• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    Eve Online Found this on r/funny... thought I was on r/eve

    Eve Online Found this on r/funny... thought I was on r/eve

    Found this on r/funny... thought I was on r/eve

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:57 PM PST

    Did CCP add a censor script to Eve?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:13 PM PST

    If you name your mobile tractor unit or mobile depot June 4, 1989 it will revert its name back to the structure name after being anchored in space after around 15 minutes. What other names dates and phrases trigger the new censor script?

    submitted by /u/n0b0nus4hilmar
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    New catch botting "empire"

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:11 AM PST

    Stumbled into some massively blatant bots today, presumably endorsed by the tapi approved chinese botting division seeing as how they tethered to the legacy infrastructure before an hour of bumping orbiting domis ensued.


    I did enjoy killing these "men" but lets not install blatant groups like this into catch ok tapi?

    submitted by /u/Meiqur
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    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:44 PM PST

    Report highsec bots. < 24 hours turnaround on ban wave for highsec gilas

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Doing some asset consolidation in high sec, run into several clouds of gila bots running conduits. 2 day old characters. Banned in under 24 hours from report.

    The main thing worth observing here is the automation described at EVE Vegas appears to be working. The sentinels are taking out the trash. The reports seem to make a difference.

    What I would like to know from CCP is should we be reporting EVERY one of these characters (they often bot in packs of 5-10), or if we just report 1, does CCP connect the dots and ban the entire corp?


    submitted by /u/jask_askari
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    Venture can open Industrial cyno

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:23 AM PST

    The life cycle of the Gallente ship system

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:21 PM PST

    So when Ishtars come together and make baby it becomes a Navitas which in their teens become Algos.

    When an Algos gets a ratting job they become Vexor. When the Vexor gets a promotion in the ratting

    world it becomes a Vexor Navy Issue. Then once the Vexor Navy Issue retires from ratting it becomes

    a mean ass PvPer named the Ishtar. On rarer occassions an Ishtar breaks out of this cycle and becomes

    a Dominix or even a Sin. When one of these ships enter the field you know to beware. They've been ganked

    their entire lifes. They typically fly alone because they're use to the solitude of dead space.

    If a gang ever picks on one they're in for the fight of their lives. Most other battleships tend to avoid

    the Dominix or even a Sin. If you ever see one of these glorious ships on field you better not aggress

    otherwise they've been known to tank 100 man fleets and completely obliterate them.

    Something i wrote up a while back when I once upon a time was a hordling helping newbros rat together. Not for max ticks, but rather safety in numbers. And teaching proper tanking techniques.

    submitted by /u/JohnHeatless
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    Was the kicked-Imperium FC scapegoated? Did Mittens really say he'd put head on the spike?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:34 AM PST

    Interesting interview: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/509361814

    Just some of the tidbits:

    Pitts background:

    - With Imperium for 6 and half year - Home Def + SOV grinds + Lotus fleets + Whelping ton of dreads.

    - 25 fleets / months - Average

    - Creating content + Boring stuff

    - Bored with Goons life style, started doing some good dread stuff, success vs titans etc.

    - People would join up knowing no guarantee of SRP on dreads. Brought some people out of inactivity.

    What lead to being forced out:

    - Background: Did some good drops etc, checked around how many dreads are recommended to kill titans, asked trusted groups/sigs if they want in on the plans.

    - Planned the op ~2 weeks ahead, had stuff moved into position etc, all the operational stuff.

    - Actual sanctioned/designated Capital FCs were involved in planning, even bought dreads from Pitts at the staging - All in knowledge of stratop FCs for 2 weeks.

    - Picked the date for bomber nerf dates etc.

    - Bombers baited XiX response, jumped in dreads, but only 70 out of 124 got in because cyno died fast. Back up cynos died fast. Rest delayed. Had close calls on couple of titans, they went into low armor.

    - Everyone who participated had fun and hoped to get in on again whenever something similar is planned.

    - Planned next op.

    - One of his 'buddies' messaged and threatened:'you're out or the corp is out, if you do any drama, you get airlocked out, no chance to move stuff out- message delivered on behalf of Mittens. This was due to the use of Fortizar used for dropping, interestingly, other sigs been using same forti for drops earlier. Possibly, TEST angle.

    - RonUSMC (TEST upper management?) mentions there are agreements in place between Legacy and Imperium, one of the many clauses are: what structures near to each other's space are used for what purposes, some are for logistic and not to be used for offensive purposes. And this was the crux of the matter.

    - As per Pitt's knowledge, the non-offensive is no SoV or structures and stuff, like no-invasion of space etc. Same Forti had been used for months for 'fun' drops on BRAVE and other Legacy alliances, even killed some TEST titans, coming from that Fortizer. Nobody for months said 'dont use that forti', nobody had the issue.

