• Breaking News

    Monday, January 20, 2020

    Eve Online [Screenshot] Burn it all

    Eve Online [Screenshot] Burn it all

    [Screenshot] Burn it all

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST


    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:37 PM PST

    Frat doesn't support botting, I swear!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:39 AM PST

    Tom is a shitlord, apparently

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:17 AM PST

    Jumped Through a Gate With Zero Shield, Armor, Hull. TIL? Not sure what I learned...

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:04 PM PST

    $3250 Explosion

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:06 PM PST

    [NER] The 1900 News on Sunday 19th January

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:35 AM PST



    NER Local News at 7 o'clock. This is Theodred Alabel. Good evening.

    • Federation Uprising Announces Deployment to Tribute
    • First Zirnitra Triglavian Dread Dies as a Part of Raising Awareness for the PLEX for GOOD campaign.
    • Carnage in Providence Leads to Over 70B Destroyed
    • Battle in Insmother Between TRI, SLYCE, Panfam and FIRE Co.

    Federation Uprising Announces Deployment to Tribute

    On January 16th, during a SOTA, Federation Uprising (FEDUP) announced they would be deploying to the region of Tribute on a content campaign. Any groups living in the region as well as in Vale of the Silent will be considered a viable target for the duration of their deployment. Shortly after getting into the area, they third-partied on an ongoing fight between a couple of the groups residing in the region, with the skirmish ending with about 5B total ISK destroyed. New Eden Report will keep you informed as this deployment continues to develop.

    First Zirnitra Dread Dies as a Part of Raising Awareness for the PLEX for GOOD campaign

    On January 18, in the system of F7C-H0 in Cloud Ring, numerous groups gathered to shoot shit and get in on what would end up being the first Zirnitra loss in EVE history. The Triglavian dread was released as part of the Chapter 2 expansion to the Triglavian Invasion. Goonswarm came in Megas, while Pandemic Horde came in Hurricanes, while the Initiative formed up in Triglavian based fleet.

    The Zirnitra was piloted by The Initiatives own Dark Shines, valued at just under 20B ISK when it died. When the dust settled, over 155B ISK was destroyed, only reinforcing the EVE community standard of loving to blow space pixels up given the chance. Special thanks to u/DarkShinesInit for flying the thing like a boss and The Initiative for hosting the event, it is great to see the community step up to raise awareness about good causes. For those interested, here is a link to a reddit post showing video footage of the dread in its dying moments.

    Carnage in Providence Leaves Over 70B ISK Destroyed

    On January 17th, in the system of Shintaht in Providence, fighting broke out between Provi Bloc forces and Honorable Third Party, Purple Helmeted Warriors, and Pandemic Horde over a content structure that was coming out of anchor in the system. HTP and Co primarily formed up in Ferox's, Lokis and Hurricanes while Provi Bloc mainly formed up in Munnins. As the battle progressed, fighting intensified over the structure, resorting to Provi Bloc escalating and dropping dreads onto the grid to alleviate pressure.

    Ultimately, the structure was saved, however, the butcher's bill for the battle came in at approximately 80B ISK. This is just part of what has been an ongoing conflict between the groups in the region, and NER will keep you posted as the situation continues to develop.

    Battle in Insmother Between TRI, SLYCE, Panfam and FIRE Co.

    On January 16th, fighting broke out in the system of EFM-C4 in Insmother between Triumvirate, SLYCE, and Panfam forces and FIRE Coalition forces over an anchoring astrahus. Triumvirate and SLYCE formed up primarily in Lokis with a Munnin support fleet from Panfam, while FIRE coalition forces elected to form auto-cannon machariels with fax support.

    Early in the engagement, the defenders escalated dropping dreads onto the field. They were able to easily dispatch FIRE Coalitions machariel fleet and fax support, however, their astrahus in the system was successfully destroyed by attackers. Fighting lasted approximately 1 hour long, with over 35B ISK destroyed, 30.5B ISK of which was lost by FIRE Coalition in their efforts to successfully kill the anchoring astrahus.

    Local News:

    XtraSquishy fun in Delve nets 5B in kills.

    On January 19th, in the system of 23G-XC in Delve, a Pandemic Horde assault frigate gang led by EVE personality XtraSquishy was able to tackle a rorqual with numerous mining alts and a Nidhoggur carrier on standby to defend it. Upon landing on grid with the Rorqual, the pilot instantly hit his panic mod and the fleet decided to engage the carrier in the meantime. WIth no help seemingly planning to arrive as his PANIC timer expired, the fleet shifted gears in to popping all the subcap miners before letting the rorqual go. A video of the battle and adventure can be found here. All told, the fleet was able to kill over 5B ISK between the carrier and all the subcap miners.

