• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    Eve Online Take This-A-Thon - 52 hour Charity event for Mental Health (Half way through)

    Eve Online Take This-A-Thon - 52 hour Charity event for Mental Health (Half way through)

    Take This-A-Thon - 52 hour Charity event for Mental Health (Half way through)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

    Its that time of year again, when the content creators of EVE Online look to help the community and raise money for charity. Over the past couple of years we have helped some fantastic charities, like Ablegamers and Special Effect. This year we are aiming to help another amazing charity Take This.

    TLDR - useful links for convenience:

    Charity stream in aid of - https://www.takethis.org/
    Stream seen on - https://www.twitch.tv/streamfleet
    Bid for real life swag - https://www.32auctions.com/TakeThis-A-Thon

    Take This has a mission, with your help we would like to enable Take This to achieve goals towards the mission.

    "Our Mission is to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry."

    "Our Vision is a game community that welcomes and supports people experiencing mental health challenges, and that recognizes the humanity and mental health of game creators."

    Our community is a very close one, we are very lucky in that regard. We all want to kill each other in game and have fun, but we also want to have a beer together and enjoy each others company. The closeness of our community really shows when we lose a capsuleer in real life. Sometimes this is down to mental health. This is something Take This, among others is striving to help. Making people aware of and helping gamers and developers to cope with mental health issues. At gaming conventions Take This also supply "AFK Rooms" for gamers that are struggling, this is something a lot more of our community suffer with than you might know. They overcome their fears to be with the community they fly with, but sometimes need that quiet time to reset. https://www.takethis.org/programs/afk-rooms/. Let our community help them do their work by raising as much as we can.

    The streamers of EVE Online are taking part in a 50 hour Take This-A-Thon starting at 18:00utc on the 29th November 2019, we would love you to come watch us, take part in the fun, maybe win some in game items. All this will be happening on the streamfleet twitch channel : https://www.twitch.tv/streamfleet

    The community has been generous in providing prizes that we can give away - We have amassed hundreds of billions of prizes to give away, at the time of writing, 2 full sets of ALL the world tour skins, a Full Fit Nyx, Nid, dozens of other ships and skins. We also have very special Real life items to Auction too!!! https://www.32auctions.com/TakeThis-A-Thon

    This is where you can see, adore, fall in love with and BID on some truly unique EVE online items. We have 4 posters signed by CCP Devs, including CCP Blaze, BunnyVirus, Sledgehammer, MannBjorn, Basement Ben and many more. These posters are stunning images of a Myrm, Rokh, Proteus and Tengu.

    We also have a Streamfleet Flag signed by all the CCP Devs, Permaband, The Mittani and all the streamers at this years EVE Vegas.

    These items are for silent Auction, the winners will be read out in the closing stream on 1st December at 22:00 utc

    Just to tempt you - see a Teaser from Ex-CCP Guard when he reached his target...


    submitted by /u/itsmsmoses
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    Toxic newbie alliance dropping supers

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:48 PM PST

    Hurricane - Still one of the best looking ships IMO

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:15 AM PST

    2 years later and relic/Astero bots are still a decease for many players in null and a huge gold mine for whoever owns them.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:27 PM PST

    Been reporting these bots daily but not getting those fancy report mails. Many probably seen these guys somewhere in null flying daily a specific route and having inhumane reflexes when trying to catch one running relic mini-games. They have similar fits with t1 drones, PW cargo can and will always run. Kill one and you get set on a avoid list for all the bots and they will ignore all signatures if you're in the system and just move on to the next on their scripted path.

