• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Eve Online And then Vince whispered softly into my ear, "Sale Hydra."

    Eve Online And then Vince whispered softly into my ear, "Sale Hydra."

    And then Vince whispered softly into my ear, "Sale Hydra."

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Leaks: Anonymous CCP Dev Admits POSes Not Removed Because POS Code Only Thing Preventing Ships from Always Being Cloaked

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST

    Pure Blind Bots are Good Fun to Practice Hunting!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:11 PM PST

    -and getting isk

    Another day roaming from a wormhole, and we decided to do one more hole, so we rolled the null static, then low and behold it leads us to Pure Blind. At this moment most people in comms said "ight imma head out its late" so it was only 3-4 people left. I asked them to leave the hole open so I can look around since we were dropped in the middle of an interesting krabbing(not botters btw) pocket.

    As I entered the first system, I see Gilas on d-scan, found the site they ran, warped to it, then they left scan after I rescanned at 1AU, sad. I go to the raitaru I see them all on dscan with, land, try bumping them off but they all dock up. I knew immediately these were bots, so I went back to the anomaly I found the first gila in at 30KM, bookmarked, left system. Now came the autism part.

    I found the site, now the most painful thing about hunting bots is the restart timer for these programs they run. The lowest timers I've seen was 45 seconds in a dead end pipe system in Period Basis earlier in the year. The latest I've seen was 45 minutes in Wicked Creek from Fraternity Treasury. Luckily, I've been to Pure Bling a couple times and had a feeling the bots here had a very low restart timer, so I set the maximum to 2 minutes. I entered system after 2 minutes, it was too long.So I waited for them to dock up again and I left system. This time cut the timer by 30 seconds, so now we're at 1 minute, 30 seconds. I jump, warp to the bookmark, and he's there! Sadly, I was just a second too short, so he warps out just as I locked him. I cut the timer by 5 seconds (1m25s) and try again and as I predicted, it worked.


    First kill, no bling repper but atleast we have a foundation to build on. To test this theory, I tried again just a few minutes later in the system next door and what do you know, it worked damn well.


    However, as we started to clear the pocket out, as I attempted to warp to the bookmarks after the set time, they weren't at the sites I would predict, so I warped back to the raitaru they safe up in, and waited as they come back from a different site.

    Weird, but fine, I'll go to the next site. Bookmark, leave, wait, come back, new site...? shit they're getting smart. After a while of trial and error and theory crafting, a fleet mate said "they're going down the list of sites in ABC sig order." I thought they couldn't of, but out of desperation of wanting another bot kill, I tried it. I bookmarked an empty site that he hasn't warped to, left, waited, came back, and low and behold, he was right. The 3rd Gila landed just as I landed and was pointed and killed just like the others.


    We were happy that we could find out that the botter altered his order of sites and how he altered it. Now that we knew this, we went to the next system down towards the entrance of the pocket to snag another Gila, however since the system was 150+ AU hopes were low. I warped to the safe raitaru found in system (btw these botters love using raitarus of all places) and the Gila was on scan but... Not there? Maybe its just about to land, fine. Nothing for 10 seconds, weird. I scan a site next to the raitaru and he's there so I warp in at 30KM hoping to snag him. However, this one was glitched, and he was 150km+ away from the site warp in.


    I overheat MWD and point, his drones are still out ratting? He's a 6 day old character farming forsaken hubs, and not warping out, weird. He was also aligned out to the middle of dead space. Seconds later, point, w's in fleet, friends land, gratatatatatata, botter dies.


    gf was close

    after farming him so hard the botter logged off his gilas in the entire pocket gfgfgfgfgf

    tl:dr - used violent weaponized autism to find bots and get ez monies from them

    submitted by /u/soren88
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    Virtuoso Vonholed

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Yes, I fly it around my office.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PST

    Pando's FC Chat #9 - Bjorn Bee

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:57 PM PST

    Zirnitra Blueprints and Manufacturing Requirements

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:08 AM PST

    AAR: The Tale of The Three Crack Capitals

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:00 PM PST

    In celebration of 404HD's (Spite Incarnate in-game name) 100th stream, he decided to go on a solo roam in a HAW Phoenix. In usual fashion as we were forming; DTM135 of PLdot and lyle Lafisques of Odin's Call decided to bring a Nidhoggur and Rorqual after Ehyteb Jeff (shitposter of Jita Local) found them on contract nearby. When most of the fleet was in the original staging area we got slightly suspicious of stream snipers planning to drop on us so Jeff brought his cyno to a far-away system and lit the cyno for the ships to jump to.


    Beautiful. Extraordinary. Precise. Perfect execution.

    As is expected 404 did not bring isotopes because we did not expect to be cynoing the Phoenix anywhere.

