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    Friday, May 21, 2021

    Eve Online Thanks CCP

    Eve Online Thanks CCP

    Thanks CCP

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed watching the CSM candidates get announced only to not see myself on there with no word on why.

    submitted by /u/xtra_squishy
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    Are we posting ship caches? Here is the Official Delta Sqad FWST Ship Cache

    Posted: 20 May 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    In response to the recent post of goon's cache in FWST, I give you the official PAPI FWST ship stockpile.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    Why A Ground-Up Rework of PvE Should Be CCP's Top Priority - Even If You Never PvE

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    It's a known fact - the baseline PvE in EVE that has been around since its inception is a boring chore. Nobody enjoys it. It's so frustrating that people do everything they can to either run it AFK or avoid it completely. I mean, who wants to run missions or farm anomalies to build up their wealth, no matter their goal? I think the player who actively enjoys the process of farming the old-style missions and anoms is few and far between - what people really do it for is the obvious boon of seeing their wallet size increase.

    There are certainly more interesting forms of PvE - WH and Incursion rats are somewhat more interesting, since they at least have a modicum of intelligence to how they act. Abyssal Deadspace is honestly awesome IMO (though I wish you couldn't run t4+ in highsec,) forcing you to quickly assess and react to different rooms and hazards while having scaling risk/reward tiers. But these are hidden behind knowledge, ISK, and SP barriers - meaning those who are in the most need of engaging PvE (new players) will miss out unless they're either guided towards it or suffer through missions and belt ratting for awhile.

    And now we come to the real thesis here - that creating an engaging PvE experience will increase player retention, increase players in space, and help alleviate the issue of players who play for 2 hours and immediately quit. And why shouldn't they? As was discussed in another excellent post (https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/nglup3/revisiting_the_new_player_experience_its_just_as/ for those who missed it,) the NPE for EVE still sucks. It doesn't provide any decent information, and it's almost entirely done through the god-awful mission format of yesteryear. How is having a player warp to a point in space given by an agent, shoot one thing, then warp back to a station over and over and over going to make anyone think EVE is fun? If this is what they have to look forward to to make money, why would anyone stick around?

    That's the first facet of why this is so important - the other is that as previously mentioned, higher-SP players do their utmost to avoid engaging in PvE most of the time. They set up skill farms. They trade. They AFK mine in highsec in a tanked Orca. Maybe they AFK rat in an ishtar in null, but they dock up immediately upon seeing anyone nearby, because god forbid they lose a ship that takes hours of boring, mindless ratting to replace. What's the overall result of this mindset? Fewer players in space, and fewer player interactions.

    If we could move away from boring "shoot red cross, collect ISK" encounters to something more dynamic and something that doesn't require you to make your ship absolutely worthless in PvP if you want to farm it effectively, we could get more players actively playing the game. More players actually enjoying the PvE aspect means more players undocking and putting themselves at risk. This means that even players who never, ever, ever engage in PvE get a boon from this - more pilots in space is good for EVERYBODY in EVE.

    A rework of the PvE systems should also come with a rework of PvE rewards to make sure they're scaling with the risk - and to make sure that activities that are the most risky in a certain part of space tie their best rewards to that space. I may have a different opinion than a lot of 0.0 players on things like Blackout and Scarcity, but there's one thing that definitely holds true - at this point, the risk of PvEing in 0.0 simply isn't worth the meager rewards. This absolutely needs to be addressed, because without fundamental change the stagnant PvE is going to keep slowly bleeding players from the game and pushing new players right back out the door they came in.

    Phew, not sure how long this is gonna be when I hit "post," and I'm honestly not sure how coherent it is looking back over it, but I hope my main points got across. Please let me know what you think! I deliberately avoided suggesting solutions because frankly, the old adage of players being great at identifying a problem and terrible at solving it definitely applies to me - I'm not a game dev nor a balance expert. But I can see when something is just awful design.

    submitted by /u/jenrai
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    Fraternity Forsaken Hub spawns in Pure Blind - AAR

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    V0lta anchored an Azbel in KQK off of the Nullechnaya Ihub in EUTZ, it came out today and Winterco, NSH, and Snuff all formed together to fight V0lta and friends. Knowing NSH was gonna ask for help to fight an EUTZ group, understandably, we assumed Winterco and Snuff would come. Due to that we also asked TP and a few other small groups to assist us by either merging in or doing things like boosh/bomb runs.