    - RonUSMC: We're neutral and not blue to Imperium. Agreement between Imperium and Legacy: No SoV wanding or structure bashing allowed, no cloaky camps. Other part of agreement involves rendering help in defending space was threats etc. Matteral: So its a DEFENSE and Non-Invasion pact. RonUSMC: Yea.

    - Pitts: Killed like 5 TEST titans, wasnt kicked, even JayAmazing has been on drops with Pitts.

    - Pitts opinion is Mittani is just spinning up reasons. Dropping on dudes for fun and content is okay and wasnt part of the rules that were shared.

    - Pitts: Was also told to stfu and not speak. Forti was locked out with billions in line members assets, Mittens told Pitts to shut up with the whole passive agressive bs and that he's measuring spikes with whose heads to put up on em.

    - Imperium diplo team is super anti-content.

    - Pitts technically dropped on FI.RE coalition and not even Legacy coalition. Agreement is with Legacy.

    - No clear lines drawn on the rulebook for this scenario

    - The dreads losses were 'nothing' for the participants. Most dudes were'nt even pissed.

    - There were around ~20 FCs in the fleet, including Imperium's one of the most senior FC: JayAmazingness. Jay even bought a dread from Pitts.

    submitted by /u/Somizulfi
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    All of null sec relic sites are gone

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:57 AM PST

    by Korean Newbie swarms.

    They are mentoring newbies to probe relic and earn isk.

    And now all of relics are swarmed by them lol.

    submitted by /u/edgevvalker
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    TAPI/GOONS - Fightclub 2K20

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    See below for the fight club GOONS and TAPI have created since they are 💯 NOT blue with each other.

    • No cloaky camping

    • No hitting structures

    • No SOV wanding

    • No killing krabs and supers

    • All capital "fights" to be prearranged and SRPd

    • Weekly "brawls"

    • Since the past haunts, always be on the same side as each other when fighting PL/NC...except when the RC Keepstar is in danger because Hy/Tau hurt Vilys feelings and when the keepstar in HS is being "threatened"

    • PAP Links (lol), DKP is forthcoming now with the Vily Loot Sotiyo changes!!

    • We nerfed stuka fleets because we can't counter with Titans and supers.

    TLDR: Goons and TAPI are R vs B and are the ones killing EVE

    submitted by /u/Hustlan_Jones
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    Rote Kapelle Leaves Imperium (Also Deployment leaks)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST

    Hi everyone. Not a troll post this time like the WiDot thread...

    We're leaving the Imperium due to the Pittsburgh drama. Farms and fields were fun (not), but it's time to go back to who we are. Sov is gonna be dropped soonTM, and our next target is... TDSIN! Because they talked shit on reddit and we need more wars over dumb stuff like that instead of playfights between blue-not-blues.

    Danque Leaks: https://i.imgur.com/PNlwvdp.png

    /u/Radimir-Lenin time to nut up or shut up

    submitted by /u/cactusjack48
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    Team Talos next change?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:58 PM PST

    Was the next change team Talos looking at the Autocannon buff teased at vegas?

    Very optimistic about CCP Rise's team making these small but very impactful tweaks where they see fit.

    submitted by /u/SanshaLord
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    Eve launcher beyond broke

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:54 PM PST

    Launcher is completely borked, I've tried everything I have found on google, deleted the launchers cache files, reinstalled the launcher, tried reinstalling the game, no dice anytime I start the game the launcher is just a big black box and its completely unresponsive. Anyone got an idea?

    submitted by /u/Borguul
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    Athanors need a Passive Moon Mining structure/service module

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:21 AM PST

    TLDR: Title + give athanors the ability to passive mine a fraction of its moon goo to return an incentive to shooting someones structures.

    Back when POS's ruled the earth, making money off moons was 'simple' and passive. When mining was transferred over to upwell structures, namely Athanors, moon mining became an active affair where you must commit resources to mining the fracture.

    While making mining more active and making more people undock is certainly a good thing, it does come with some draw backs. There is currently very little incentive to capture another groups valuable moons. Ignoring all the BS structure reinforcement mechanics, lets say you are able to invade someones space, kill their athanor, drop your own, and hold it enough for the moon goo to fracture. Dropping mining rorqs in deep hostile space would be extremely risky/stupid for such a small reward (memes excluded).

