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    Sunday, October 20, 2019

    Eve Online virus man bad

    Eve Online virus man bad

    virus man bad

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    Only in Wormholes...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 09:17 PM PDT

    Here's a fun Jspace adventure story for anyone who's interested :)

    We, (Wormhole Society) rolled into a C3, J132226, a few days ago and noticed a low power Astrahus with no other citadels in system. Being the intrepid space janitors that we are, I immediately send my solo nightmare to start poking the structure, assuming the owners are long gone.

    To my dismay, about 50% through shields someone logs on and has the temerity to start shooting my poor nightmare! The nerve. I warp off in half armor and call for backup. Sure enough my trusty corpmates show up in a small shield missile fleet, and after some tense moments dealing with ewar+structure damage (dear god nerf citadels, requiring 5 basis to kill a low power astrahus is literally insane) we successfully ref it to it's structure, which was set to come out (joy!) on saturday. We bid the hole adieu, deciding it's probably not worth to actually hole control a low power astra for 3-4 days, and head back home.

    Saturday rolls around and I get my scanner in to relieve our seed character and to start keeping an eye on things. About an hour and a half before the timer's set to start, CeskoSlovenska Aliance pops in and starts rolling the extraneous holes. We hadn't seen any activity so I was planning on being lazy and showing up right before the final timer. This came as a bit of a surprise! We start rushing a fleet to the HS, but the Cesko's manage to get it rolled before we can show up. They were kind enough, however, to leave their home hole chain open and uncrit, so I managed to scan a couple lowsec entrances and away we went!

    We managed to get to the hole with only one minor mishap and start heading up the op chain with about 50% left on the structure HP. I have a perfect warpin set up and bookmarked on the Cesko's Rattle/Basi/Gila fleet, and our Sabres take full advantage. They get the warp in, bubbles go up, jamgus overheat, Cesko's fleeet goes down! (yes, we absolutely blobbed the shit out of them. No, not sorry, figured they either had more and/or we'd have to deal with structure cancer so we overdid it a bit) We stick on grid to kill the astra, and figured there probably wouldn't be much to loot seeing as the owners had plenty of time to evac.

    We were... wrong. So very, very wrong. About 50 cans popped out with the previous owners loot, and we start to realize we had hit a mini gold mine. This astra was full to the brim with T2 and Faction everything. T3C's, a 3 bil Sin, billions of isk in deadspace modules, faction modules, fleets upon fleets of nano gilas, sabres, faction fit stratios's, T3C's, Booshers, T3D's... this hole had a lot of stuff. What was supposed to be a quick smash and grab was quickly turning into a nightmare slog of logistics.

    So here we are with probably 30-50 billion isk in loot, just laying about out in space for anyone to pick up. A single crit nullsec, no other ways in or out, and us in a Cruiser/battlecruiser fleet with no DST's, no structure of our own, no rollers, and my scanner as our only way in or out.What to do, what to do?! Well... wormhole black magic fuckery, that's what! Thankfully when you kill a citadel in wh space, everything drops, right? let's see if we can find some rollers in all these cans... Oop! Here we go! Found a can with 7 rolling megas and a rolling Broadsword. We reship, literally leaving our doctrine ships lying on the field unpiloted, and start ragerolling the Null. We would roll, I'd pop out, go 1 jump in either direction, scanning all the sigs there and back, then we'd roll again.

    And what do we find 2 rolls in, but... a Horde mining fleet! Surprise wormholer party on your covetors is exactly what you need to spice up a boring mining op. They decide to flash form an Osprey Navy Fleet in response once we'd killed their poor krabs and combat scan our roller right as we're about to get the hole closed. Our last Mega got into the hole with 20% structure remaining. Nice try Horde! Maybe next time we won't be desperately rolling for a decent exit to get billions of loot out of the wh and can actually stick around to let you guys drop a bunch of caps on us and make us not fight you anyways :D. (If it makes you hordelings feel any better, that Mega pilot then went out to reship, and ejected from his mega to board the broadsword... promptly causing the Mega to explode, seeing as it didn't have his skills present to augment the hp enough to keep the ship alive under the damage he'd sustained. So... gj, I think? lol)

    The next 4 hours were spent rolling, scanning, rolling scanning. etc etc, you guys get the picture. We eventually got ourselves a nice hole 4 out from another WH in our home chain, and start shipping stuff back and forth. Got just about everything out, other than this rude boi who scanned his way in as there was naught but extra rollers on the field and started warping his capsule in to steal them from us. ROOD.

