• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 16, 2021

    Eve Online Imperium Bombers today.

    Eve Online Imperium Bombers today.

    Imperium Bombers today.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Like A Boss

    Posted: 15 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    What if it was reverse?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    AAR: Lads will you stop fucking Cursing, jesus fuck

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    With INIT. deploying North a concerted effort has been made at the direction of PAPI leadership to burn down everything with an INIT. ticker. This is done to teach us a lesson, I think.

    The past few weeks has seen a major decline in ops attacking the 1DQ constellation, while they do still happen they are no longer at level of a few weeks ago, the numbers have bombed so to speak.

    Instead efforts have been focused on killing and / or reffing midpoint Fortizars in Great Wildands, Catch and Curse, staging structures in BRT and G-0, basically anything to remind us how dead we are.

    Today was no different and saw form ups from Legacy, Voltron and FIRE coalition who were on their way to a Tatara timer in G-0, Curse. With hostiles in Muninns and Drakes, we reached far back into our hangers to see what doctrines we hadn't used in a while. Forming Zealots, we set out from 1DQ towards G-0 via wormholes.

    We eventually landed on the G-0 gate in KLMT however the Legacy / V0ltron Fleet was already set up on the otherside of the gate while the FIRE fleet shot the Tatara. Instead of jumping into pre-setup Muninns in AB hacs, we burned to a Titan and bridged in over their heads.

    With the Tatara at 45% armor we got into system and onto the Tatara despite hostile dictors best efforts. Anchoring up, we turned PDS off and had dictors drop bubbles hoping to drag a fleet towards us.

    The Legacy FC made a mistake that saw part of his fleet land at 0 on the Tatara while the rest landed 70~100 off. We untethered and went to work, bringing the holy light of Amarr down upon the Scimitar scum (love you logis).

    Hostiles pinged off and came back onto our Fleet at 0, setting up an orbit of 20km while the FIRE Drake fleet landed about 20km off of us.

    At the same time we lit another cyno on grid, while screaming for bubbles to go up on hostiles. Upon seeing the cyno, the Legacy FC immediately started pulling range. It took the drakes a little longer to realise what was happening. A few seconds later Havish appeared, golden locks swirling in the cosmic winds. "On your left" he whispered over mumble in his dulcet tones while our Imperium brothers and sisters appeared on grid.

    With bubbles flying up hostiles managed to extract pretty well, with both Imperium fleets going to town on what was left.

    The Tatara repaired as we sat on Titan, waiting for the hostile fleets to pass by our Cynos so we could go for round 2. However they knew what was up and instead took an alternative route home from Curse via Scalding Pass, Immensea, Feyth, Eso and so on. They should be back in GE- shortly.

    BR is here: https://br.evetools.org/related/30001041/202105151600

    Disclaimer: Usually I try to keep things as unbiased as I can but I will admit I had a little fun writing the above. You see, while Legacy warped on top of us on 0 with Fire, outnumbering us, their FC got quite upset that we brought in a second fleet to match theirs. The hypocrisy of shit like this just baffles me, like can you not hear what you are saying?

    Either way, good fight to everyone, a big thank you to Imperium for having our back as usual and hopefully we get some more good fights soon!

    submitted by /u/DarkShinesInit
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    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Your Imperium Perspective of the Meta Show for 5-15-21

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Hello New Eden, your D+ pilot, C+ Imperium & Redditswarm poster here earning my daily 10m to provide an Imperium Perspective to Marcus Murphy's TL:DR of the 5/15/21 Meta Show.

    First, I saw that my good friend and comrade slash opponent in this reddit war of words, the Immalleable Marcus Murphy opted out of a proper TL;DR today. I'm sad. Cheer up pal, you still have time to join the Imperium. Karma Fleet and STK-S are recruiting! There is a light at the end of this tunnel!

    That said, onto the business at hand! Your Marcus Murphy Metashow Minute!

    Some Program Notes beforehand:

    Smug Meter was in the red about 80% of the hour

    Evil Villain Laughter from Vince McMittani: 2

    Use of Bad Words: 47 counted, I may have missed a few.