    Both sides formed well, v0lta/friends started with 105 Nightmares and support and Winterco + Snuff started with 120 TFIs roughly + bhaals etc. Winterco + friends bridged in to KQK on the azbel with their entire fleet + a few fax and a dread. We bridged in and immediately had a horrible start as like a bunch of dumb dumbs didn't consider people wouldn't load grid fast enough, Winterco promptly dropped their own hic bubbles and warped to us as we were warping off, unfortunately 5 nightmares died like this, so suddenly we were down to 100 nightmares vs 120 TFIs. In exchange though we killed the two fax + the dread which cynod in with the winterco fleet.

    We found that with around 100 nightmares we were able to pretty easily kill TFIs now and then, it wasn't a constant stream as they spec tanked + had brought in fresh fax. We also were losing some ships like support lokis, cerbs, and a few nightmares here and there. Mostly though we tanked well and traded well, eventually we got to the stage where we were dscanning and it was around 95 TFIs vs 95ish nightmares.

    Winterco decided to ping off a few times leaving several TFIs to die, but eventually got a good warp in on our nightmares combined with a void bomb run combined with a really solid boosh run which did split our fleet in 3 different places. This was our worst timing as throughout the fight our dictors did a great job getting stop bubbles between us and the TFIs, but this time they got through and we traded the worst in this situation.

    We warped out after trading nightmares for things like hics and a few eager TFIs who burned too far. We repinged down at range, and basically afterwards this game of pinging and stop bubbling was on going until a very specific point where we ended up bubbling the Winterco fax, but the TFIs still warped to us. When the TFIs warped to us we stopped them with a HIC and wubbled them, and then decided to just haze TFIs.

    We got to around 60km and then we decided to turn and transversal tank, TFIs burned directly at us so we just blasted and blasted as they burned into us. We did trade a few nightmares most likely, but this was where we traded extremely well sometimes killing 4 TFIs to every ship lost.

    It took a long while for TFIs to finally cyno in fresh fax and at this point we pulled off, and then killed 2 more fax and another HAW dread near the azbel which had been left behind.

    At this point though we had run out of cap boosters in nightmares, we quickly went home, grabbed fresh nightmares for those who died and fresh cap boosters, and then quickly came back with another 25 dictors ready to plow.

    We warped in, and Winterco decided to run and eventually got most of their fleet out of bubbles and warped to their friendly fortizar in KQK. We finished up some stragglers and fax and finally cored the azbel, initially we held off coring because we just assumed it was dead.


    submitted by /u/Danatious
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    Can T2 microwarpdrives get a bit of love?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Honestly, short but simple one here. In over hundreds if not thousands of killmails I've seen perhaps 1 or 2 people use T2 microwarpdrives. Their speed increase is so tiny that the signature bloom, fitting cost and higher cap use doesn't make them worth it. Would love to see them get a substantial buff in speed to actually make people consider using them at some point.

    submitted by /u/Virion_Stoneshard
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    I was hanging outside a station, and suddenly Sansha on the nearest gate saw me and started approaching. They're still approaching as I write this. Shall I, dunno, make tea or something?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    "A modern miracle" - Luxury Yacht's funeral ends in terror and joy?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    QoL request : to have the watchlist colors in the 'assign drones to...' window.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    [*F1 Blob Video*] GLHF/TP vs. FRAT/NSH - 20/05/2021 Fleet Fight

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    Delve Defence! (Browser simulation)

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:10 AM PDT


    I thought it might be nice for our enemies to get a feeling for what it's like to be trapped 24/7 in the 1DQ constellation so I invite you all to play my new simulation game, Delve Defence.

    The game is set in the 3-DMQT system and you will need need lightning fast reaction times in order to successfully defend the system.

    There's a bit more info on the page itself about the objectives and how to play, I invite friends and foes alike to try our shoes on for size.