    2 years ago I found out about these bots and after 4 months of daily reporting I finally got around 50 of them banned. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/7p7blw/exploration_bots_discovering_a_new_breed_of_bots/

    Whoever runs them seems to be having the best time of his life and swimming in RMT cash. No clue why it takes CCP so long to ban the bots. Maybe because these are the most sophisticated bots out these as they scan down sigs and use wormholes as a means of going in and out of nullsec and run the minigames. Going through their contracts reveals a huge amount of bots. As the bots are all npc newbie corp and send courier contracts from in between 10m3 and 90m3 they are easy to separate from actual players but in case check their killboard. I've listed a couple below:
































    I highly doubt this is a Chinese guy running the massive botfarm but rather a Russian guy. Came across this guy on my hunt for the botters https://zkillboard.com/character/95003026/ Was an actual player in a Russian corp until he converted his character to a relic/astero bot and got banned months after my report spam. Plus this guy seems to be putting more effort in naming his bots and not just keyboard slapping them into existence.

    This might be a battle that cannot be won but I'll keep reporting them and I hope that others will also.

    submitted by /u/blueskydragonFX
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    Resentment in Darkness over Leadership and decisions

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Obvious throwaway account..

    Creating this post to vent Frustration that myself and other alliance members have been having with our alliance decisions.

    Darkness and Dead Coallition, have gone from something that we all used to enjoy and be apart of, however over time this has Degraded to the point where most of us don't even see the point in joining the (sometimes 4 a day) CTA's that are little more than watching a screen for 3 hours with nothing happening.

    This is not to mention that we were deployed to Tenal with the promise of content from a Recent SOTA
    ded us (goons) not to mention INIT Who went from shooting our Ships to now being +10 to us, so that we could ensure we get the greater numbers in fights (although I have not seen INIT do anything much so far)

    This is not to mention that we were deployed to Tenal with the promise of content from a Recent SOTA..
    This is feeling more and more like the last Tenal Deployment, where Nothing happened, except for corps leaving at the end....

    Not even mentioning all the Bullshit regarding SLYCE and the silly decisions made there..

    submitted by /u/PinkUnicorns654
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    [Tears] My thoughts on the HyperNet Relay

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:25 AM PST

    tl;dr some SJW pearl-clutching about gambling being evil

    Edit: Everyone go read /u/Ohh_Yeah's comment here, he basically says what I'm trying to say in the OP, except he does it better and with ~1100 less words than I do.

    It's been a few days since Hypernet has been announced, I think that it's time for a summary of some general opinions about it, and the arguments for and against.


    • I've seen a friend's life almost ruined by a gambling addiction fuelled by the convenience of mobile game loot boxes. I hate gambling with a passion, and I hate the Hypernet as a feature as a result of this. That being said, I'm going to try and approach both sides as well as I can (im still biased as fuck though).
    • I am not a lawyer, so I am not going to be speculating about the legality of the hypernet at all.

    What is the HyperNet?

    To keep my word count down I'll avoid explaining in full here. Take a look at this comment by a member of the ISD team (actually a much better explanation than the devblog). You should also hop on Sisi to try it out for yourself.

    "CCP are Hypocrites"

    Before I dive into things, I want to kill some misconceptions that have been floating around for the past few days, namely that CCP are being hypocrites by releasing this feature. This is simply not true.

    • "But CCP Banned SOMER Blink because gambling is bad." Not true. In 2014 The founder of Somer was banned for falsely asserting that a promotion he was running was CCP-approved. There was a little more to it than that, full details here for those interested. Gambling was still permitted in Eve for over 2 years following Somer's ban.

    • "Okay, but gambling was eventually banned because gambling is bad, right?" Not true. The only official CCP statement that I can find (besides the original announcement in 2016), is this interview with CCP Seagull several weeks later. In it she cites wealth imbalance as the reason behind the change, and makes references to it being a partially legal decision.

    I have found no article, interview or Reddit comment where a member of CCP expressed that there were any moral reasons behind the gambling ban. Take a look at CCP Falcon's comment history if you wish to look for yourself. My search was probably not exhaustive, but it was fairly thorough. I'm quite happy to edit this if someone finds anything that I missed.

