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    Sunday, April 11, 2021

    Eve Online SLYCE Nereus Spends 1.5 hrs Arguing With an Orca

    Eve Online SLYCE Nereus Spends 1.5 hrs Arguing With an Orca

    SLYCE Nereus Spends 1.5 hrs Arguing With an Orca

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    If EvE is a crackhouse then its one that sells some nice drugs

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Tits on a bull

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    How I made over 35 Trillion Isk botting in high sec AMA!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    In may 2004, CCP released Hisec into the game. hisec anoms are incredibly bottable and since so few people run them, it is consistent isk.

    Each character can complete a hundred + anoms a day seeing as they only take a few minutes to run, netting an easy 25+ mil per account per day. This can be done on a ton of accounts, the only ceiling is eventually you will run out of hisec anoms if you over saturate. Over 17 years, this has turned into at least 35 tril, but idk maybe more, I lost track a long time ago.

    I wrote a script that makes my toons jump to a random gate that is hisec only, and it warps to anoms in system, clears rats, and warps to next anom etc etc until the system has no anoms, then it warps to the next gate. This backfired slightly during the invasion, when I lost no less then 15, 15 I tell you, vexors to a bubble camp in niarja because I was at work all day and apparently if you set a bot to warp to random systems in eve, eventually all roads lead to Niarja. I fixed the script and bam I was back in business.

    After a decade of doing this, I realized I needed to begin to launder money or CCP would figure out what I was doing. I quickly realized that laundering isk in this game is a pain because there is so many botters in this game, and not enough people laundering that aren't into RMT, which I refuse to deal with confirmed RMTers. I started a few bot hunting contests on reddit, which were successful and made it easier for me to launder as so many bots were hurting between the hunters, and CCP finally cracking down on nullsec botters. I know this because I only ever had 1 toon banned for botting, and it was one of the toons that made it through the gate camp in Niarja and successfully completed 3 anoms. It was permabanned the next day. Rip 200mil SP. Alas laundering became easier when the delve war started, as I could simply make an alpha, put it in goons, and buy a ton of goon war bonds. I also use to launder into the TTT but Test kind of got mad at me for something something awoxing Razor so I stopped doing that. The only way CCP can tie all the isk to my main is if they go through no less then 17 years of isk transfers, phony contracts, sketchy can contents, and a relatively hilarious SKIN dupe I discovered a few years ago that I think no one other then me figured out, but alas CCP fixed it but still, was a nice QoL for me for a bit.

    Why am I telling you all this? I am quitting the game. WWB 2 has drained the energy out of me, which is curious since I haven't been to a single fleet the entire war, regardless of how many times Vince pings for one. I am to busy trying to corner the POCO market in solitude.

    What have I done with the isk? Most of it was used to buy war bonds, which are 100% reliable and when I return to the game years from now, there is no way Goons wont repay me.

    TL:DR Hisec botting is easy and I abused it.

    How can you get in on this action?

    1: Make an account

    2: Send 1bil isk to vikaram skjorn in game, and I will send you my script. 90% discount to anyone who donated to me during one of my bot hunter contests.

    3: Record yourself shooting rats

    4: Smoke weed every day. I mean, play eve every day, which I guess the 2 go hand in hand.

    Cheers guys


    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    AAR: 4 Lowsec Nerds vs a Thanatos

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    So last night I was lucky enough to catch a Thanatos in Lowsec who was hopping gates - as a Stay Frosty pilot, my wonderful CEO Rixx Javix asked me to write up an AAR for his blog, located at https://eveoganda.blogspot.com/2021/04/aar-thanny-on-gate.html


    TL:DR - Caught a Thanatos jumping gates with my Ishkur, held him just long enough for a HIC and juuuust enough DPS to break him to show up. https://zkillboard.com/kill/92078298/ for the killmail.

    submitted by /u/jenrai
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    Eve anywhere

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    I am on a chromebook, and when I saw there is a way to play this game in a browser I was happy, but I can't actually find the website. Where is it?

    submitted by /u/SimpleYeetableBean
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    DR1FTERS Adventure in Nullsec: AAR

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    copied and pasted from Trident

    Kitchen Sink Fleet filamented out of Jita. Landing in Impass, we quickly found a Gila and killed it.

    After roaming around for a while, a couple forward scouts came across a Drekavac on a gate and engaged it, holding it until the rest of the fleet showed up.

    The rest of the Kitchen Sink Fleet showed up and we quickly dispatched the Drekavac, then the fight was on. Red Alliance started warping in a response fleet of their own, and we quickly blapped everything they warped in, one by one. Special shout out to our Logi pilots Bridget Long and Master Vrook for keeping our fleet alive way longer than it should have.

    After the fight, we disengaged and moved to regroup at an NPC station. While others got away, yours truly got lazy and got alpha'ed and lost a bunch of loot.

    GFs to all, great time.

    https://zkillboard.com/kill/92107392/ https://br.evetools.org/br/60725bcda3b91900133ddb38 https://zkillboard.com/kill/92108215/

    submitted by /u/GingkathFox
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    Thanks for the supers

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:44 AM PDT

    I relocated 1.06T in supers from the Imperium to NC. I want to thank all of the amazing pilots for selling their ships to the front line. I appreciate all of the hard work you put into these supers. We will use them to evict you.

