• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 29, 2021

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Eve Online Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Weekly Recruitment Thread

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 05:00 AM PDT


    Once a week we provide an additional space for Corps/Alliance to post recruitment, and for people looking for a Corp to sell themselves.

    Please consider in your post to include;

    • Area of space (NPC/Sov Null/ Wormhole/ Low/High sec)
    • Type of Corp (Indy/Small gang/F1 blob)
    • Main and active timezones
    • Any requirements of SP/Alts etc
    • Any external discord/website links

    You can also post your recruitment on /r/evejobs which is open for recruitment all week - however keep in mind you can only post a fresh thread there once your previous post is 7 days old.

    **Comments are in contest mode and so are not influenced by vote count**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - April 29, 2021

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Can’t get hard like you used to

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    The Cyno Is Lit -- Brave welcomes the eve community to P-ZMZV as we begin a 24 hour cyno vigil for all New Eden.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    John Bellicose Day -- Annual reminder that you are not alone. If you need help, ask!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    When the cavalry arrives.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    WTS: Ferox!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Workers needed at the T5Z immediately, ansiblex on fire!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    Rumors go around that PAPI are in grave need for repairmen from any available systems after their T5Z gate suddenly caught on fire.

    A swarm of bees were detected on site!

    Blue Doughnut reps please respond immediately!

    Another rumor claims that Ron is already asking CCP to nerf Tethering for the greater good of our community.

    submitted by /u/NullusDominus
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    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    RC Feeds Caps to Giggachad Alliance, fails to save Rorqs due to JDC3 Titan and cant put subs on grid in time

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    EVE Classic - Leviathan

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Empty Wrecks should be separate entities from Full Wrecks in the Overview

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    That is all

    submitted by /u/SasoDuck
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    Stuff coming soon...

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Inspired by last 2 days in 3-DMQT

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Today while reading reddit I saw this awesome screenshot from someone defending 3-DMQT in small fleet when 1dq1 forces jumped in: https://i.redd.it/ebs2uborixv61.png

    I was a little bit inspired, because current 3-DMQT situation looks like scene from the Kingdom of Heaven (image attached, I hope it will show properly:D).

    And yeah, I know that Crusaders lost Jerusalem. But they went into offensive when they shouldn't. We will not make the same mistake.

    Don't be sad papis - last 2 days was awesome in comparison to last 3 months. I was sick of "daily feroxes/daily cormorants/daily bombers", it felt like an MMORPG when u need to do the same 3 daily quests everyday. Current situation is MUCH better.

    ehh, ofcourse image wasn't attached like I thinked. I will add it in a moment:Dedit:


    submitted by /u/lobuzjeden
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    Snuff Moon Police

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    VOTE NOW for EVE: Project Discovery in the Webby Awards!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm Grendel - CCP's lead PR guy. As you may know, EVE: Project Discovery has been nominated for a Webby Award for Public Service, Activism, and Social Impact. This is a really BFD (called the "Internet's highest honor" by The New York Times)! This award is open to a public vote worldwide… and that's where you come in.

    It would mean so much to our scientist collaborators at MMOS, McGill University. BC Cancer Research, The University of British Columbia, and the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences at The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia if we were able to secure this award, especially as recognition for scientific advancement is so rarely achieved with mainstream audiences.

    Right now, Project Discovery is in 1st place with 42% of the vote, but it is constantly slipping on a daily basis against Pick Your Plate!, a mobile game that helps teach students about building healthy meals. At the current decay rate, I'm not certain Project Discovery would be able to hold onto the top spot for the remaining eight days of the voting window.

    IMHO, not only does Project Discovery have a more noble, relevant and deserving goal in combatting COVID-19, but also I think the EVE community will be pretty miffed if all your efforts were only to come second place!

    So, on behalf of everyone at CCP, please would you vote for EVE: Project Discovery in the year's Webby Awards? We'd be incredibly grateful for your consideration! You can find the link to do so here: https://vote.webbyawards.com/PublicVoting#/2021/games/general-games/public-service-activism-and-social-impact

    You can cast your vote all the way up until Thursday 6 May - i.e. the day of EVE's anniversary - and winners will be announced on Tuesday 18 May. Wouldn't it be a wonderful 18th birthday present to claim this prize!