    Now, for the opinion part:

    The Good

    • It won't be an RMT haven like IWI was. CCP-managed means CCP have full access, which means there's going to be much less opportunity for RMT here than with player-run gambling. It will probably still happen depending on how thorough CCP are with monitoring things, but there's certainly less room for it.

    • Rare / expensive items will change hands more often. The devblog states this, and to be fair it is probably true. I imagine that raffles will lead to more common sales of rare and expensive items such as officer mods, powerful abyssal modules and potentially AT ships.

    • It's a sink for ISK and PLEX. I'm not keen on the idea of a new PLEX sink personally, but a new ISK sink is not a bad thing.

    The Bad

    • You are gambling with real money. This is a concept that not all agree with, but the fact is: ISK can be purchased with real money, and (if you're willing to break the EULA) real money can be purchased with ISK. ISK is absolutely a commodity that many in the real world assign value to. Otherwise Russian ISK sweatshops (here's a GM talking about one) would not exist.

    • Casino stream / event sponsorships will not be returning. This was probably the biggest loss from the 2016 gambling ban. Read /u/Jestertrek's comment on the 2016 ban announcement here for more details.

    • The language used in the client is deliberately misleading. The language that CCP is using to describe this feature is very deliberately worded to advertise this feature as, not a gambling mini-game, but, as the devblog puts it, "an avenue in which players can exercise their freedom in trade, while engaging in an entertaining and social activity at the same time." To me, this feels like a way to covertly avoid the moral implications of gambling, and instead try to rebrand the feature as something new and unique. Some examples:

      • Not a gambling mini-game, but a "wealth creation service". Note the tagline: "Creating Value / Connecting Worlds". Imagine seeing that as a tagline on an online gambling site.
      • Not a raffle, but a "HyperNet Offer"
      • Not a raffle ticket, but a "HyperNode".
      • No mention of the words "gambling" or "raffle" that I can see, anywhere in the client, including in the tutorial you get when it first starts up. The closest you get is the word "fortune".
    • It has features specifically designed to encourage people with poor impulse control. The app is designed with the same flashy lights and sounds that most gambling websites include. Some examples:

      • The hypernet makes a sound any time a ticket is purchase on a visible raffle (ie, from one of the 12 raffles visible on the main screen immediately upon opening the hypernet). This sound is louder and more urgent if you have a raffle selected, and even louder still if someone multi-buys.
      • There is a satisfying "click" every time you purchase a ticket.
      • There is a flashy animation every time a raffle is fully purchased. Reminds me a little of League of Legends lootboxes.
    • It is very convenient. This sounds like a weird one to list as bad. But if you have a gambling addiction or poor impulse control, you are going to be 4 clicks from purchasing a raffle ticket at all times while logged into Eve (Open neocom -> Open hypernet -> purchase ticket -> confirm purchase). Ticket prices can go well into the billions of ISK.

    • Children can access the hypernet. The minimum age to play Eve Online according to their ToS is 13. Now, I'm not going to make the argument that CCP should be designing every single part of their game with children in mind. However, in my opinion they should absolutely consider children when implementing gambling mechanics, for the following reasons:

      • The misleading language mentioned above means that a child may not immediately identify the hypernet as a gambling mini-game.
      • Gambling addictions ruin lives. Providing convenience to someone with a gambling addiction will ruin their life even faster. If a person is young / uninformed enough to not recognise that they even have an issue? Oh boy...
      • You've probably heard horror stories about children using their parents' payment details to buy apps & microtransactions. In most games, the money can be refunded relatively easily (assuming the company is open to such a policy). In Eve's case, money gambled away on the Hypernet is lost into Eve's economy, and is probably impossible to refund. Sure, kids can already buy PLEX on their mom's credit card and feed it into suicide gankers. But a convenient raffle, described by the developers as a "wealth creation service"? Very different situation in my opinion.