    Anyways... where else but WH space do you find this mixture of fights, piracy, loot, adventure, and general spicyness? Nowhere else, I say. Hope you enjoyed the read, and stay dangerous.


    submitted by /u/DKFever
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    Sansha Nightmare Battleship, Watercolour 12x9"

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    AEGIS Overview Settings

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    I started fiddling around with the overview settings way back in 2014 when I got involved in Factional Warfare. While I did share it with some of my fellow corp mates, I never really had any inclination in developing it into anything other than personal use. But after taking almost 2 years off I found that my previous settings were vastly outdated. So, I tried both the SaraShawa and Z-S overviews but found them too clunky for my tastes. I personally like a clean easy to navigate interface. The overall premise for the AEGIS Overview is that combat is combat, no matter if it's PvE or PvP. With that in mind I started from scratch, borrowing some ideas from the other overview settings, and trying to keep it as simple and easy to follow as I could.

    There are 6 numbered and named tabs: 1 Combat, 2 Target, 3 Extra, 4 Scanning, 5 Travel and 6 Warp; each with their own colour. The prefixed numbers indicate what preset goes in which tab. There is also a 9 Template preset, which is the base template for all presets.

    The core AEGIS Overview layout has 15 base presets that will allow you to switch between Combat, Looting, Travel, etc, without much fuss. You'll also find some useful presets such as +Allies and +Fleet.

    Parts 2 and 3 can be considered the extra fat on the bones of the Core layout. Not needed, but nice to have. These two layouts work in conjunction with each other and the Core presets for most big Fleet Operations. All these presets are prefixed with "2" and are used to display either Enemy or Friendly ships in tandem with normal Combat. They're designed for the more experience pilot in mind, but still very useful and nice to have for anyone playing the game.

    To get the overview, join the AEGIS Overview channel in-game.

    Tabs & Presets

    1 Combat: This is where all the action takes place. Additional presets are prefixed with a "1". The default preset is also named 1 Combat.

    2 Target: This tab works in tandem to 1 Combat allowing you to keep track of specific targets, enemy or friendly. Great for Fleet Operations. The default preset is 2 Enemy: Drones.

    3 Extras: This tab is used for looting/salvaging and mining. The default preset is 3 Loot: +Ships.

    4 Scanning: This tab is used for hunting and allows you to D-Scan specific places such as asteroids, moons, etc. The default preset is 4 Asteroids.

    5 Travel: The travel tab, used from getting from place to place, citadel to station. The default preset is 5 Travel: +Allies.

    6 Warp: The pod saver tab. The default, and only, preset is also named 6 Warp.

    You'll notice, except for 6 Warp, that combat can take place within any tab or preset. This is intentional and designed so that you know who and what is around you at all times. All presets are designed with D-Scan in mind, including 6 Warp, to keep you "relatively" safe. You can set your D-Scan to use Active Overview Filters without cluttering your D-Scan with unnecessary information.

    submitted by /u/Eric_deLocke
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    Siege of J110421 (AAR -- Squid Squad vs Transformographagizers)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    The incident that took place in the c6 wolf rayet (J110421) was unfortunately begun with disorganisation and understimation. It was a very spur of the moment decision - but regardless we are glad it happened as we have had a great deal of fun and learnt alot from the experience.

    This AAR is from the point of view of Squid Squad.


    It began when one of our newer players was clearing a gas site with his rattlesnake in our static. He was jumped and killed by Transformographagizers. Two of our directors (Joey and Sathas) gave chase to the small aggresive fleet and after a small skirmish they retreated into a c6 and docked up. Confused at first since we were certain this was not their home hole it was discovered this corp had a rather nice c6 farm hole.

    In the days that followed we did a small amount of research and came to the conclusion that we may be able to take the farm hole as our own. Their corp was smaller (based off KB activity) and either they do not defend and we get a farm hole for our growing corp or we get a good fight out of it. Either way we decided as a corp we were not going to dedicate ourselves to a full on 24 hour hole control eviction. The plan was to seed our fleet in the hole and only do hole control in the few hours leading up to each timer.

