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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    Eve Online Geometry 101

    Eve Online Geometry 101

    Geometry 101


    Eve Onion Under New Management, Vows to Become Respectable News Organization


    I should probably go pick these up...


    gamer moment


    Dawn Rhea: "I identified a flipper just from voice, so yes we can find out and we can know."


    just lost my revenant, ama



    spent the last week hauling actual minerals from jita to drone lands to get one last build in pre-patch, reprocessed a hel to get the components https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR_KGck7SZY and then i go full retard and dont realise my route recalcs through oijanen instead of maila and i feed to a gatecamp.


    submitted by /u/Cephei_Eve
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    T1 Battleship production (New Industry Changes)


    EDENCOM-specific EWAR


    Short version: give EDENCOM ships a repair-inhibitor EWAR, either as a module or as a secondary effect of being hit by the vorton projector.

    I briefly snarked in a thread regarding the continued (perceived) comparative uselessness of EDENCOM ships before realizing that it merited a thread of its own. I mean, I've read worse stuff, and work is slow tonight, so what else am I going to do with my time?

    In theory, EDENCOM ships are already designed for anti-fleet engagements, or at least anti-blob/cluster engagements. Imagine taking that a step further and providing them with a ship-specific EWAR ability that reduces the amount of remote repair that can be provided; there's already a mechanic for that in the form of bastion/siege/triage reducing it by 100%, so it should simply be a matter of changing the number in the equation (and applying it dynamically based on the difference in hull size, falloff, whatever other calculations).

    I could see this in a few different ways, but mostly in two main categories: one where there is a specific mid-slot module that only EDENCOM hulls can fit, and one where the rep-inhibition is a debuff effect from getting hit by the vorton projector. In the former case there would of course be a separate capital-size EWAR mod to fit to the EDENCOM dread that's coming out lol

    It might be worth considering whether the rep-inhibition should apply to local reps as well or just remote ones, but that's my initial take on the matter. Mostly it's sad to see so much work go into brand new hulls and weapons and then see them have... not much use. I see Trig ships in Venal all the time, but I've not yet seen a single EDENCOM hull out here.

    Disclaimer: I like flying EWAR a lot because I'm evil. New EWAR pls.

    submitted by /u/asasci
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    Linux update might break launcher - fixed by disabling dri3


    In Brief: 'symbol lookup error' while launching EVE was fixed by disabling DRI3.

    Bug Description: Today my EVE launcher (ver1747682, running on Mint 20.x) failed with the message:-

    symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxcb-dri3.so.0: undefined symbol: xcb_send_request_with_fds

    Possible cause: Yesterday, I had installed some package updates which may have something to do with this. I found reports of steam and other games throwing up this error after system / package updates. It could be EVE depending on an older version of a package that was updated.

    Solution: Instead of ./evelauncher.sh,, type the following command to launch EVE:-

    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxcb-dri3.so.0 LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 ./evelauncher.sh

    Adjust according to your distro / shell / install location. If you are using bash, you can alias this to a shorter name like 'eve' for convenience.

    submitted by /u/god-nose
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    and they won't stop coming and they won't stop coming


    BR: https://br.evetools.org/related/30002539/202104011900


    To make sure our lowsec friends will have another Fortizar to shoot at, we dropped a new one yesterday.

    Out of Machariels RC, SC and SG downgraded to Cerbs, a lot of pinging around, the timer paused at 5 seconds and 130 dead Cerbs later, another Fort sacrificed for our killboard.

    GF and see ya again next time


    submitted by /u/Yonis_Pserad
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    About large standing fleets


    I've joined a big nullsec corp (newbie friendly) and am spending some time getting to know how the game works and all. One thing I've noticed is that there's usually at least 100 people in standing fleet, yet people are reluctant to destroy gatecamps or smash roaming gangs. Like I see many occasions of gates within the staging keepstar grid being camped for an hour, yet most people on comms are saying just don't feed them and let them get bored.

    I honestly expected more action from a fleet with < 200 people against a small group gang, but unless somebody(most of the time a FC) takes the lead and calls for people to have fun shooting people, there's not much action. Is this just the normal nature of standing fleets? If I want to have some PvP fun, should I just roam around by myself?

    submitted by /u/Dashadower
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    Best alts to start early?


    Knowing that alt needs depend on context, I'll give you some context:

    My main is ~10m SP right now and is mainly geared for gang PVP, PVE and explo, so pretty much a standard toon. Last year I used the same 3 months + MCT promo to skill up an alt who flies blockade runners and has nice trading skills just to haul and sell my loot around, with the door open for more trading\hauling activities in the future, and I'm thinking of using another one, but not sure where.

    I'm looking into exploring more economic activities, so I thought I could set up an industrialist, since I'm pretty curious about this facet of the game, even if only to understand it better, but I'm afraid of the upfront costs, since I'm very slow in my isk-making, mostly because of time constraints. I'm also curious about mining, knowing that there isn't all that much to it - but I'll need to try it sometime :D

    On the other hand, I could keep skilling my main alt up, getting it into PI and improving its flying skills. Training into freighters, as well as buying them, is expensive and I wouldn't be flying them soon, so I'm not too interested in that yet.

    Should I keep skilling my 3m hauler\trader, or should I jump into industry and mining right away? Also, in case I create either a miner or an industrialist, should I really do them on a separate account?

    TL;DR: 10m SP cash poor newbie wants to explore different facets of the game with alts, not sure how to approach it.

    submitted by /u/champagnecandour
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    [Merchandise] Triglavian Command Destroyer Draugur Poster


    I found RAZOR! they're on ALLIANCE SPOTLIGHT!


    Small QOL improvement request: Ability to export and import inventory filters


    I want to use and take part in creation of community-made inventory filters instead of inventing a wheel just for myself.

    I really want to organize my inventory but it takes too long to create filters from scratch.
    If I only have the ability to import stuff just like I did with overview settings!

    submitted by /u/Dudreda
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    Ship Names


    I know I can't be the only one but, I genuinely wonder why eve deva haven't thought about adding your ships name to the hull skin of your ship. Like I think that would be pretty awesome let's say you fly the drake, you name it "Souls Vengeance" or some shit like that. The once you hit apply the next time you dock bam their it is on the side of the hull and it stays till you change it or lose the ship. Any one else have an opinion on this?

    submitted by /u/Anonymousboneyard
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    What's Your "Unpopular Opinion?"


    We all have them, so let's hear them. I'll start:

    I'd give my left nut to fit an MJD onto my Carrier. Sorry, not sorry.

    submitted by /u/Thayden_R_Nordic
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    Ex Goon Takes the Silver Ticket


    Former Goon takes the Silver Ticket out from 1dq and docks in T5ZI. Are there more to come?


    submitted by /u/Tesla_eve
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    Just an Aprils fool » Quafe


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