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    Monday, April 12, 2021

    Eve Online Eve do’s & dont’s

    Eve Online Eve do’s & dont’s

    Eve do’s & dont’s

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    People that don’t post here will never know the simple joys of a monkey knife fight

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    WWBee II ISK War Update: Mid-April 2021. Some improvements were made (see notes). Enjoy! =)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    CCP embrace trickle-down economics in latest industry update

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    PAPI Loses First Keepstar in the East

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    High-sec miners this week as ore prices rise.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Shutting Down for Good

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    Good Afternoon r/Eve. Most of you, practically all of you, have no clue who I am. Very briefly, I run a few websites for the community that provide some random services to a small niche of players. I've posted on here about these services that I have written when I launched them and most of them have failed, but a few are still kicking today believe it or not. They are ESIKnife and ZRule

    Today Im writing to say that Im shutting up shop for good. I haven't logged into the game in over a year. The only reason I've stuck around this long is because of my passion for software development and the amazing ESI API that i literally taught myself to code on by building the same apps I mentioned above, and none of that would have of happened if ESI hadn't been built. However, here we are 2 years later, Some would say that ESI is in maintenance mode, other would simply say that it is abandoned, for some weird ass reason. The team that has been tasked with ESI doesn't have a software engineer on that team that knows anything about ESI or how to even address any of the bugs that we've reported. This isn't their fault however as ESI was yeeted their way and they were already overloaded with their current projects as it is. What this does mean though is that the nearly 400 issues that we have reported to them over the past three years don't get any attention. It feels like you're screaming into the void and nobody is listening, which honestly with CCP is nothing new. As a paying customer (which I'm not since i have subbed in almost a year) I would be, and frankly I am, furious that a service that I literally pay for and that I know lots of third party sites depend on, the same third party sites that make certain aspects of this game more enjoyable and/or even possible, is just being tossed to the side and/or ignored to sit there and rot.

    Now some of this is one sided, I'll admit that. A CCP Developer responded to a request for the current (State of ESI)[https://github.com/esi/esi-issues/issues/1225] Post on the Github Issues board about 9 months ago and at that time they were doing some heavy overhauling to downstream dependencies of ESI that would allow them to move even more services on the ESI Platform (I think I have that right, I might actually have that backward, the direction of the deps, not the work), but nothing has been heard of them since then and that doesn't excuse them practically ignoring the community of developers in their customer base that have dedicated their time and additional funds to building services that make it easier for those customers to enjoy their game.

    This is a slight rant, and I apologize for that.

    But it is my goodbye post. Im done and I won't be sticking around or checking in for a while.

    No, nobody can have my stuff, I don't have anything except for a couple of JFs, and one Freighter, and a some capital BPOs, so don't ask.

    I hope one day I can look back and the game will be in a btter state and everything in this post is wrong, but this is how I feel right now.

    Adios r/Eve, adios CCP, gl, wish you all well, thanks for the good memories

    David Davaham/DevOverlord

    submitted by /u/DevOverlord
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    The Great Preserve

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    I prefer Eve

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    Dreams of uWu

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    The Hotter Heat of Industry - PAPI prepares for the assault of 1DQ

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    Imagine gate camping

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    For your convenience, I compiled all the good ~meme monday~ posts into one

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    Pochven players on r/Eve

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    The Great WOMP Race

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Weapons of Mass Production, a small and benevolent industrial alliance eking out a bleak existence in the wastes of Pure Blind are always looking for other small alliances in need to their aid. Following the year of hell that the entire universe has suffered at the unfeeling hands of the dreadful Amarr virus, many small and beleaguered groups were in desperate need of assistance.

    Forming up in the tried and tested (and very recently improved) WOMP Hauler Doctrine, 15 brave sons of the WOMPIRE sat in their trusty Sigils with cargo holds packed full of essential supplies that all failing alliances desperately need. Exotic Dancers (both male and female, we don't judge), mannequins, every sort of recreational and veterinary drug known to New Eden (and several unknown ones sourced from secretive Minmatar enclaves deep within J-Space), and even a few random corpses – all to relieve a small alliance only strong enough to control a single constellation of nullsec.