    Our seed also scouted that they had a Moros -- assumed to be their roller which they safe logged. The lone Raitaru was scanned to check the reinforcement timer and fittings.

    Raitaru Shield Timer

    Our planted seed found a 3j amarr entrance and the shield bash was extremely uneventful. It was 3am EST and was bashed using 2 Kiki's and 1 lml Loki. More seeds were planted before the small squid fleet left. The only structure in the wormhole was a Raitaru.

    Raitaru Armor Timer

    Early in the morning our scouts logged in and found entrances into the wormhole. We were able to seed 3 rollers (2 battleships and 1 gnosis) into the hole and our fleet as they began logging in trickled into the hole. Our fleet comp was Confessors & Deacons (with Pontifex and Sabre support).

    It was at this point we saw very little resistence and decided to commit to dropping a POS - to make logistics far easier. A DST was brought in and only when preparing to drop the POS did we realise -- wait a second this system only has two moons?? Both the enemy towers were offline but with less then two hours until the bash and our small fleet was more focused on hole control.

    The defenders tried to make a play by warping a Cormorant at range to the hole. Our fleet booshed ontop of the lone Cormorant killing it but losing one of our 3 sabre's in the process.

    A couple of times interceptors were able to sneak into the hole while closing it off, they did not contest hole control however the numbers in their station were rising and concerned about the Alpha a fleet of Corm's could do and since Transformographagizers were not alone (Upwell Reclaimation Services were assisting them) we called a favour from some new friends -- Chain Smoking.

    Chain Smoking reinforced our fleet with more confessors and deacons and the structure bash began.

    The Cormorant fleet had a cheese flavoured tactic. All tethered up they would at the same time lock up and shoot a target before pinging off - returning and then repeating. This meant we were unable to lock any of them up and kill them. Their Alpha was enough to instantly kill two confessors that were being multiboxed and Kiki's (which admittedly were not a great idea to bring but the player could not fly any thing else and was prepared to lose them).

    The rest of the fleet held with our strong Deacon wing - as long as the players being locked up broadcast for rep's they landed and the only casulties during the battle were due to not broadcasting or Alpha.

    After the reinforcement the fleet pinged off and the Corm fleet gave chase. We were able to boosh ontop and kill most of them. Following this the priority was getting out of the hole (with corm's at range still nipping at our heels).

    That Night...

    Cloaky eyes watched as immediately after the armor reinforcement both POS suddenly sprung to life. A lot of assets were moved either out of the hole or into the POS including the Moros which we watched moved and safelogged inside. More importantly though we watched as an Astra was dropped. These guys really were putting in alot of effort to try to keep the hole. Yet we still saw no reinforcements. No allies docked up in their station - we were still confident we could get back in and handle what they had.

    The biggest try-hards of the squids got up extremely early after very little or no sleep to get an entrance back into the hole. Over night a brand new doctrine had been drawn up to try to counter what we had witnessed so far.

    First of all we were going to split into two fleets with two different purposes. Brick fleet and sniper fleet.

    Brick fleet would be Squid Squad and it was going to be an extremely tanky armor fleet designed to be able to hold the field and not have to worry about high Alpha. The aim of the brick fleet was to stay on grid and destroy the structure - it was not going to be trying to kill their Corm's or Cerb's. This fleet consisted of - 8 Guardians, 5 Damnations, 3 Sacrileges and 5 Prophecy. We also had a Jamgu.

    The lads in Sinner's were going to be our sniper wing and brought longbow cerbs in with them. Their role was going to be to help with hole control and try to haze whatever undocked from the Raitaru.

    Anchoring the Squid Cave

    Once again our fleet trickled in slowly as and when people woke up. The heavy armor fleet was safe logged as we tried our best to hide our numbers and fleet comp. We still had a day and a half until the final timer of the Raitaru so we decided - hey let's just drop our own Astrahaus.

    The Squid Cave was planted. Unfortunately this was done when it was still extremely early and only four of us online (3 guardians and 1 prophecy).

