• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 27, 2021

    Eve Online An artist's depiction of Matar, the capital home planet of the Minmatar people from the world of EVE Online. Made by reading the various archives of written lore and deciphering the locations and layout of the continents and landscapes as accurately as possible. By Ferra Orta

    Eve Online An artist's depiction of Matar, the capital home planet of the Minmatar people from the world of EVE Online. Made by reading the various archives of written lore and deciphering the locations and layout of the continents and landscapes as accurately as possible. By Ferra Orta

    An artist's depiction of Matar, the capital home planet of the Minmatar people from the world of EVE Online. Made by reading the various archives of written lore and deciphering the locations and layout of the continents and landscapes as accurately as possible. By Ferra Orta

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    Ascendance is recruiting. Although, you may want to think twice about applying - particularly if you own a battleship/hac

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I had an unfortunate encounter in ascendance, and it's something I felt like I wanted to share on reddit. I am not a big poster, but I lurk like a mother fucker while I am at work.

    Little bit about me, I've played I think almost two years now. I started in high sec, did the orca mining, upgraded to an orca and a covvy. My corp discussed the idea of looking for a wormhole, I scanned down holes for weeks trying to find one that wasn't occupied, and success, we became a wormhole corp. I spent weeks organizing and helping players in this hole, scanning everything down, running sites, doing logistics etc. My one buddy in corp left for goons, he joined ascee. I kept hearing from him how amazing it was with SRP and fleets, and the 1dq grid. I decided I wanted to do bigger things, and left for ascee.

    I had been in ascee for almost 5 months or so, I was active as I could be, I helped out as much as I could. I was in a fleet the other night with dave, it was cerbs and I was torn if I should participate, but my buddy said fuck it man, its cerbs with dave. I had to work the next day so I ended up doing the fleet but was looking forward to it ending. The fleet eventually did end, we were all shit talking in local, goons were asking "I wonder what their excuse will be for not attacking 1dq" I replied in local with " CCP made the game too expensive, we won't be able to attack"

    Immediately I was called out as being a spy, in local, by a new sub director. I think his name is boggleoid or something similar. I messaged him immediately explaining what I meant by it, he replied ok and closed the conversation. I went to bed and went to work at the hospital, I got home that night at around 2030 my time and logged in to collect my daily rewards and say hi to everyone as to be frank I had a shit day at work and just wanted to chill. Log in and see I am kicked from all the imperium channels and all my characters are in hedion university and the other starter corps. Neat, I tell my buddy who's offline and I head to bed as I have to be up at 0430 the following day for work.

    I get home from work later on that night and message Heinrich who is the leader of IA and honestly, a pompous cunt who thinks he is IA from a 90's cop movie. I have a conversation with him which can be seen by clicking the following link. Throughout our conversation, this IA director tells me to apply for horde. Now, isn't this kind of shady? I get kicked from corp with no evidence or proof that I am a spy, and about 20 points as to why I am not. I am then told to go join the enemy, an enemy that outnumbers goons. Perhaps this is papis plan, have a high level spy, kick goons and get them to join horde? https://ibb.co/PhrP8b8

    I just wanted to go over some of the reasons proving that I am NOT a spy.

    We constantly get pings to rat and do adm shit in 1dq constellation. I am constantly doing this. You can see by my killboard I have lost ishtars (drunk) and have lost some other small shit as well. While I am ratting I am salvaging and looting with my alt. With this loot I am buying battleships for defence, and I am also making battleship rigs, and selling them cheap so people can fit theirs out for the defence. I spent months upgrading these BPOS and they are now in a structure I no longer have access to.

    In the storm systems there were always cloaky campers. They were able to do this by cloaking in the first few minutes after downtime. I figured out I could rat in a cheap vexor and bait them out. This got rid of the cloaky camper and then everyone could rat in peace. I did this many times, this alone helped to raise billions of isk for the imperium.I would sit in these camped systems and advise the new dudes that were going to rat, who was cloaky camping, their busy drop times, what they used, and who they dropped with.

    During one of the many meetings while I was in ascee it was brought up that PI was going to become very important. So, after hearing this I skilled 5 of my accounts into PI to try and help out.At one point it was mentioned that ascee was broke, krabswarm started up to help people get isk, and to help the corp make that tax money. I was in krabswarm for WEEKS running two accounts in these incursions, I was also planning on FCING but due to work (Covid Unit Nurse) I did not have the time to commit.

