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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Eve Online Rorqual Locust Fleet devoured by Dread Locust Fleet

    Eve Online Rorqual Locust Fleet devoured by Dread Locust Fleet

    Rorqual Locust Fleet devoured by Dread Locust Fleet

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:05 AM PST

    Pittsburgh sends his regards

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST

    Woke up to this in my corp mail (long read

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:46 PM PST

    Guys, Wacky Here, Give this a read, i don't like lies.

    From: TheTruthOften Hurts

    Sent: 2019.11.28 15:59

    To: Incompetent and Proud,

    Hi Peeps (Wacky Wobbler Wibble) here :)

    I was content to just leave with a "issue has come up that cannot be resolved" so I'm leaving. However, since then I have been sent three mails by people who have shown Rachel trash talking about me in private convos.

    Needless to say, i'm pissed that a two month old eve player and an unstable girl to boot questions my integrity.

    So let's clear this shall we? Because no one tarnishes my reputation based on lies.

    Why I left?

    I was approached by Sabus about being an officer, I did not ask for it, I agreed in principle but said I do not do drama so if it kicked off, I would be gone. So I joined the officers team and quickly realised I was by far the most exp eve player in the officers corp and the corporation itself, Sabus and Hinzee also realised this and watched me work, they then approached me to be a senior officer. I agreed but told Hinzee in no uncertain terms that if he offered me Director of ICANP I would tell him to shove it, he laughed and said np at all. So I took on the new roles.

    The reason I left was for about 7 days I was beginning to feel something wasn't quite right with the command team. I began to realise that Rachel, had billions poured in her direction by the command team because she constantly played the "i'm depressed & hurt" and "no ones listening to me, it's upsetting" and because we are men, we don't liek to upset women so she was manipulating the top three commanders.

    I asked Sabus about introducing a sub role for officers because I felt that pushing someone from member to officer was to much to demand, so I suggested a Jnr. Officer role, this was basically a glorified recruiter but some one who would answer to my team who then answers to me. I had a voice chat with Hinzee & Sabus who agreed in principle and left the details up to me. So i began to establish it and outline my plans.

    By this time I knew shit was going to hit the fan with Rachel, Ive been married for 14 years, I know female manipulation when I see it. Iv'e poured 8 bil into the corp wallet and we still have regular runners of conduits struggling with ships whilst Rachel seems to have all the ISK/Ships she needs, faction/officer fitted Trig ships etc.

    So that morning I left, Rachel yelled at three guys who were running Conduits as a friends grp for not putting a fleet advert up, I told her to shut up (in private) as they are not required to put adverts up. She then yelled at another guy for running conduits solo and not "getting others involved" who then promptly left the corp, I again pulled her aside and had another go at her behaviour.

    That day I tabled my Jnr. Officer idea at Sabus request to the officers core, Rachel immediatley said no because she wanted to run things that officers were promoted from the recruitment staff which was the entire idea I was against. We argued about this with Rachel doing her normal massive paragraphs of TLDR DO WHAT I SAY so eventually I said I don't care, Sabus pointed out that Recruiters should be a seperate group. The entire tantrum from Rachel showed me that regardless of anyones rank, she feels she is fully in charge of ICANP.

    She then began to rail at me and I told her again in private to just give it a rest, she came back with "i feel ignored, hurt, devalued" standard female crap my wife tries to pull on me all the time. So i closed the convo and moved on. I then began to speak to Jtan about making TRIG based videos i.e tutorials at which point she messaged me and said "why didnt you ask me before planning videos" I said to her that at which point did I have to ask her permission to make YouTube videos. She came back with "TRIG content is my thing in the corp, not yours". At this point I knew I was dealing with an unstable person as on what planet does anyone think they.


    Can tell a YouTuber or his team what they can and cannot post on his or her YouTube? So I had a massive go at her and went silent, i mailed Sabus pointing out that she had said in corp chat "okay so people say its boring when im not online" and that her behaviour is eratic. His response was pretty much what i expected "deal with it".

    I then seethed a bit and decided i'd had enough, I would not allow an unstable person to dictate to me what I can and cannot do when it comes to teaching new players Eve Online. Especially when said person has basic knowledge of eve online in the first place.

    So ill break this down.