    Delve Defence (arps.io)

    submitted by /u/arpsisme
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    Goons go to t5z and starts reffing the jump bridge. Papi rage pings Battleships and HACs because fight with fair numbers.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:23 PM PDT


    Theta squad assembled battle badgers with corm escort with the intention of reffing the t5z jump bridge and win the war lead by the fearless and terribly handsome fc Sanchke with vice space marshal Treyan Argund leading the badgers squad.

    We got in and badgers got in and started shooting the bridge with corms standing by and waiting. Around the 40% armor mark papi started rage pinging battle ships and and HACs. Corms stepped in defended the jump bridge long enough to get it reffed solely by remote-hull-repped battle badgers.

    Goons then lead a strategic retreat and moon walked out of t5z doing 120b damage to PASSPI at 80% efficiency. Unfortunately, Syndic Thrass managed to die in a super pod which tipped the battle report a little out our favor.

    Leave it up to PAPI to form a crazy huge fleet for a small operation and still loose the isk and strategic victory.

    Passpi need to learn to fight fairly.

    EDIT: For those who are confused by the battle report -

    • Pre super pod: 120b
    • super pod worth: 2b
    • 120-2 equals 118
    • with 180 plus the pod is 120 + 2 - 118 (without counting wrecks/ship)
    • so if you take that and take only the eff. on papi side you do 2 * 20% plus the super pod (4b)

    br is just screwed cuz of indy changes

    submitted by /u/lastmanaliveithink
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    I am taking over PAPI High Command

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    I am now in charge.

    Tonight at 22:00 we form in T5ZI.

    I want 8 full HAC fleets

    I want 2 full Harpy fleets

    I want 1 full fleet of entosis drakes

    Make sure your caps, supers, titan alts are ready to go.

    I promise this Op will not travel to Curse. I promise to all PAPI line members that you will just have to travel 2 jumps to the fight.

    Tell your wife you are playing eve for 12 hours until downtime. Tell your work to not expect you in tomorrow. Tell your kids not to worry when you are screeching though your mic as you load the grid.

    I am now in charge.

    submitted by /u/ZXB-VC
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    papi hard passed on Azbel #10. we had some fun with this one and managed to form a semi decent conga line. Plenty more Azbels coming up plenty of chances to practice.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    VOLTA/TP vs NSH/SNUFF/Winterco [155b total lost]

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    EVE Tycoon is partnered + v1.7.0 is out!

    Posted: 20 May 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    I'm happy to announce EVE Tycoon now has partner status! This has let me spend more time improving it, with bugfixes and suggestions from the community. I'm also going to be doing SKIN giveaways for everyone who uses it each month.

    Some of the big changes since my last post here:

    • Reaction support
    • Structure rig support
    • New overview layout with more stats
    • Better mobile support
    • Estimating order update costs
    • Lots of bugfixes

    More info here on the partner SKIN giveaways: https://evetycoon.com/updates

    For the spreadsheet folks out there, reminder that there is also a free market API, with documentation at https://evetycoon.com/docs.

    Integrate it into Google Sheets like so:

    function EveTycoonGetPrice(regionId, typeId, buy) { let url = 'https://evetycoon.com/api/v1/market/stats/' + regionId + '/' + typeId; let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { 'muteHttpExceptions': true }); let data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); return buy ? data.buyAvgFivePercent : data.sellAvgFivePercent; } 


    submitted by /u/xresloracknor
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    Official Baculus 4 CSM Sax Havers Remix

    Posted: 20 May 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    What if YOU were put in charge of the next "chaos" change?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    You've been asked by TPTB to suggest the next "chaos" change for your second job Eve Online. It doesn't have to be fully fleshed out. It doesn't have to be balanced. It doesn't even have to be good. What idea(s) do you put forward?

    submitted by /u/fubbleskag
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    [Dev Blog] Eve Academy

    Posted: 20 May 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    How many bugs can you find?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    PCU down substantially

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    Summer or bad game changes? you decide

    submitted by /u/SanshaLord
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    Player scarcity era have officially begun. For the first time in 2021 online peak was below 30k online.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Clan/Group question

    Posted: 20 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    I am looking for a big clan or guild that partakes in mainly shipping. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Chemical_Database582
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