• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 2, 2021

    Eve Online Enjoying a naturally 3D printed Machariel.

    Eve Online Enjoying a naturally 3D printed Machariel.

    Enjoying a naturally 3D printed Machariel.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    large scale brawl in 3-D and surrounding systems

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    full BR killmails still trickling in.

    In mid USTZ, papi used their T5Z > E-VK jump bridge to move two muninn fleets and a small jackdaw fleet into the 3-DQMT system (any papi members filling in FC's would be great, I think it's progod and deveron since they are who I scrammed but not sure). The three fleets proceeded to start reinforcing the jump bridge that linked the system to 1DQ. Imperium pinged Muninns and Feroxes under Alterari Phoenix and Tom Flood respectively, with supporting tornados. The Muninn fleet was first to jump into system via the jump bridge, with the Ferox fleet being bruised by a bombing run on the ansiblex.. This also had the effect of putting 1DQ in tidi, and causing the muninn fleet to be split between 1DQ and 3-D. The FC called for decloak while only a small portion of the fleet had exited tunnel into 3-D, with the rest of the fleet being in tunnel or stuck in the tidi'd 1DQ. This resulted in the Imperium fleet taking a severe mauling at the start of the fight.

    Eventually, the rest of the Muninn Fleet was able to load and the two fleets began trading muninns. The close range and very high alpha of Muninns meant that the large majority of targets were alpha'd right off the field, with the pace of exchange increasing with the arrival of the Imperium Ferox fleet. Due to the system being directly connected to 1DQ and 1 gate + JB from T5Z, both sides started frantically reshipping while trading ships for the next hour. Imperium formed a medium sized Cerberus fleet under Asher Elias while Papi reinforced with a much larger jackdaw fleet,

    Eventually, the reinforcement of the JB was finished off by the remaining drones and occasional gunfire, putting a stop to immediate Imperium reshipping. The Imperium fleets pulled back from the ansiblex while awaiting additional reinforcement through the N-8 gate, while Papi killed the lif that had jumped with the Muninn fleet. With the ansiblex reinforced, the Papi fleet moved to disengage through the E-VK gate.

    Afterwards the Imperium fleets decided to go into E-VK and reinforce the ansiblex and beacon in system. Papi counter-formed eagles and carriers/dreads. Unfortunately I can't give any details on the fight that went on in E-VK since all of my alts died and got podded back to 1DQ very quickly and I then fell asleep at my keyboard.

    Overall good fight to papi. As for Imperium, we made quite a number of unforced errors that ended up hurting fleet effectiveness significantly.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    2,000+ Ships killed as Goons lose both Objective and ISK war in 3-D

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Fight in 3-D over ansiplex leads to goons losing the objective and isk war 130+ bil to 100+ bil.

    Don't know how the fight started but know quite a few people re-shipped 4 plus times.

    Fight Centered around the Ansiplex in 3-D with Goons having a Ferox fleet, a Muninn Fleet, a Cerb fleet, and a small Tornado Fleet. Papi Brought two Muninn fleets, a jackdaw fleet, and a harpy fleet.


    Edit; Goons after this fleet also pushed into E-V to hit the PAPI Jump Bridge. After flashforming and dropping caps a brawl ensued, in which goons primaried a PAPI FAX who tanked allowing PAPI to continue to kill Enemy sub-caps with Carriers and HAW dreads+Eagle Fleet and Muninn Fleet. Goons were pushed off the ansiblex in low armor, which just repped and then lost in a minor brawl on the gate as PAPI Carriers, resulting in them pinging off. A Horde Rev was also tackled on the cyno beacon, and killed, then the Goon fleets bailed. At this time, the Muninn Fleet has run the gauntlet back into 3-D. The Ferox and Cerb fleet remained camped in for now.


    submitted by /u/Practical-Whereas-97
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    Ep. 0.0 [Eve Online Comic]

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    "Red Sun Widow" watercolour on paper

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    Some screenshots from the brawl over the 3-DMQT Ansiblex

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Your Meta Show TL;DR for 5-1-21

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    PGL fed some ships.

    PAPI failed all week.

    This is the Meta Show. Schoolyard level name calling is what we do.

    Gobbins cries like a little bitch for validation from Mittens.

    Fuck you i don't give a shit what you think eat my ass

    Pathetic onion skin bitches.

    Talk shit get hit eat a dick I don't give a fuck what you think.

    You cry like bitches because you're bitches

    Entitled little bitches, something something shit in your mouth.

    If you don't approve of Mittens you're a shitty, awful person in the real world.

    The MER is fucked up. We can't trust it because we can't reproduce it.

    CCP may be making bad decisions about the game because they rely on the MER.

    Skill Injectors shouldn't be included in the CPI

    Wormholers are making lots of isk from blue loot

    Pochven dudes are making lots of isk too.

    Wormholers and Pochven dudes shouldn't be making so much isk because that space isn't risky.

    Fixing the MER will help the noobs and little guys.