    Since the defendors had only two docked up we did not think they would contest (certainly not the initial anchoring timer). With less then two minutes left to go a Thanatos is spotted on d-scan. We start counting down the timer - seconds remained as it landed. Fighters paused the timer with 17 seconds to spare!

    Quickly we logged in our 3 guardians and 1 Prophecy. The Thantatos warped away before we landed and left on grid pausing the Anchoring timer was 1 Kiki and 1 Confessor. All we had to do was force them off and so the whore drones of the Guardians nipped at them furiously while the world's most well protected Prophecy did all the leg work - the Astrahaus was unpaused and the first timer was defended.

    Enemy Astrahaus Anchoring Timer

    As our fleet had just about finished trickling in we noticed their activity climb and the defenders were becoming increasing desperate to get an entrance. We suspected they had reinforcements and considering we had just invested in our own Astrahaus for six painful hours the hole games lasted. Doorstopping, rolling, moving the fleet from hole to hole. Their interceptors were impossible to catch. One or two of their pilots were rolled out, one of their buzzards got yeeted off a hole. We had the control but they would constantly slip their scouts past us. This was made worse after the hole went verge and we lost our sole remaining sabre by forcing it to roll itself out with strong words of encouragement.

    With less then an hour until the timer by now we had spotted Pospy formed up (we had previously suspected they were the batphone since they had helped them get this hole to begin with). Since we already had one pilot in our sniper Cerb fleet who was in Protostar (he formly flew with most of us and wanted to tag along). Well he told the others in his corp and soon enough Wronghole were reinforcing.

    We did tell Wronghole it was a c6 wolf rayet and we did tell them the ships everyone else were flying. Unfortunately it was not until they arrived and were told about the extremely high Alpha that their fleet comp might not have been the best choice. Either way it was more dps and would certainly help us chew through the Astrahus.

    Wronghole did come very last minute and the final way in collapsed leaving shut out roughly 4-5 prophecy's. It was too late though and we left our only gnosis roller on the hole to doorstop while the rest of us started on the Astra. The defenders instead of engaging us with their fleet warped to the hole and killed the gnosis before it could shut the hole. We ignored the hole for now and continued to burn through the Astra while our scout in High sec said the dreaded words nobody wanted to hear "Pospy fleet incoming!"

    We had a little bit of wiggle room on the timer and so quickly we pulled drones and turned our fleet back to the hole. Prophecy's were told to jump just as Pospy reinforcements started popping up on dscan in the static. The first Prophecy that jumped back crit the hole and knowing that both prophecy's were not going to make it the brave Gnosis pilot who had only just reshipped into his Prophecy told the other man to jump closing himself out -- Altair was a hero.

    Only a speedy Pospy scout had slipped in and we had firmly said "no" to the rest of them. The Astrahaus timer was finished and immediately Sinner's and the majority of the Cerb fleet extracted and left the OP.

    The Fight

    We now had two options - safe log the fleet and fight again at the next timer or stay and fight pospy now on the hole as they tried to come in.

    It was decided that our crew were too tired (or had other commitments) to keep rolling the hole and maintaining constant hole control for another day until the final Raitaru Timer. This meant we were either fighting Pospy now when we had all our numbers and we already formed up.. or fight them super early in the morning for our Astra timer when it would be our weakest timezone.

    The decision was made to let Pospy in and brawl it out - we came here looking for a good fight and if they didn't give us one we would take the hole. This was it.

    As Pospy poured in the defenders from the Raitaru warped in to reinforce and the fight started. While the main fight was taking place there was also a mini fight happening in the background between Corm's and Cerb's. The Scythe Fleet Issues that Wronghole brought were evapourated off the field. The Alpha was far too high for them to catch reps. The Squid Squad Jamgu was also Alpha'ed off the field almost immediately.