    • Very interesting music to start off the show. No wonder Marcus's TL:DR POV came through as demoralized and haven given up.
    • Johnny F'in Candles first in chat. Well done, Johnny.
    • Fountain Frank made an appearance, sang a hilarious song but was Hellen Kellered for the first 15 seconds of it.
    • The Mittani, Prince of Period Basis, Duke of Delve, Master of Mixing had to tell Frank 3 times he was muted before we got to hear what was aptly called "Karaoke with Fountain Frank" by 4 year INN subscriber Xandryll.
    • Hilarious Vince McMittani Cosplay occurs. I spit my Big Wave out and had to pause to clean my singular monitor (not one of the 13 lost in 3-D).
    • PAPI seems to have brought the biggest offensive so far in the war over the iHub in 3-D.
    • Local was up to 2k people with 10% Time Dilation.
    • Brisc reviewed the battle report but had to scroll more than Todd Howard of Bethesda Game Studios. Total of 1125 PAPI ships deleted by a Hail Mary Bombing Run of a combined INIT. Pando, and GSF Alice Homoloes.
    • PAPI had secret objectives that were somehow accomplished via this loss.
    • PAPI is blaming the servers and will never give The Imperium credit for anything, despite TIDI being 10% and over 2000 people in local leading to the best decisions ever to be repeated that day by PAPI FC's.
    • It was clear that PAPI had requested the node be reinforced, as they would not have attempted this fight otherwise. They cannot claim bugs, or servers for this, and should reflect and learn from their own repeated M2stakes.
    • Brisc gave a review of INIT's deployment. PAPI keeps pulling resources from Delve to fight INIT, clearly demoralizing the average line member who must turn their valuable hours of game play into Bus Simulator.
    • PAPI hates it when the tables are turned and should stop using a Lazy Susan to pick fleet strategies.
    • Nullification changes are severe and should be read up on and tested by all pilots.

    See you all next week with more from Vince McMittani, and Triple B!

    submitted by /u/Ceema_STK
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    [BLACK OPS & SUPER] Few Will Hunt - Angels 1

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    CCPls give me the arms crossed pose for female characters

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    Basically the title, I want to be able to cross my arms and show off those sweet sleeve tattoos without having to zoom out my portrait all the way.

    submitted by /u/nametakenalready
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    One simple trick that lets papi leadership/fc ignore member loses: "Cause you can spin the fuck out of mindless retards , ie line members"

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    eveminingfleet.ovh Simplification of mining fleets

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    Hello to all capsuliers.

    Since a few months, I'm managing a website eveminingfleet.ovh for eveonline's miners.The goal is to simplify the logistic, distribution and the price calculation of a complete mining fleet :).

    The principle is to create a fleet, and each character within the fleet will have his miningledger automatically scan by website.

    Several functions like taxes or different redistribution methods are currently deployed.

    The site estimates the price compressed and reprocessed ores.

    Estimation based on jita prices.

    This site has a github for support tickets.And using it myself, I often add new features.

    I hope you will like it and I'm opened on any commentaries to make improvements :)

    fly safe o7

    PS: video explanation => https://youtu.be/Hun_Zm2EbC4

    submitted by /u/Feonor_Dalb
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    Ishtar Bots are very Subtle and hard to find

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    A new lore video on the Gallente Federation!

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    If you are not in the system, can you see who stole an ESS?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    So today I did some ratting, left for a fleet, and then found out my ESS contributions got stolen....

    Which is fine, but....

    I want to know who stole it, and I cant seem to find that information. Is there anyway for me to find out? or will it always be a mystery?

    submitted by /u/logitech13377
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    Day is slow. Lets make this subreddit hot again! How legacy leaders see FRT : Botco.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    for mods with remove button : PM me and i will link you the source

    My agenda in this : check who are you voting into CSM as your representatives. There is plenty of other people.

    that one
    Vince Draken
    Whatever you call them
    Gobbins [HORDE]
    @Vince Draken didnt you read the update? its an unfair fight because of frt's unassailable wealth
    cheating noraus is just going to CC more isk to cover the holes!! :angry:
    Vince Draken
    meh it's no different to our dirty casino money
    Gobbins [HORDE] in your time working with goons you should learn the good stuff from them, like how to setup a great economy or having more than 2 FCs that can pull people in fleet - not this INN personal attacks trash @progodlegend
    not to mention the racebaiting
    where did I race bait?
    'they brought this bot filth from china server'
    but at this point Gobbins
    and I mean this as sincerely as I can
    Gobbins [HORDE]
    you wrote that
    accusing someone of being racist is a pretty big deal
    so go fuck yourself
    Gobbins [HORDE]
    how about you dont write dumb shit if you dont wanna get called out on it?? you mad at me for pointing our what YOU WROTE
    no you're being a fucking trolley idiot, that's not what I wrote fuck you
    Gobbins [HORDE]
    I havent called you a racist you retard, I said you threw in blatant race bait shit to sell your war, that's unreal
    Vince Draken
    So @progodlegend is this a real war or "We are at war" and then you sit protecting your borders?
    Oh now look who's back pedalling
    Gobbins [HORDE]
    backpedaling from waht
    where were you called a racist
    when you say someone is race baiting you are calling them racist you fucking moron
    Gobbins [HORDE]
    go fuck yourself dude