    I have access to nothing. I'm a subcap pilot x 2. I have no access to fc, skirmish, titan, supers, dreads, intel, spy shit, nothing. What exactly would I be spying on? "Were stuck in 1dq" Anyone who can look at dotlan can see what info I have access to.

    I have gone from 1b to 4 trillion on my zkill, I have participated in every fight that my work schedule allows, and have even called into work to be able to do some of these fights (Yea Im shit I know) I have skilled multiple accounts into doctrine ships to help with the defence of 1dq, spending CDN to plex, and to buy plex and injectors sp etc. https://zkillboard.com/character/2116603380/

    It was brought up that with your LP you can buy shit for making implants, it was also brought up that goons really needed this. What did I do? I used all my LP from high sec incursion farming to buy said implants.

    I was planning on going to the Vegas meet, was even talking with major sniper about how it works and all that and was even planning on bringing my wife to meet the other eve wives and go shopping, not sure if a spy would do that but it seems like a waste of time to make friends.

    One of the biggest reasons I can think of proving I am not a spy. I was discussing dreads the one day in corp or ally, can't remember,and a player messaged me about cheap dreads.His name was odin wilde or odin hildei something like that. (I could find the logs) he messaged me saying he would sell me 1b dread hulls. I turned him down, I can't fly them, and I wanted them to be available to someone in need. Now, if i was a spy wouldnt I have milked this dude for every hull I could get them just asset safety them? Or is that just me being a super spy and earning more trust.

    There was one issue with IA. I had received an email asking if a character with a similar name was mine, I was also asked as to why a Test pilot gave me a gift of 1m isk a few weeks prior to admission, I honestly had no idea who the pilot was, and had to look back through my wallet to even see when it happened.

    I read through dr mibbles post about how he was kicked for no reason and I had a few chuckles. There are countless goons that discuss how "this would never fly in goons" Open your eyes, it is happening. I have had a bunch of messages from my buddies that I have made while in goons that are discussing leaving over bullshit like this, and bringing their sig with them. I am sure goons on here will say "good let them go, fuck em, qq, salt crybabies etc" But this is the exact toxic bullshit that you guys were all pointing out in mibbles post. Mittani discussed how we all need to be doing our f2's, I was doing my f3-f4-f5's on multiple accounts to try and help. I have had corp mates try to message the directors, and leaders who either tell them "too bad it's not being reversed" or they are simply ignored.

    My options

    1. Join Papi - Thus proving I am a spy

    2. Wormholes - Did that, sick of the logistics

    3. High sec - did that hated it

    4. Low sec - Never spent more then 5 minutes here, and is it cap heavy?

    5. My blacklist is lifted from goons and I go back being the black sheep who has IA up his ass for the entirety of his eve life.

    I am sure I am going to get downvoted into oblivion, but I have never been a spy or a thief in any game I have ever played, and I have been gaming for almost 30 years now, and I would have had no problem, and been silent if I had of been kicked for just being a shit corp mate. I am also sure that there will be many people on reddit that will say "This is exactly what a spy would say" But if I was a spy and I was burned wouldnt I just fuck off silently and go do something else? Perhaps level up another account to put into ascee again? or perhaps a month old frigate pilot.

    Is there any fail proof way to prove that I am not a spy? I know there are logs, and all the api esi shit, but I am sure if I was such a super spy I could edit that? I would just love to prove that they were wrong, even if I do remain blacklisted.

    I have also been buying bulk battleships for the last few months, which are currently sitting in 1dq, if you're a papi dude and would like to buy them, so they don't go to goons let me know, could asset safety them maybe?I mean bulk 100+ fully fit.

    Hope everyone is having a good night : )

    P.S I hope the links work, I'm stupid.


    submitted by /u/Mutch84eve
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    r/Eve ATM

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    Big brother is watching you

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    Thank you CCP for sending each of my 17 accounts an email advertising your bad new packs

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    Open Invite to all of Eve Online for John Bellicose day 29th April 2021

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    Open Invite to all of Eve Online for John Bellicose day 29th April 2021




    Brave Alliance Invites all pilots of Eve Online to take part in the following event on this week to the 7th Annual John Bellicose day on the 29th April 2021.