    United Federation of Confiers Overcomes the Odds to Kill Astra in Pure Blind

    Back on January 2nd, fighting broke out in the system of DK-FXK over a astrahus that was in final timer between Iron Crown, Ranger Regiment, and Dracarys and United Federation of Conifers. Confiers formed up in a Raven Navy Issue Fleet with two (~30) to kill the astrahus while the defenders formed in a combination of Hurricanes and Feroxes with logi (~90). Fighting for the timer ended up lasting over 90 minutes,and ultimately Conifers was able to successfully kill the astra. All told, around 8B was lost in the battle, with the the ISK lost approximately even across both sides. This was a really cool fight to watch, so I certainly recommend watching it if you have not yet done so.

    New Patch Brings Shield Slaves And More\*

    As many of you know, there was an update and patch to EVE on the 16th of January. Here are some of the Highlights:

    • Heavy Missiles got a 5% buff to their explosion velocity and damage
    • Added Nirvana "Shield Slave" implants, available through the Dragonaur Blitz lowsec event, with mid- and high-grade versions available now.
    • Event filaments were migrated to Calm (level 1) Abyssal Filaments: 01 and 02 to Dark, 03 and 05 to Gamma, 04 to Firestorm, 06-08 to Electrical, and 09 to Exotic
    • Characters who were traded now show the date of trade

    To see what else they did in the patch, be sure to read their article posted on the EVE website.

    \Special thanks to* u/ChristianAzinn for following through and writing a sum-up of the patch notes. It is really appreciated and saves me countless amounts of time. If you want to help writing, be sure to join the discord and reach out to me.

    PLEX for GOOD Campaign

    On January 8th, in a Tweet, EVE Online Announced that it would do a PLEX for GOOD campaign to raise money for those who have been affected by the wildfire wildfires that have been raging across Australia.

    So far, there have been plenty of generous donations. Others have, in typical eve fashion, have offered to donate PLEX toward the cause in exchange for rare CCP corpses. The event is going to run until January 26th, so be sure to donate your PLEX (minimum 100 PLEX) to the toon CCP PLEX for GOOD. The community of EVE Online has always been known for its generosity, and I fully expect we will step up to the plate!

    That's the news in New Eden. Thanks for reading.

    If there are inaccuracies in any of the above, please let us know so that they can be fixed.

    Would you like to write for NER? Maybe writing isn't your thing but you're a hotshot in Photoshop. If you have any skills to lend to our cause of unbiased journalism then hop onto Discord and speak to a member of staff.

    Featured image credit: Adan Dimaloun

    submitted by /u/Sgt_Slice14
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    Free Alpha Pack Key

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:16 PM PST

    So I bought an Alpha pack key on Green Man Gaming not knowing that I had already purchased and redeemed an Alpha pack key 2 years ago from somewhere else. (whoops)

    Since I can't redeem it, I'm hoping someone else can...


    submitted by /u/PottyMcSmokerson
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    Purging 23G-XC

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Dark synth music for Eve sessions that run through the night

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:51 AM PST

    Abyssal Guides

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    [Video] Test Dropbear SIG Spreads Torpedo Diplomacy

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:43 PM PST

    The SC diaries - Lowsec survival

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Dear diary,

    I've been through a lot since the last time I wrote to you. Last time, I was very excited about the pvp that had come my way. The next few days were great as well. We fought off the invaders from our rival highschool, though at great cost; we got involved in a gang war; got our black hats thrown off the rack; took part in a nuclear test and exterminated some crustaceans; got our black hats removed again; and ran our trucks into a brick wall.

    Things heated up when some jocks from our rivaling highschool tried to plant their flag on a neighbouring marching band field. The marching band didn't like this and started throwing profanities their way and smashing the flag. The nasty jocks ran to get baseball bats and wanted to take revenge on the poor musicians, so obviously we had to step in and calm both sides down. Sadly, the jocks then got their big brothers involved as well, and we had to run.

    Thinking we did the marching band a solid, we gleefully went on our way and waved to them next time we passed by. Either they did not remember or they do not like us, because they threw their retainers at us. That dental insult obviously could not stand, so we quickly cleaned off all the drool and food remnants of the last meal and shanked them on the way out. No marching band will get the best of me!

    The next day, we found some boys with exposed genitals lobbing rocks at squirrels. We thought this was not proper ecological etiquette, so we ran over to help the squirrels. Sadly, the rodents didn't seem to like us either, since they buried us in chestnuts, rather than the mean boys lobbing those rocks. A second group of good samaritans came in to lend aid, but they were also treated to a shit sandwich, rather than the expected gratitude.

    Feeling unjustly treated and deprived of righteous victory, we went paintballing and shot some of the nearby math geeks. It turned out the math geeks had another paintball match planned without us, so we decided to crash the party. We were clearly not invited; they all grabbed their paintball guns and opened fire on us straight away. Sustaining heavy losses, we slugged on and took down math geek, after math geek, after math geek. It was not enough, though: Soon enough, we ran out of paintballs. Luckily, the manager came in and started screaming at them, distracting them long enough for us to grab new paintballs. They threw some sucker punches on the way out, but we forced them off and took their instruments. Although we were not invited, we did end up having a good time, and we got to take home the rest of the pizza!

