• Breaking News

    Friday, April 30, 2021

    Eve Online War TL;DR

    Eve Online War TL;DR

    War TL;DR

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    [World News] BREAKING NEWS: Dreadnoughts Attacking Girani-Fa III Destroyed in Orbital Battle - EVE Community

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Greetings from P-Z. Broadcast for Reps.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    This kinda rubs me the wrong way

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    [World News] BREAKING: Empire and Republic Face Off on Borders as Inner Circle Meets - EVE Community

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    Anger Games: First Weekend Review

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:17 PM PDT


    Last weekend (April 24+25) was the first weekend of the Anger Games: Rebirth, and what a weekend! Our apologies for not getting this recap out sooner, but it's been a busy week.

    Technical Difficulties?

    Before we get to the action, I want to briefly address the technical issues from Day One. Shortly before we were due to go live, our stream producer experienced some issues and was no longer able to host for us. Luckily, the EVE_NT crew were able to help us out, and we got back on track fairly quickly.

    We were unable to stream the first three matches of the tournament, but they were recorded with live commentary, and are available on the tournament's Youtube channel. We want to say a massive thanks to everyone over at EVE_NT for all their help, and for everything else they do to support the tournament community. Cheers, dudes!

    The Action!

    Matches came thick and fast during this first weekend, with a match scheduled to run every fifteen minutes (or as close as we could get) for four and a half hours each day, plus a short break that the commentary team did a fantastic job of talking through. We saw some clean sweeps, and also an incredibly close points win (sorry again about that hiccup, JOVCO and Fork Lift!)

    The full stream VODs from Day 1 and Day 2 are available on the EVE_NT Twitch channel for now. We have also uploaded all the matches from Day 1 and Day 2 to our official Youtube channel.

    The Winners (and Losers)…

    After these two incredible days, we have eight teams remaining in the winners bracket. In bracket order, these are:

    Goondra Unloaded

    JOVCO Mining Division

    Warlords of the Deep


    TEST Alliance Please Ignore

    Aggressively Midtier


    Sudden Vydra

    We also said goodbye to seven teams on Sunday:

    2 rigs 1 ship

    Paid Actors

    Keep away from Oasa

    Disciples of TOTE


    Eire Engineers

    The Weekend Warriors

    Unfortunately, Eire Engineers were forced to forfeit their losers bracket match for fielding an illegal team composition against Lollipops, but we look forward to seeing them return in future tournaments.

    The full bracket for this Anger Games can be found at our challonge page, and includes all scheduled match times in UTC (EVE time).

    Some Extra Details!

    I also have some fun facts and stats that I thought might be interesting!

    Firstly, according to the ever-knowledgeable CCP Swift, Game 17 of the Anger Games: Rebirth (between Ramrod Shenanigans and 2 rigs 1 ship) was the first match in the history of competitive EVE tournaments to be commentated by a pair of female casters. Now, we're sure such an occasion has happened before, but until CCP Swift is proved wrong, we're happy to take the record.

    Next up, Ramrod Shenanigans are the only team to have violated the arena boundary in this Anger Games iteration, and they have done so in each AG match they have played. Congratulations to both Radakos and CharleyTheChair - you joined the boundary club and received a great AG Discord Role!

    We also have a unique process for the Best-of-Five final of this Anger Games. We are banning ships in only the first three matches of the final, and there are some unique rules too - the bans are dictated by the most-banned ships across the entire tournament.

    So, I wanted to share our tracking of the most-banned ships with you all…

    Our Top Ten Most-Banned Ships So Far:

    1. Bhaalgorn
    2. Barghest
    3. Curse
    4. Gila
    5. Rattlesnake
    6. Sleipnir
    7. Etana
    8. Vindicator
    9. Oneiros
    10. Hyperion

    To Conclude...

    The matches so far have been incredible. We've really enjoyed bringing you all this tournament, we've loved watching the meta evolve, and we look forward to the surprises our second weekend brings.

    You can catch the Anger Games live on the EVE_NT Twitch channel from 18:45 on May 1, 2, 8 and 9, and keep up with us on Twitter too.

    submitted by /u/DirkStetille
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    TRAVEL ADVISORY Large NPC Diamond fleets have been spotted camping gates in and around the Minmatar/Amarr Warzone.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    Great Expectations

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    NEW! Cat Crate! CCP Please let it not just stay a typo

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    CAT CRATE! So if you look at the newest update on hoboleaks you will find a very Interesting item with a sadly disappointing description, CCPlease don't let it stay that way GIVE ME MY CAT!

    Hoboleaks link!

    submitted by /u/AttackSparrow
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    Made a Mike Azariah card, so I also had to make the first legendary ship card today...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Farming Mordu's/Rare spawns with a shuttle. How to earn billions as a day 1 alpha pilot

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    This Praxis Carried Me In A Warp :D

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    [WWBII] PAPI assemble reinforce a POS, Imperium congratulates them on a job well done

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    POS got reinforced without anything happening

    After that PAPI forces idled in 3-D on the E-V gate, when they made a run towards the E-V gate Goonswarm warped in a Muninn fleet at 0 with a Cerb fleet of a distant ping.

    But alas, it was a filthy ruse by PAPI, as the goons now had aggression timer, so the muninns brawled it out at 0, which did not end very well for Imperium's side.

    Dave Archer fails to understand the logic that whichever sides has more monitors wins, so he brought his Eagle to lead the Cerb fleet.

    After getting hit by 2 runs of void bombs and witnessing the slaughter of the muninns on the gate, they decided that tether was looking mighty fine.