    Special thanks to Joey Zahm, Sean Cruise and Nathan Tivianne for helping me move them.

    I've linked all the heroic members who contributed to our cause, thank you.



    Edit: added contract screenshots cause integrity.

    submitted by /u/Pondwatertoothpaste
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    Why does a ship have headlights ?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    To all the posts asking "which corp should i join" or "why should i come back to Eve?" I present to you...NPSI Fleets.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    Hi all, it seems the default responses to the questions above seem to be join horde, join brave or karmafleet is recruiting. Well i would like to offer an alternative option. Come and Fly NPSI.

    NPSI fleets (Not Purple Shoot It) run daily, and allow anyone and everyone from all over new eden to come and partake in PVP with zero knowledge required and no commitments necessary. It can even help you find a corp or alliance, by giving you an opportunity to fly with people unhindered by the politics of null sec etc. Fleets are SRPed and ships are often handed out. Even alpha pilots are welcome.

    To get started join the EBWF Public channel ingame, or feel free to message me ingame or PM on reddit so i can get you an evemail with more information!

    EBWF Discord = https://discord.gg/jC8mgtw89h

    submitted by /u/Dread_Nowt
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    Which pirate faction should I do missions for?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    I have 3 options:

    1: Guristas (I heard their Gila BPCs sell for quite a lot)

    2: Angel Cartel (pretty quiet in that area of space)

    3: Blood Raiders (closest to staging system, so prob safest)

    Other suggestions are welcome. Fuck my empire standings, I dont care about them

    submitted by /u/IronForce_
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    Question on kill rights

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    can it be profitable to buy kill rights and execute them other than just the loot you get from there cargo ie. a pseudo bounty hunter

    if so can those kill right be bought anywhere, or on market?

    must i know the owner of the kill right or meet up with them and it be gifted or sold directly to me before i can execute it?

    i downloaded this game, because i was told you can be a space bounty hunter, and i thought that was cool so here i am, but i found out player bounty hunting was removed because of mechanic abuse.

    is it still possible in anyway to be a pvp bounty hunter in this game?

    submitted by /u/Appearance-Classic
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    Thanks to this latest change, now I can't even select some of my overview presets.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    Has Invidia Gloria Comes (IGC) betrayed/left Legacy alliance?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    I haven't seen much talk on the subject (unless I missed it) but it seems like a former legacy member/renter, has decided to flip sides to at least neutral status with the Imperium, as of a few weeks ago.


    All of Already Replaced and TEST Ihubs that were destroyed in Feythabolis this week have been replaced by IGC Ihubs under the protection of INIT. TCUs have also been erected. TEST/Evictus/Mangos have been killing them for the past few weeks, and IGC have killed structures in Feyth alongside INIT

    According to zkill it seems like goons are killing them occasionally, so seems more like a mutual agreement with INIT specifically rather than the Imperium, but very interesting, especially since as far as I can tell there has been little formally said on either side about this development.

    Most likely I'm guessing IGC have decided to save themselves and not get burnt down and relocate with a new deal elsewhere in legacy space by making an agreement with INIT to hold space from legacy/add some bodies in the short term.

    Does anyone know officially what is going on with IGC?

    submitted by /u/suitonia
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    Interactive keepstar map

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    I saw this within the last 2 or 3 weeks and now I can't Find it. It was an interactive map of all the goon keepstars they were ether Red Yellow or Green if you moused over the red ones a gif of the panfam bean with a test dino head popped up and if you clicked on it you got redirected to the kill mail for the keepstar

    does anyone remember this? and can you link me to it?

    submitted by /u/Krothesis
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    Jita 4.4 Space Station Ambience make you dive away from everyday life with ease.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    Complete fantasy but how much different do you think the game would be if there were no gates?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    Instead just warping to any object in the system of your choosing and only having gates for different regions?

    submitted by /u/stateofthings312
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    My fav news mogul Brisc

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Alpha ratting

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    so i've come back after another break and was looking to grind up some ISK, i was wondering what is a good ship for ratting and/or missions?

    I'm Alpha and dont plan to go omega if possible, i used to Ratt out in Null but am now looking to spend most of my time in high/low sec, would ratting or L3 missions be better for isk? and what ship would be best?

    I've got a Dominix and a Gila (have been running L3's in the Gila) but looking for something better for more isk.

    submitted by /u/thatgusguy92
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    The Police Blotter For Week 13 | 2021

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    FC Chat #68 - CCP Swift & CCP Convict

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    109m ISK for a Rorqual

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT


    109m isk was the amount the latest TAPI Rorqual mined before learning that Delve isn't safe and maybe those green or blue or grey eyes in local are actually red.


    What do you think went through the TAPI pilot head? Please pick an option:

    1. Goons are evacuating, they must be evacuating!
    2. Vily said Delve is safe for Krabing!
    3. If I say I was doing it for the ADM, will they SRP me?
    4. At least I tried!
    5. Fucking Pandemic Horde spies!

    Thank you and we welcome all TAPI pilots to Rorqual mine in Delve, a region virtually dropable from JITA!

    submitted by /u/bay_cee
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