• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Eve Online Well...What's it gonna be then?

    Eve Online Well...What's it gonna be then?

    Well...What's it gonna be then?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Tranquility above 32,600 players logged in

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST


    I for one am optimistic about the future and cannot wait to see what Talos has planned for January 14th.

    Also remove AOE DDs and haw guns from titans pls thx. They never should have re-added them back in 2016

    EDIT: WE HIT 33,000 BOYS https://i.imgur.com/rBJTcQW.png

    submitted by /u/tell32
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    CCP, ik yall get alotta flak like "CCP is garbage", so heres something different: Thanks for supporting WINE!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:35 PM PST

    SLYCE are very kind people

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:28 PM PST

    EvE-Scout Rescue 2019: Year in Review

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    A little over a year ago Thrice Hapus (now Signal Cartel's CEO) handed the keys to the EvE-Scout Rescue Director's office to me. Much has happened since then but I have to say the passion and work the members of the ESR team never ceases to amaze me. Many outside of Signal Cartel may not realize how many players and how much effort has gone into our rescue program.

    This year was our biggest year yet as we grew our cache numbers to a peak of 2412 systems, 92.7% of Anoikis back in October. The new sharable bookmarks appear to be increasing tending and we're climbing again, with 86% current coverage.

    Rescue Cache Activity 2019

    Arturon Megumi took the time to create a great visualization for us:

    Cache Activity Visual

    Over the course of the year we conducted 415 rescues (202 from rescue caches, 213 Search and Rescue) up from 351 (194 ESRC and 157 SAR) the year previous. Just before I became director we crossed the 500 rescue mark and are now closing in on 1000. Everything comes down to these, Rescues are what the EvE-Scout Rescue Division is all about!


    The ESR team consists of two main groups of pilots, our ESR Coordinators and our 911 Operators. When you make a rescue request through our site the call goes out to team of 911 Operators who work to find the best solution for your situation. We currently have over 30 operators active.

    The ESR Coordinators are an experienced group of rescue pilots who aid the operators and respond directly when we locate search and rescue systems. Over the course of the year the coordinator team has grown to eight pilots. I believe strongly that while my name is on the door the coordinator team exemplifies the aphorism: "Build a team so strong no one knows who the leader is." They are all exceptional and most of my job is just keeping the paperwork in order and handing out medals.

    Also exceptional is our co-pilot Allison and her creator A Dead Parrot. The rescue program would not have the success it has had without his amazing work. Allison lets our pilots know where rescue caches are, when they need to be tended, when they locate a rescue system, and much, much more. She even has a radio built in!

    You can see our entire rescue team on the EvE-Scout Rescue site.

    I'd also like to thank all our devs this year working on the tools that make this program possible: In particular A Dead Parrot, Thrice Hapus, Klensor, Orsel Solette, and Sky Diamond who have put up with our many requests for changes and fixes. Thanks for all your great work!

    Shareable Bookmarks

    A big change for our rescue operations was the introduction of sharable bookmarks. In the past there have been a number of attempts to share rescue cache bookmarks but the old voucher system was too limiting for it ever to be practical. When I first saw the proposed new bookmark system I knew it would mean big changes for our operations. In mid November, when the changes became available for testing, myself and some coordinators started testing the system and figuring out how it worked. In late November, before the changes rolled out, I posted a proposal for discussion in our forums based on what we had discovered. There was a lot of discussion following and working from that discussion we rolled out a formal system for sharing our cache bookmarks amongst our cache tenders and to stranded pilots. Since then we've continued to refine and improve the system. Tending and rescuing are now faster and easier than ever.

    2019 STATS!

    Rescue Caches

    • Actions this period: 49672
    • Sowed: 10865
    • Tended: 38541

    Pilots Rescued: 415

    • Accessed cache: 202
    • Found by Search and Rescue pilots: 213

    Signal Cartel Pilots

    • Maintaining Caches: 418
    • Participated in rescues: 164

    Oldest Rescue Cache

    • Sown on April 19th, 2018
    • 626 days
    • Tended 56 times by 39 pilots.

    Highest Cache Count

    • 2412 (92.7%) on October 28th, 2019

    Most Active Day

    – October 6th, 2019 (251 tends and 45 sown by 37 pilots, five 911 calls and one rescue)

    Total Caches in Anoikis Right Now (Jan 4th 2020)

    • 2298 of 2603 (88.3%)

    Looking forward to another great year!

