• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    Eve Online 'Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try' - CCP

    Eve Online 'Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try' - CCP

    'Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try' - CCP

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Karmafleet Eve song

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    Drone skins™

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    I have botted over 1.5 TRILLION ISK from Project Discovery in 9 months. AMA.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    In June 2020, CCP introduced the third part to Project Discovery: Flow Cytometry. Most of you will know this as the box drawing simulator. It is hilariously bottable to the extent most people who have completed a few days of the mini-game will realize a simple mouse macro can complete them with no effort.

    Each alpha character can complete 100 graphs per day with a payment of 99,000 ISK per graph. That means a potential earning of 9,900,000 ISK per day per account.

    Within a few days, I wrote a script that can log into a character, complete the tasks, log off and repeat with a new character. I created approx. 500 alpha accounts with a variety of unique personal details and IP addresses. I set up multiple virtual machines on my PC. In total it takes the script approximately 6 hours to complete the mini-game on all 500 characters. All I have to do is press one button to execute and then come back in 6 hours to everything complete.

    Based on approx. 500 characters, I earnt 4,950,000,000 (4.9bill) ISK a day doing this. I have done it approximately every day for 290 days and have made in the region of 1,435,500,000,000 (1.4trill) ISK.

    After a few weeks of doing this back in June 2020, I realized it was only a matter of time CCP caught what I was doing if I wasn't careful laundering ISK. ISK was laundered several times through thousands of disposable characters in a variety of different ways (contracts, hauling, market purchases & transfers...etc). The only way ISK can be traced on my main is if CCP wants to spend hundreds of game master hours looking back through logs and connecting the dots.

    Why am I saying this? I am quitting the game. I have tried every game style eve has to offer over the last 5 years. I have loved my time and built a good group of friends from this game. But after being involved with World War Bee for 12 months, it is time to leave.

    What have I done with my ISK? I have given away most of my ISK to either new players, or to mass market fuckery in Jita and certain null staging systems. I have several hundred billion ISK I am still thinking of what to do with.

    TL:DR. CCP has made a hilariously bottable mini-game. Thanks for all the free isk.

    EDIT: How you can bot project discovery today (with no programming knowledge)

    1. Get 99% accuracy in PD by manually doing them
    2. Download a mouse recorder
    3. Record yourself doing this https://imgur.com/2rPH8lj (some variation is okay, only thing that matters is two boxes on top of each other)
    4. Save the recording and play each day!
    submitted by /u/DelveDerek
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    BREAKING NEWS: Imperium Broke, FC has to rely on corvettes

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    A Fight broke out between the forces of the Imperium and the group known as Passpi on the T5ZI-S and 1DQ1-A after an Imperium munnin fleet was forced to withdraw from a system I didn't care to remember the name.

    Once back in 1DQ1-A, notable FC Tom Flood (Or possibly his alter ego Mike) had no choice but to ask his fleet to reship in a cheaper doctrine. While some would claim that this was done for "fun", everyone knows such a thing is unattainable in EVE and therefore the only logical explanation is that Imperium SRP is running out.

    The imperium players obliged, probably highly demotivated based on the anectdotal evidence of me hearing one player state out loud: "FC if we have to take more than 2 gates, can we get a bridge?"

    In the end, outnumbered and outgunned, the Imperium members reshipped continuously, creating a strain on the supply of civilian guns in the 1DQ1-A - McManfist Memorial BackupStar.

    Facing at first some kind of unorganized response, then a eagle fleet and a few caps, The Imperium ultimately won the elusive and all important (when in our favor) ISK war.


    When asked to comment on this strategic victory, the FC Tom/Mike Flood's response was drowned by the chant of his fleet members wishing him a happy birthday.

    submitted by /u/Dinindalael
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    SISI - Data sites great again !

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    BjornBee explains industry changes

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    No skins for Leopard... unplayable

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:07 PM PDT


    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Introducing M-OEE8 Polaris Freeport

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    Credit to an FRT corp CEO Valenas Grayson for the Tribute region industrial complex freeport opening.

    Null Sec continues to be a place of opportunity, even with the radical changes to industry on the horizon.

    However, we are all aware that not everybody has equal access to those opportunities.

    With Polaris Freeport now opening in M-OEE8, Fraternity brings back an experience that has been missing in the current landscape for a while. At the same time, we aim to enable a wide variety of players and groups to level the playing field.

    Located just one Jump Freighter jump from Jita and with Low Sec next door, M-OEE8 is the perfect home for our freeport.