    An Imperium FAX ended up dying on the gate as well.

    PAPI forced left, Imperium warped in 3 fleets, and booshed some stragglers off the gate and murdered them. They also looted the field, which most likely makes them the clear winners of this battle.

    Local was a constant shitshow.

    Battlereport is here: https://br.evetools.org/br/608b2f6da4f63e001b5115dd

    submitted by /u/Ordinary_Transistor
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    Moments like these make me fall in love with the game all over again.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    5/10 Guristas hallucinogen supply waypoint lowsec

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    Hey guys I just got this 5/10 but I don't have the skills to do it myself so im trying to find a way to sell it, if any of you know of a website or something of the sort it'd be very helpful

    submitted by /u/LilithThefirstJD
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    What's up with the relatively large overlap between Snuff and FRT Holdings

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:55 PM PDT


    1/6th of FRT holdings, 6/10 of the most recent people to join.


    I'm not super experienced in management in EVE, so perhaps I'm missing something, but generally only extremely trusted people & allies are let into holding corps for the alliance proper?

    submitted by /u/Gabeischunky
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    How to get into Industry after career agents

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    I have finished all except for the business career agent and I was wondering how I could easily get into Industry and making ships. This is my first ever MMO. All help appreciated, Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Slavetomints
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    [NEWS] PAPI's big assault on the 1DQ constellation started three days ago. Today, the first structure was successfully reinforced.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Alliance Spotlight - DOCK WORKERS

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    The state of low sec and factional warfare

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:36 PM PDT

    Old vet solo pilot just popped back in to see what the state of low sec /FW is like .. man does it seem to get quieter and quieter in low sec and FW... year after year...

    Barely at targets for a solo FW pilot nowadays.

    submitted by /u/medoncpharm
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    Back in PvP after a short break

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:47 AM PDT


    Last week by some reasons, I had to leave the city and go to the village and it was useful. I distracted from the bustle of the city, saw my relatives, whom, unfortunately, I do not see so often. When I returned in the city, I understood that I rested and ready to return in Eve Online and lead fleets with new charge of enthusiasm. Production system rebalance was coming soon and we couldn't ignore that ton of content around our systems and decided to use it.
    Coming home from the train I joined Discord voice chat, sad "Hi" to everyone, made some agent missions (Yes, FCs also greed sometimes), opened SEAT and appointed an evening PvP operation, and went to work.


    Closer to designated time I realized that I delayed at work for around 15 minutes and asked another FC to help and start fleet gathering. Thanks to him, we saved time and undocked at the planned time. I chose Machariel battleship as the main ship of the fleet. As I expected there weren't many of us but we had enough ships to resist possibly superior enemy.


    Undocked from NPC station in 5ZXX-K system, Pure Blind we moved out in BDV3-T, to our enemies, Weapons Of Mass Production to get the fight and sent our scouts in the systems of our other enemies such as Toilet Paper and WE FORM V0LTA. Reaching BDV3-T we started attack on the enemy's ihub sovereignty to provoke WOMP into PvP. The idea was justified when within 20-25 minutes WOMP alliance was almost ready to fight us and Toilet Paper Alliance was coming to help them shooting Banderlogs Alliance as we are the only ones that could give them PvP content. Nevertheless, I didn't forget about WE FORM V0LTA and despite their fleet didn't appear yet, I understood that they can come over any time and damage our ships.

    I had around 50 pilots and the enemy was almost twice our number (qick math: 147 pilots in system, 53 of them is my fleet, the rest are enemies, so it's 53 vs 96)

    The battle itself didn't last long but it consisted of many small skirmishes. In the first run-in, our enemy couldn't warp to us together so they started having losses and quickly retreated to gather some reinforcement. As for us – we could've play better and destroy the most of the enemy's ships but our recons didn't have enough bravery.
    After the enemy understood that they won't get us into head-to-head fight, Toilet paper alliance started moving to their domestic system and I decided to use it warping to WOMP and provoked them to a fight. WOMP supposing they are in the majority dropped 4 dreadnoughts against us and Toilet Paper turned around and hurried to the battlefield that I left as soon as they took their position. It was a good fight that shown some problems of Banderlogs Alliance's pilots and I hope they will solve them.

    After few engagements, WE FORM V0LTA was ready to demolish our ships and using dictors and cyno-recons locked us BDV3-T system. After 10 minutes, I decided to break through, but we didn't success and WE FORM V0LTA came to the battlefield. Circs weren't so bad though and I commanded to go back into BDV3-T gate. WE FORM V0LTA took me as primary target and I decided to stay as long as possible consuming all the damage to let my fleet retreat to the BDV3-T from the WW-KGD system. The plan would be successful if one on my pilots didn't decide to shoot enemies and wasn't destroyed. Coming in BDV3-T system, I commanded to use MWDs in overheating mode to get advantageous position ASAP and save my fleet. Enemy's dictors exited warp-mode close to us trying to hold us but we successfully destroyed them. Then, the unbelievable to me has happened: WE FORM V0LTA started shooting WOMP ships that allowed us to leave the battlefield and return home with minimal losses.

    The brilliant of the final moment was that I thought WOMP and V0LTA help each other being friends and allies. Looks like simply didn't share something and later we will find out who is the traitor.

    Much thanks to the Banderlogs Alliance and my opponents for emotions and a good fight. The battle report you can check here: https://br.evetools.org/br/607f3e4c2924cb001b44c7a6


    P.S.: If you want to support me, leave your comments below and upvote this post, it motivates me to post more often. You can also offer a topic for my next post.

    submitted by /u/SavvaMe
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