    Igaze - Director, EvE-Scout Rescue

    submitted by /u/chigaze
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    Just started playing and all I have to say is, this game is fantastic!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Let me start by saying I've played a lot of mmos, but none of them have ever left me with such a good first impression. I've recently been looking for a new game to play but shied away from Eve online because most of the things I've read about it are negative

    Well I decided to just give it a shot because I LOVE anything to do with space. The first few hours I didn't know what the hell was going on half the time. But now I've sunk a god 15 hours in, and I can really appreciate it! The scenery is beautiful. I love the complexity of the different career systems it has. The customization and what you can do with your ships is overwhelming but I can appreciate it.

    I'm a huge star trek nerd, and I love STO, but this beats it out if the water (not that you can fully compare the two). I ACTUALLY FEEL like a starship captain. Planning my next moves accordingly because every little thing counts. It has any air of realism that puts me fully into the game. I still have a ton to learn, and haven't found anyone to play with really yet, but I look forward it!

    All in all, give it a go if you haven't already. I'm dying to get home and play it again.

    submitted by /u/Quartachyon
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    Don't be like this Goon and pester CCP Convict about your multiple support tickets. He has nothing to do with them.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Bots against Bots: Reducing Botting ISK Faucet

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:28 PM PST

    No matter how you play EVE, from mining to missions, from wormholes to nullsec, most players agree; Fuck Bots

    I believe CCP could implement a game mechanic which would potentially create content for players at most, and problems for botters at the least.

    The mechanic? Scripted Concord players apart of NPC corporations. These "anti-bot" bots would roam null sec, 24/7. They would acheive what rats do not, which is having a neutral reputation character appear in local chat. A bots worst nightmare.

    If they roam without combat capabilities, then botters are actively being interrupted for their docking time duration, ie, less isk printed.

    If they roam with combat capabilities, then at most they actually kill bots, and at the least, act as content to active players while still achieving the non-combat benefits.

    What are your thoughts? One concern I see is people having issues with "NPC" pilots. Perhaps thinking its a step in the wrong direction for EVEs core principles as a sandbox.

    submitted by /u/mangzane
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    Guy loses empty super and then super fit Thanny?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    EVE as an Alpha

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:51 PM PST

    It's going to be a long one, no TL;DRs.

    I'm going to keep my IGN hidden for now, but you can probably figure me out from my Reddit name. I've been playing for almost 4 years now, started way back in the summer of 2016 and somehow I'm still around. I don't remember exactly where I heard about EVE from, but somehow I created a character and began playing.

    As a high school student, I didn't really have any income sources except from part timing as a swim instructor and I was saving up for university, so I only played for the trial period, and despite finding it really addicting I gave up EvE and did other things.

    However, when the Alpha/Omega clone states were released I immediately got back into EvE and started to play. The first couple of days were terrible, mining in a venture making maybe a million every 15 mins. I did a bit of research online, and found out that begging/scamming was a viable profession for alphas and that Jita was probably the best place to do so. I moved my measly venture to Jita, and began my career. I begged in local and my starter corp for maybe 30 mins, and someone gave me 50m and an invite to his corp. He told me that if I could move to e nullsec staging, he would give me another 50m. After a couple of failed attempts by a wardecced group murderizing me, I finally made it and he gave me the promised 50m and a fitted venture. I deathcloned back to Jita and ended up wasting all my money on a luxury yacht, because it was the only nullified ship alphas could fly.

    The CEO was very generous, and would frequently give me fitted incursus or donations of 15-20m and tell me to buy a cruiser, thorax or vexor since I was racial locked, and use it for missions/pvp. I never ended up getting any kills but I took a lot of losses and eventually started to lose interest. However, one day on comms the CEO was talking to another member about supplying pvp ships and somehow I ended up recieving almost 400m worth of fitted T1 cruisers.

    At this point, I had an internal dilemma. I really didn't want to stay with the corp because they didn't really teach me anything, just give ships and buy back ores that I mined. I was making maybe 1m every 10 mins now, but in nullsec people frequently camped the NPC station and it wasn't very fun. I heard stories about Pandemic Legion and how they were the "elite" group of players and I tried to apply to them. My application was tossed and I moved on.