    The Polaris Freeport features unrestricted docking rights, access to a free market and a respectable industrial setup with a fair tax rate. Neutral Jump Freighters are safe to dock at Polaris' structures. Beyond that, logistical needs can also be fulfilled by our experienced Jump Freighter service: Green Light Logistics.

    Our target audience are individuals who engage in various play styles as well as small groups who do not yet want to take the step towards setting up their own industry structures in Null. High quality setups are expensive and security can be a challenge. Fraternity has an edge here, as we are able to provide you with a great setup and the means to protect it.

    Having an accessible freeport in Null is a great opportunity to get into solo or small scale Null Sec gameplay. More importantly though, it gives you a chance to learn how to live in and navigate Null Sec successfully. We believe that our freeport can be a great stepping stone towards ultimately joining a bigger Null Sec community. Until then you find everything there to grow as a group or player.

    Thank you for your time and welcome to our Polaris Freeport. Please consider this only the beginning of our faithful experiments in compliance with the upcoming changes to the industrial system.


    • T1 rigged Sotiyo for Manufacturing, Cloning and market access
    • T2 rigged Tatara for Reprocessing and Reactions
    • Offices are available in all structures for a fee of 10mil ISK

    Taxes and service rates:

    • Reprocessing: 2%
    • Market tax: 2%
    • Manufacturing: 10%
    • Reactions: 10%
    • Cloning: 100k


    submitted by /u/TurbulenceZERO
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    Vale of the Silent

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    CCPLS Old Station Interiors

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    Bring back old station interiors so we at least have some variety to our interiors. The old stations used to have life and personality.

    submitted by /u/sabastyian
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    Salvaged a Transneural Scanner!?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    Upgrade for Nightmare for mission running

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    (asked in No Question Is Stupid thread but go no response, original comment below)

    Hello! Novice here. Searching for an upgrade for a Nightmare, for mission running I guess.

    My old 1.5B fella was killed on 0.4 by a local Hecate (greed X bad luck X bad positioning, good night sweet prince). I like doing L4s, I am super enjoying the fact of shield tank and 0 ammo expenses (well, I do use imperial navy lenses, but that is truly minor), almost 1k speed on pure cap stable afterburner is a specific kind of joy on a BS.

    Praxis/Rattlesnake are somewhat no-expense drone boxes, but I have no decent skills in drones and I personally used my Nightmare as a blitz-runner competing the glorious Machariel. I have Nergal with a level 4 or 5 mastery, but never actually fit that/used that in battle. Per what I read - more ISK in anomic missions but not that safe relaxed pace I am used to with Nightmare. Is there anything fun I can actually upgrade to? I can buy another *mare but they are on high demand now, and even historically more desired pirate BSs are cheaper as of today. Or playing tiny Nergal is actually more fun than risk?

    submitted by /u/jk911911
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    How to learn to fly T3C Loki?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:44 AM PDT

    tldr; how do you fly a Loki for NS hunting? It's an expensive, relatively complex ship and I'd appreciate a newbs guide on how to fit and fly this thing

    I've just returned to EVE.

    A year or so ago, I started an alt, with a project to focus on solo PvP. The end goal was to try and be sustainable through PVP - something I realised was wildly unlikely, but I knew the journey would be exciting.

    I made a hangar list of T1 and Faction Frigate fits, that I bought in quantity and took out to FW space to get blown up. I lost a lot and won a fair bit too, getting gradually better.

    I'd also set a progression plan. From solo Frigs in FW space, I evolved into a Sabre Interdictor and finally a Loki, both with the intention of hunting in null, either solo or working alongside my alts (I'd been having success hunting with a Retribution on my alt and had a cloaky explorer that could scan systems and act as a lookout).

    Anyway, to cut to the chase, I got to the pinnacle of reaching my Loki and lost it to a ratter on its first outing. An embarrassing and confusing experience. The sort of prey that I'd been able to either kill or disengage with in my Retribution completely smashed me and I was left looking like a complete twat.

    So, back in the game, I am trying to rediscover that journey I was on, but I am now terrified of losing more of these ships in this manner - it's an expensive way to learn.

    How should I fit and fly this thing? How do you pilot it and what are the general principles/objectives in a fight? How do travel fits work?

