• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 28, 2021

    Eve Online A nice dev response I found on the steam review page

    Eve Online A nice dev response I found on the steam review page

    A nice dev response I found on the steam review page

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    Screenshot from the fight in 3-D

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    [zkill] Industry changes and kill reports

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    I've gotten asked a couple times already today when zkill will start reflecting the new prices that are coming from industry changes? The answer is: When the market starts to fully reflect these changes. This may take some time, especially for caps. Keep in mind that many of the ships/items/etc may have been purchased at prices before the industry changes. So zkill won't be wildly inaccurate despite you being convinced that it is! :)

    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    [SISI] A beautiful new Jita hangar

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Fiend - finished watercolour 23 x 16 inches cold pressed paper

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    If you hate the blue donut...

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    Then leave your mega alliance.

    submitted by /u/binaryfireball
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    [Commissioned Artwork] - BLOPS Fleet

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    Some post patch industry prices

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    So, a lot of numbers have been thrown around that sound scary. 500B titans! 15B dreads! 10B Dreads! 4B Dreads!

    I spent a decent amount of time today doing spreadsheets, building predicted costs for things, and trying to get a feel for what reality actually will look like in a few months. In order to make predictions about the future, I think it's also necessary to predict where prices on things will go. So, wanted to provide some examples of what one person came up with when spreadsheeting the whole process from start to finish along with the assumptions used.

    Assumptions (noting significant changes only): Trit 5/ea, Mexallon 140/ea, platinum and chromium: 15k/ea, CMCs: 1M, Mykoseracins: 30k ea, Cytoseracins: 70k ea.

    Assuming these prices and a reaction index of 4% and a manufacturing index of 2%, here are some example ship prices. Note: this assumes BPCs are free and your time is free and only includes install fees and material costs.

    Jump Freighters: 14.7B

    Freighters: 4.1B

    Dreads: 8.1B

    Carriers: 6.2B

    FAX: 7.3B

    Supers: 80B

    Titans: 274B

    T1 BS: 288M

    Scorpion: 218M

    Navy BS: 645M

    Nestor: 1B

    Leshak: 760M

    Bhaalgorn/Bhargest/Vindicator: 1B

    Marauders: 1.25B

    When thinking about costs, a part of any capital is the Capital Core Temperature Regulator clocking in north of 2.5B. That's well over half the cost of a freighter in that single item. If you can find a system with 0 index to cook CTRs in you can save a decent chunk as an unusually large amount of the CTR cost is in the install cost (and a lot CTRs go into a single CCTR).

    While this is obviously just a prediction with a lot of assumptions, I came out feeling pretty comfortable with my grasp on things and what build prices will look like down the road. It also looks like, imo, that it will be a long time before it makes sense to build most caps and a very very long time before we see more titans/supers put into build.

    submitted by /u/Vilgan
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    The Minmatar Attack on Tanoo is a False Flag and Ive Got the Hobo Leaks to Prove It

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    No, im not crazy, shut up and listen.

    For those that dont know, some pretty wild shit just went down in Tanoo, high sec; 3 Minmatar Dreadnaughts went suspect, and opened fire on Tanoo II.

    But theres some weirdness to it. For one, the entire fleet consisted of 3 Dreadnaughts, no accompanying fleet, no tackle, no ewar.

    Furthermore, this attack supposedly slipped by ALL Amarr defences until they were literally opening fire on the planet. Slipped by. 3 Dreadnaughts. From the Amarr's biggest, most hated enemy.

    This definitely raises some questions, which are answered by 2 pretty big possibilities:Possibility 1; This was a false flag attack by the Amarr, which explains how they "slipped by" their security, and it doesnt help that Tanoo II had a large Ammatar population, which its established the Amarr consider less than human anyway. Theres evidently a pretty big drawback to this, which is why would the Amarr want to do this? Maybe if the Minmatar were seen by Concord as violating the , the Amarr would have a better claim to take territory in Minmatar High Sec?

    Possibility 2; The big one. This wasnt Amarrian or Minmatar planning: This was the Equilibrium of Mankind, a super xenophobic race that strives for nothing more than to bring "balance" to mankind and its spread throughout the galaxy through acts of terrorism and murder. Heres an exerpt from the page on them.

    However for the last few years it seems that this organization has been making a comeback. Terrorist acts have been committed throughout the galaxy, and not only in the Amarrian territories. Minmatar, Caldari and Gallente authorities have also reported groups of "pirate" marauders, claiming allegiance to a fanatical organization going by the initials of EoM, have been destroying convoys, poisoning food supplies and even bombing stations. Even the formal pirate factions, such as Angel Cartel, Serpentis etc, have claimed to have been targeted by these terrorists. The threat of this organization is growing, and so is our awareness of their presence.

    Being Amarrian in origin, it makes perfect sense that the EoM would choose Tanoo as the perfect place to strike, given its political significance, in hopes to incite further war between the two factions who, as of recently, havent really been doing anything at all besides squabbling over Faction Warfare systems and, *shudder*, working together with the Eden Common Defense Initiative, EDENCOM.