    We will be holding a 24h Cyno vigil in honor of John Bellicose, an inspirational member of the Brave community who sadly lost his life to suicide.

    John Bellicose day is a time-honored tradition held by Brave Alliance. We will put our in-game politics aside to celebrate life. This vigil is about Celebrating the connections we make with fellow pilots and remembering the ones we've lost.

    The event will take place in P-ZMZV. The BNI team has renamed the Astrahus in system to 'Broadcast4reps'. The station will be set into freeport mode for the vigil allowing capsuleers from around New-Eden to dock and tether. We would ask that on this day All Brave pilots be welcoming and stay Classy.

    During the 24 hours of this vigil, Brave Alliance will not fire upon neutrals or reds in our space unless fired upon first. We're all here to have a good time, share some laughs, and remember those who are no longer with us.

    So please join us on the 29th of April in P-ZMZV. All are welcome. Shoot fireworks & light a Cyno for the loved ones we've lost. They are not forgotten.

    This Vigil will run from 23:59 on the 28th April 2021 until 00:00 on the 30th April 2021.


    We will also be have a Public Channel for this day called "Cyno Fleet" that any Eve Player will be able to access.


    You will need to set up a core account you do not need to give ESI scope Permissions and log in as a Guest to then be able to access the Channel for that day.

    Stay Classy

    'The Watch'

    Eyes forward, capsuleer, the cyno is not yet lit.

    Consider your modules, your rigs and ammo before you undock, for the cyno is not yet lit.

    Break free of the station and witness the universe before you, For the cyno is not yet lit.

    Set your ship to fly through the vastness while you wait, For the cyno is not yet lit.

    Pay attention, capsuleer, for those who have gone before you call for you to join them

    If you dont know what Broadcast4reps is please see the video below.


    submitted by /u/Gepabow
    [link] [comments]

    "All payouts will go directly to SRP... (I might lose my 3rd titan someday, you know)"

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    How is it going buddy ? ... yeah

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Open Invite to all of Eve Online for John Bellicose day 29th April 2021

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:51 PM PDT



    Brave Alliance Invites all pilots of Eve Online to take part in the following event on this week to the 7th Annual John Bellicose day on the 29th April 2021.

    We will be holding a 24h Cyno vigil in honor of John Bellicose, an inspirational member of the Brave community who sadly lost his life to suicide.

    John Bellicose day is a time-honored tradition held by Brave Alliance. We will put our in-game politics aside to celebrate life. This vigil is about Celebrating the connections we make with fellow pilots and remembering the ones we've lost.

    The event will take place in P-ZMZV. The BNI team has renamed the Astrahus in system to 'Broadcast4reps'. The station will be set into freeport mode for the vigil allowing capsuleers from around New-Eden to dock and tether. We would ask that on this day All Brave pilots be welcoming and stay Classy.

    During the 24 hours of this vigil, Brave Alliance will not fire upon neutrals or reds in our space unless fired upon first. We're all here to have a good time, share some laughs, and remember those who are no longer with us.

    So please join us on the 29th of April in P-ZMZV. All are welcome. Shoot fireworks & light a Cyno for the loved ones we've lost. They are not forgotten.

    This Vigil will run from 23:59 on the 28th April 2021 until 00:00 on the 30th April 2021.


    We will also be have a Public Channel for this day called "Cyno Fleet" that any Eve Player will be able to access.


    You will need to set up a core account you do not need to give ESI scope Permissions and log in as a Guest to then be able to access the Channel for that day.

    Stay Classy

    'The Watch'

    Eyes forward, capsuleer, the cyno is not yet lit.

    Consider your modules, your rigs and ammo before you undock, for the cyno is not yet lit.

    Break free of the station and witness the universe before you, For the cyno is not yet lit.

    Set your ship to fly through the vastness while you wait, For the cyno is not yet lit.

    Pay attention, capsuleer, for those who have gone before you call for you to join them

    If you dont know what Broadcast4reps is please see the video below.


    submitted by /u/Gepabow
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    Behold the sonorous war cry of a very angry Mittani

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    Let's not forget who the real enemy is.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    Comparison of old and new asset safety costs for supers and titans.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    Rocket X Outs Himself As Spy, Steps Down As RC Lead

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:46 AM PDT


    Rekking Crew has been rocked this week by the news that Rocket X, their fearless leader, was in fact leaking intel to Snuffed Out and CVA.

