• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Eve Online Goons decide to give us moral support from tether as we reinforce all their structures.

    Eve Online Goons decide to give us moral support from tether as we reinforce all their structures.

    Goons decide to give us moral support from tether as we reinforce all their structures.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    Since PASSPI won't follow up on the timers they created, we had some fun

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Message from common goon

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    I would really thank to everyone who is attacking Delve in current war. Theres is a lot of content now thanks to you. We really appreciate it. I just got back to Eve, because I do not have to flight 30 minutes to get any fight anymore. I just undock and have a great time.

    Thank you and have fun, it is just a game.

    submitted by /u/me_y
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    [Sisi] Windows no longer opaque when unpinned.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    I prefer to set window transparency to 0 because I often have difficulty reading white text overlaid on bright backgrounds. Pinning a window makes windows slightly transparent, even with transparency set to 0. It's annoying, but I deal with it by leaving all my windows unpinned. This allows them to be fully opaque, which is optimal for me. Perhaps some of you are the same.

    Completely opaque windows are no longer possible on Singularity. Here are some comparisons, all with the transparency slider set to 0:

    Tranquility Bright Environment

    Tranquility Dark Environment

    Singularity Bright Environment

    Singularity Dark Environment

    I like the new icons, but I hope CCP decides to preserve the ability to have fully opaque windows. Furthermore, it would be awesome to have opaque and pinned windows. I don't think pinning and transparency should be connected.

    submitted by /u/KimPeek
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    I've upset the emperor

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    "Blue Prophecy" another watercolour by me

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    PSA: "We don't intend to do anything remarkable in space tonight" - CCP Delegate Zero

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Say "no!" to a gate to Solitude.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    I can't say it better than what's been said in this thread by nascent3cho: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/potential-solitude-gate-suggestions-and-a-plea-to-maintain-the-regions-uniqueness/308339

    Everyone who lives or has lived in Solitude needs to speak out against this. Solitude is a unique region precisely because of how remote it is. The people who live here (and there's a lot of us) don't want - nor need - a gate. There's a reason we're here.

    submitted by /u/Xuixien_TheAugust
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    Ccp when (if possible) will you add ship killmarks to killmails?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    It would add so much more value to killmails in an emotional sense. When someone kills me in my 25 killmark loki I want them to know that they have hurt me deeply and not just financially.

    submitted by /u/stateofthings312
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    PSA: Empires of EVE pre-orders are open again

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Empires of EVE books pre-orders are open again for all and are expected to ship May 25, 2021.

    If you missed getting them before now is your chance to get them :)


    submitted by /u/povg2573
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    Jita Jump-Gate Traffic with Radio Chatter will make you dive away from everyday life with ease. I added some extra sound effects and radio chatter.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    A Want

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    (stawted as a wesponse tuwu a comment but gwew tuwu a fuww-scawe wawnt)

    uwu have no idea whawt uwu awe tawking abouwt wow

    thewe's nowt owne thing goons awe afwaid of.

    whawt couwd uwu possibwy duwu tuwu thewm?

    gwass 1dq1?

    couwd uwu, tho? i down't think so.

    but even if uwu couwd - thawt's iwt.

    the most uwu couwd evew dweam of doing iws evicting goons fwom dewve.

    awnd how exactwy iws iwt going tuwu huwt gooswawm fedewation? they have awweady wepwaced mining awnd kwabbing wocations awnd make even mowe isk than befowe. Whawt awe uwu gonna duwu tuwu cause thewm gwief ow even inconvenience? spam wocaw?

    awnd now wet me teww uwu why uwu shouwd be afwaid:

    if 1dq1 fawws, wawge pawt of goonswawm wiww inevitabwy wewocate tuwu pochven awnd popuwate most pochven systems. Once iwt happens, they wiww be abwe tuwu vewy quickwy move subcap fweets tuwu any pawt of new eden - pochven iws wike a highway. Bwack wise tuwu dewewik? owne jump. Domain tuwu the citadew? two jumps.

    add a bwops ow two - awnd they couwd dwop a fuww fweet of bombews awnd wecons own tawgets in neawwy aww wowsec awnd nuwwsec systems within 20 tuwu 40 minutes, pewsistentwy, contwawy tuwu wowmhowes, with impunity awnd without any viabwe countewpway.

    tawget spotted in nuwwsec?

    fweebuwn twough pochven towawds tawget system

    cyno ow fiwament tuwu k-space

    twavew tuwu jump wange, whewe bwops awaits.

    cyno in

    kiww shit

    if cawn't handwe something juwst disengage, cwoak, deaggwo awnd fiwament home - awone ow in gwoups, doesn't weawwy mattew - onwy tuwu dwop again own the same ow yet anothew tawget.

    uwu foows cweated an indestwuctibwe monstew. Once goons awe evicted fwom 1dq1 uwu won't be abwe tuwu mine ow kwab anywhewe within two-thwee jump wange fwom aww pochven systems. Imagine having aww youw stwuctuwes pewmanentwy weinfowced - juwst because goons cawn duwu iwt. Imagine wentews wefusing tuwu pay because they cawn't fawm awnd uwu cawn't even defend theiw stwuctuwes. Imagine a stwuctuwe timew evewy 10 minutes. Imagine bombews baw, but biggew, baddew awnd detewmined tuwu make uwu cwy.

    awnd thewe's nowt a owne damn thing uwu couwd duwu.

    p.S. I'm nowt a membew of goonswawm since befowe the waw had stawted. Fuwthewmowe, the gwoup thawt i'm pawt of iws [cwassified] awnd have a set stwategic goaw of [cwassified] in wiwashoda (pochven) awnd goonswawm tuwned out tuwu be ouw stwategic enemy (not thawt they notice iwt xdxdxdxdxd)

    p.P.S. Tbh, i'm nowt even intewested in heawing any contwadicting opinions - if uwu down't agwee with me iwt iws onwy because uwu have no idea whawt uwu awe tawking abouwt *shwug*

    submitted by /u/pisspigoonie
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    [Sisi] Stain Gate Event

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    Goon propaganda ages the best.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    industry grind lesss go

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Where is "No stupid questions thread?"