    Eventually, after losing enough ships I basically gave up, liquidating all my assets at Rens and getting maybe 300m isk. I created a new character, however this time a Caldari one because I wanted to try out missiles and transfered all my isk to my new character before I biomassed. I tried applying to big nullsec groups i heard about like Dreddit, Brave and Karmafleet but nobody wanted me because I was an alpha. Eventually, I stumbled upon Horde and everything changed.

    This was way back when horde lived in Pure Blind, with the main keepstar being in 7RM. As soon as I moved in, someone told me there was a defense fleet forming up. I hopped on mumble, listened to the FC say what to shoot while I madly clicked buttons in my kestrels while the caracals were doing actual work. My first pvp experience where i wasn't instantly killed (still lost my kestrel near the end), and I actually managed to lock targets and ineffectively shoot my rockets at the enemy. Eventually, some NBI people taught me what to train for, and after a week or so I had a caracal trained up.

    I loved flying the caracal, shooting enemies without a care in the world. However, eventually my 300m starting isk ran dry and I was forced to ask my corpmates for money for more caracals. People told me to not beg in corp, and without any ships to fly I could only watch fleet fights go on as I sat in my Ibis watching. Eventually, one day i decided to warp to a wreck and discovered almost 10 million isk worth of T2 loot inside. For most people on r/Eve this is literal pennies, but back then with no income this was a huge deal. Just a mere 2 wrecks looted could allow me to fly another caracal.

    I started to make my isk looting, at first with the rest of the fleet after the battles were over. If I managed to survive in my caracal, I would rush to the nearest wreck and hope it had some goodies inside. Sometimes I managed to get 20m in a single wreck. Eventually, I made enough money and bought back my yacht that I sold. However, this got me thinking. If I could accumulate enough money from looting, maybe I could even go omega, and try out something like a proteus (because I thought DPS was all that mattered back then). I also got into exploration, and made about 60m/hour for a while.

    I gave up my caracal and switched to a griffin and took my first step to training looting 5. I eventually learned from looting tons of ships that pirate/faction and T2/T3 wrecks were usually the most profitable, and that T2/T3 salvage was worth a lot of money. I slapped some salvagers on a corm, looted wrecks with my griffin and jammed enemies whenever there was a fleet. I made close to 3b this way, getting faster and faster at opening and hitting that loot all button.

    Once I hit 3b, I decided I wanted a stable income. I read up on ratting, decided on an optimal ratting fit and bought 500 plex + 2 large skill injectors. I injected into a VNI and day after day I would semi-afk rat with about 500 dps, making about 15m/tick after school. I would do my homework while afk ratting, and occasionally lose a ship to hostiles roaming our staging. Eventually, I learned that C4C was the safe bubbled off zone, and every month I gained more and more SP for ratting and got my ticks up to 20m.

    Eventually, after making almost 15b from ratting I decided I wanted to increase my income, and bought 10 injectors, the gallente carrier skillbook and a poorfit t1 thanatos. This was an active activity, so I couldn't use it as often, maybe 1-2 hours every day, but ratting was insanely profitable. Carrier ratting was rather intuitive for me, shoot the big things with the special attack and get 60m/hour.

    I generated another 10b isk over the period of about a month, and decided I wanted to invest it. I discovered that you could sort contracts based on highest price, and I settled on a signal amplifier II BPO. I bought my first T2 BPO, sorta bragged to the rest of horde about it and that was that. Moved on, did more ratting and kept making more money. By this point a director, who had previously told me to stop looting in combat, was pissed off with me since I stopped showing up to fleets, and he gave me an ultimatum. I would either participate in fleets, or I had 24 hours to pack up my carrier and go. Obviously not happy with this, I decided I would liquidate my assets, sell my character on forums using PLEX transfer and move my shit onto a new character.

    I tried applying to the other corps, but again they didn't want Alphas. By this point, alphas were no longer race locked and could train 20m SP. I created a new Caldari character, trained for a VNI + 5 heavy drones and reapplied to horde. I immediately moved to the C4C pocket and earned about 12m/tick with my alpha VNI. At this time, I also sold my T2 BPO back because I didn't really see the purpose of keeping it, and I made 12.5b off of it. I bid on a Beserker II BPO on forums' auction section because there weren't a lot of bids and I somehow won it at 13b.