    In my opinion, this feature has been designed to be as predatory as possible, and appeal to anyone with poor impulse control, with little to no thought or care towards anyone in the Eve player base who may be vulnerable. I'm sure many of you think that this is an insane overreaction, and I don't look down on anyone with this opinion. But I do think that many here do not have the context of experiencing a gambling addiction, first-hand or second-hand. It's not an experience that I would wish on anyone. Here's for hoping that the Hypernet doesn't put any of you through those experiences in the future.

    submitted by /u/Loroseco
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    The Official Eve Gameplay Trailer 2019 is actually awesome.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

    I can see why new people would be drawn to Eve just from that trailer. If you haven't played the game before, and haven't been corrupted by the toxicity the different social media areas can have (like here on reddit) or how the big picture of a couple of large groups running the game, this is really a badass game. Still plenty of room for the smaller groups to have some fun. Makes me want to start losing Eve again.


    submitted by /u/twistedjonny
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    I’m missing something

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Can anyone still remember the heady days where EVE propaganda posters graced this corner of the internet to make us all marvel at the fantastic quality of the artwork and the bleeding edge of shitposting where needles were gleefully stuck into the bodies of our mortal enemies?

    I've not seen that in ages.

    Where the hell is everybody?

    submitted by /u/TalkingBackAgain
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    [Dumb Lore Complaint] Camera Drones don't make any sense as a concept. Your view outside the ship should be a simulated reality by the technology and sensors in your ship/capsule.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:23 AM PST

    This lines up more with things in game. Ship cloaking? Simulator removes it from existence when it has disappeared. Jumping a gate or warping in-system? Camera drones would need to be pulled into the ship in transit, but a simulated view could show it from outside.

    Your ship/capsule are already gathering a ton of data already (your overview, neocom, etc are proof of this) so using that data to create a real-time simulation.

    If camera drones were 'real' in Eve lore, the speed at which you move them around, especially when fully zoomed is ludicrous (and even moreso when detached). They don't have to engage a warp drive to move hundreds or thousands of kilometers in a second. Why not just weaponize that? Near-hitscan projectiles with unlimited range that can be attached to anything - even a pod - seems pretty insane, and even moreso if you add a warhead.

    Tl;Dr: Muh immersion. Camera drones bad, sensor-based simulated view good. Fits better with the lore and the technology anyway.

    submitted by /u/Ketriaava
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    Enjoy this old picture of a Ninazu in Jita (July 2016)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    [Bookmark improvement] Add 'Align To' and 'Warp To' bookmark list opened in separate window and in current system. Include also 'Show Bookmarks from current system' filter in such window.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:46 AM PST

    Pandemic Horde: The Bean Generation!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:21 AM PST

    Are data/relic sites in wormholes worth it?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:08 AM PST

    I was ninja gas huffing in a venture earlier and found a gurista relic site and came up on a decent amount of cash despite blowing up like half the containers, I was thinking about coming back with a magnate and just going to pirate sites instead of getting gas but I'm not sure how common they are. Would it be worth the isk?

    submitted by /u/allielovesyou_
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    Did CCP release the Trig dread skills? If not yet, do we know when they'll be released?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:23 PM PST

    Just checked Jita, and there are no skills for the Trig dread nor capital gun on the market, and none have ever transacted. Anyone know when these are going to be released and/or seeded? I know they exist in the game as items, but since none are on jita market, ever, it looks like they haven't been placed in loot tables or LP stores.

    submitted by /u/ReadWriteRun
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    Laptop spec help?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:30 AM PST

    I am looking to get back in to Eve and would like opinions on the better laptop choices. I am not very technically inclined. I have to use a laptop as I travel. I'm mostly interested in exploration and rarely ratting. I currently use an I6 windows 7 and my hacking minigame is 3fps.

    Thank you for any help!

    submitted by /u/VictoriaRavenseer
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    A couple of beginner questions to do with Manufacturing and Corp (hangar) logistics to finalize my home/planning decisions

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:49 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I am in the middle of setting up a couple of eve accounts for longer term playing. I am balls deep in a lot of information that I have researched in the past couple of days/weeks. I have made the decision to set up in a NPC station for now in a system with all of my requirements ticked.