    At the designated time the heroic WOMPLINGs punched their destinations into their nav computers; a mere 42 jumps through hostile null space. Any journey is worth undertaking to assist an alliance under siege that cannot protect her own borders, right? Two jumps into the route the entire fleet got bubble fucked in a hell camp. Thankfully the WOMPERER had considered this and ensured each noble Sigil was equipped with a mighty S Laser, providing a mighty 14 DPS. Who could hope to stand against such a mighty fleet? Well, apparently most people can, but thankfully the fleet was blue to the WOMPIRE (lucky for them, that's a whole 210 DPS). Sadly one of the glorious pilots wasn't from the WOMPIRE, so was neutral to the fleet, and spent several hours slow boating out of the bubble fuck at 13m/s with his T1 cloak.

    Several jumps later the fearless WOMPIRATES began burning through actual hostile space. Triumvirate, seeking to prevent the vital supplies from reaching the little man at our destination, began to hunt our Sigils. First representative of the WOMPERER to die was Silvinho, may Bob bless his pod goo. Three other heroes of the WOMPIRE quickly followed him into death at the hands of the Triumvirate fleet. Clearly a great rage ping was required to form a fleet capable of destroying so many Sigils.

    In a mighty display of stealth and skill, or terrible intel channels, three brave WOMPLINGs did manage to make it all the way to the tiny home of the small and helpless alliance. 42 jumps through hell, dodging incompetent interceptors, useless T3D, boredom (thank Bob Sigils can be flown with 1 hand), and attempting not to use ALL of the off-brand Horse Tranquilizer/Sildenafil blend before it can be delivered to our desperate targets. When they finally arrived, landing in a second hell camp, the three brave pilots, began burning towards the destination Keepstar. Surely the defenders of the bubbles would not attack people on their way to help them, right? You would think so, but despite being a small, 1 constellation alliance constantly under siege and desperately in need of the relief we offered, apparently the trigger happy pilots of Goonswarm accidentally opened fire on the three Sigils, and then also accidentally podded them. They even forgot to offer SRP!

    Thus ended the great WOMP race to 1DQ.

    submitted by /u/Automatic-Bowl4665
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    Are We There Yet?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    X - The Wheel of Fortune (R5-MM8)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Logi view of XiX/valk nightmares getting dumpstered.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Delta Sqad Will Eff You Up

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    Rekking Crew Coalition Fireside Meeting TLDR

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 11:30 AM PDT


    Their meeting was like 2 hours long and I got bored and stopped recording it 45 minutes in. To save you listening to it all here is the TLDR:

    -Snuff got hammered by goons to 0 isk(lol), but noraus gave them 1tril isk(?????????????) and they are back

    -Lantorn fort was important to kill, all their shit went into asset safety (??????) as they weren't expecting to lose it

    -We did well with cerbs against snuff till they outnumbered us 2:1 (????)

    -We have srp'd everything except the titans (except 1t in titans)

    *People get banned for recording\*

    -Plan with the keepstar armor timer was to do something entirely different, not with supers and titans

    -Reinforcing initially with titans was considered less risky, it didn't really work out so now we are left with an unfortunate srp situation

    - Current Srp is 50% of what's on zkill, we're gonna be looking at the values as zkill prices are increasingly detached from reality

    - This snuff thing didn't really give us the fights we want, we've let snuff dictate the fights so far - but that's changing pretty much immediately to whaling? (lol)

    -Spy flipping TRC structures was a bit sore

    -Instead of us batphoning, we have been the batphone-in (?)

    -We were kind of in the middle trying to not piss too many people for a long time, but now we started "shooting everyone" (but youre still part of PAPI and panfam)

    -nsh has showed up against us as they did the other day, completely blindsiding us, they told us they would never work with snuff ever. we showed up to couple of their timers and that's all it took apparently

    - Looking at t1 bs doctrine for 250vs250 and up fights (probably tempests

    Then questions and blah blah defending rorqs.

    P.S if youre gonna bullshit about us being broke from goons killing some athanors and 2 forts (lol) , pick someone whose purse isnt as tight as noraus' to give us ISK, its more believable .

    submitted by /u/hy_wanto
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    Going to need a new card soon...

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    Fed up of aligning Keeps to gates, this gentleman got it just right

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    My most popular post on r/eve is of the Dazh Kolida, our favorite Leshak in Happy Meal toy form. Now here's its big brother, the Dazh... uh...I forgot

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    Cormorants are winning WWB2 and ...

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:04 AM PDT

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