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    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Eve Online Meme Monday - Wanted: 100B ISK REWARD

    Eve Online Meme Monday - Wanted: 100B ISK REWARD

    Meme Monday - Wanted: 100B ISK REWARD

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Cormorant at M2-XFE

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    Good work, Both sides

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    So over the past few days, i have to say I've been very impressed with the community, and both sides of those in the war.
    Ive had some Very toxic remarks thrown at me, and Goons have dealt with it swiftly and unanimously and has brought to our attention some of our members being toxic as well, And we jumped on that as soon as it was brought to our attention.

    I used to be in the CFC many moons ago and remember the culture as it was then, and I'm really happy to see how its changed with the cultural revolution that goon leadership brought about, Hell how eve as a whole has changed and grown. We all remember what Krabbing used to be called.

    So the point of this post. Don't know if you guys know Tackly Tackleson but he is a part of Test high command and one of those guys that will not hesitate to to press that "BLACKLISTED FROM EVERYTHING" Button if you act or behave like a toxic tool.

    This is a copy past from our ping channel (and i know you guys get that so you can confirm it)

    With the mud-slinging going on both in and out of game, I think it is time to remind everyone that there are people behind the pilots in game. Be excellent to each other. Yes that includes the enemy in our current war any any we have in the future.
    As a reminder: past bad behavior (on any side) does not excuse new bad behavior.
    On that note, if someone unironically brings up 'bUt MiTtAnI aT fAnFeSt, In A wIzArD hAt!!!11!', we will sit down and talk about why it's overused and dead.
    Now, go forth and put some effort into your personal growth.

    #### SENT BY Tackly Tackleson to Info All @ 2021-05-10 17:37:34 EVE Time ####

    So yeah, Good work and Thanks guys. Lets all agree toxic over the line behavious is not wanted here, trash talk and ribbing? Go for it! (looking at you mibbles :P ) so Good work guys!

    And please, no hate. This is something we can all agree on :)

    submitted by /u/KaeL_EaglesEye
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    PAPI's Eve Vegas meetup venue confirmed

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    This war has turned out to be the most boring event eve has ever seen.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    All this hype for the final battle and we get this?

    PAPI leadership need to remember people play this game for fun. Not to fuck around jumping into 3-D and then jump out again.

    PanFam have been going back to drone lands for the last week to deal with init and we have been gating 30 jumps to kill init structures with every single gate on the way being bubbled.

    We want to enter the 1DQ constellation and start fucking shit up. This boring "hurrrr duuuurrr goons will lose members soon" is fucking boring for every one involved.






    submitted by /u/ZXB-VC
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    Konstant Toxicity

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    "Dieciocho" Stratios acrylic on canvas, semi contemporary style

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    My Taranis Was Fit With The Following

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    The kill: https://zkillboard.com/kill/92731628/

    Here's your AAR:

    Nyx was fleet warped to the 1DQ gate as the PAPI fleets were coming back from the daily 3-D bell ringing. The pilot accepted a random fleet invite and was warped off a keep.

    We (the PAPI fleet) were warping back to the keep in T-5Z and Vily called for all tackle to jump the 1DQ gate and tackle the Nyx. We warped the 1000km, jumped the gate, rest of the fleet followed, we killed a nyx, and walked home.

    Or as brisc spins: https://i.imgur.com/vsmfvZe.png

    submitted by /u/namahanna
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    Should You Trust That Doctor?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Don't worry, we'll just buff off those scratches..

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    Why using isk price to balance titans is a bad idea

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    Bit of a rant here, but I know alot of people think similiar things that I do, so posting this to hope maybe someone at CCP can make a better decision about balancing isk costs and looking at super proliferation.

    Lets rewind years back, pre 2016. The gate that kept alot of people from getting a super or titan was not isk. Hell I had the isk to burn a titan and super years before I finally pulled the trigger, and I know alot of people were the same way. The gateway was that supers/titans could not dock. That meant, that when I bought my first aeon, I was commiting that toon to never do anything outside of respond to a super ping. My first year of having a super, I might have used it a dozen times or so. I was in nulli, and we had a very powerful aeon/archon blob we would drop on people, and we had quite a reputation with it, and yet our fleet on a balls to the wall CTA would look like 50ish aeons and a few hundred archons, with random subcap stuff. Occasionally we would drop titans as well, but a few dozen at most. That was considered a mega fuck you back then, then our aeons would go back to the POS, and maybe login again in a month or two usually. A common coversation we had back then, was to make the jump to go from super to titan. On the one hand, you have a titan, on the other they were even less used then supers were aside from bridging, so it was many a conversation that was had about if it was worth it. Most titan pilots I knew also had a super pilot account. We had alot of archon pilots who did not want to make the jump to an aeon, despite have 100s of billions in isk, because they did not want to coffin a toon. Sometimes it was serious pulling of teeth to get people to finally make the leap.