    However, this turned out to be worth about 105b, and I sold it to someone at 100b. With all my previously earned money, I suddenly had 110b on hand and had no idea what to do with it. Eventually, I stumbled upon AT ships and my wealth really started to take off. I bought my first AT ship, a Whiptail and bragged in horde discord. Another director got mad at me since i had almost no fleet activity, and he again gave me an ultimatum, train for interceptors and use my whiptail or be kicked.

    Since this character was already at 5m SP and I couldn't train it, I just sold my character on forums using PLEX transfer and created a new account. Now I still have a decent amount of isk, so I again train for a caracal, buy and lose a few of them and keep having fun with horde. Eventually, one day I decide that I really want a Chameleon, and I resort to some less ethical ways of getting it. I completely give up on ratting and decide that I'll exclusively fly griffins, fitted with jams and whore missiles to get on KMs and only loot. I got really good at looting, picking up billions from large battles by watching both friendly and hostile force recons and T3Cs and when they get shot at and which wrecks belong to them. I looted at least another 10b over a month, and realized maybe a Chameleon was actually feasible.

    However, all good things come to an end. I was starting to get burned out making isk, and after making another 30 billion I really didn't see myself getting the 275b necessary for a Chameleon. I sold my whiptail for 120b, and decided that this would be a good stopping point and maybe it was time to quit. HOWEVER, right around then someone named Rupee Rue was selling a caedes for 90b on forums, and I thought hey why not and bought it up. Unfortunately, I traded it for a virtuoso shortly after and sat on it for a good long while. However, this was enough to get me motivated again, and I decided to try other professions. I somehow completed 500 levels of PD right around when the marshal was released, and got about 10b. I left horde for good this time, and decided I wanted to try my hand at corporation theft.

    I joined a C6 WH corp, stole all the ammo/fighters since I was given gunnary roles. I made a quick billion off of them, and I realized that corp theft wasn't meant for me. I felt too guilty to continue, so instead I started to do station trading in Jita. I'm not going to disclose exactly what I traded because it's still profitable even now, but I was making about 1500 plexes, so 1.5m * 1500 - 1.8m * 1500 a month. I did this for a while, got bored and moved on to PI/SP farming. I had 3 characters, each pulling about 1b/month revenue from PI and SP farming just about covered the cost of plexxing. I did this for about 3 months before I realized how tedious setting up PI orders were as well as moving shit around daily. At this point I was probably in my last year of high school, and I needed a 95% average to get into the computer science program at the university I wanted. I bought a red faction fort and telemetry processors as an investment, had a bit of spare money and left EvE for a while.

    Eventually, after I was accepted into university, I started playing EvE again. This time, when I logged back in I realized telemetry processors were being bought at almost 180k each. I sold as much as I could, but it quickly dropped down to 40k, then down to the 15k isk that we know and love today. I probably pulled about 30b profit from that, and was pretty hyped. Uni started, I rejoined horde because old habits die hard and this time they were in Geminate. I did a bit of looting, got maybe another 10b before I finally gave up for good. I traded the red fort for a loggerhead BPC and sold it, and then had no real direction. AT ships had gone up in price, and now my Chameleon was even farther than it was before.

    I had maybe 250b (pricing the virtuoso at 140b) if I liquidated all my assets, and this was basically the end for me. I messed around, before investing all my remaining liquid isk into plex. At this point, plex was something like 3.5m each, and I basically bet all my money into this. Fortunately for me, It shot up to 4.3m each, and I sold it at 4.2m each in fear that the bubble would pop. This got me up to 285b, and I messed around with more station trading, before finally getting 300b. I swapped my virtuoso + 160b for someone's Chameleon, and finally I had achieved my goal.

    But then I realized the Chameleon is kinda ugly, and also that I love the drug hold in serpentis ships for some reason, so I sold the Cham at 340b, bought NC.'s Victor at 325b and bought all 3 special edition Miasmoses because they have quafe holds.


    I guess the moral of the story is to do what you want, and even if it's tedious and boring as long as you have a goal to work towards and you find it enjoyable to do what you want. Also just because you're alpha doesn't mean that you can't amass wealth, there are plenty of very profitable activities that alphas can do. As long as you have a goal to work towards, EvE will always be fun!

    submitted by /u/nep_neps
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    Testing the waters

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:38 PM PST

    So everyone, this is a sort of informational post.