    Jump Freighters are going to cost 18-20 Bil.

    Titans are going to cost 300 Bil

    That's why PAPI won't use Titans to take 1DQ.

    All of this favors rich old guys.

    Init is attacking Etherium Reach

    Init didn't kill Legacy's Keeps because they didn't feel like it.

    Gobbins is a cowardly little bitch.

    Eat shit. Eat my ass pisspi.

    Another hour of your life saved. This public service announcement has been brought to you by the Mittens Salt Company. The little Morton's umbrella bitch can eat our ass. Our aging frat boy in the red shirt logo is way cooler. Remember, if you want the saltiest salt around, think Mittens.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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    I love these error messages

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Nerfed Ship (Vexor Navy Issue Solo PvP)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:04 PM PDT

    Check out this cool planet I Found

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    [World News] Amarr Dreadnoughts Fire on Floseswin IV with Siege Lasers - Amarr Dreadnoughts Destroyed in Pitched Amarr-Minmatar Battle over Floseswin IV

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    If I accidentally ended up in 1DQ as a civilian because of taking a filament to explore and I'm already there, that's just a lucky "neat" moment, right? That's it...?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    I may have used a filament in Jita to take a stealth ship null to explore. I seem to have landed in Goon HQ. I am presently just cruising in space in the middle of nowhere cloaked wondering if I should just leave.

    I literally have nothing to do with any of this stuff. I just was wanting to explore.

    EDIT: proof... https://i.imgur.com/AWN0G4g.png

    That is some wild stuff. Null is crazy. You guys are - tagged just so I know to leave you all alone.

    submitted by /u/AmHoomon
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    you're welcome, visit again.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    Message_from_common_goon.PNG (comic in pencil)

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    So I found this lying around in my item hangar for some reason, uhh anyone wants a suit?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    What is the proper way, for a newbro, to participate in the upcoming battles I see in the Breakthrough ?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm sorry to ask this, but I'm still fairly new (6m sp, only one account) but I keep on seeing those Breakthrough and wanted to know if that is for Lore purpose only or if this is something any player can join ?

    submitted by /u/Sagecon69
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    New bro here. Found an gas site in WH space. C320 and C540 gasses. Sleepers not spawning. Im stuck in a gold mine. Is this normal?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Making dinner rn, while venture is harvesting.

    submitted by /u/Crowarior
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    Literally unplayable

    Posted: 01 May 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Thinking about EVE (Multi roll question)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    Can I ask a question of yall,

    I am thinking of giving EVE a shot (love space games), watched a few newb videos read a little.

    I played Elite D quite a lot and I enjoy multi roll ships, Yea i know that by doing that you are mediocre in a couple areas but its how I like to play.

    Elite I would play a miner/light combat or a pirate/trader. A lot of the videos and online sites for EVE really discourage doing this kind of build.

    I am not a min max, multiple ship type of guy, I liked the idea of a light self sufficient pve fighter/salvage ship. Is this kind of thing possible in EVE?

    Can you mine and put up a fight? Take a PVE down and then salvage a kill? That kind of thing. Whats an example of a relatively entry level multi roll ship?

    submitted by /u/beleedad
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    Okay, so, I want to try out Eve...

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    I'm new to the MMO thing, never been around hundreds of people in a game, but I want to try it out.

    Eve seems very complex, and I'm pretty sure it is, but I want to know how complex is it, how hard is the learning curve?

    Is it something I can get the hang of it in a few days or am I gonna need a PhD in economics...

    How much time will I need to dedicate? I have experience grinding!

    And how's the community, are people generally d!cks around here, am I gonna have to deal with MHA levels of toxicity or are you nice?

    I'd like to sorta know what I'm getting into.

    submitted by /u/X-Avalon-X
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    Currently in a frigate orbiting the 3-D jammer that PGL morale-posted about reinforcing as it repairs while PAPI stay on tether AMA

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    Help me understand this Garmur Playstyle

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I have maxed missile skills, that's why I want to try some solo pvp with the Garmur.

    First thing I did was go to zkillboad to check fits and see what the engagement profile for that ship might be, I couldn't find any successful solo players but then I found this guy: https://zkillboard.com/character/2112565602/page/3/

    Looks like this is the fit:


    I understand that this guy is probably a really decent pilot but since I have never done any solo pvp in a Garmur before I have a few issues imagining how these fights go down.

    He has a very expensive Warp Disruptor and a Signal Amplifier so I suppose he orbits/kites people at max disruptor range? If that were the case I dont understand why he has a scrambler fitted as well.

    He is almost always using Faction Missiles, is it because of their range ?

    How can this guy solo kill ratting Ishtars with very scary drones, does he just outrun them with mwd?

    If anyone in here feels like the way this gentleman plays in his Garmur is obvious, I'd appreciate it a lot of someone could explain how these fights play out in detail.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/FingersX
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    Still triglavian systems?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    Are there still triglavian systems that will start shooting when you are in system?

    submitted by /u/Teszro
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