• Breaking News

    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Eve Online DEAD

    Eve Online DEAD


    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:13 PM PST

    eve has passed away

    edit: eve has come back from the dead

    submitted by /u/HowWinterKills
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    TQ DEAD Again?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:35 AM PST

    Why does this keep happening? Singulairty has also been in VIP for ages.

    submitted by /u/DuckyQuacksDontEcho
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    New player - fighting multiple ships in frigate?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:32 AM PST

    New player here (3 days). I've finished the tutorial agent missions and fitted out my slasher ship from The Alphas guide here

    I went out into a nearby 0.9 sec system and found a combat anomaly site and thought I'd give it a go.

    Wow - what a nervewracking experience (exciting!) I made it out alive but I wasn't expecting the waves of enemies. Everything happened quite fast, but I was battling about 4 pirates at once, some of them seemed to use missiles (?) which took a massive chunk of my shield. I struggled at one point and ate through 7 or 8 of my cap boosters

    The tactic I used was just lock, right click, orbit 500m, stasis webifier and shoot, repeat with next enemy. I have no idea if I'm doing it the best way and with just ship names to go on I had no idea who to target first or focus on.

    My question is should I be escaping with the skin of my teeth for combat anomalies in a 0.9 system? Is there something i should be doing better / any tips or tricks to make it a bit easier?

    submitted by /u/kingblah
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    [NER] The 1900 News on Sunday 12th January

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST



    NER Local News at 7 o'clock. This is Theodred Alabel. Good evening.

    • Brawl In Metropolis Leaves over 50B ISK Destroyed
    • RR and AOM Set Eachother +5
    • Brawl In Insmother Leaves 57B ISK Destroyed
    • Slugfest in Deklein Leaves over 90B ISK Destroyed

    Brawl in Metropolis leaves over 50B ISK Destroyed

    On January 9th, in the system of Ardar, fighting broke out between Panic Attack and Same Great Taste. It was a battleship brawl between parties with fax support with fighting lasting about 30 minutes. Then, Predator Elite got involved, dropping multiple capital class vessels onto the grid. This caused the two groups to reship into a counter dread drop with nightmare battleship support. As fighting proceeded to unfold the two low sec groups disengaged as a Pandemic Horde Munnin fleet landed to finish off the remaining caps from the Predator fleet drop. A video from one of the low-sec groups perspectives can be found here. After the dust settled, over 50B ISK was destroyed.

    RR and AOM Set Eachother +5

    On January 9th, Ranger Regiment and Army of Mango Alliance set each other to +5 standings. This has no impact on the NIP Test Alliance Please Ignore has with AOM, however, it can have an effect on their ability to rely on AOM to help when Ranger Regiment is on the battlefield given TEST's deployment against DeadCo.

    Brawl in Insmother Leaves 57B ISK Destroyed

    On January 8th, fighting broke out in the region of Insmother between WinterCo and Legacy Forces. WinterCo formed up in Munnins while Legacy formed up in Eagles. The battle lasted nearly 2 hours long spread across 3 systems, with the sides trading blows. As the battle proceeded to unfold, Legacy escalated, dropping multiple supers with fax support. The butcher's bill for the battle was just over 57B ISK destroyed, 32B ISK of which was lost by WinterCo.

    Slugfest in Deklein Leaves over 90B ISK Destroyed

    On January 11th, around 0400 Eve time in the system of J1AU-9 in Deklein, fighting broke out between Panfam forces and DeadCo & Imperium Forces over an United Federation of Conifers Astrahus armor timer. Northern Coalition and Pandemic Legion formed up in Eagles, while Pandemic Horde formed Munnins. Conifers and Unspoken Alliance formed a Raven fleet to defend the Astra, which had been serving as a resource by the groups to harass DeadCo space.

    DeadCo and Imperium forces formed primarily in eagles to attack the structure. As the battle progressed, Goonswarm and DeadCo dropped multiple dreads while Panfam dropped multiple faxes and carriers. Fighting lasted for about two hours, with the astrahus ultimately being saved. When the dust settled, over 90B ISK had been destroyed, 50B ISK of which was lost by the defenders in their efforts to protect the astrahus.

    Local News:

    Imp Dies In Low-Sec

    On January 9th, Baltroom lost an IMP Alliance Tournament ship. The value of the ship came in at 133B ISK, however, with a super-majority of the mods being Abyssal rolled, the value of the ship is likely far greater depending on the base mods that were rolled.

    Winners of #MYEVE2019 Announced

    On a post on January 10th, CCP Convict announced the winners of the social media contest they launched simultaneously with their Year in EVE review videos. All the winners got 500 PLEX and skins. Two of the winners were additionally given limited edition Frigates of EVE book that was signed by CCP Devs. Congrats to all the winners and wishing you all a great year in New Eden in 2020.

    EVE Fanfest

    The end of the EVE Invasion World Tour stops in Reykjavik, Iceland for the flagship meet of the year. It is a great opportunity to meet the devs and fellow eve nerds, and see another country if you have not been before! Tickets are on sale, I will be in attendance and hope to see many familiar faces there!