    Both sides were holding and beginning to stabalise for quite some time. The tide changer was when the first boosh happened. Two Guardians (including myself) were seperated from their herd. The fleet burned hard to get into range of us and they did just as I died. We were only just holding before we lost the first Guardian so now we were breaking. Slowly bleeding guardians another boosh took almost our entire fleet away from the fight and the call to extract was made. We could no longer hold the field and the defenders had won.

    https://zkillboard.com/related/31002401/201910190200/ -- Battle Report

    The Video


    The point of view of Adiados Akina one of our Guardian pilots (also the guy who lost his Rattlesnake at the very beginning!) Thankfully he reccorded the fight for us. Meant we could look back on things and try to break down the fight and learn from our mistakes. Also since he is a new pilot to the game we can tell him that guardian's have hardeners that need turning on! Ha ha *facepalm

    Also we had our main FC in the wrong ship for the entire OP so relied a lot on our Junior FC's who were also multiboxing. Despite this I think they learned a lot and probably more then if our CEO was calling all the shots.

    Joey's face when in the first fight he was safe logged on a Tempest and couldn't help us! Haha hahaha. Second fight he was meant to have been in a Damnation... big oof. In the end we lost another guardian pilot because they were in the roller instead.

    Overall if we had gotten the rest of the Prophecy's into the hole and the Scythe's were also Prophecy's we would have held a lot better. We also should have spread our scrams on their command dessie's better. There were a lot of take-aways from this OP and improvements we can make for next time :)


    Cloaky eyes continued to watch the movements of the defenders. They brought in a lot of ships and reinforcements. We even spotted Zarms and Bhaalgorns. At this point we were unsure whether to get back in our not and continue but after seeing a large Exit-Strategy fleet arrive to help them remove our content Astra (at least 14 Cerbs and 5 Caracels) and with tight hole control and a lot of activity all night... we decided at this point to stand down and cut our losses.

    Good job Transformographagizers (and their allies) and on behalf of all squids we thank you guys for putting up a good fight at the end there! We all feel as though you guys put in a lot of effort and throughly deserve and defended your farm and now have our respect. We hope to run into you all again in the chain soon :3

    TLDR;; Squid Squad tried to bully Transmog out of a farmhole and Pospy said no.

    submitted by /u/Mizova
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    The true value of cheap ships (or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the wormhole)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    I've been doing a lot of wormhole diving for the past few weeks and thought I'd post some of my experiences. I started out flying cheap tech 1 exploration frigates because that's all I could afford, but now I swear by them since it really doesn't matter if you lose them. Even a crappy wormhole will have enough loot/gas to cover the cost of the ship five times over.

    Because I haven't had to fear losing my ship, this has allowed me to do things I otherwise hadn't considered, like type in the WH local chat. On two separate occasions, I've spotted someone on d-scan, said 'hello' in local, and we teamed up to fight sleepers on some relic/data sites. You read that correctly, I met up with strangers, in WHs, and everything went well.

    On a couple other occasions, I said 'hello', and just explained to the other explorer that the wormhole only had gas sites and hard-to-kill sleeper data sites left. They said "thanks for the info" and moved on. I had the reverse of that happen in one WH, where the person replied that his corp lived in that WH, so I said "Cool, I'll go somewhere else".

    Lastly, there's been the times where I've said 'hello' in local in response to ships or probes showing up on d-scan, and they just up and ran away without saying a word. One even declined a chat window I tried to open with him. In these cases, I was in a venture, huffing WH gas. The ships that ran were 2 asteros and a cheetah.

    To summarize: flying a cheap ship with no implants has unexpected benefits. It's like a hidden +10 to charisma, since you don't need to fear other players. Worst case, you get betrayed, you lose almost nothing.

    submitted by /u/AlkaliActivated
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    [FW] CCPls: 3 Simple FW Updates w/ Minimal Dev Burden

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    I know EVE Vegas is coming up and there is a mysterious "Core Gameplay Update" on the agenda, but I assume that will have nothing to do with FW. Nevertheless, I'd like to keep the dream alive that one day CCP will give FW some love. Here are a few suggestions to improve FW using stuff CCP has already developed for other parts of the game that could be implemented using existing resources. Literally just copy / paste this stuff into FW (yes I know it isn't *that* simple).

    1) Delete FW agent missions; replace with Agency Events

    FW missions are broken and almost everyone hates them. Delete the agents. Make recurring weekly Agency "Events" within FW that work just like the previous Agency evens where completing objectives awarded points towards unlocking rewards. Make each level of plex (novice, small, medium, large) reward 10, 15, 20, 30 points and reward extra LP / ship hulls / modules at 50, 100, 200 etc. Play with the numbers, figure it out. This would get people logging in regularly and give them concrete personal goals.

