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    Eve Online My year in EVE as a logibro

    Eve Online My year in EVE as a logibro

    My year in EVE as a logibro

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Our Alliance logo. CnC milled out of a tile of Virginia Soapstone.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Stain PSA

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Hey Everyone, Good Sax here.

    We would just like to put out a PSA regarding our Keepstar that is located in 37S-KO in Stain. Now that the Frat/Test war is over and their summer break is coming to an end, we believe that Test is looking for "something to do". We believe that new "something to do" is to clear stain of all of its structures, including our Keepstar, and then probably spam all of stain with their own Keepstars. Now that they have dropped one Keepstar in U-WLT9, and we have seen them moving a large amount of Supers/Titans already into this structure. We believe they may go ahead to burn our beloved region down.

    With this new development, we thought it would be a nice thing to do to let the public here know since our Keepstar had once been freeported a long time ago. If you have items in our Keepstar,you should probably get them out if you don't want them to go into asset-safety. This attack will be happening soon and the sooner you get your stuff out, the better.

    If you cannot dock in our Keepstar, please contact Lily S for docking rights to get your stuff out.

    We as an alliance are surprised it has survived this long. We didn't think it would live past the first fight it was involved in those few years ago.

    Its been some great years of ownership of our Keepstar, but its time has now passed, and with that we say o7 to everyone that has used it. We feel entirely indifferent about the possibility of this loss.

    This incoming attack by Test was completely unprovoked by Good Sax, we've always prided ourselves as good neighbors to all, while remaining neutral to the blue donut surrounding us, Test does not have a reason to attack us beyond settling old scores.

    Thanks: Good Sax

    TLDR: Get your stuff out of the 37S-KO Keepstar, Test is planning on killing it. And it will die!

    submitted by /u/GoodSaxOfficial
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    AAR: One Month of Umbrella-Busting with DPCI and V0lta and Cyno Changes

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:34 PM PST

    Edit: Just noticed the missing comma in the headline. Sorry :).

    o7. Happy new year all!

    Happenings Last Month:

    Things were a bit slow for us in the DPCI since the reversal of blackout. People including me were afk for different reasons. A month ago we made a comeback with the historical locust fleet hit (o7 to Chossuh and Pittsburgh). And boy was it a good whaling month. Below battlereports are the fleets which we took for the specific purpose of killing things under the most protected umbrella regions of Eve. Umbrella-busting.

    Total kills exceeded 750 billion (see the end for BRs). Yeah we know it's not much wrt Delve Time Units :). If we go with the old value of DTUs of approx. 70b per hour, I estimate another 500 billion of damage is done in DTU's by making a multitude of farmers dock.

    Special thanks to V0lta, Honey Hunters, Capf, TAYLR, and other Panfam corps cooperating with us and trusting us with their gaming time. And Mar5hy, my old FC'ing buddy for commanding most of these fleets and immensely helping me FC the rest. Mar5meca is real.

    Cyno Changes and the New Meta:

    Playing in the new meta, I can say cyno changes have affected umbrella whaling in highly nuanced but positive ways. It made the locust fleet hit possible. It shifted super-killing from tight-knit small gang dreadbombs to big bomber blobs, democratizing whaling content in a good way. It created a new leeway where errors happen and ships die. There is still room for perfect defense and saving ships. It also positively shifted Delve home defense from purely capitals to sometimes Harpies, which is very positive as well. I want to give a special shoutout to John Hartley of Goons for his relentless effort in defending their homes. I'm sure there is room in the new meta for them to develop, and they will give us a hard time for the fleets to come.

    The new meta is still not perfect. For example, it's still overly dependent on afk camping and these kills wouldn't have been possible without it. Believe me I'd exchange afk camping if there were other ways I can hunt without spooking the intel networks. That element of surprise is everything under heavy umbrellas. So far afk camping is all we have wrt circumventing intel and maintaining surprise.

    The new meta is neither broken nor completely suppresses farm of a class of nullseccers (like blackout did, for example). Particularly because 100-200 man bomber fleets don't come together 24/7. They are special occasions a few times a week, and it's fine that they have a chance to kill supers in strongest regions.

    Overall 10/10 change. It gave whalers (among other groups) a lot of benefits, without significantly breaking gameplay of farming and cap PvP'ing playstyles (there were worries). Special thanks to Talos.


    Dec 01: 440 billion - The Rorqualpocalypse

    Dec 02: 4.3 billion in carriers

    Dec 08: 19.6 billion in super and a Rorqual.

    Dec 13: 32 billion in carriers, super, rorquals

    Dec 16: 67 billion in carriers, supers, rorquals

    Dec 22: 45 billion in carriers, supers, rorquals

    Dec 23: 6.4 billion in orcas, carriers, machariel

    Dec 26: 12 billion of carriers

    Dec 29: 70 billion in carriers, supers, rorquals.