    Rocket X, in a short announcement this week, made the news known to the capsizing coalition:

    "As you all know, I've been making improvements to our spysec infrastructure over these past few months, cutting down on enemy relays and carefully verifying corp application text. "Unfortunately, after a series of careful plays and counterplays, I've discovered that I am the spy we've been looking for."

    Chatter rippled through the Rekking Crew "community", with sentiments varying from relief that the high-level RC spy had been caught, to concern that perhaps the spy should have been caught sooner.

    "I mean, we've seen the Reddit posts." writes NotGideon24, a three-day veteran of TRU. "We know that somehow the plans to attack the Snuff Keepstar were leaked, and that somehow those messages from Tara Read started circulating. It all makes sense now, but I feel like we should have seen this coming much sooner."

    "It turns out," Rocket's post continued, "that when you talk to people, they tell other people what you say sometimes. And in this case, it was all me. We'll be sorry to see me go." When asked when he wold be stepping down, Rocket replied, "Fuck me, I can't quit. I'll kick myself first."

    submitted by /u/WhinyVily
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    The Ouelletta Frigate Fight - from the perspective of an Italian Gang that had so much fun! I know it happened nearly 2 months ago but that was a great evening with my friends in www.lucidusordo.it

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    CCP has released the new packs... and they're awful

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    Today, the outgoing pack sale ended, and the new packs went live. My first thoughts? These packs are close to being a downright sham.

    Now, I haven't been around EVE for a long time, but with the great deals with the outgoing packs, and the decent trends with prior starter packs that were around when I started playing circa January 2020, I was optimistic. But oh my, these are bad, and I really want to highlight the starter pack above them all.

    The Starter Pack: The starter pack is the one you'd most expect to be helpful/useful. A nice little back scratch for new accounts, help keep up the new player retention, etc. If I recall correctly, when I started in early 2020 I got a starter pack which gave training accelerators, SP, and 7d omega for five dollars. Good stuff for a newbro back then. But this... this is bad.

    • 7d omega. Pretty standard for EVE starter packs I guess. But if they wanna hook new players, this really should be 14/15d, or even 30d. Lock the pack to accounts under 1mo old. Give new players a discounted run with Omega, not this one-week crap.
    • 10 PLEX... thanks Grandpa. I'll try not to spend it all on one ship. Maybe the ~20mil ISK this will net a new player might buy them plenty of the T1 cheap fits that they'll be flying, but Jesus christ, you just paid 7 bucks for this pack. This is straight up ripping off new players who don't know any better.
    • SKINS. Skins have no use to a new player. There's so many ships in EVE, the only skins I can see being actually commonly used by a new player are Venture skins or similar.
    • Playermodel outfits. Don't even need to comment on that.

    I'd go in-depth about every pack, but that would make for a rather long post. All I can say is the pushing of expert systems on new players, and this absolute scam of a new players starter pack, has me rather upset about the downgrading of monetization of EVE. I guess CCP decided that their old packs were offering too good of a deal.

    What do you folks think? Are these packs decent? Or have the deals taken a plunge from "Meh" to "Worthless"?

    submitted by /u/TriggzSP
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    The Blue Donut Coalition sends dearest regards.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    empires of eve volume 4

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Me after spamming every post on meme monday each week

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    The Superior Fighting Spirit

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Fiend AT cruiser watercolour - Part 1

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Gate Jumping Delay

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Anyone else get hung up while trying to jump gates? Ill be sitting there 0m from the gate spamming Jump for a good 5-10 seconds, while still being targeted or shot at by NPC rats. The message either says "Please Wait" or something about a session change.

    Is this a ping issue? Anyone else have this problem? Nearly lost a ship yesterday because I was being shot at waiting for my jump.

    submitted by /u/Jlev12
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    Asteros aren't supposed to be bigger than titans...are they?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    Voxel Corax

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    A 10 year old reddit thread on what eve would look like in 10 years.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    25.04.2021 Fireside. A Summary.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Since I forced myself to listen to the latest fireside and we all want to hear from both sides of the war and I don't want to exclude my fellow redditors from this gem.