    The next day, while still on the toilet trying to clear all that pizza out of my system, I got a call from a friend from preschool. He was being teased by some mean bomb squad grunts. They were chasing him around town, trying to trip him, shove him off the sidewalk, etc. It took me a while to finish up, but I went to his house as fast as I could. I arrived too late to save him, due to toilet-related issues, but I did take revenge. However, once we left, they didn't let up on my poor friend. I had to come back a few times to remind them to be nice. But lo and behold, next time I was in town: They were out bullying someone else. Now sick of their bullshit, I decided to hit them where it hurts: I went and destroyed their trucks. That'll teach them to be mean to my friends.

    I guess the moral of the story is that bad things happen to bad people, but sometimes to good people, too. I'm not as optimistic as I was last time, dear diary, but I'm still hopeful. Tomorrow will be a better day, with plenty of trucks to destroy!

    TL;DR: Small scale pvp is hard to find, and you get blobbed often, but it is still around. Mother lowsec provides. Prepare for many welps, but also many fun fights. Also, SC is recruiting.

    submitted by /u/ItsmeHcK
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    <10: So You Want to PvP (ft. Suitonia) - Ep. 17

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Pando's FC Chat #16 - Killah "The Pony Groper" Bee

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:22 PM PST

    cerlestes' Ore Table: network issues for older clients resolved!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:36 AM PST

    Hey Guys. I've recently upgraded to a newer server for my website: https://ore.cerlestes.de/

    That didn't change anything about the website itself, but it meant that I had to setup a new server from scratch, upgrading all used software to the latest available versions. And with that I decided to configure my web server to only use TLS 1.3, which is the latest version of the encryption protocol that underlies most encrypted traffic on the internet.

    What I didn't think about is that, as it turned out, many of my users were still using clients that straight up don't support TLS 1.3 as of today. This means that my change accidentaly blocked out quite a few of the users (~10%), and I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience of not being able to access the site for one and a half weeks.

    It seems like this affected Windows 7 users the most, as browsers there have to implement TLS 1.3 themselves, or accessing the website will throw a "protocol version unsupported" error, as the operating system isn't capable of handling it. Same goes with older versions of Android. The problem was resolved when I enabled the possibility for clients to request TLS 1.2 again. I'll keep this enabled for a few more months (or maybe 1-2 years), depending on how secure the older protocol remains.

    So if you were one of the affected users, again: sorry! Special thanks to /u/alphaTaka who let me know about the problem here on reddit. I'm watching a lot of metrics to make sure the site is functioning properly, but sadly this was one of those kinds of errors that are very hard to notice. So if you ever find anything odd, just hit me up.


    submitted by /u/cerlestes
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    World First Dead Triglavian Dread (Zirnitra) for PLEX for good. Thanks to INIT for the GF

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:48 AM PST

    PSA: Jump freighters exist for a reason

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:50 AM PST

    New player and I like PVE

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST

    I am flying a catalyst right now. Going from anomaly to anomaly trying to make isk but it is very minimal. I have a decent fit but it seems to be better for asteroid belt ratting. What is a good starter fit for my ship to pull off tier 2 anomalies and make decent isk? Also how do I find these rats in the asteroid belts? Everyone I have went to has no rats there.

    submitted by /u/Timelord387
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    Dust to Dust.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:50 PM PST

    PvP Commentary #6 | Malediction

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Scanner strength required to scan Level 5 sites.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    What is the necessary scanner strength required for level 5 sites?

    submitted by /u/todthetidepod
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    What Software for Propaganda Videos/Video Editing?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Hey r/eve

    I have the curse of a creative mind with absolute 0 exposure to video creation/editing. Its torture, And after two great ideas came to my head this morning, I want to see if I'll actually get off my ass and do something about it, rather than have the thought die.

    So I come to you.

    What video editing/recording software would you suggest to use when making eve propaganda videos, or even just general eve recording/video editing?

    In particular:

    - For recording and editing over actual show/movie material (the classic alliance/coalition logos on heads of popular/iconic movie or show scenes)

    -For general in-game recording and associated video editing that would include cutting in/adding external visuals and audio in the video.

    May be a slow learning process but I'll be damned if I don't get these two thoughts out.

    Thanks for the help - and hope some of you get the propaganda going again because I feel like Eve has had a serious absence of it in the past year or two.

    submitted by /u/LifeLine91
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    CCP gives miners another round of stealth nerfs

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Ice anomaly respawn time increased from 4 hours to 5 hours

    submitted by /u/japoke105
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