    Bonus: reward extra points for PVP kills.

    Counterpoint: If you are absolutely positively unwilling to delete missions for whatever reason, just do the agency event thing anyway. Seriously, even just that would be a huge improvement / incentive.

    2) Turn FW iHubs into FW FOBs.

    iHubs are boring. They don't even blow up when you bash them to flip a system. Keep all the existing plexing and vulnerability mechanics, turn the iHubs into FW FOBs that work exactly the same way but looks and feels cooler. Give it a faction navy skin, have it blow up when you bash them, and boost the LP reward to not be worthless. Have it generate a kill mail. Simple, easy, but would add more fun and feel like a more worthy accomplishment.

    Bonus: Have it drop some kind of worthless FW vanity item from the opposing faction that we can stockpile for bragging rights / lulz.

    3) Bring back gate sliding.

    This got broken when plex gates got "fixed" to disallow warp core stabs. Do what you did with ventures and let them in, but not capture the plex, and let us go back to sliding gates.

    What are your simple suggestions to improve FW with existing stuff they already have in the game?

    submitted by /u/Rinai_Vero
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    Has HAML become a new meta?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:53 AM PDT

    Guys what the hell has happened with my favorite launcher type?

    Does goonswarm rearm to brawling rocket ships?


    submitted by /u/MajorXaker
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    Yes, PvE fit ships CAN fight back! or Why I love highsec

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:48 PM PDT


    Tried to steal their 4/10, they got pissed and activated my killright I had from previous day

    My Vexor has only MWD, Tracking Computer and 2 Batteries in mid slots. No way to hold them, but apparently they rather die in battle and go to highsec Valhalla than flee like cowards!

    Also they wasted additional 40 mil in killrights but I still have one:(

    note* the MTUs are not connected to me in any way

    submitted by /u/JustThatLuke
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    NPC corp toxicity towards newbies...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:32 AM PDT

    So I just noticed something rather disturbing. Was hauling things on one of my NPC corp alts when some poor newbie made the tragic mistake of commenting on how bad the newbie tutorial was in the corp chat. (And lets face it: he's not wrong.)

    What followed however was kind of ridiculous. Members of said NPC corp then proceed to berate the dude, calling him a stupid kid that couldn't read, telling him to go back to playing WOW, that his "generation" is shit. HTFU (as if the dude would know wtf that is.) - Basically attacking the guy for daring to make, what most veterans would agree, is a pretty fair observation.

    Now obviously the guy gets pretty heated and defensive. Hard to blame him. Nobody takes that kind of aggression well. - Shit gets flung around, and in the end the guy quits. Presumably off to play the next game on his list.

    So why am I telling you this?

    Well, it strikes me that CCP can attempt (and probably fail) to make the NPE as good as they want it to be. But as long as these bittervets are sitting in the newbie corps spraying toxic fecal matter around whenever a newbie gets frustrated at the complexity of the game and dares to comment on it, it won't matter. This is a complex game, and dumping on newbies the first time they encounter that and get frustrated isn't helping. Nobody was born an expert at it.

    So, my suggestion: do some sort of split, so these toxic vets can't be attacking the newbies right out the gates. Maybe put the newbies in true newbie corps, where the corp channel is just the rookie channel itself, rather than a true corp chat. Give the newbies a few hours/days/whatever to get used to things before they start having to fend of the bittervets.

    Basically just: keep these angry people away from the newbies until they get a chance to figure shit out.

    submitted by /u/SuperUnbiased77
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    NPE from a newbro

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:47 PM PDT


    PvP is not that much of a central part of the game as everyone wants you to believe. PvP mostly exists in highsec, wormhole space or maybe nullbloc TIDI fights.

    Long version:

    So I did play the game for a while. I did all the stuff people do when you come from a non PvP focused game. Like exploration and running missions. A bit of hauling and I got ganked sometimes, but it was fun and I learned my lesson.

    But today I was like "let's go into low/nullsec and try to shoot something other than NPCs".