    Flair will be propaganda since I'm not a neutral party.

    The Mittani ("Direct quotes in italics"):

    Fireside is now on Sundays so I can have a full night to think about the speeches of the enemy and so we don't give away free intel and opportunities like we did for years.

    I didn't expect they would say that they (Gobbins and Dunk) are eager to disappoint everyone who has been involved in this war and don't want to have big fights.

    Let's talk about the casino war: "if these motherfuckers didn't have untouchable unattackable infinite ISK [...] they wouldn't be able to stand against us." I was 98% right, they have no balls because they don't have infinite money anymore. "thank you. Gobbins for proving it fucking right, you pathetic piece of shit"

    We will still prepare for a major battle in 1DQ1. You need to have your battleships ready, it's necessary to defend our capital. Multi-fit doesn't work in TiDi so have your ships ready for what is likely to be one of the biggest battles in the history of EVE.

    This time (compared to the casino war) they say: "Goons are awful people in the real world and they need to be driven out of EVE [...] remember who your enemies are, never forget. They want us to treat them in good faith when these people have been relying upon cheats and ill will."

    [Answering the Question: "Why don't we push T5?"] "I think that there is going ... actually, I'm not going to talk about this on a fireside."

    They hate to hear about "their cowardice and of their dark history of dark casino money" constantly remind them of that. But also prep your ships and alt corps should stop anchoring citadels in the 1DQ1 constellation.

    "One of the biggest risks we have is overestimating them and people freaking out and not being able to understand the exact level of risk [...]. So that means we're going to be talking about asset safety because I want you guys to understand how asset safety works. [...] We will, as an organization, make sure that we can do the finance to buy everybody that needs it out of it."

    "What comes after is vengeance. None of these people can stop our Titan fleet. [...] These people have tried to exterminate Goonswarm. They've told everyone that you are awful human beings in the real world. They clap for that shit. You will not let them forget it."

    "[...] we will be visiting them wherever they hide for years. Exactly. As we did after the casino war [...]"

    Anyway, let's talk about asset safety: "The risk with the asset safety stuff. Isn't a military loss. If you guys freak out [...] I'm going to try to tell you guys to not be scared and not to not like worry about this too much."

    "I I'm pissed. I'm I'm just I'm I'm not going to hide it. I don't think I am hiding it. I, I just, I didn't expect that these guys would just pants themselves like this yesterday."

    "Never, ever, ... and this is important for all of you in all of your interactions with your enemy. Never let them forget the cheats in the casino war because they hate it."

    "They'll be very angry that I'm mean to them, but I don't treat anything that pisspee says in good faith, because I know who they are. I know what they've done. I know their excuses. And how can you have respect for an opponent like that? It's just disgusting. It's pathetic."

    We will defend the IHUBs from random harassment attacks in the 1DQ1 constellation with Asteros and Hecates. Develop your F2s.

    [Answering the Question: "Are we on the passive side of our defense? How do we force these guys to leave?"] "We're posting up on the fucking walls [...] I think that the best thing for us to do [...] is to have them attack us and for us to beat them. And then once that has happened, then we'll see where we're going"


    • Adjustments to SRP? Yes.
    • What's happening between FRT and AOM? They have a serenity grudge match.
    • Will we evaluate Delve defenses after PAPI is evicted? Yes we adapt.
    • How is the NGSA effort going? It's very effective.
    • Are we preparing if PAPI uses supers? Yes, that's what this speech is about.

    "my hope is that if we call them cowards loudly enough and repeatedly enough that they will find some balls somewhere and bring it. So we are preparing for that as well as trolling the fuck out of these pieces of shit in a way that they deserve."

    We won't let them forget that if they didn't have the infinite ISK cheat, they would shirk away from real combat "Validation feels good. Thank you all for coming. I will see you next week.[...]"


    I know it's a lot of text but I did my best to capture the essence of this Fireside. I also did an analysis on the count of a few words and phrases used since it was interesting. A few samples:

    "the casino war" x12 // "these fucking cowards" x4 // "asset safety" x14 // "Gobbins" x26 // "Dunk" x14 // iterations of the word "coward" x33

    This speech was a roller coaster. I eagerly await the one next weekend.

    submitted by /u/SciFiSage
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