    I have a friend who is also a gamer. She is a up and coming artist, and her work is quite stunning. I recently gave her the idea to paint scenes and ships from EvE and possibly offer them to the community, water and oil paintings.

    If there is enough support for this, she might just do it. Would that be something you guys would be interested in?

    Is this something that people would be willing to pay for and what sort of price point is appropriate ?

    If the thread goes well, I'll show it to her. Just a thought to add something to the community.


    Edit: One last question. Since we know CCP owns the images in EvE as well as the ships, would there be a legal issue with this? If someone with more knowledge in this could put an opinion on it, that'd be great.

    submitted by /u/mr_snowden
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    Skill Points and ISKs

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:30 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    People were having a discussion the other day in my corp over what is the best way to get SPs through Injectors and what not.

    So I did some quick napkin math and I thought that it would be a good idea to share.

    TLDR, if you have time, go for the Multiple Pilot Training certificate with implants. Otherwise, Injectors, until you have more than 80M Skill Points, where you would go for the Master at Arms.

    Quick comparison of the various ways to get SPs

    submitted by /u/Xaintailles
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    Is it ever worth extracting skill points?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:21 PM PST

    I have 3 accounts. My main has just over 78m SP but started life as industry pilot. Lot of points into production, reprocessing and most importantly a maxed rorqual pilot, or was at the time. I started two more accounts to get my little army up and running and trained one of them into a rorqual but only a T1 fit. This was over a year a go, my goals have changed and mining couldn't be further from them.


    Don't plan on touching my main, got a lot of what id consider useless skills right now but in the future I might need/want them so he is staying as is. I was thinking about grabbing 10 extractors and pulling out the rorqual skills/other industry skills from my alt. Worse case I go back to mining and he sits in a exhumer/barge but I don't see that happening anytime soon.


    In my particular case, do you think it would be worth while extracting some SP from my alt? 10 extractors and using them on my main would give me 3m SP. Would certainly help fill in a few of the many subcap holes I have & get into one or two T3C's I've had my eye on for a while. I only ask because I've looked through a few older threads and the consensus seemed to be that it's not worth it.



    submitted by /u/Benzh
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    T5 Abyssals ... when it goes wrong.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:59 AM PST

    200+ Million ISK per hour from Emerging Conduits...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:37 AM PST

    I made a video on my current method for grinding conduits that might be worth trying if you have the skills. I would be curious what other ideas people have tried to get the most out of this content.


    submitted by /u/ichii3d
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    Person won a hypernet without owning any hypernodes? :thinking:

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:58 AM PST

    Nice Kill for the New Year

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Happy New Year and all the best for 2020 https://zkillboard.com/kill/80838001/

    submitted by /u/GMCWard72
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    Two Filament Fleets, One System

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Just found my unofficial goonswarm bee from 2007, anyone else got old goon propaganda? :)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:54 AM PST

    Looking to start

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:54 PM PST

    I'm looking to start eve online but I'm not sure if it's worth it and if I would be behind everyone else. I need some advice

    submitted by /u/Infernox33
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    Is this new CCP fake marketing or did I miss it before?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    So this ad on the launcher for the starter pack https://puu.sh/EWxxr/8627b13d3b.png with a BUY NOW - 4.99! it has a banner at the top right saying "WORTH 10$!". Considering this is the pack that just gives you SP and some worthless skins that aren't for sale in the NEX, how is it "WORTH 10$!"?

    This is pretty low for false marketing, it's the same kind of thing that companies like Sears/JC Penny had a lawsuit for. There is no precedent for these SP to be worth 100% more than the current price, as they've never sold for any more, so it is a blatant lie to try to entice people to buy. Did anyone else notice that?

    submitted by /u/Hehaw5
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    Moral-wise, what is the best faction?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:10 AM PST

    I haven't gotten too deep into lore yet but I would like to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Pr_Bolivia
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    X-files join Goons?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    X-files - "famous" russian corp which planned kick all russian corp from test alliance (link) and then left TAPI, seems that they leave no value ally soon tm, around 18 january after their corp meeting and join goons or another alliance in the imperium. stock up popcorn

    leak discord


    submitted by /u/Notins
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