    And guess what? There only happens to be 33 hits of a specific little faction added to the game in the next patch: https://www.hoboleaks.space/#1619530792493_search=%22EoM%22

    Wild shit.

    The organization still lives, despite numerous attempts by the Imperial authorities through the eons to put and end to it. And some even claim Ocilan still lives, somehow evading death itself. But after lying semi-dormant for thousands of years, few even know what EoM stands for.

    submitted by /u/AlexPicaro
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    For my incursion bros...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    [World News] BREAKING NEWS: Minmatar Dreadnoughts Launch Orbital Bombardment of Tanoo II

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    [CSM16] Stitch Kaneland For Ship & Ecosystem Balance, Lowsec and Wormholes

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 07:42 AM PDT


    To save a click for those who dare not venture into the forums:

    Hello Everyone,

    I will be applying for CSM16 this year focusing again on Ship/Game Balance, Lowsec (Including both Faction Warfare and non-faction warfare areas) and Wormholes.

    My perspective on EVE is a bit different than most, as my story all comes from playing the game with a single character (no alts). I explore, PvE, PvP and do industry and any other playstyle with my single character.

    I won't say this is some "pure" way to play EVE or whatever, its just how i chose to play as i didn't like being told i "needed" alts to PvP or do other activities. I think EVE has a lot of assumed or "solved" ideas on how to play and I enjoy challenging those ideas. Its not about being right or wrong, but interpreting information from a more unique perspective and also reviewing information from other people and playstyles.

    o Your EVE Online story.

    Started EVE back in 2011, played for 2 weeks, left, came back a month or two later. Probably stayed in highsec for a few months before leaving again. Came back and immediately wanted to move on from highsec. Joined a small nullsec group and got to experience the "small guy" nullsec experience in 2012-2014 with Drake, Tornado, Tempest and ARMOR HAC fleets.

    During this time, i thoroughly enjoyed theorycrafting all the ships in EVE and trying to push the envelope for ship fitting/theory, at least from a solo perspective. I think EVE hooked me more through the freedom of fitting and to be creative/resourceful, rather than from the pure aspect of pvp'ing.

    I enjoyed being a wildcard and use off-meta fits and tactics to achieve victory and/or escape from groups much larger.

    Overtime, I outgrew nullsec and the fleet pvp and politics became tiresome. I just wanted to fly and shoot whoever and whatever i wanted. So, after leaving nullsec, i joined the NPC Faction Warfare corp for Minmatar. Enjoyed 3-4 years of FW content until CCP essentially overnight, deleted most of the reason to be in FW with the release of citadels (why grind systems if anyone can plop a citadel down regardless of who owns the system?).

    I then moved to non-faction warfare lowsec and lived a bit of a nomad playstyle, basing out of lowsec/nullsec choke points so i had options for roaming/baiting. I lived around Molden Heath for a bit and then N-RAEL. Hi VoC, you guys always were hunting my battleships!

    After about a year of living in non-faction warfare lowsec, i decided to jump ship and live in wormholes to ease access to more areas of space and to also expand my knowledge base to include WH pvp and also small gang PvP, so i joined Tuskers.

    I've currently been living in a C2 WH with Tuskers for about 3 years now. Using the static nullsec for roaming and roaming the WH chain for fights, logistics or exploration.

    I've put a lot of my theories, fights in various playstyles all on my youtube channel for others to help showcase these fits or explain ways to fight while being completely solo.

    o Your areas of expertise. In which areas of the game do you feel you are the most knowledgeable? What qualities set you apart from other candidates?

    My areas of expertise, as mentioned previously will be:

    Ship and Ecosystem balanceLowsec (Faction warfare and non-faction warfare)Wormholes

    I'm most knowledgeable on ship and ecosystem balance. From my experiences everywhere in EVE (highsec, lowsec, nullsec, wormholes), i've dipped my toes in nearly every area of EVE whether as solo, small gang or semi-large nullsec perspective. This gives me a larger knowledge base compared to others that stay only in 1 area space and with a particular playstyle.

    My proof of my knowledge can be seen through various changes CCP has made to the game with my own recommendations. Whether these were already planned or CCP took my advice is unknown, however in either case the changes made closely align with my initial recommendations.

    2015 - Battlecruiser role bonus rebalance (My thread on how to rebalance)

    2018 - Battleship scan resolution buff (My thread for scan res buff)

    2019 - Torpedo fitting and range buffs (My initial thread for torpedo fitting/range buffs and my follow-up thread after CCP announced torpedo changes 5 months ago)

    2019 - Mandatory ESS as a Content Driver (My thread for ESS, this does differ quite a bit from CCP's implementation, but the basic principle remains the same)

    Some well received ideas that have not been implemented (yet):

    2020 - Muninn rebalance (My thread)

    2021 - Swapping Armor Rigs to an Agility Penalty instead of Speed (My thread on the forums and on reddit)

    2021 - HAC Targeting Range Nerf (My thread)

    2021 - BLOPs Rebalance (My Thread)

    Battlecruiser Role Bonus Range buff to improve the ship food chain - No thread on this at the moment, but will happily discuss to anyone who is interested. Essentially you can read my original post from 2015 which included keeping the full 50% range bonus. I can elaborate further though in the comments.

