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    Sunday, April 4, 2021

    Eve Online WTB 3D printer - first attempt at modeling an Imperial Navy Slicer

    Eve Online WTB 3D printer - first attempt at modeling an Imperial Navy Slicer

    WTB 3D printer - first attempt at modeling an Imperial Navy Slicer

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    My alt has lived through some shit as a RC member

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Newbro here. I found out the hard way why they are called Dreadnought. I guess that 60-million ISK bounty was too good to be true. :D

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Fortizar bashing 101

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Private Guard Needed, 30k isk per mining cycle

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    Job location in ishisomo. I mine for about an hour on the weekends and will pay generously per ship you defend from. any ships you kill you can scrap.

    submitted by /u/DnDisawesomefightme
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    Your Meta Show TL;DR for 4-3-21

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    Listen to this kick-ass Karma Fleet tear jerker morale song.

    This is the most boring war in the history of wars.

    We shot a bunch of abandoned stuff in Impass.

    Keepstars keep dying in Delve.

    We wrote off most of Delve early and didn't core our stuff.

    Legacy cored their stuff because their leaders lied to them.

    We got 500b worth of cores. Look at these charts. Just look at them!

    We haven't been able to kill Legacy Keeps yet.

    Legacy must be getting bored. They must.

    Legacy has no plan. They're just hoping we give up.

    The industry changes making things more expensive favors us.

    PAPI are cowardly blobbers.

    Most of the value destroyed has been in Delve.

    High sec mining is hot. Null sec mining is not.

    Vale is where the ratting is happening.

    We're still building stuff in Delve.

    Legacy is moving their shit into Delve.

    The isk supply in game is contracting.

    Wormholers are making more money.

    A long punch line free lawyer joke.

    We killed a couple of jump freighters.

    Didn't want that AUTZ FC anyway.

    The Judge biomassed his character.

    And another Karma Fleet morale song.

    One more hour of your life saved. This public service announcement has been brought to you by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, makers of Adderall. Structure bashing for months putting your ADD on tilt? Ask your doctor if Adderall is right for you.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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    The Beacon Provides - 2 Can play at that game

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    BOS GUY [Music Video]

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Guristas logo painting

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    The Cartel Devouring His Mach

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    The Cartel Devouring His Mach


    And here we have an original piece by the artist Levi Nineveh.


    Depicting The Cartel feasting upon one of it's Machariels. The bow of the ship has already been consumed. The pilot probably eaten too, though they could have forgotten to load a frigate, ejected in a pod and is in warp to a local smartbomber.


    Looming from the darkness a figure that represents the only two alliances in RC that anyone has ever heard of, waves a fat stack of isk and signals approval as the titan of low sec continues to gorge itself. Scholars agree this to be a likely facsimile of another piece of the artists work, capturing RC fleet commander TheLastSparton in action.


    The words "You Gain Brouzouf" appear; an obscure reference to the gathering of currency.


    Various interpretations of the meaning of the picture have been offered: the conflict between Snuff and RC, Snuff as the devourer of all things, the wrath of Snuff and an allegory of the situation in Siseide.


    It has been said that the painting is "essential to our understanding of the Lowsec condition in modern times, just as Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling is essential to understanding the tenor of the 16th century" but personally, I don't know what the fuck they're going on about.

    submitted by /u/Dreaded_Vengance
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    Sheep in wolf's clothing.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Hey Guys was the lightest ship & what is the best way to decreas signiture radius

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    i put the question in the title. im dumb, and too tired to fix it

    submitted by /u/Ok_Set_9440
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    EVE Classic - Providence (Made in blender) (4k)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Captured the moment I joined the 200m club.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    This is what I play this game for

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    I didn't plan to spend my entire Saturday following Progodlegend around in fleets, but that's exactly what I ended up doing. If you haven't flown with PGL, you should figure out a way to make it happen. Dreddit is recruiting!

    I answered up a ping where we needed to protect a Keepstar from a Goon pet alliance. The Keepstar is under a hostile cyno, but somehow it got defended. No way am I letting Goons know the super secret that we used to save a Keepstar under cyno. Opsec MOFOs. It was boring. Hours of running around, shooting the hostile cyno, trying to pick a fight. It never happened and we went back to camping 1DQ.

    Next comes a ping from a Horde fleet. The Coalition ends up in an even fight against some Goons. I have to give the Goons credit, they put up a hell of a fight. But our Horde FC was awesome and it was a very compelling victory. Not a ton of isk, since it was subcaps, but it was fun as heck from my point of view.

    So Thank you Goons for taking the fight. Thank you PGL for chewing our asses and bringing home a bunch of wins. But most of all, Thank you to that Horde FC who called the fight like a boss. Fly safe o7


    submitted by /u/Moce8
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    What this

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Okay, Eve. Awesome. Everything about it, awesome.