    Jan 01: 66.5 billion in carriers, supers, rorquals.

    submitted by /u/Olmeca_Gold
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    My eight inch 3D printed Rorqual for Star Wars: Armada all painted and ready to go. Bonus Megathron in the background.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Does this mean that if my car get destroyed in the heat of battle, I’ll get it replaced ?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Did I just win Eve?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Just another chinese corp that use input broadcasting for pvp.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:24 PM PST

    New Loot Hive Detected!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Current Value: 66 Mil (est)

    Notable Items

    • Intact Armor Plates: 6
    • Enhanced Ward Console: 4
    • Parity Decryptor: 4

    Crate Password: \****

    Further information available when est. value reaches 200 million.


    submitted by /u/Treadpidation
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    Highsec Apostle pilot sets himself free

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:28 PM PST

    One of these Hypernodes is not like the others

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:46 PM PST

    What ever happened to Project Nova?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:38 PM PST

    My friends and I have all dug hours in Dust 514 and I'm craving some dust! I looked on the internet about Project Nova and I signed up for the alpha test thinking maybe it's still available. A while later, I saw articles about Project Nova being canceled in December of 2016.

    So, what ever happened to Project Nova? Is it in development? I saw they went back to the drawing board but that was a few years ago, so they must have something right?

    submitted by /u/lcarbonell323
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    Small Gang PVP Content

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:55 PM PST

    Hi there,

    I wonder if is there any discord or in-game channel apart bsb or microgang, to join some small gang pvp groups for roams? And also can someone list some small gang pvp corps, as I am in one , which is basically dead, so I am looking for some other groups or peoples with who i can roam in small nano gangs. Thanks

    submitted by /u/zaqwsx007
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    Malediction POV - Small Gang v. Horde

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:55 PM PST

    When you try to go through any lowsec close to jita

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:20 AM PST

    Pandemic Horde moved to Delve and they are ratting.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:29 AM PST

    I started playing EVE 8 months ago. 4 months ago I had to take a break for my studies, so I uninstalled EVE. Re-installed it, but now the launcher is stuck like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:48 PM PST

    [RE-HO] #OurEVE2019

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    What's your juicest pod kill?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:43 AM PST

    Just scored this one in a series of unfortunate events, https://zkillboard.com/kill/80784035/ show me yours.

    submitted by /u/Aglio_Piccante
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    INHE evicted Mouth Trumpet Cavalry

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Happy new year dear friends!

    I`m Kara Korbrey - newsmaker of corporation "Inner Hell".

    The end of last year was successful for INHE in a cool battle, which, together with a huge amount of shitpostposting, was presented to us by Mouth Trumpet Cavalry alliance.

    Our fleet attacked the cavalry home system. We knew this team very well, we knew that the guys have been living in this C5 system for a long time, they have a large number of capital ships and can't surrender without a fight. In addition, reinforcements can always come to their aid. And our friends from Scary Wormhole People were in the system the next day.

    Having picked up a truly worthy capital fleet, the opponents attacked our own citadel, which anchored. Our armor fleet of Triglavian ships was afraid to come close under enemy capitals, Vindicator class ships were a strong threat.

    It was decided "to bite off" parts of the enemy fleet using MJD-destroyers. The plan worked. We destroyed all the subcapital ships and then proceeded to destroy the capital fleet.

    So internal hell exchanged Astrahus for the capital of the enemy for a total of 135 billion lawsuit.

    Related: https://zkillboard.com/related/31002002/201912281900/

    The battle video is attached. https://youtu.be/yQ3A07MUkI4

    INHE dont shitpost in local chat

    submitted by /u/MASHAandBEAR
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    I'm confused by EVE, but want to learn. Are there any genuine noob-friendly groups?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    TL;DR Are there any good corporations for new players? Ones that will genuinely help me learn the game and get me immersed?

    MMO's confuse me. Every time I have tried to enter into an MMO, even as simple as The Elder Scrolls: Online, I get lost when it comes to, well, actual MMO aspects of the game.

    That being said, EVE has interested me for years. I've always kinda sat outside the window, jealously looking in from time to time, reading about the economics of the game, the almost nation-like mechanics of corporations, the battles, the high stakes of play, etc. Yet, for all these years, I've never actually really tried the game. It just seems too daunting, and I stick to whatever other games I have been playing at the time.

    The only solution for me it seems is for me to commit to/join a group willing to teach new players. But are there really any of those that you might recommend? I am aware that several groups will often advertise themselves as "new player friendly", only to use the new players as a menial labour force, or will simply drown out the new players in their sea of members.

    So, in short, I'm really interested in EVE, have been for years, but even to this day I don't know how to approach it. No amount of "New player start guides" have helped me actually find my footing in the game, so I am looking for corporations/groups of people who can help me with that instead.

    Thanks for any replies!

    submitted by /u/TriggzSP
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    New Year's Eve in EVE Online | 2020 Fireworks in Jita

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    New to game need help on fit

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:54 PM PST

    How should I set up my Merlin (willing to change ship) for combat? What guns are the best early game, what ammo, what ship and rig etc etc?

    submitted by /u/teven_eel
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    What to do to progress while I wait for skills?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    Hello! I am a baby here and got myself a sub and 5$ worth of plex to sell for isk. Consequently, I'm more than funded to be able to buy my first mining barge but the skills will take a lot of time before I can use it.

    What can I do in the meantime to prepare for my new mining adventures? I intend to try to pay for my sub with isk (this is actually what I enjoy, and it's my first goal I want to achieve) so anything that helps get me there is where I want to go.

    submitted by /u/Shiekira
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