    PLEX for GOOD Campaign

    On January 8th, in a Tweet, EVE Online Announced that it would do a PLEX for GOOD campaign to raise money for those who have been affected by the wildfires that have been raging across Australia. Details are to follow this week, so stay tuned. The community of EVE Online has always been known for its generosity, and I fully expect we will step up to the plate!

    That's the news in New Eden. Thanks for reading.

    If there are inaccuracies in any of the above, please let us know so that they can be fixed.

    Would you like to write for NER? Maybe writing isn't your thing but you're a hotshot in Photoshop. If you have any skills to lend to our cause of unbiased journalism then hop onto Discord and speak to a member of staff.

    Featured image credit: Adan Dimaloun

    Minor Note from the Editor: Sorry about it taking so long, apparently coming back during holiday season is ill-advised, and my gaming laptop shit the bed. However, good news I built myself a new tower and setup so I am all set now!


    submitted by /u/Sgt_Slice14
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    Ongoing server issues?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:38 AM PST

    Morning all,

    Just curious to see if anyone else is having ongoing server issues since the attack the other day? I'm disconnected at least once an hour and I am currently locked out by "handshake failed - server failure', another attack? Or a separate issue?

    I returned a few weeks ago - but is it all ways this bad?


    submitted by /u/Buzbit
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    Amarrian Investment and Trade Company group Dives into Insanity

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:12 PM PST



    Good day, from out in space.

    A group of potentially unhinged individuals from the Amarrian Investment and Trade Company (AITC) decided to utilize the filaments this weekend - before the change into calm filaments - and go exploring.

    This resulted in full losses on their part, with the only casualty being an unfortnate Thanatos who was Doomsday'd by a member of their own group (The Initiative.).

    To be fair, this was a load of fun from the AITC perspective. We knew that we were going to loose whatever ships we brought out on the roam. When we found that the system we were dropped into was occupied, we decided

    "Hey! Let's ring a doorbell!" and started bashing on a Custom's Office that we were dropped near. The doorbell was not broken, and we did get a response to which we replied.

    We do hope that this was as enjoyable for the group The Initiative. and the HAMMER of TITAN, as it was for all of us.

    A youtube of the event was taken by one of our members, and is attached at the bottom of this post.

    I hope this serves as an acceptable AAR for the EVE Reddit.


    submitted by /u/Cryostasys
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    CCPLEASE.. Phantom Gnosis???

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:08 PM PST

    PvP Commentary #5

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:46 AM PST

    Can I squat in your citadel please?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Returning player wanting to join a null sec community

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:19 AM PST

    Advice? suggestions ?

    Anyone got a rundown?

    Im skilled into HM, HAM,caldari cruisers/ T3s and exploration.

    submitted by /u/DarkZephyro
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    Returning player not familiar with Abyssal sites

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:13 PM PST

    Hello, returning player here. I'm noticing that in order to open abyssal sites I need to use 3 calm exotic filaments. I cannot find anywhere in game or otherwise that says that 3 are required for opening the gates.

    Are there any other details that are a little harder to know about these sites? Is there a way to use less filaments per run? Is there a reason to?

    submitted by /u/Trusty_Wolfe
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    How to destroy Highsec war HQs?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    A highsec mercenary alliance (who shall remain nameless) uses an Astrahus for 100 wardecs.

    Let's assume we manage to sneak in a few bombers during a quiet time and reinforce it on day 1.

    Let's assume that, by miracle, enough wardecced alliances get together to go through the armor timer on day 4.5.

    Day 7 comes along and the wars are renewed using a different war HQ.

    Assume we return on day 9 for the final timer. Since the mercs know their mechanics, they stopped using HQ #1 as soon as it was reinforced.

    We destroy a citadel that is worth peanuts to them but war never ends and nobody ever gets their 2 weeks break.

    submitted by /u/EVE_WatsonCrick
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    I felt a great disturbance in the Isk, As if millions of krabs suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:37 AM PST

    Trying to pick up unanchored space trash in this wh and concord owns it? WTF CCP?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Change ice just a tad

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:47 PM PST

    So currently with game mechanics, a Ice Belt will respawn exactly 4 hours after the previous one is finished.

    To prevent it from being totally farmed by alarm clock krabbers, would it be a bad idea to have it a random respawn timer similar to incursions. Any time from 1-4 hours?

    submitted by /u/Prometheus_Aeon
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    Does Eve have a roleplay community?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:56 AM PST

    I started playing eve few months ago and was super excited about the depth of the game and the endless roleplaying possibilities. However I still haven't found a suitable corporation for my preferences.

    I am currently wondering if there is a newbie friendly corp that focuses on all aspects of the game and also does roleplay. Most corp names I see in the corp finder seem to resemble only some sort of inside joke or a meme. I want something serious but still accepting towards newbies.