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I can't see it for some reason. It was very helpful for me, when I got back in to EVE and I always love to lurk in it as it usually had great question and answers.

    submitted by /u/ChefCobra
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    Another week, another story. Not just a corp opp success.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:32 AM PDT

    The night started like most others. Just trying to bring more content the corp.

    We brought 5 thrashers and a Sabre. After a bit of deliberation, we decided to filament to find some fights. We roamed around and after find nothing, we decided we should breach the Thera and head towards Pure Blind.

    Lo and behold! There was an exit that took us within 10 jumps. We finally made our target and found several campers just watching and waiting. We burned back to the gate and orbited... waiting for a fight. Finally, a Confessor arrested us and we burned towards it...

    Wait! We fell into his trap and we burned towards him. After a few seconds his friend in a Augerer Navy Issue appeared on the gate. Separated we frantically sought for an assault, but our forces were spread thin. I tried to react my call on the confessor to fight but too many were too far away... we couldn't apply the damage we needed and still, they called on another. A Gila. Perfectly fit to destroy in this haphazard state. We burned back to the gate but only 2 survived.

    Shouszen and Mada drank down the losses as the fleet decided what to do next. With drunken abandonment, we were determined to not let the lost fight end with a poor fleet outcome. They found themselves burning to Aridia from both P-Z and Thera to meet back up. The first objective was Irmalin but no opportunistic gankers/ganks of cyno beacons were there, so they proceeded towards Querious and found a Myrmidon and very lucky industrial... touche to the industrial who was able to cross warp a couple of thrashers busy trying to math.

    Sadly, the cards of such a small number of thrashers could not mathematically be able to engage a Myrmidon and gate guns with victory. We followed this Myrmidon into Querious and scouted its every movement... looking for an opportunity to catch it with support.

    While we chased the Myrmidon, a neutral group from Electus Matari crosswarped and wanted to aggress in our space. We abandoned the silly (but expected) chase with the Myrmidon (us Brave dudes will chase anything) and drunkenly yeeted back to engage the hostiles with Standing fleet - a largely confusing endeavor with comms and such because... beer!

    All-in-all, a lost fleet with a happy ending.


    The first engagement with the EC-P was not successful and we had some losses. Persistent members were able to reship and end the fleet to help successfully merge for defense, flawlessly.

    P.S. Yes, I know not being blue to everyone in the universe will mean more content. The achievement is to document a few things:

    - Acknowledging the stories we can tell from our perspectives. Bias may be natural but entertainment, no matter how silly, will hopefully give something for someone to talk and laugh about

    - Honor enemy and ally successes and failures

    - The weekly tradition continues and am proud last week's endeavor lead to our corp member, Shouszen, to step up.

    - And peronsally: get better at analyzing everything and be a better corp leader to support my members and community

    P.S.S. I'm told by Dunk to wear socks, specifically P.S.S.'s. Please wear socks.

    P.S.S.S. Emet Selch did nothing wrong.

    submitted by /u/tak3thatback
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    [World News] Galactic Hour News Roundup: Fragile Peace Holding Despite High Tensions Across New Eden - EVE Community

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    WTS CCP Swift Corpse

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    I have recently come into possession of a CCP Swift Corpse, and would like to sell/auction it, give me your offers starting at 1 bil!


    submitted by /u/yelgabxela
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    Multiple Character Training - why is it so expensive?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    This may have already been discussed but I was looking at the MCT price of £15.99 per 40 days and wondering what anyone would use it when you can sub another account for the same period for £11.99. There must be some logic to it I guess..... any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Dagger841
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    On the Road with CSM Hopeful Xtra Squishy

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    What are your current goals?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    Hey folks!

    Interested in what other peoples goals might be, looking for some inspiration.

    submitted by /u/aaronvf37
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    Heavy metal

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    I really want them to include "plutonium nyborg" as a drug In eve from heavy metal....

    submitted by /u/NextParsnip6828
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    Start out with Abyssals.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    Long Term PvP Player here which whats to do some abyssals. I have *some* pve experience, but thats it. I am looking for a easy way to earn some money when i have only 30 minute of time:

    • It does not have to be max isk per hour, so t4 is probably what i am looking for.
    • It should be 95-100% surivival rate
    • Ship fit should be max 1b
    • It should be more easy than difficult, so i can brain afk a little bit.

    How should i start?

    • Which ship fit i should buy?
    • Should i start with t2/t3 or directly go to t4?
    • Which guide should read/watch before?
    submitted by /u/Korrak
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    EVE Classic - Vortex Horizons

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:58 AM PDT

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