    Fast forward to today. On one account you can have a super and a titan, and you can dock. The idea of buying something only to use it once in a blue moon does not matter, since isk is the only gate. You can afford to own a titan that may or may not get used, or you cant. Making titans cost twice or more then twice what they use to cost, will surely make it harder for newer players to afford one, but still isk is now the only gate. Why not just remove docking access to supers and titans. This will make it so only dedicated supers and titans will stay with their ships, and the more casual titan/supers will get out of them in many cases. Titan and super numbers will drop dramitically. If you do not believe me, look at super/titan activialy pre keepstars and post keepstars. "But bro, as the game goes on longer, more people can afford them, that is why there are more titans/supers around" I mean that would make sense if titans weren't in the game for an eternity already, and less people play eve now then then. There were more players, and less titans, now its reversed. Everyone has a titan or 2, plus their supers, etc etc.

    "But groups like atlas and morsis used supers every day back then, how is that different" The diff is the number, yeah atlas would drop supers on anything, but it was like 10-20 supers, not 200. The famous sound clip that gets spammed on reddit now and again with Grath raging over PL supers dying, that entire super drop was like 15 supers, and half of them died, and that was a mega big deal back then. Now a dozen supers dying is barely reddit worthy.

    "But bruh, some people want a titan but cant afford to have a ton of subbed accounts" I mean, you already have a ton of subbed accounts if you have a titan. You have a main, and a fax alt at a minimum already, and that is less then bare minimum to most players. Most titan pilots even today are rocking 4-5+ accounts because it is kind of needed if you wanna fly such things.

    TL:DR isk is not gonna fix titan/super proliferation, removing docking access to such ships on the other hand will reduce the number around as some players will out right refuse to coffin their characters.

    Also, since dreads kind of counter supers/titans, can we not make them cost a fortune? As is, making dreads cost the amount that they do only makes it easier for supers and titans to trade. In the fcon war in 2018, TRI deployed what they refered to as "Poverty dreads" Which after insurance and everything, they were a net loss of about 800mil, that includes the modules and everything. It was hella cheap to drop dreads and trade, and TRI used them effectively to welp them at every super/titan they could with great success. Now, nuking supers at 50-60bil a piece is rough if your losing dreads in the process, you can more easily be in a position where you kill supers, but you lost way more in dreads.

    :Edit: removing asset safety from supers and titans is a clutch idea. Some people mentioned this in comments.

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    It's time for some new kicks PAPI.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    here's a nice screenshot of my comet

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    Ashy's Great Big Wormhole Survey (+SKIN Giveaway)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    Remember to plug in your Mimesis set

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    SLYCE the Keepers of Etherium Reach

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Coming from a neutral party in this war this boggles my mind abit right and i feel like i need to get it off my chest.

    So i have just like everyone else had my eyes on the war that's been going on for the past year and all the propaganda that goes with it and it's just great, i come on here and i read and i have a laugh, just like when i watch The Meta show, full of bullshit but that shit's hilarious. Fountain Frank is my boy and lets not forget about George he needs more air time Brisc.

    To the topic at hand

    SLYCE SLYCE PIRATES Commonwealth Intrepid Crossing

    These are the major parties that lives in Etherium Reach, Obviously it's SLYCE that owns all of the territory and takes a piece of the cake from everyone else in the area. They generate a lot of income from renters and moon auctions.

    So far in this war they have done very little in terms of contributing the "major" things they have done is help with the "glassing" of fountain 2 times with little to no resistance from the Imperium and its allies.

    Now they are under threat for the first time over this year and first time ever since "taking over" ownership of All of Etherium Reach. This means they ended their "deployment" in delve to go home and deal with the threat of The Initiative.

    SLYCE owns a total of 84 systems it's actually a few more but it looks like they have given up some TCU's here and there, with everyone living in the area they have roughly 4913 pilots combined.

    How does SLYCE deal with this situation you may ask?