    My main clone has 4 500 000+ skill points and I am familiar with the core careers in eve. I have mostly focused on exploration and trading but currently I'm trying to learn the combat focused side of Eve online.

    submitted by /u/ovaru
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    Are Australians again all getting disconnected from the game and then having authentication error?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:35 AM PST

    This is now second day in a row this is happening randomly.

    Can't even report a bug because can't login to any CCP services.

    submitted by /u/PeterFiz
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    Server is kill?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:18 AM PST

    Before downtime started, major lag, bad connection issues.

    Server is up, only 7 players logged in apparently. And I can't log in at all.

    Is server having problems?

    Server started letting everyone in and after 2 minutes the lag spikes and mass disconnects are already happening.

    It's happening routinely now. You finally get in to the server, all seems fine. Then after a few minutes, you get massive lag and then kicked. Happening constantly.

    submitted by /u/shutup001
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    EVE is kill, Free SP please k thanks.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Faction Warfare Historical Data?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Hi, I am a financial data scientist who is also trying to equip his Low-Sec FW corp with good economic resources.

    Does anyone know where I can find data regarding historical Faction Control stats? E.g. Daily Caldari and Gallente warzone control stats over past few years.

    If you must know, it is to be used in creating an intelligent prediction model for FW LP-store commodity pricing.

    Thanks to anyone who can help,

    Domusk Endashi

    CEO Endashi Paramilitary Corporation

    submitted by /u/Maffian123
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    Horde fleet makes some very interesting decisions jumping gates

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    How to safely run 4/10 in lowsec

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:38 AM PST

    tl;dr - instructions for newbie/hisec bear on lowsec escalations, including "unscannable" fits

    A while back i made a post about running 3/10's in a cheap kestrel.

    This is the next chapter, post with fits for running 4/10's.

    A quick recap of game mechanics: your escalation can not be scanned down. Your ship and drones and deployables can and will be scanned down, if such opportunity arises. Combat scanning can be done in one probe cycle, if done by a competent prober, and that can happen in the couple seconds it takes you to lock up new targets, look at your phone or while you're checking zkill of the pirate that just entered. Then there's the lachesis and then there's the killmail. There are no unscannable ships anymore, but there are fits that can not be scanned down without maxed out scanning skills and very expensive scanning implants (for simplicity i'll call these ships unscannable further in text). Let me tell you from personal experience, if lowsec pirates use some implant set, they will use one that benefits their ship's combat abilities, not scanning.

    So how do we make a ship nearly unscannable? Smaller signature makes ship harder to scan. Higher sensor strength makes ship harder to scan. I have come to a conclusion that a good benchmark for that is sensor strength higher than signature.

    Here are two fits (armor and shield) that satisfy this condition.

    The Osprey Navy Issue:


    As for osprey navy, the fit uses improved x-instinct booster. It lowers your signature. If you really don't want to use it, you can switch BCU to another Signal amplifier. Just make sure sensor strength is above sig.

    The Scythe Fleet issue:


    You can, of course, add bling to taste. The same fitting principle can be used to fit other ships of course.

    Now, for getting there, i'd suggest checking zkillboard.com on every system on the way to your escalation system, even better if you use a scout. If you avoid tama/rancer/miroitem/frulegur and some other permanently camped systems, you should be fine.

    DO NOT use drones or tractor units. Pack your dronebay full of ec-300's and, if caught, align somewhere, send drones and pray to rngesus while spamming warp.

    DO NOT spend unnecessary time in site looting every trash and god forbid salvaging. The point of escalation is to get in, grab the last loot and get out.

    DO NOT assume "it's just 1 jump into lowsec, i'll be ok". Scout, check zkb, assume every one wants you on their killboard. because they do.

    DO NOT over bling your ship because ships are disposable. it's not a matter of IF you lose the ship, it's WHEN. You never know when some random fleet might land on gate you're exiting.

    DO NOT underestimate the lengths eve players are willing to go, just to get a kill. Don't get careless and assume no one in the world can scan you down.

    DO NOT return to the same escalation site someone shows up on grid with you. even if you managed to get away.

    DO NOT use this fit for running scannable sites (duh)

    DO try to stay aligned

    DO use correct scripts in sensor boosters

    Couple things i'd like to get out of the way: hurr durr stratios. yes, of course strat works. you can sit there and wait for no one to be in local and then do your 4/10 that takes 10-15 minutes or just constantly spam dscan and leave if combat scanned. but this is a post about unscannable fits that can finish the escalation if combat scanned, for people that are really afraid of lowsec. Also, drones will provide a warp-in if they are scanned down, even if your ship is unscannable. Same for goes for gila. As for cloak/mwd - that's a good thing if you know how to do that and it's advisable to use it. Just refit in your destination system, preferably in a station.

    Why i'm writing this - to get more people in lowsec, simple as that. Hisec bears mostly just write off their lowsec escalations as not worth the risk. But if they have one of these bad boys in their hangar, they might give it a go. Also, i just want to troll the l337 peeveepeeers that sit in 1 or 2 system lowsec pockets surrounded by hisec waiting for bears to stray into their domain.

    submitted by /u/paulwalden
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