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    Monday, October 14, 2019

    Eve Online Uh... did I just intercept an RMT trade?

    Eve Online Uh... did I just intercept an RMT trade?

    Uh... did I just intercept an RMT trade?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Yep - It's a Triglavian Dreadnought Shipyard

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    Shoutout to Wormhole Sosiety

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    So I had earlier today a corp mate of mine scout our chain when 6 wormhole jumps out of our homehole he found the wormhole group Wormhole society.

    Normally this would mean a fun night filled with a odd skirmish or fleet fight.

    The problem? It was through a EOL frigate hole.1 There is very few fleet commanders who will take a fleet through that.2

    So here we are.

    High probability of being rolled out?

    No chance of survival?


    So i grab my tristan, jump into their home and primary local.

    [ 2019.10.13 19:08:27 ] FelixJarl > WHO DARES FIGHT MY TRISTAN? mano el mano!

    [ 2019.10.13 19:08:31 ] Mortarian Decara > OMW

    What that followed was the most fun 90 minutes I have had in eve in a long time. These guys went with ship after ship and dueled me 1v1 honorably repeatedly. But then they provided me with cap charges, nanite paste, drones and they even sent out hull repair drones on me!!!

    I have never in eve before fought a enemy that did so much to help a guy they were fighting.

    Whsoc, for this you have my long lasting respect. Bob bless you all.

    Video of the first 6 duels: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/494224190

    Battle report: https://zkillboard.com/related/31001705/201910132000/

    1 End of life, it means that the wormhole will be removed from existence in 4 hours to 1 min and be anywhere between that, as such many people even experienced wormholers are hesitant to jump them. Frigate hole means that only frigates and destroyer can jump through it.

    2 unless there is something like a dreadnought ratting or a anchoring citadel but some people are more insane

    submitted by /u/FelixJarl
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    [Video] MAGIC OF 2500mm HEXA | !ENG subs! :)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:00 AM PDT

    ccpls [QOL] multibuy into a station can (warning shity paint inside)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Thera vs Legacy

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    So I tried some abyssals for the first time today...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    Help installing eve launcher on Ubuntu

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    I'm attempting to follow the instructions from https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Installing_EVE_on_Linux but can't seem to get the launcher to launch via the terminal, getting the error : No such file or directory. I'm kinda new to Ubuntu but want to get into it. My version is 18.04.3 if that helps.

    I've asked corpmates but they just told me to be less bad but that doesn't seem to be possible on my own apparently.

    submitted by /u/Buttsaggington_Bowap
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    Game crush when i'm in NPC Statio

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:28 AM PDT


    I have a big issue with the game recently, when i'm in NPC station the game just crush, but work perfectly fine when i'm in players structures.

    Any one have the same or maybe have cruse this issue?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Stroeec
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    New player, how deos economy in Eve work and is it worth it to focus on it?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    New player here. I did a bit of research and whenever someone asked for an game with a strong economy aspect, the answer was Eve. I always liked producing things, selling and trading more than doing PVP or PVE content. Is it possible to focus on economy in Eve and pretty much ignore the rest? What is there to do in Eve? I've also read that the economy in Eve is quite comnplicated, is that true and how so?

    submitted by /u/grunzkor
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    A long time lurker ...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    Hello EVE community. I have always admired eve and the game concept as a whole . The player driven economy and the lack of NPC interaction is incredible ! I want to be a part of this epic called EVE , but I just can't do it on my own . Is there someone that can take me under his wing and show me the universe of EVE , or probably some mining coalition or a trading company or a big faction that I can start doing some work for and going up the ranks . Will be incredible if there is someone that will take me under his wing . I have played some Elite dangerous but exactly that loneliness made me quit after 160 hours .

    submitted by /u/georgfrankoo
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    how do you move your abyssal loot in high sec

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:16 AM PDT


    I see many people recommending not to run abyssals in jita and I'm wondering how you move your loot to the trade hubs. I take it deep space transports?

    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    Combat site ship advice

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    Hey there, I live in null and am trying to find a solid ship to run 6/10 or 7/10 sites effectively. Right now I'm trying with a tengu but it is struggling to break any battleships on grid and was wondering if there was a better ship, maybe an ishtar or a cerebrus? Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/V_Lelouche
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    How I would relativize FW

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    After spending some time back in FW; I got to thinking about what CCP could do to improve it. After thinking on it awhile I was reminded of a game I use to play called "Face of Mankind" or FoM for short. The game was an indie sandbox MMO with several factions that were player controlled and it revolved around these factions warring with each other over the control of different planets. Taking inspiration from this game I think the following changes would be good for FW:

    1. Get rid of the ability for corporations and alliances to join FW and then make the hard coded FW corporations player controlled. Hold elections every 4 months(3 times a year) where the members of the Corp will get to elect who their CEO is. In order to be able to be electable to CEO a player must hold a certain rank within the faction as well as spent X amount of time as a member of the corp. The Corp will also have a Corp LP wallet (this will be explained more in depth later) where all player donated LP will go.