    There's a few very specific questions/problems in my plans which I cannot find the right answers to. I'll just label them for ease of answering. I would love if someone could provide some answers for me so I can finalize my plans.

    1A) Reprocessing tax in relation to standings. Where is the tooltip? All the info I found says it shows up when you hover over the yield details breakdown once you've put something in the reprocessing window (I even saw screenshots). It's no longer there it seems. For the record, I can see a difference in cost between my main and alt when I input the same stack of unprocessed ore. So clearly, some standing is affecting it. Where can I see that? Nothing else in the window provides a relevant tooltip unless I'm blind.

    1B) Assuming the tooltip/info is not available ingame, can someone TL;DR which standings actually count towards this? Can you get the tax to zero? The info on this is very generic but i want to know if I need to grind standing on my production alt. Is it only player standing, or does player corp standing count as well? Does player corp standing even affect it and does it go up when I gain standing through my main's missions(in the same player corp) for the same NPC corp? Then if not, player standing to the corp or to the faction? Or just the highest one of them all?

    2) Manufacturing scenario: I'm in station A, I put in a blueprint in station A, and I want to buy the missing materials. Is it really limited to buying these in the system you're in when using this window? I have not found otherwise, but it's surprising since I could do the same action in the marketplace and buy in a wider radius than system only? I was really hoping I could somehow buy a load of required mats in a trade hub (few jumps away) and then eventually haul it back to the station.

    3) If I'm understanding everything correctly (especially the above question), no matter the final setup with corp hangars or not, I will always need to haul everything to this station and away from it (unless I contract it out of course). No automation or shortcuts here right? I am aware you can start BP production remotely based on skills but that requires the mats in that station. Are there any tricks to use regarding corp hangars and materials?

    4) Is there a way to have a corporation fleet hangar? Ie ships interchangeable between corp members without the hassle of dragging/dropping them into a division hangar?

    Thanks... that became quite the wall of text....

    submitted by /u/rEDNiNE150
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    Increase weapon accuracy?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:21 AM PST

    I'm somewhat new so bear with me.

    I just unlocked Cruisers and switched to Blasters from Autocannons. Before, I was using Frigates and Destoyers with Tracking around 450. Now, with T1 Blasters it's at 61. Autocannons are even worse at 49 and that's with T1 Tracking Enhancer.

    I've got my Motion Prediction at 4, Trajectory Analysis at 3, Signature Analysis at 3, Target Management at 3.

    What can I do to increase the accuracy because right now it's only hitting 1/7 IN OPTIMAL RANGE WITH WEBIFIER.

    submitted by /u/Scwolves10
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    Which Rocket Launchers?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:02 PM PST

    So im a new egg and just completed all the career agent missions, now I have more than enough to buy a cruiser. After testing and youtube, I decided to choose missiles as my core weapons, so I want to buy the Caldari Caracal. But the cruisers shoot with "medium" sized missiles, so I need new launchers and ammo. Which launchers should I buy? I'm still thinking which to focus on, long range short range or assault, but theres like 4-6 different types of launchers for each of those, and thats only on my station! I have no idea how they differ, but some cost more than the others. Which should I buy / What would you recommend as your favorites?

    submitted by /u/AlexStonebrae
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    Do we have any news about Project Nova? Will we be having it in the short run?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST

    Last gameplay I saw in 2018 looked like a generic crap FPS game. I don't know why they didn't just clone Dust514 with better graphics and more players on PC; it was a really good game.

    However, from what I read on their website, it looks like they relalize how bad the game looked and they restarted it from the beginning. Anyway, do we know anything about it?

    submitted by /u/Celonius
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    I'm new in EVE and I want to do PvP, what skills should I learn?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:30 AM PST

    Anyone can tell me, at least, the minimum skills that I should learn independently from what type of PvP I'd like to perform?

    submitted by /u/Celonius
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