    So here's the story, wanted really bad to play this game. Played about a whole month solo ratting and mining thinking it was awesome. Somehow got into a nullsec corp as that was what everyone said was awesome about the game.

    Anyways, Things got weird as I got invited to a discord group, then another, and freely expressed this with my corp. That made them think I was a spy, accused of stuff I didn't even know about, and yeah, that was weird and a bit too intense for my lounge back and fly a spaceship game.

    So anymore, Idk what to do. Drift around on a harbinger just because I think they look awesome, but probably don't have the skills to pilot it correctly. (I've learned that a lot of what I shot at is not a viable.)

    I don't get the meta, I don't get what makes you good, I don't understand anything other than wormholes are great fun if you want to lose a ton of money.

    So while It appears I have a lot of time invested and a lot of skill points just because I'd log in to train or set a queue.... what do I do. Are there any newbie bibles around town so I don't just float in space.

    submitted by /u/MrGordley
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    war stories

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    it seems that shitposting has lulled for a while. lets hear your war stories

    319-3D keepstar battle


    This was the first time flying a capital ship, an archon. I bought it earlier in the year when we went north but I never got round to using it or even figuring out how to use it. How hard can it be, there'd be plenty of time in max tidi to figure it out. I spent the moments leading up to the fight deciding what kind of baked potato to have, I went with the classic cheese and chilli beans.


    The plan was simple, warp in, send fighters in, gtfo, tokyo drift around the baddies and bake a potato or two.

    Shit went sideways immediately when I discovered that there were no chilli beans and I also jumped into all of the fucking bubbles. I set the oven to 190, poured myself a large gin and sent my fighters on their way while aligning out of all of the bubbles. Some frigates started to get frisky so I started to lock those up to zap them with whatever I had while I picked out a nice fat potato to stab with a fork and gave it a good clean.

    While waiting for the oven to warm up and the potato to dry I noticed that my fighters were getting suspiciously closer to me than to the keepstar. I had aligned the fighters out of the bubbles instead of my ship. I unfucked the fighters, poured myself a large gin and aligned my ship again just in time to get a lock on the hecate and zap it with my nsa. Fuck.

    I tried to turn the nsa off, I tried to disable it, I tried to eject it into space. None of these worked so I gave the potato a nice olive oil rub down and seasoned with sea salt and cracked pepper. This made me feel better but also still a dick. I poured myself a large gin.


    By the time I'd molested the potato good a proper and popped it in the oven the number of bubbles had increased exponentially and a bunch of little shit was chipping away at the shields so I poured myself a large gin and smartbombed the fuckers, including any nearby allied ships, drones, fighters and pods.

    Sorry not sorry because the dreadnaughts were also starting to have a go. It was time to fuck right off as soon as the nsa went to hell, about half an hour. Enough time to sort out the bean situation.


    I found a tin of regular baked beans, some chilli flakes in the back of the cupboard and a bottle of well aged Worcestershire sauce. I also remembered I had a little tub of sour cream and chive dip, tea was gonna be lit.

    I gave the potato a turn, starting to get nice and cripsy, just as the nsa fucked itself right off and the bubbles began to pop. I manage to scare off the rest of the tackle by pouring a large glass of jaffa cake gin and just managed to get into warp just before the dictors dropped more bubbles on me.

    The dreads had got me down to about 70% armour but now I was free so I put the beans in a pan over a low heat and popped in some chilli flakes and generous dash of Worcestershire sauce


    By the time I landed out of warp it was time to pull the whole dish together. The nearest ship, a sabre, was thousands of kilometres away. Nothing to worry about, I aligned to the next jump, poured myself a large gin and had a look at the sabre. It was actually slowboating over, in tidi, thousands of kilometres. Never stop being horde, horde.

    The potato turned out to be delicious and crispy, the beans were surprisingly not awful and the sour cream really tied it all together

    submitted by /u/OhRevere
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    Dreadnaught insurance should be upped to encourage suicide dread bombs again

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    With dreads being isk ineffecient at practically everything now, insurance payouts for them should be adjusted to compensate. Suicide dread bombs should be made great again.

    submitted by /u/Low-HangingFruit
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    Want to get into Eve and stick to it

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:58 PM PDT

    I've tried to play Eve on and off for a few years with never lasting more then a day but was thinking about really trying to get into it lately. Any advice on how to stick with the game? I usually try to stick to solo or crafting roles in other games.

    submitted by /u/AmeenaRivein
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    So you're telling me that Stain is the Suez canal

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:18 AM PDT


    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28 – New International Version 1984).

    29 If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. (Matthew 5:29-30 – New International Version 1984).

    submitted by /u/BibleSharer
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    Another day, another Goon keepstar down o7

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Fresh Amarr Character into the Abyss

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    Blappy Easter to all, and to all a Gudfite.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 01:00 AM PDT

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