    1. Rachel does NOT upfront her own ISK to give ships, it is pure corp billions brought and paid for by Sabus/Hinzee

    2. Rachel only leads fleets, other than that and accepting apps, mass spam mailing people she does very little AT ALL.

    3. Rachel is not the "nicey nicey" person you think you know

    4. Everytime Rachel does not get her own way or the ISK she demands, she goes to director chat and kicks off like a 16yr old who just got banned from their phone.

    So what did I do for ICANP?

    1. All ISK I used to fund my ops came from ME

    2. I have donated over 8 billion ISK n never asked the corp for ISK back

    3. I drop tutorial videos for ICANP members on Eve Online

    4. I changed over 150 video descriptions to point people at ICANP

    5. I FCED Conduit fleets

    6. I FCED PvP activities.

    I spent billions of my own ISK buying members ships, replacing them, not once using corp ISK for anything. I am not two faced, what u see is what you get.

    So for all of this, rather than get rid of a unstable little girl with insecurity issues, It is me who has to leave, to back down and fuck off because me staying would cause further Drama.

    So no, I won;t have Rachel spreading lies about me saying I left because and I quote below

    1. A coward

    2. Refused a director position

    3. Couldn't handle being told what to do

    4. Taking eveyrthing personally.

    So I have made my own corp. Open recruitment, so stay here with this shit show, or come join me where I guarentee 100% this kinda pathetic, back stabbing, manipulating drama doesn't happen.

    Oh and Rachel.

    If you backstab me one time or attempt to tarnish my rep within Eve, I will spend BILLIONS of ISK hiring mercs from Jita to DoD to gank/destroy ICANP Members, I will pay CODE to launch an all out offensive on your corporation. I will destroy every alt station/moon mining station SICO has in system. I have more IRL money than u can imagine.

    Do not cross me. Keep your mouth shut and put the corp first. Start paying people proper ISK from conduits instead of pocketing 90% of the profits because a 6 man team running 8 sites and getting 15mil payout is ROBBERY. Each site holds minimum 15mil to 60mil in loot.


    submitted by /u/allielovesyou_
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    You're Fucking Welcome

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Hold up

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:09 PM PST

    Hype train

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:37 AM PST

    After a Close Escape

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:10 AM PST

    Workhorse. Fenrir

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:10 PM PST

    So apparently my nick is a swear word now.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:02 PM PST

    Low orbit

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:23 AM PST

    [VIDEO] Red October | P3AK Brawling in Deklein [1440p]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:06 AM PST

    Peaky Bois take out Red October and roam Deklein (Dracarys). Two fights evolve with the first being more of a warm up and the second one being a good brawl.

    Zarmazd - Drekavac - Stiletto - POV

    1st fight - https://zkillboard.com/related/30002891/201911021200/

    2nd fight - https://zkillboard.com/related/30002896/201911021200/

    >>> VIDEO <<<

    For more info join the ingame channel "P3AK"

    submitted by /u/TInBeren
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    Zorya Triglav's Second Message. Now Playing On Every Billboard In New Eden

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:20 AM PST

    EVE Echoes open beta is now live

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:26 PM PST

    I don't see any threads on this right now so let's start one. How's everyone liking it?

    First impressions for me are that it looks pretty darn good for being on a phone, and they've done a fine job of porting the interface. I got a new ship and it was fully fitted. Flying around in an Atron now.

    No microtransactions are visible to me yet, but it's an open beta so that's not unexpected.

    submitted by /u/Sabelas
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    PLEX prices getting outrageous these days

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    Future of the corporation

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST

    Let's suppose, that you are running corp with your friends (10 men and 1 girl). You all have omegas and can fly some doctrine ships like munins, or something else. You all are pvp players, but some of you really like pve and industry&mining, so soon or later, you will decide, that high sec doesn't provide necessary experiences, so you think about own base in null sec but... how to get own solar system? Try to attack any of big alliances and be defeated with a lot of f1 monkeys? Don't think so. Try to rent solar system for i don't know, 6 billions a month? It can't provide you corporation sovereignty. So what to do? Wormholes? But you want null sec. Npc null sec? But there can't be set sovereignty status. So what do you think about that situation?

    submitted by /u/Origel_Gumund
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    Awful botters abusing Signal Cartel Hospitality

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:06 AM PST

    I saw something that puts me in tears a botter abusing Signal Cartel for free SRP. I was on my merry way hunting people in Providence (gotta keep KOS status with those slavers) when I see a member of Signal Cartel in local being the nice player that I am and since they made me one of the better explorers in Eve I give the guy the o/ guys responds with ni shir yi now this in Chinese can mean two things you are a chicken or you are a whore can't be certain as they wrote it without any of the decoration in pinyin. Now either of those are not things I feel compelled to listen to so I decided to gank this ship. As soon as the ship had said that it had warped to the next system on its list.