    My idea is to give athanors a way to passively mine a Small fraction of the moon goo, just as POS used to do. The isk generated from this would be a Fraction of what is found in the fracture: think maybe 20% max. Enough to cover fuel cost and maybe pull a couple 2-3 bill profit/month from R64s but nothing like the 10bil+/month moons of old. This would create a lot of opportunities for all groups, big and small, to start fighting over valuable moons again, and more people fighting over something is a good thing imo.

    thanks for coming to my ted talk. Origin is recruiting

    edit: /u/JoshuaFoiritain brought up a good idea aswell: SIPHONS! Siphons can be a flex structure that yoinks the moon goo from a structure. Maybe steals about once a week. Notify's the owner of the system when its anchored, and when it steals goo. In low/npc null it only notifys when goo is stolen

    submitted by /u/MENDoombunny
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    AB :: Nope Game bad [ 100% SoLo VNI / Dragur / Worm ]

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:35 AM PST


    I came back to play this terrible game to fly the Dragur (a slicer with mjd)... was fun but nullsec solo is as terrible as ever.

    (( Its not the fact people try to gank you with stupid things... its just that they are so terrible at trying to do it )).

    I have quit again but will keep an eye out on the CCP balance changes ... I am not remotely holding my breath.

    Should be noted my flying here is more terrible than usual; thats what happens when you take a 3 month break.

    submitted by /u/abkiller
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    Screen flickering when I open menus

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:47 PM PST

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help with a bizarre issue that I can't figure out. It only happens when I play EVE.

    When I start the game, any time I open or interact with most menus, the screen goes black for a few seconds. I can temporarily fix it by disabling and re-enabling my display driver, thus crashing the game and forcing me to kill the process and restart it, but the flicker inevitably comes back.

    I'm running a Ryzen 9 3900x/NVIDIA 2080ti build, so it's obviously not a problem with my specs. I've tried messing with the graphics settings, adjusting anti-aliasing, changing the "Present Interval" setting to "Interval Immediate"...I've researched all over to find people reporting similar issues and testing their solutions, but nothing fixes it.

    Does anyone have experience with this?

    submitted by /u/LuthienByNight
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    One day..... one day....

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:33 AM PST

    Team Talos. When?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:28 AM PST

    When is the next of those fast-2weeks-balance patches due?

    submitted by /u/HerrSchmitz
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    Did I just bone myself by transferring $20 Billion to my 2-week-old character?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    Hi! I played roughly ten years ago, when my corp was in LFA, and then a few years later, when my corp was in GENTS. I just started up again and bought an Omega subscription for my new guy. Then I saw that Skill Extractors were a thing, recovered all my old accounts, extracted all the Omega skillpoints and sold them, and transferred the total amount of isk from that, PLEX, and other isk I had, to my new guy.

    Then I remembered that APIs are a thing and people hate spies, and so if I join any corp that wants to see my API, they're gonna see a 20B transfer to a 14 day character in an NPC corp, and that's probably gonna look suspicious.

    Should I just start over with another new account if I want to have any hope of not looking like a spy and playing forever alone?


    submitted by /u/Syelnicar88
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    New player, want to do l2 and l3 missions

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:07 PM PST

    New account, just got to l2 missions. Have an omen (the cruiser, Amar, think that's what it is). Only drones level 4 but working on 5. let's say I wanted to go big into drones. I heard the vexor navy issue was great but had been nerfed a bit..

    Is there a good new player friendly ship for l2 and l3 security missions. Is the vni still good choice or is the omen really just as good? Or... ya lots of questions here. Sorry if this has been answered but I didn't see anything on the page or stickied. Would prefer to go drones but if there's a good laser weapon setup that might be fun to..

    submitted by /u/distantreach
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    TEST 2017-2019

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:37 AM PST

    Strategies for using the Caldari Navy Osprey in Solo PVP

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:13 AM PST

    I've been using the Navy Osprey to run T2 Abyssal filaments recently. I really like the ship, as it looks cool and performs well. I have been fitting passive tank (55 avg passive regen w/ 64%+ resists), RLMLs (+ fancy drones and token hybrids for about 300dps with kinetic rage light missiles), and then more tank because Vedmaks and nuet frigates are scary. I hope to push up to T3+ filaments and C3+ wormhole sites, but that's a post for another day.

    I would like to use the hull for activites like solo PVP, since I think it has potential to be pretty good, but I'm not sure what direction I should go with my fitting or how I should fly to play to the strength's of the hull. I'm pretty new to PVP, so I'll probably practice a lot more flying frigates and stuff, but I want an idea of what I should be working towards skill wise to be effective with this hull.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you guys might have for me!

    submitted by /u/GrafVonZan
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    Curious Newbie Question

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:15 PM PST

    I'm sure there's lore reasons as to why, but does anyone know game design wise, why the Devs don't allow the flying off capitals and above in high sec areas?

    I'm curious why that restriction is there. Since concord from what I've seen, melt anyone who they mildly disprove of.

    submitted by /u/PulsarVII
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