    What I saw was:

    • Nobody is in lowsec and thus it is probably the safest area in the game.
    • What I could scan were mostly battleships and mining barges. I was only flying a T1 frigate so I am not going to attack those. If I had a destroyer on the initial scan I was not able to find it anymore. Maybe they docked up or I am too stupid to use my probe scanner correctly.

    All in all I think it is pretty safe to fly through low/nullsec because nobody cares.

    Normally when you start EVE you hear something like: "Undocking is a consent to PvP". From my perspective as a newbro it is more like "Going into highsec, joining a nullblock or going into wormhole space is a consent to PvP".

    So I could join one of the blocs in nullsec, but I am not keen on simply pushing F1 and doing tidi fights. Although I have never been part of this stuff.

    I am probably going back to highsec. At least there are people like PIRAT or minerbumping, which give you content. Or wormhole space where you have wingspan. But low/nullsec feels really boring as a newbro.

    submitted by /u/tom_general
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    Sieging Mission Runners—Minmatar and Amarr United

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    Avanto just doing some hole control in meeting.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    Seems like RR(AOM's friend) has a huge RMT problem as well....Shouldn't we do sth?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    As many should know AOM(PIBC)'s leadership is the biggest well-known BOTers/RMTers in serenity from previous posts... Yet we should be aware of that the leadership of RR, Ranger Regiment, was used to be in PIBC's southern part in serenity. And so, it is probably not surprising that even though RR claims themselves say they are totally against botting/RMT, they are still in fact allowing and doing those stuff... on an alliance scale. If you can give RR's ceo, Drone Wang, enough whatever he wants, you can just simply buy the alliance.

    Friends sent me chatlogs between RR's leadership proving RMT, pretty similar to the ones we have seen before about AOM. They also told me AOM bought RR's leadership with 5tril worth of ...... just fxxxing nuts

    spoiler, chat between Drone and some other guy

    Should we allow such behaviors from AOM and its old subordinates spreading them? This is not just botting that we are dealing here; RMT like this is just way too much

    Here's full prove/chatlogs my friends wants me to publish:


    They say they've reported to ccp as well bout a week ago.. but I got no news on this from them

    submitted by /u/DFExpress
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    Minor Conduit Thieves

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:15 PM PDT

    So I guess that people go around and try and bait people into attacking thieves who steal from MTUs? A group just tried to pull that on me and it was pretty aggravating. I know now not to be so careless, but was wondering:

    How often do people leech from/bait people into ganks while doing minor emerging conduits?

    submitted by /u/-_-Enigma-_-
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    Good loot and ransom in a cheap Orthrus - Abyssal PvP!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    Wallpapers and Stories!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    Literally just that! Here's a few screenshots of my year in EVE with some descriptions. Enjoy =)


    submitted by /u/Keboros
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    [video] DarkSide Nagas vs Horde Feroxes+bombers

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:52 PM PDT

    Do you consider a long corp history a bad thing?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    In search of a corp to call home but have a fairly long corp history. I've jumped around a lot, from wanting to try new play styles that the current corp doesn't offer, want to meet new people, looking for a more active corp in my TZ. I've got a few 1-2 day corps that I've joined, couple due to being lead to believe they are active to find I'm the only guy online most of the time. A few from when I was first starting out a few years a go and didn't really know what I was doing, and some from joining my alt corp. Probably just over 40 corps on there but once you take away my alt and NPC corps, there's not much on there at all.


    Some people are fortunate to find their "home" right away, others not so much. Met plenty of great people a long the way but if for whatever reason it's not for me, I don't see any point in hanging around. I left them know, have a chat and say my goodbyes and leave on good terms.


    I ask because I joined a recruitment channel for a corp, said hello and before I could even say my peace they bring up my corp history, say "sorry mate" and kick/ban me from the channel. I can understand my history doesn't look great but given 2 minutes, it's easy to explain.


    As a recruiter, is a long corp history a red flag?

    submitted by /u/Benzh
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    Citidel defence privileges

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:56 PM PDT


    I'm curious if there is a role or access list privilege to give just gunnery roles so they can't unfit stuff or steal fuel.

    If anyone can enlighten me here I would be grateful thank you.

    submitted by /u/Galaxyfoxes
    [link] [comments]

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