• Breaking News

    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Eve Online Day 7: EVE has died and gone to heaven

    Eve Online Day 7: EVE has died and gone to heaven

    Day 7: EVE has died and gone to heaven

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:50 AM PST

    RIP in pieces to EVE, it has not only passed away, but its corpse has been interred, withered away to bones, ripped back out of the ground by a hisec wardeccing corp, defiled, stripped for the ceremonial skill injectors it was buried with and then pissed on

    7 days, that's one week for those who don't know how many days are in a week

    submitted by /u/HowWinterKills
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    Looks like CCP is starting a trend

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:56 PM PST

    I see your forgotten missiles, and raise you these forgotten Torps.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

    The Friend ship

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Today another fellow in game friend and pilot of mine decided to win EvE. Among the assets he splitted between his fellow Breathrens i had the honor to recieve the most expensive one. "The Friend ship".

    Thank you for all the explosions and good times we shared.

    Thank you for always being beside me on impossible grids, tolerating my ill temper and bad english.

    Thank you for considering me your friend even if we have never met in person.



    submitted by /u/D-DeaDwooD
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    tfw you can't even launch a client anymore

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST

    EvE offline and the new meta, CCP wins the game for many

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:11 AM PST

    So apparently the point of EvE is to quit. Quitting EvE is how you win the game. Thanks to the DDOS attacks, for many of you (not me unfortunately, only had connection issues for about an hour 2 days ago) you've already won the game - or more accurately CCP has won the game for you.

    Congratulations on those of you who have won. I'm sorry I didn't join you. Enjoy your accolades.

    submitted by /u/Shadowedsphynx
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    So CCP, would you "MAYBE" be arsed about communicating at a given moment ?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:40 PM PST

    What is it now ? Day 7 I believe of that shitshow going on ? What have we got from you CCP ? Some random tweets whenever TQ was shitting it's pants more than a 10/10 runner about to get dropped by Yonis ?

    Could you be arsed at any moment telling us what is going on and what you might be doing to fix the situation ? How hard is it ? Like, let's be fair, you guys are already pretty much clowns to your player-base, but you are just making it worse on yourselves by not communicating and all you will win is people unsubing because they are going to be fed up with your typical bullshit.

    Tell us what the hell you are doing and what is going on. Even if you have no solution yet, even if you actually don't give a fuck about all of this, just say it and tell us.

    Not communicating is the worse you can possibly do, because it makes you look even more incompetent than you could be in reality.

    submitted by /u/Logan-Aigaion
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    Nine Titans Killed in December

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:21 PM PST

    I was just looking at dev reports for December. There were nine Titans killed that month. I can remember when there were nine Titans in the entire game. Crazy.

    submitted by /u/klj12574
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    I'm a BOS guy

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Lyrics are on the soundcloud:



    Hope you enjoy. It's been a while since I've done any of these and I've had a few good ideas recently but lost my voice (thank god I didn't get that cold whilst on my holiday in China, right? Would've spoiled the whole thing).

    I didn't do the outro bit, cos I dont like it.

    submitted by /u/shutupandshave
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    I see your forgotten torps and your forgotten missiles and raise these forgotten rigs and probes

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    @CCP would it be possible to show on ghost fitting all impactful skills?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Topic says it all really, I think for myself and probably more so for newer players that the ghost fitting window would be even better if it had a mouse over icon that listed all skills which would have an impact on the current fit.

    I was explaining to a newer player earlier today that the rig skills would improve his fit, stuff like this can often be very obscure and for players that don't have past experience it can be very hard for them to discover.

    So I think when you fit your ship, there should be a little warning icon thing in the appropriate space top left which shows up when a skill which impacts the fit is not at level 5, it should then list all those skills so the player can at a glance see exactly what he needs to train to max out his current fit.

    submitted by /u/Taiphoz
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    8 Days and still can't log in

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:03 AM PST

    The total silence from CCP just speaks to their lack of professionalism. I guess because it is internet spaceships they don't feel the need to take care of their customers. While the DDOS isn't their fault it is their problem. If my internet provider went down for this long they would have to compenstae their customers with reduced billing.

    submitted by /u/Dalex404
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    Eve chat...what?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:45 PM PST

    Erm...did this happen to anyone else? Chat just deciding to open the same channel over and over, each with a single person inside.