    Well they "pull out" of delve to defend Etherium Reach from Init.*The most recent formup from SLYCE was as follows:
    35 members from SLYCE
    1 member from SLYCE PIRATES
    2 members from Commonwealth
    4 members from Intrepid Crossing

    Previously they formed numbers that can be seen here which are slightly worse but maybe SLYCE was suprised by this action taken by Init.https://br.evetools.org/br/6099a48402aa24001a1fc058

    So a total of 43 members to deal with Init. who has been forming fleets well over 100 members in their harassing fleets where they have freely moved around and killed strategic objectives and they are now cloaky camping ER on a daily basis.

    My question is simple, how does anyone believe that SLYCE is going to be able to defend the entire ER without asking daddy Horde, NC. FRT and PL for help.

    I mean they field roughly pilots equal to 50% of the systems they own and charge good isk for so that's atleast something i guess, one would hope that everyone that participates in this effort has a good SRP system to lean back on because if this is all they can form they will be losing a lot of ships, unless they depend on PH, PL, NC. and FRT to bail them out every time.

    Maybe there is more going on behind the scenes when it comes to all of Etherium Reach which is very likely but from an outsiders point of view they look like they are in for a rough ride going forward, especially with the escalation of the siege on the 1DQ constellation.

    This is my 2 cents on the situation they have in front of them, hopefully it turns out to be some great content for both sides and more propaganda for me to enjoy.


    submitted by /u/Gregg201
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    RVB VS Eve Uni in all out war!!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Those that can do – those that can't teach. A cheap jibe perhaps to hurl in the friendly rivalry between Red Vs Blue and Eve University – two of New Eden's oldest institutions.

    Truth is, both have always 'done' and now both teach. RvB now has its own thriving flight academy with 450 cadets learning the ropes of PvP and preparing for their first experience of a major war.

    Red Vs Blue and Eve University hold the record for the largest ever battle in hi-sec and have high hopes that the latest battles will be even bigger.

    After several changes of management and a de facto closure for two years, RvB is rebuilding around its traditional strengths of fast, affordable PvP near Jita.

    Red Federation CEO Tobore appealed for RvB's diaspora to return and help in the fight against their old foes:

    "We especially need our old friends – perhaps some who may not even know that RvB has re-opened to join us in this battle – anyone who remembers our battles in the past will surely want to answer this call to arms – Red vs Blue needs YOU!"

    The war with Eve University goes live on May 19th and runs until May 30th – all branches of RvB are fully open to applications. Free combat ships will be provided to many members of RvB and Academy cadets throughout.

    "Join for the war – stay for the craic."

    submitted by /u/Ok_Age7425
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    WAR UPDATE - Azbels Dropped, Azbels Die, INIT Re-Redeploy & more...

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    FRT v V0LTA - C U Again

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Meme Monday - A thousand words

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    It's 1145pm Monday night EST Autz. Time for one more.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    Find your F2, how do you contribute a little extra to the war? :)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    So what's your proudest moment in EVE?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    And I don't mean something that just made you go 'oh that was cool', I mean something you are genuinely proud of being a part of.

    This is kind of inspired by Andrew Groens Empires of EVE 2 launch announcement, if you haven't checked out his work I highly recommend it.

    Anyway, I have two.

    Firstly was the first time I ever saw people from the big alliances of the time go,' oh Shadow Cartel, I know who they are'. This was way back in 2009-2010, the alliance was barely a year old and very far from the lowsec powerhouse it would later become. But to see people from regions that were nowhere near our home know who we were and what we did made it feel like we were getting somewhere, that what we were doing was actually worth doing, and that I'd helped in my own small way to get us that far.

    Secondly, and perhaps inevitably given some of the stuff I wrote about it at the time, was Shadow Cartel being part of LSV during WWB. I mean let's face it, low sec alliances were good but we were still a bunch of overly scrappy idiots who spent most of their time blasting the shit out of each other, stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, and setting fire to everything else. We didn't give much of a fuck about anything or anyone else outside of that, and we really had little to no reason to.

    Then Goons chucked one of the single biggest gestures of contempt I've ever seen in EVE at every one of us with their Viceroy announcement and we couldn't let that slide. Even if we banded together the idea that we could stand against the biggest coalition in the game seemed ludicrous, but we just didn't give a fuck. Fast forward three months, we had just kept winning and now we're helping the MBC burn down everything goons built.

    It was simply glorious to be a part of, I would consider it the highlight of my EVE career, and I will always be proud of the people I flew with and the things we helped accomplish.

    Those are my proudest EVE moments, a bit sappy in places I know but there you go.

    So what's yours?

    submitted by /u/Castigatus
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    A very low effort attempt at posting. (WAR RELATED)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:34 PM PDT

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