    So, please…


    submitted by /u/CCP_Grendel
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    Roll up, roll up, it's Ferox O'Clock! How you too can remove structures with Ferox turbofeeds

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Greetings, fellow citizens of New Eden!

    Today I bring you a completely unbiased analysis of the 'Ferox turbofeed' strategy - and I should warn you, this is not for the faint of heart - the results of this rigorous analysis may shock you.

    As part of PAPI's galaxy-brain masterplan to take 1DQ with subcaps, the ship of choice is the 'ferox' and the method of attempted structure removal the 'turbofeed'.

    Sounds great, right? Ferox are not too expensive. Ha! This will show goons.

    But there is a slight problem.

    The ebil goonies are unafraid to field big ships, like capitals and supercapitals, meaning that the Ferox die very fast indeed.

    How fast, I hear you ask, with a curious an open mind?

    VERY fucking fast. The fight over the ansiplex yesterday demonstrated that 12 Ferox per minute died in 90% tidi, which is the equivalent of two ferox dying per second in real-time. Ouch.

    So what does this mean? Well, for every Ferox that died, PAPI managed to remove 3050 hitpoints from the structure. So here we have a benchmark we can use to estimate how many Ferox PAPI needs to turbofeed to kill larger structures.

    Let's be generous and assume PAPI get better at the Ferox turbofeed strategy, and assume they remove 3500 hitpoints for each Ferox lost.

    On that basis, here are the numbers of Ferox required for the 'turbofeed' for the following structures;


    Oh my.

    While one Ferox may be affordable, it turns out that 46,286 of them are not. Perhaps they might want to reconsider that 'we'll take 1DQ with subcaps' strategy after all.

    Thank you for reading and I look forward to your reasonable, measured comment and debate.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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    Lore - Introduction of eXeler0n

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:47 PM PDT


    some of you already saw my blogposts, that are availabel on english since some weeks too. Today I translated on of my, in my optinion, best pieces of text - the character introduction on my blog https://quafe.de .

    As I won't bother you to go there (ofc. I would be happy if you do :-) ), I'll post the whole text here:

    What am I doing here? I shouldn't be here with these conceited idiots. They think they are special just because they are immortal. But as soon as they sit in their spaceship and dock from the station, they shit their pants. They are afraid of losing their ship and with it ISK… even though they are immortal. Do any of us capsuleers actually think about the crew of our ship? Gods, that's what they call us. But actually we are all devils. We can't die and we don't give a shit about the lives of others. Fun and money, that's our world.

    I think I drank too much. I really need to figure out what the bartender is mixing into my Quafe. The cocktail is just exquisite. I just have to drink, when looking around. All these "mission runners" piss me off. They brag about their courage, but is it courage if you can't die? Insanity is a better term.I haven't been through the training program to become a capsuleer for long. With earning of the license, I have slowly but inexorably changed. Not being able to die, doing nevertheless and then waking up again, that leaves its mark on every capsuleer. Over time, they all go crazy. We fight hopeless battles and die in them. We wake up again, it doesn't bother us. Money is often our limiting factor, but that's complaining on a high level. 95% of the universe's inhabitants couldn't even afford a simple shuttle, even if they saved their entire lives. Don't even get me started on frigates.

    Are we monsters? Or simply victims of circumstances? I should definitely have another one of those drinks. After that, we're off, we've announced a battle fleet. I think I'll ride in my Interceptor. It cost 20 million ISK and has 5 crew members on board. I don't expect to come back in this ship. My crew doesn't know that and won't know until it's too late. If they are very lucky, some may save themselves. But I don't care and I have no idea if any of my crews ever survived.

    Monsters, devils, egoists, idiots, those should be our names, but they call us gods. We judge life and death. And the latter is clearly in the majority.

    This is my diary. It should show me the life of a "god", a "god" who has little fear for his ship. I hope you enjoy reading it. Eve is cruel.

    I hope, you enjoy it the same as I do.

    Regards,eXeler0n - https://quafe.de/en

    submitted by /u/eXeler0n
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    For those interested in legacy items and history

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    The modest EVE-Museum wiki now has added a chronology of the oldest items. It covers 2003-2011.

    Only one "item" was exclusively handed out in 2003 and never since. Can you guess what it was?