    I said o/ signaleer they answered ni de mama shir wo de gou roughly your mommy is my bitch/dog not a polite thing to say. I keep this up for 27 systems till I notice we have looped around to where I first met this guy and a plan comes to mind. I go to the next system on the bots list I entered the system the bot was in and bubbled the gate (Sabre Winmatar for the win) the bot landed the gate and got the pew pew boom treatment. I immediately reported this to SC leadership they gave they the kick in less than 10 minutes. I was happy once again the exploration ship a Zooey Imicus btw had some good loot and I was pretty kin on blowing up more ships. I go to Stain feeling like I might just get a good kill there and there I found the exact same pattern insult in local, jump the gate, and follow a list of systems.

    It was also a Zooey Imicus in Signal Cartel. I decided to do some further exploiting of this flaw in the bots code and killed a bunch of them (I got them kicked before killing them pirates frowned upon killing SC). I got 1.5 bil out of it (this botters didn't have deposit loot code most likely) and was happy SC kicked a bunch of jerks out of their holy corporation and proved why they are so respected. CCP has not yet banned the exploiters but I expect this will happen in the next ban wave. Fly safe and long live the friendliest cartel in history. May the loot tables be your friends, may you long live and prosper, and may you have much fun.

    TLDR I found a buggy bot that was sullying the good name of SC, got it kicked, and hunted it into extinction.

    Edit: Paragraphs

    Edit 2: If any Mr. Splunk authorizes the public release of his own Eve mails I will publish them to show the reports.

    Edit 3: Please stop the vote gaming you are not supposed to do that in Reddit you know. Also brigadiering my post will not make it untrue Mr. Splunk. I deeply regret what I said that night while heavily intoxicated please stop ok I know I said something awful about a person we both care deeply for.

    submitted by /u/NotASpookOrgman
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    Oh God...Please No...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:44 PM PST

    WTM Fleet has disbanded cause lack of English by Newbie Koreans

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:21 AM PST

    NOTICE : WTM didn't dsbanded permanently, they just cool down for a while, sorry about that

    After the swarm of probing null sec, many of newbies are introduced to join WTM to earn ISK.

    But most of them couldn't understand FC's English orders and now WTM FCs have gave up to run fleet and disbanded fleet.

    We Koreans who teach to join WTM are really sorry about this happening and will try not to happen this again; we really didn't know the lack of English is really serious like this (including me)

    Cheer up WTM FCs, I got great helped from you and hope you keep going on to carry on newbies, Thank you.

    submitted by /u/edgevvalker
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    What is the best ship/fitting for pvp in exploration sites?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:27 PM PST

    I am playing with "Wolf", and"Jaguar" thesedays. The reason I want to change it is because of finding enemies.

    So, I want to use Extended Probe Launcher, and Clocking both 2 high slots, and I like brawling also.

    submitted by /u/ensokim
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    Comedy gold in the making

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:23 AM PST

    Goons kick one of their main content creating FCs for creating content and he turns around 3 weeks later and dunks their rorqs in one of the biggest rorq dunks seen yet. Wow.

    Leave goons.


    submitted by /u/dxanne
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    Minmatar ship coming back from battle with a little scrap

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:16 AM PST

    Echoes is out... There goes my night.. (it looks better on my note9 than Eve does on my laptop)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:19 AM PST

    Those Effing NPC mining corps

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:20 PM PST

    Is there any way to stop them? I live in a nullsec system with 4 asteroid belts and they keep stripping the belts clean before I get to them. Is there any way to stop them, cause I can't get the Industrial index up, and them stripping the belts doesn't get it up either!

    submitted by /u/Erahth
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    Buy orders

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:01 PM PST

    Last night I found the opportunity to make a decent amount of isk buying from Jita and selling 15 jumps away. Once I arrived at the station with the buy order I went to sell the item and rather than have his buy order price it told me 1isk for the item.

    Why can I not fill his buy order?

    Edit: here is the info https://s.put.re/pSDhd4AZ.png

    submitted by /u/BlundurBust
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