    And perhaps even more importantly - are there any stop-gap, cheaper ships that are similar style that I can learn with cheaper before I step up?


    submitted by /u/_ImperfectAction
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    EVE Anywhere Is Ruining My Productivity | MMORPG.com

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    I like red dot

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    I like red dot

    I have different accounts

    I use them a lot

    They move things between them and I forget sometimes where assets might be before I sort them further

    Red dot says here, new stuff went here

    Red dot is good

    submitted by /u/NightMaestro
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    EVE Online Loot Boxes: Carpal Tunnel Simulator

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Marshal Room (t5 Electrical)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    So if you ever get too close to the marshals in the marshal BS room, make sure you have spare pants nearby.

    That was the second time I have come across that spawn in a very blingy gila fit. The first time was in a T4 electrical where I just killed the BS spawns before they killed me. This time I was in a T5 and figured something was probably wrong once I went down to 1/4 armor with drugs and overheat active. If you get within 50km of the battleships for too long, you begin to lose quite rapidly. The tactic is to kill the BS spawns first while staying outside of the Killzone.


    submitted by /u/NinjaFish-97
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    I started playing eve yesterday and I have about 10 hours in it now and I still feel like I’ve learned nothing so I was wondering, how long does it take to become good or at least decent at the game?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    I saw someone on the internet say that they played for 400 hours and they had barely just learned the basics so I was wondering how long you would have to play for to become decent.

    submitted by /u/avxxnx
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    Is next Project Discovery related to combating bots (DERAILing)?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 04:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    We are a few weeks gone since this post & after some great community feedback we have made some further progress with the FUN inc / NPSI calendar, so just wanted to drop some more updates on here with reference to the F.U.N.inc. / [EBWF] Even Better With Friends NPSI COMMUNITY GATEWAY!

    This is a partnership between FUN inc, Friday Yarrrr! , Redemption Road, CAS, Fwaming Dwagons & Free Range Chikuns!

    The newest version of the NPSI Community Gateway calendar can be found here

    In addition to the initial release of functionality:

    Fleet time and date FC name Rally point NPSI group details FC roster and zkill stats EVE time clock UTC time clocks conversion Comms details Discord details 

    We have also added the following functionality in this second version:

    Agenda view: list of forthcoming events in order Month view: all events on a monthly calendar view Event countdown view: list of forthcoming events in list order Add to calendar button: ability to add to your own personal device to set a reminder Hours active: gantt chart type listing times that each NPSI group is active 

    overview of calendar - https://imgur.com/M16qim1

    agenda & month & add to calendar functionality https://imgur.com/pXkPf0D

    event countdown https://imgur.com/Hp76Ttu

    standard view https://imgur.com/8L0dglU

    agenda view https://imgur.com/OJwG4hG

    monthly view https://imgur.com/BcoGUNJ

    events & hours active https://imgur.com/WVSbokR

    We are also working on:

    Group doctrine listings Ability to export fittings to Pyfa Ability to push fittings to client 

    and lots of other really cool features which will most definitely blow your mind!

    Integrations from this calendar to FUN inc discord and also Redemption Road discord & The Ancients Alliance Discord [TA.] are happening for all fleets from FUN INC, Friday Yarrr!, Redemption Roam, CAS, Fwaming Dwagons, & Free Range Chikuns.

    We really hope that you all find this useful in your continued hunt for some of the best NPSI activity out there with FUN inc, Friday Yarrrr!, Redemption Road, CAS, Fwaming Dwagons, & Free Range Chikuns and that you enjoy this as much as you all deserve!

    Massive thanks to those that have helped in the development of this, and watch this space for more!

    Spread the work wide and far!

    Fly safe guys & see you in space!

    ps. if you are an NPSI group and want to be listed.. we want to hear from you! - hop onto FUN inc discord and ping me!

    submitted by /u/keacte
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    Difficulty finding a corp.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! Mostly looking for some advice here.

    I've tried playing eve online several times for years now and do enjoy the gameplay a lot and just can't find another space game like it. Whenever I play, I generally just go at it solo and complete whatever goals I have in mind at the time.

    However, I feel there's a large part of the game I'm missing out on that keeps me from sticking around and that's finding a compatible corp that I enjoy being in. Every time I come back, I spend hours trying to find a good corp, join one and then it's nothing it says it is or it's highly inactive and get left to my own accord again. Which, causes me to quit for a time and try to come back later.

    I really want to play/enjoy this game more but, just feel limited only playing solo. Especially in regards to PvP. Would anyone be able to provide advice on finding a decent corp?

    Thank you in advance for any help provided.

    submitted by /u/Zashenn
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