    2. Complex's will no longer just appear in every system. Instead the CEO of each FW Corp will be able to launch war efforts in what ever system they choose for an LP cost. Complex's will then appear in only those systems.

    3. In addition to player donations the LP wallet will get a baseline amount of LP added to it each month; this amount will increase for each system that the faction controls. Additionally if a faction successfully flips an opponent controlled system the faction will be refunded a portion of the war effort cost.

    4. Completely remove FW missions and replace them with an objective style system. Players will receive daily and weekly objectives that will reward FW LP upon completion. The following are some examples of what these could be: -Kill X amount of enemy players in a hostile system -Kill X amount of enemy players in a system your faction controls -Offensively win X amount of complex's -Defensively win X amount of complex's -Kill the opposing factions CEO -Kill X amount of enemy players who are a certain rank or higher. -Spend X amount of time patrolling a system where the enemy faction has declared a war effort(must be in space and untethered for the timer to tick down)

    Just like the corporation LP wallet, players will be awarded more LP for completing objectives based on how many systems their faction controls.

    After thought- We can keep the upgrade system we currently have and allow the CEO to choose to upgrade systems. Upgraded system will further boost the amount of LP the Corp receives each month as well as the amount players receive for completing objectives.

    I know this isn't fully thought out yet, but I was wondering what your guys thoughts would be on this(again keeping in mind that this is a rough outline of a plan)?

    submitted by /u/Ancientdollars
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    I’m a little out the loop but have seen a lot of posts about a bookmark change..are we finally get alliance BMs???

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    As the title says. Most of the posts I've seen are negative towards the changes, so I assume CCP are ruining something in the process?


    submitted by /u/BillZeBurg
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    Haven't played in years, looking to get back into things

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:51 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've not played in around 3ish years now, never been big on pvp outside of the occasional gate camp. Has EVE added much in the way of pve content to warrant giving it another go? TIA

    submitted by /u/Mattk1100
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    Loot scripting, how can I prove it?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:19 PM PDT

    I've rewritten this post 3 times, and decided the title explains it all. How do I prove it, what do I need to do?

    submitted by /u/Flimbio
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    <10: EP. 10 - AURAUS PORCHALEAW…..AP

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    After SEVEN.7 years ive logged back in now i can't fly a destroyer...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:38 PM PDT


    my buddy decided to play eve

    i hopped back on and recovered my acct,

    was going to pop out of my battleship and maybe go help him pop some asteroid rats

    in like my Coercer or something

    or so i thought.

    i apparently now DONT have the skills to pilot basically anything

    cant even activate BASIC GUNS

    my guy has over 5 million skill points,

    so i CANT TRAIN to get the basic skills needed.

    cant make money to BUY the skill injectors needed to GET guns working

    what the hell ??

    i can FLY a ship with no armor Rep or damage control unit or guns.


    well this is some BS.

    submitted by /u/KuramaKitsune
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    TAPI's new WH sig

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    So TAPI decided to form a new sig specializing in scanning wormholes:

    Project Rosenbridge

    What we are: Project Rosenbridge is a program responsible for finding connections using the drifter wormholes to be used by alliance for content. Much of our time is consumed by mapping wormhole connections. not sexy, but we do pay although more importantly you'll be vital in creating the opportunity for massive killmails, and having the capability to go wherever you want in eve. We are the group that leads those efforts.

    If you have been on a goku feet you more than likely have used these holes, with a massive amount of isk destroyed, "Over 1.5trillion" -Seddow, We are seeking more people to help us continue

    What we need from you: This is not a traditional wormhole group, all we need from you is one character slot on one (or more if you want) Of your accounts. Your alt will need to be permanently (as long as you're with project Rosenbridge) assigned to us. It will live in wormhole space until you leave us.

    Well, I have to give props to TAPI for actually deciding to start a true WH sig. Yet, I do have to ask: as according to the 1st comment, this is their 6th fucking attempt at a wormhole scouting sig. Maybe this isn't the best idea if it has failed 6 FUCKING TIMES already?

    Also, in consultation with several WHer friends of mine, this image comes to mind: Innocent TAPI dinos scared and phoning EVE-scout since they forgot to bring probes or some stupid shit like that. I'm waiting for them to forget to cloak in a random drifter hole and be surprised when drifters show up to kill them. But still, props to TAPI for having the balls to actually make a true WH sig, despite the fact that this will literally crash and burn.

    Promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0VXS4zceFk

    submitted by /u/throwaway43280954
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