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    Monday, April 5, 2021

    Eve Online The Solo Battleship Experience

    Eve Online The Solo Battleship Experience

    The Solo Battleship Experience

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 10:14 PM PDT


    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    This war has taken its toll on all sides. Regardless of what the spin du-jour says, all sides have suffered.

    The endurance and dedication has been astonishing.

    The Goons deserve respect for their strength and persistence against overwhelming numbers and power. The PAPI folks have also held together in tough situations and have relentlessly kept on the pressure.

    At this point expecting a collapse, on either side, is misguided and is highly unlikely to happen - all that is left is the final big battle. We all know it. The preparations are being made and the terrain cleared for the final chapter.

    Respect to all those, real people, who will see this war to its inevitable conclusion.

    I am on the PAPI side of things, but the Goons are a worthy opponent and they made this endeavor worth the wait.

    The PAPI folks have also shown amazing ability to put bitter differences aside while managing to establish long term goals, coordinating and achieving war objectives, and helping one another over a period of many months.

    All of this creates a better, richer, exquisitely flavored gaming experience.


    submitted by /u/dalagra
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    FRT Titan makes an oopsie and lives to tell the tale! (Or was it next level content creation?��)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    When a random Rifter challenges the uber-regen cyno Sigil master race

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Um... fuck scarcity. I'm losing faith in the economy rework.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    Been playing Eve in bursts since 2010, which coincided with my first long layoff. Typically I play like mad on days off (if I'm travelling out of town for work) and not at all when I'm out of town, or in small, near-daily doses. I've never made enough isk reliably to Plex. Eve has occasionally fallen by the wayside as other games caught my interest, but it's usually been my most-played game per year. Probably 300-1000 hours per year, depending on work/wife.

    The shit I fly is up to 2x more expensive than 5 years ago. Occasionally (Gila), it's cheaper.

    Isk is harder to come by.

    It's been a year of scarcity.

    I'm still waiting for the ill-defined "redistribution" phase. Industry rework, unless your idea is flying T1s smaller than a BS, does not seem to be it. The botting ban... sounded great? But I feel like it contributed to more expensive ships. And for some reason, the ChinaFrats aren't being touched.

    So I'm ratting/shipping/mining ~2x as much for a lot less fun.

    IDK /r/eve . roast me. Convince me to pull the pin on my accounts. Tell me I suck and misunderstand how glorious scarcity is and how fun everything will be when "eve is eve again" and I can spend a week mining or ratting for a T1 cruiser.

    If only CCP paid 10% of the attention to FW as they do to ruining the economy.

    submitted by /u/ImprovedRedditor
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    Sans bees/dinosaurs

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Feels gooooood

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    CCPlz it's April 4th, you should *probably* take your joke lie off the launcher...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Micro Juke Drive

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    Another Pochven screenshot I'm super proud of, this one is of a Xordazh World Arc and it's fleet

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Come on FC

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    Really CCP? REALLY?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    PHENOMINAL SHITPOSTING POWER...itty bitty living space.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    War update for Goonswarm keepstars so far.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Polarized Marauders 2021 edition - some lvl 4 missions with Vargur and polarized weapons - 4000dps

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Srsli - I Dont Hate You [Mind1 Remix]

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    A bit late?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    FUN in Fun Week wrap up report!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Just wanted to thank everyone that came out for FUN week!

    I also just want to thank the awesome support pilots, the skirmishers, the dictors, the booshers, the logi, the probers for creating some fantastic content - you are awesome!

    I have done a tot up of what we destroyed this week and excluding the kills for the "Party of 5" event (small gang PVP team event), I am super hyped to let you know that we destroyed 30.76BN isk this week alone!!

    The finale to FUN week was a 1 hour 40min combat raptor brawl in R10 Horde staging last night where we held grid bouncing tacticals and killing targets of opportunity - i would have to say it was possibly one of the best / funnest / most fun engagements i have taken part in!

    If you like doing NPSI, why not give FUN inc a go!

    More details of all the fleets this week.. and indeed in forthcoming weeks can be found at the NPSI community gateway! https://www.ebwf-eve.online/npsicalendar

    submitted by /u/keacte
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    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    I have only been playing for a couple of months but my curiosity is killing me. I'm in a corp where there's one person that is always in character never out of character. They always roleplay their interactions. I was curious if there is more people like that. I have roleplayed with a couple of people in the corp but I would like to RP more often. Where could I find other people to RP with? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Mistress_Eve_Heart
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    A blast from the past

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Rustproff your ships!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    I didn't know how weathered these ships get. This is a punisher that was assembled 5 to 8 years ago. I should have paid extra for the rustproof coating...


    submitted by /u/Fribblet
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    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    Happy Easter to y'all, egger friends.

    submitted by /u/Sasha_Viderzei
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    Assault friggies doing it for themselves

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    Ore changes, Hyperinflation of all items.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Honest thoughts on this, I genuinely feel either the players are over hyping the demand/supply or ccp are tanking the economy to make eve a money phone simulator.

    What are your guys honest opinions on it and where do you think the game will go regarding super carrier ratting or pve in general with such high risk stakes out in 0.0 or lowsec. Even in pvp will this deter super powers from using capital force due to isk cost?

    Also Factional warfare changes pls.

    submitted by /u/Whysoserios_andrard
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