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    Problems with the DBS system from a null sec ratter point of view.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    This is not a cry post do not worry. I want the new DBS system to work, but I currently see flaws with it and I want to give my perspective.

    TDLR: Current reward and ratting site distribution make it optimal to live in one system together, rather than spreading out. The impact of the DBS is too small due to a number of factors. Explanation below, possible solutions at the bottom.

    I'm basing my perspective on the assumption that the DBS is meant to get null sec players to spread out over many systems, rather than just living together in 1 or 2 systems and leaving the remainder of space desolate.

    The obvious reason is the way things are currently, it's just not worth it to bother. I have tried to rat in high DBS systems, but it just sucks. Why is this the case?

    The main issue is, rather unsurprisingly, the reward distribution. The reward is a combination of the following: bounties, loot, salvage, faction spawns, and escalations. The secondary issues are: the ESS timer, site distribution within a constellation, and site distribution within a system. I'll try and be as brief as possible so I will not include every thought I have.

    Bounties: The DBS system is great in theory, however, the issue with the DBS is most of the reward isn't actually in the bounty when it comes to higher level sites. I would estimate the bounty to be about 45-50% of a havens worth for example. For lower tier sites, the bounty becomes more relevant. So, if one system has a DBS of 150%, and another has a DBS of 75%, actually, you are only losing 25% of the sites value by ratting in the 75% system, not 50%. Coupled with the fact high DBS systems usually have a lot more traffic, the 25% you 'lost' you probably made back by being interrupted less anyway. As a result, there is really no value in chasing the DBS for the effort required.

    Faction spawns: I've only ever seen faction spawns appearing in havens and sanctums. The loot from these spawns is often a nice bonus. I really like the faction spawn mechanic, however, what I dislike is that there are no faction spawns for the lower tiers of sites. This makes it feel like the players must run havens or sanctums.

    Escalations: Again, the high tier sites result in higher tier escalations, which results in more valuable rewards. Why run a site that only escalates to an 8/10 when you can run one that escalates to a 10/10. The adds to the desirability of havens and sanctums.

    The combination of these points is that the DBS is simply not impactful enough on the rewards for anyone to care about spreading out. The situation is exacerbated by the secondary issues I will now cover below.

    The ESS timer. Currently it's 3 hours. Lets say I want to rat in a high DBS system, I will probably be alone, there is highly likely traffic too. Lets say I rat for 1.5 hours (about the time it takes me to do 5 sites and then I usually stop). The ESS is going to be a good chunk of ISK. There's a possibility now that I have to babysit the ESS for 1-1.5 hours to ensure my payout. I'd rather rat in a system where I'm with other people so I do not feel like I am held hostage by my ESS payout.

    Site distribution within constellations. The issue is sites (and general system value) are tied to true sec. Some systems in a constellation have way more anomalies than others. Why is this a problem? What happens is that some systems have 5 or so rock havens, whereas most only have 1 or 0. As mentioned with the reward distribution, you go where the rewards are, that means you go to the system with 5 havens since the DBS is pretty irrelevant. You also have the benefit of safety since that's where everyone else is too.

    Site distribution within systems. This is a bit of a indirect issue, but the main point I want to make here is that some systems are very small, and the sites spawn very close to gates. This makes a system basically unusable for some players when bigger systems exist with sites that spawn out of dscan range. The result is less systems to pick from to rat in.

