• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    Eve Online NPC Sotyios should spawn only in NPC null space to promote fights and give all groups equal chance of fighting for them.

    Eve Online NPC Sotyios should spawn only in NPC null space to promote fights and give all groups equal chance of fighting for them.

    NPC Sotyios should spawn only in NPC null space to promote fights and give all groups equal chance of fighting for them.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:20 AM PDT

    Currently NPC sotyio can spawn deep in someone SOV space, thus unallowing any one but the space owner to run them and run them 95% safely. (sotyio have 1 day reinforce timer so if you are fast most of the people will be unable to move ships to contest it)
    My proposal is simple :

    Make Nullsec NPC sotyio to spawn ONLY in NPC null space

    This will let any group to run the sotyio as they can pre stage ships in the area - it will also allow anyone to contest it as ability to stage in the area apply to all people.

    This will also remove big, safe payouts directly from big null sov holders space.

    Unless some big alliance want to move whole defensive umbrella into various NPC space each time one spawns - this will be good buff for small pvp oriented alliances - as securing a titan BPC can provide few months of SRP for them.

    People from big blocks will also want to run those sotyios but it will be corporations or group of space buddies without ability to use cyno to instantly bring rest of the alliance on grid

    Edit (to be precise) :

    I want NPC sotiyos to spawn in :

    • Stain
    • NPC space in Delve
    • NPC space in Fountain
    • ORE
    • Syndicate
    • Venal
    • Geminate NPC
    • Great Windlands
    • Curse
    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    I give you the 1600mm plated Titan

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    How to lootscript (after patch)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    Found these old school posters I forgot I had while going through storage today!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    How to lootscript (Before last patch)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:05 AM PDT

    Paint me a picture

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    I'm trying to figure out where my next home is going to be in Eve. Right now, I have around 157 million skill points and can fly 99% of the ships in the game (all but 6 actually). I've been looking at class 6 wormholes as a possible destination. Would someone mind painting me a picture of what day to day life is like living in one of these? I briefly lived in a C2 many years ago, so I know about the need for constant dscan and the headache of moving stuff through transient wormholes. I'm really just wanting to understand what opportunities, ISK/hr, headaches, etc I can expect. Thanks in advance for any input.

    submitted by /u/Skjarl
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    EVE Online Enemies Are Working Together To Encourage More War

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    MAD ISK EP#2 MAD Invasions w/ Ashterothi

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Searching for a logo, would pay in ships

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:25 AM PDT

    Hi there. I've stopped playing eve some time ago and have some ships I don't need.

    My friends and I are playing other games and have formed a very small but fun clan.

    If there's anyone out there, who could do a simple logo for us, I would be very happy and could pay in form of ships.

    Thx, Tom

    submitted by /u/TomIsPlayingGames
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    Suggestion to fix war decs

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:36 PM PDT

    Tldr: Make it so only small corps can wardec small corps ad make the match the side of the war declaration

    Wardecs are why player retention tanks. It's an awful, awful system that ruins new players and small corps while benefiting the big corps. A few friends in a corp who decide to anchor a structure in hi sec to build stuff and then they get wardecced and all quit. This is why your player numbers are dropping.

    I think that the wardecs should be split into leagues

    Corps with 1-5 people

    Corps with 6-10 people

    Corps with 11-20 people

    Corps with 20-50 people

    Corps with 51+ people

    Smaller corps can wardec large corps still, but large corps can NOT wardec small corps.

    submitted by /u/SievertSolutionsEve
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    Ceiling for RR-Nestor Doubleboxing

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:38 AM PDT

    From what I read here, I am the worst person: A SOLO HS PVE 🦀. Please leave your comment about that below.

    But here is what I need my fellow PVE players to help me with: I got myself 2 sexy RR-Nestors, to run Emerging Conduits. Works perfectly fine but now I am wondering what else they could do. Level 4 missions shouldn't be a problem, but what else could I go for?

    Here's the fits:



    Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II x4

    Large Remote Armor Repairer II x3


    Large Micro Jump Drive

    Stasis Webifier II

    Sensor Booster II

    Omnidirectional Tracking Link II x2

    Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery


    Damage Control II

    Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II x2

    Drone Damage Amplifier II x3


    Large Anti-Explosive Pump I

    Large Egress Port Maximizer II

    Large Remote Repair Augmentor I


    Berserker II Gecko Gecko

    PS: what do I need to do to get that format right for posting fits here?

    submitted by /u/Blutgewitter
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