    The chronology also shows that 2004 was certainly the singularity of EVE events and developer interaction, a time like we shall never see again.


    submitted by /u/eurocomments247
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    [World News] Galactic Hour News Roundup: Assault Aftermath, State Diplomacy and Federal Infrastructure

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    How to get your first kill?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    I'm new-ish. But I've spent most of my time exploring in my Astero avoiding conflict in PvP. I enjoy it, but I want to see why everyone raves about fighting without just being caught and killed.

    I've got a Stealth Bomber and an outfitted Hecate. Where should I begin?

    submitted by /u/SirLeigh
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    Just married things.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    Tau AD pays RC mining op a visit

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    BR: https://zkillboard.com/related/30000092/202104282200/

    AAR: After some more successful structure losses including a majestic faction fort RC decided it was time to try and get some ISK to try and SRP one of the Titans sacrificed in Amamake.

    Professional Rorq miners in Snuffed Out felt a disturbance in the Crok and assembled to punish the illegal mining activities in Derelik.

    After 4 rorqs blew up a valiant Minokawa pilot warped in to get deleted in 20 seconds, after exchanging some blows with the Tengu response fleet and finishing the other rorqs we left grid after sacrificing some guards for the BR.

    Thx for feed

    submitted by /u/Yonis_Pserad
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    EVE Universe Show - Why did the Brutor Vanguard attack the capital of Ammatar? W/ Arsia Elkin

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Two questions on a Manticore stealth bomber fit that I found, for DPS and what would be an ideal range and way to engage with this setup...

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    I found this fit and it seemed interesting on a Manticore:

    Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control System Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control System 1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner J5 Enduring Warp Disruptor Phased Muon Scoped Sensor Dampener Parallel Enduring Target Painter Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Core Probe Launcher I Small Warhead Rigor Catalyst I Small Processor Overclocking Unit II Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo x910 Nanite Repair Paste x50 Core Scanner Probe I x16 Targeting Range Dampening Script x2 

    The DPS seems solid for the type of ship? Is it?

    • Pyfa (imgur): DPS 290, Volley 2891
    • In-game (imgur): DPS 298, Alpha 2891

    From looking around solo kills by Manticores, most seemed around 700 to 4000 damage so I suspected this seemed like solid DPS but I'm not sure. It made my eyes pop out that all my skills barfed out numbers like this. I've never touched this ship before but this makes me want to buy one tonight to experiment.

    The other question I had... since I found this I watched a bunch of Manticore videos, and there's a few ways people seem to take things and no one set winner. It looks like my ranges for fit and skill are:

    • Missiles 62km max range
    • Painter: 30km optimal
    • Dampener: 28km optimal
    • Warp disruptor: 20km

    I'm am amateur at best on this side and this actually made me want to figure out the strategy here. If I'm reading this and the DPS right, my theoretical best bet is something along the lines of

    1. get within 15~ km or so, don't target yet 2, set yourself in position or in motion (orbit in this scenario with AB, 10k? stationary? prepare to charge/approach or charge manually at some angle?)
    2. activate torpedos, painter, dampener, disruptor to get them spinning
    3. if it's a bigger/harder target overheat rack for weapons
    4. drop cloak
    5. click target method to lock
    6. unleash hell and/or get podded (but really be aligned out/ready to jump out)
    7. see you on the other side

    I'm really confused on the position/motion question for this one in fact. I know stationary/slow targets will be most ideal here for this setup. Given that, would it simply be best to get in a solid firing solution, afterburner hot but the ship kept at stationary, that's also pre-aligned to GTFO before I attack? So I can go from stopped to warp as fast as the ship can handle?

    Any help on the DPS confusion, my thinking on ranges/tactics, or other advice on the fit and all would be appreciated. This will be solo only, no fleet play on the horizon.

    This community is awesome.

    submitted by /u/AmHoomon
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    WTS "Silvershore" Greatcoat

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:42 PM PDT

    I'm looking to sell my Silvershore coat from 10 years ago. This is THE rarest clothing item in the game. Given as an apology 10 years ago to a few people who bought a $1000 promo plex pack that included a shirt that CCP messed up and seeded to the Aurum store for like a day. Please send mail in game to Kristopher Arione. Asking 250 B obo


    submitted by /u/ArioneK
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