    The Phoenix was gated to a station with nitrogen, and eventually we got the fleet in our new staging. The intent was to whelp the fleet somewhere in low initially.

    At this point the greatest mistake during the entire roam was made:

    We let EHYTEB JEFF pick the first destination.

    Agaullores. Look that up on dotlan if you wish.

    Then began the slow journey of gating the caps to Solitude. After realizing (lol) Solitude was empty AF, we moved to Syndicate because it was just 2 jumps away. Also empty. Mostly.

    Raeph Mikakka brought a thrasher fleet to fight us with. Just kidding, he came to fly with us after whelping his entire fleet except himself. :)


    We came across a smartbombing Typhoon (???) and a 500MN Prophecy. Typhoon died, and the Prophecy just did 500MN Prophecy things.


    We linked up with a multiboxer running Leshaks, Megathron Navy, Nestor, and Damnation. He unfortunately had internet problems so docked up before we got to Branch.

    The decision was made to go to Branch. Here we would almost certainly die. We just didn't expect it to take so long. Maybe the confusion and disbelief when their FCs heard that there was a "small gang" which consisted of: 2 Slicers, 1 Magus, 1 Thrasher, 1 Gila, 1 Rorqual, 1 Phoenix, and 1 Nidhoggur roaming through their space made them pause.

    After dozens of painful fleet warps we landed on a gate with 5 t2 large bubbles. After clearing them, 3 Hels took the gate and promptly volleyed our capitals. There may or may not have been a Muninn fleet in play. The fleet died at this point. My only regret is that I took the gate and died on the other side to the Nidhoggur that was landing. Sorry I let you have a kill bro.


    submitted by /u/Quelray
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    Saturday 16th i reached katia sae memorial i got my navitas destroyed but it was worth it =) next i have to go to b-r5rb bloodbath

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:04 AM PST

    Now that GOTG and init are blue, how long before TAPI blues GOTG?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:21 PM PST

    Dreadbombing rorquals in Delve

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    [Lore Stuff] Information and Theories on the three forms of Triglavian life : Narodnya, Navka, and Koschoi

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:11 PM PST

    How do you get back into the flow of this game after a 9 year break?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:23 AM PST

    I've not played in 9 years. I logged in and pawed ineffectively at the interface for a bit eventually discovering that I was largely broke (relatively I've a few ships) and a lot of my stuff is in 0.0 under some alliance I don't know, and my jump clones are all gone.

    I had a look at ships and fittings and they seem to be about 50% similar to what they were when I last played, although there was a lot of modules I don't even recognise, at all. Went to look at the EvE Wiki only to find that CCP got rid of that years ago.

    In short I'm a bit lost, and im not really sure how to bring myself up to speed with what the craic is. Any suggestions?

    Someone on the Discord has give me the EvE Uni Wiki which I'm finding very helpful. I'm also wondering if perhaps I should sign up with them till I get my head round all the changes?

    submitted by /u/Oh_its_that_asshole
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    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:57 AM PST







    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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    Is PI profitable nowadays

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:40 AM PST

    It's been a few years since I've last done PI and I was wondering if it's worth getting back into. We changed our home system recently and while we mine like crazy currently we could use another income of resources and since PI is generally passive I figure it can't hurt.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/tavichh
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    Found a whole Roden shipyard during my explo run today

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:07 PM PST

    Making use of alt accounts / semi-afk Isk

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:37 AM PST

    Hello again folks. First off thanks to everyone who chipped in with advice on my last question of how to get my newbro friends engaged with the game. We're enjoying abyssal deadspace content together and theyre warming up to the game.

    My question today is more of a self centered one. I've been away for a fair while and used to have good isk generation from multiboxing C5 wormhole sites and PI but now I'm stuck in High Sec I could do with a low effort way to use my omega accounts for some semi passive isk generation and I'm wondering what areas I should be looking in to, besides extracting their excess SP.

    My first thought was to get my dudes in Orcas and leave them sat on asteroids whilst at work, remote desktopping back to check on them every now and then, but not sure what profit I can reasonably expect from that, and whether to have them on ores, ice, or look into the new moon mining mechanics.

    I'm assuming PI is now a non-starter due to 3rd party POCO tax being stupid in high sec, and extraction yields being dire.

    I don't have easy access to null for AFK VNI ratting, nor the ability to check local often enough / jump between sites for that to even be worth it. I guess the high sec equivalent would be to run conduits in some sort of passive tanked AFK machine, but I can see drone losses eating into the profitability of that, even if its possible.

    So I guess there aren't a lot of options available to me. Anyone got any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Scribbinge
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    Skills required app

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:30 PM PST

    Is there an app or website that you can choose a ship and it shows if your current character can fly it based on skills, or shows how long/what's required for you to fly it?

    submitted by /u/Landy8768
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