    Hopefully these posts give you an idea on my position and perspective on ship balance. As you can see, these aren't generally posts focusing on solo/small gang, but overall ship balance and ship interaction balance. Several of these posts are targeted particularly at nullsec PvP and fleet fights.

    Its one thing to claim you have big ideas, but I feel its another to actually see your ideas come to light.

    o Why are you applying for the CSM?

    To provide a knowledgeable, non-biased and extensive perspective for ship balance and ecosystem balance. I am the swiss army knife of balance and can quickly learn or gather information on areas i may not be fully familiar with and provide feedback in an efficient manner. Which i feel is lacking through some of the past CSMs. There are too many singular focused CSM members and not enough who try to look at the big picture.

    o What can players expect from you?

    *Non-biased input to CCP on ways to improve the game balance*I am a neutral entity for wormholes, I don't have an agenda, i just live here*Easy to contact and talk to for escalating issues to CCP as needed*Willing to learn or gather information on areas that I may not be fully aware of all the intricacies of*Not completely stubborn or refusal to admit i'm wrong (I can be stubborn if an argument doesn't disprove my perspective and is more based on "feels than reals").*Passionate about new player SP requirements and ways to alleviate balance pains (SP Waste)*Wanting to challenge EVE's "alt" focused nature, specifically in regards to gimmick balances that ease alt usage further ("press button, receive bacon" kind of module interactions)

    Feel free to ask me questions below. Particularly questions on my ideas to improve lowsec, FW, specific ships or whatever you feel like. I didn't want to make this too long with those ideas, otherwise everyone will glaze over half way through.

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    Jita right now

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Live 3-DMQT Shitposting

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    Might as well have a thread, we'll only end up having 3 afterwards otherwise.

    We fighting out here

    submitted by /u/arpsisme
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    Dock Workers + Rekking Crew vs Fraternity (snuff and nsh coulda been there as well)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Another new item that got added to TQ

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    EFT will always be Eve Fitting Tool for me. Forever and ever. No amount of new games with their escaping from tarkov will change that.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    Text is required down here but i've already said all there is to say in the title.

    submitted by /u/Volred
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    Fraternity charges 1DQ: Goes as expected

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Henlo and welcome to another sweet Propagoonda episode!

    Today's heroes hail from the distant north. Eager to prove that krabing is not all they do, FRT Feroxes jumped into 1DQ.


    We are told confusion ensued when the FRT pilots did not see any enemies on their hud as they had the settings locked to Ratting. Paralyzed by indecision, apparent traffic control and "what do?" mentality, given they were just "testing the waters", they promptly fed and ran away.

    PAPI continues to lay siege to 1DQ, and this feed is part of their grand plan to tire, demoralize and bore the goons outs. GF! o7

    We have an excerpt of some good chats:

    [13:49:17] Amaterasu Sennin > you cant rageping to stand down *sad*

    [13:49:18] Corporal Cherry > tff

    [13:49:18] Rhulana > m2 flashbacks

    [13:49:19] Astrajingga > we now know that grid can fuck us

    [13:49:19] Alex Tyrol > wow 10

    [13:49:22] Hyenphea > mfw when we lose 8bil and its testing the water

    [13:49:22] smurfslayor > thx for fleet

    [13:49:25] Lechert > 10 whole pings?

    submitted by /u/bay_cee
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    Why I'm actually not looking forward to the final battles for 1DQ

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    Basically TIDI

    Having not had much of it during the house bashing the fight last night was soul crushing tidi again and just literally made me think why the fuck am i doing this moment and actually thought this is actually going o be horribly painful...

    submitted by /u/thisiseveinnit
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    I Really Enjoy Mining and Just Started and want to skill into a rorqual eventually

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    So o just started mining and really enjoy the more idle part of the whole thing and mining ore. I want to go all in on it and I'm slowly spilling towards a rorqual but won't be there for months. I currently fly a nicely fitted venture but I'm open to moving up to a retriever or something like that as I do have the skills. But most importantly... RORQUAL I want to pilot one and go mining and carry tons of ore in it to my stash dock and all that good stuff. Is the Rorq a good investment????

    submitted by /u/animal-mother4
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    [World News] Galactic Hour News Roundup: Caldari Protests, Privy Council and Triglavian Occupation

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    Eve Post-Pandemic

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Will people be playing into this summer when less covid restrictions are in place. Wondering if any new blood tried and has stuck around during the pandemic.
    Hopefully PCU stays up and CCP makes some interesting content/changes to the game to keep people around. What do you think the game will look like in 4 months?

    submitted by /u/SanshaLord
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    [BLACK OPS] Few Will Hunt 6

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    is this a normal offer?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:47 PM PDT

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