    SIDE NOTE: I lost a rattlesnake trying to gate to a higher DBS system. As soon as I entered warp to the gate from a ping, an interceptor fleet appeared in system behind me. I had a forward scout, but I could not cover my back. The system was small so the fleet was easily able to catch me. As far as I am concerned, I could not have prevented my death, it was just pure random chance. Fair enough, but why did I bother to take the risk and lose a 2 bill ship? The answer is I shouldn't have bothered, and I won't in future, because the reward isn't worth messing around when things like this can happen. This is what made me think to write this post.The combination of these all the issues means that the best thing for ratters to do is stay in the best system(s) together. There is currently no reason to go and rat in a -0.1 alone.

    How can the DBS system achieve it's goals?

    1. I think more of the value of the sites needs to be in the bounty.
    2. The ESS needs a shorter timer, 2 hours max. (balanced by the fact the bounties will be higher if more value is in the bounties, thus, filling the ESS quicker).
    3. Make the bounty partially NPC loot. The NPC's could drop tags that are sold to NPC stations. The DBS determines the amount of tags dropped from the NPC's. This would make some of the bounty destructible, giving CCP the ability to make sites more valuable without upsetting the balance of ISK generation. This would likely also add to the playstyle of MTU hunting if players could steal bounties from MTU's as well as the ESS. The ISK portion should go into the ESS, the tags portion obviously is dropped by the NPC's. So only ISK paid from the ESS goes into your wallet.
    submitted by /u/Ry_Zero
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    Question about standings while running missions

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, pretty new here.

    I started running missions in highsec to see if it's something I'd enjoy. I did the SOE epic arc, and then decided to level my Caldari State standings to get to level 4 missions. I'm only at level 2 missions yet (1.0 standing), but I've noticed that my Gallente standings have already dropped to -1.5. I'm worried because the game text and the rate my standings are changing leads me to believe that by the time I start accepting level 4 missions from Caldari State, I'll be shot on sight if I try to fly through Gallente space. I'm also worried because my Gallente standings are dropping faster than my Caldari standings are rising, leading me to believe that if I, at some point, tried to raise my Gallente standings by running Gallente missions, I'd eventually somehow end up with negative Gallente and Caldari standings.

    I guess my questions are, and sorry if this has already been asked and answered:

    a) is this normal? should I just get used to being hated by the Gallente if I want to run level 4 Caldari missions?

    b) is there some way to avoid losing so much Gallente standings, like choosing a better corporation to accept missions from?

    Thanks for your help, fly safe o7

    submitted by /u/xantcatchme
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    I‘m looking forward to the new gate events.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    Hopefully the players can really impact the outcome of the event and it's not finished in about one week. I dislike that there will be a gate to solitude, but I think stain really profits from a new gate (logistical point of view and from a invading / roaming point of view).

    I think eve really needs more events where players can participate and shape the Galaxy like they wish, this is currently only possible in nullsec.

    submitted by /u/Korrak
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    PGL can't stop putting his foot in his mouth can he? we could take 1DQ if we wanted to" uh huh keeping trying to convince yourself buddy. still blaming the servers I see.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    User Interface: Let us move the Radial HUD/Module display freely like the rest of the windows.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    Why is this only locked to the top or bottom anyway?

    Also, how about a toggle for for the circular hitpoint and capacitor indicators to be bars instead?

    submitted by /u/Broker-Dealer
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    Wrote this, called "I found myself a brother."

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    I found myself a brotherly brother

    And among us brotherly things

    Like shoes, and ships, and ceiling wax,

    Savages and Pings.

    And while the space is roiling

    Hot with scarcity of things.

    Hooray, we burn our toys away,

    Savages and Pings.

    submitted by /u/The_River_of_Slime
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    Aftermaths: A hard won victory.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Whats one or 2 or 3 features you would like to see added to eve

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    Any ideas some i would like to see are

    Flag cruisers for each empire

    T4 ships items

    and improving the TiDI mechanics

    Also ccp read this thread in 2 weeks

    submitted by /u/eveplayer3
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    Scan window bug? Popping up after every jump.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Anybody else having this super irritating problem since the patch? Not the Probe Scanner window, the one where you manipulate the probes(solar system scanning window). It's not every time, but about 90% of my jumps it will pop open . My Probe window is docked with my dscan, but the scanning map is free floating. wtf?

    submitted by /u/HiddenSwan
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    Small Wh corp

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:59 AM PDT


    Im wondering what would be a good WH to live in as a solo/duo player corp? just for PVE and a bit of roaming pvp.

    I was thinking about a C2 with a C3 Static?
    or would a C3 better? so you dont have a static to Hs

    submitted by /u/Pixxels1990
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