq const"
    - "we will have not a titanic battle"
    - "the slow blade will penetate the shild" (you are in the wrong universe dude! this is eve not dune.)
    - "it will be subcap driven"
    - he lost it with a rant vs reddit shitposters in the imperium (maybe he should look at his own people post before ranting.... stay classy dunk)

    brave news:

    - Querious is doing well
    - not rushing setting infrastructure up (i guess bc no isk)
    - athanor names will be auctioned off (i guess bc no isk)
    - moons will be rented out (lets make some isk)
    - 29.04. all eve day cyno fleet day, free port structure in pzma for everyone to join
    - brave merch store is scamming people
    - too many people sperging on coms

    submitted by /u/Normann_Tivianne
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    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    I'm made to feel like a doofus.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Today I was in Tama trying to find a fight with a better experienced corpmate. Let a Taranis go and everyone involved was puzzled as to why. It was incompetence.

    To feel like less of a loser, I wanted to pull a big W.

    Hypernet Relay :)

    Had four hundred and ninety million at some point. Could've stopped there. Spoiler alert; I didn't.

    Spent all I had and went to two million. Won back two hundred, lost one hundred and seventeen.

    While talking in corp chat about how devastatingly quick I let go of my dubloons, I won a Harpy and sold it.

    I filed a Support Ticket trying to get myself banned from HNR.

    Moral of the story; if you're dumb enough to not follow a two-step task: use the acceleration gate and lock onto red triangle, and let a weakened Taranis go, you should probably not spend most of your sweet ISKies on space casino.

    submitted by /u/Other-Cryptographer5
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    The Police Blotter

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:39 AM PDT

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