    See link - https://i.imgur.com/pbWBJ5Y.jpg

    submitted by /u/Adventium
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    Lowsecs hottest FC Hy Wanto comes out of retirement to fight off a korean invasion

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:36 AM PST


    AAR: While Hy was making out with his goth gf irl, abandoning Rakapas and keeping lowsec uncontrolled SiegeGreen used the opportunity to lay Siege to an Infinity Avenger (afk playing wow) faction fortizar.

    Hy lost a game of rock, paper, scissors against Sayler and Tau AD, making him the one to FC the defense fleet.

    Siege Green started shooting the faction fort and hy warped the machariel fleet accompanied by 4 revelations in, a brawl at close range ensued, shortly followed by SG dropping their dreads.

    I ejaculated as I heard "DREADS JUMP IN, DREADS JUMP IN" a sentence I hadn't heard in a long time.

    After the dreadbrawl the machariel fleets tried sniping each other off grid. With his massive brain Hy decided to refit to AC again and warped on top of the SG fleet, tackling them and then cynoing in dreads again to clear them up. SG was forced to warp off and we fought off opportunistic haulers trying to steal our loot.

    GF's all around and thanks to SG and friends for bringing it!

    submitted by /u/Yonis_Pserad
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    WHSOC + SYNDE vs Usurper + NC: Eviction of J133121 (With Text Commentary)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:06 PM PST


    I'm very new to editing so any advice in that regard would be very appreciated, the secondary comms being a bit quiet was unfortunately not fixable for this video but will be fixed in future ones. Was a great fight and there is a second part that may be added soon that has our heavy armor fleet going against the additional NC Arty Loki on the hostile Fortizar grid.


    submitted by /u/Epicloa
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    State of t2 battlecruisers?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 05:10 PM PST

    I feel like I've never seen them, and out of the ones I see they're always either an Astarte or Damnation. (I did see an incursion fleet using a few Eos once) So what are they used for and how often is that?

    submitted by /u/rhys-andrard
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    When X.I.X try fleetwarping people but they leave freemove on

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:10 AM PST

    �� Abyssal Deadspace loot tracker updated with your suggestions!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Hey all,


    As you might remember about a week ago I made a post introducing an Abyss loot tracker website: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/eumce3/abyssal_deadspace_loot_tracker/


    You guys were kind enough to test and use it so now it's correct if I give a feedback post of what changes were made:

    Detailed loot saving

    Probably the biggest change was the loot value calculation. While before you had to manually enter how much is the ISK value of the loot, now you have to copy and paste it from the inventory window. The data you copied will be submitted to Evepraisal to retrieve which items you submitted and what their prices are:

    The loot value will take the averages of the Jita buy and sell prices but how its displayed (red rectangle) is unchanged. The detailed loot table (green) is a new element which shows the prices, and also drop rates of similar runs (same type and tier):


    Run details view: https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/run/422

    More run metadata and easier input

    As you requested more metadata was added to runs. Most important ones are:

    • What ship was used to fly
    • Is the ship frigate or cruiser sized
    • If you died, what is the reason
    • If you died and have a killmail you can share it
    • What is your loot strategy (Just bioadaptive caches, or also nodes?)

    All of the new metadata except are optional. If you don't want to set them you omit setting them.

    To make the new values easier to submit, the site will see your last submitted run and load common settings from there (Abyss type, tier, ship, loot strategy, name visibility)


    New run submission: https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/new

    Individual item drop rates

    If you are interested what is the drop rate of an item you can click its name in the run display or use the Loot table menu item:


    Item drop rates https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/loot/item/48112

    Loot table and item groups:

    A table was also added with all the items that drop in the Abyssal deadspace:


    Loot table: https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/loot/all

    Group items can also be viewed in a similar layout:


    Group loot table: https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/loot/group/1979

    Filtered display of runs

    The menubar has now options to show only runs with a certain type and tier:

    Updated menubar

    Closing words

    If you have ideas on how to improve the website please let me know. (Filament price for a selected run calculation is underway)

    Glorious people who suggested great ideas or helped otherway 😘:

    u/M1N0T4UR u/Lencrennis u/yooken u/Inety u/TorvaldUruz u/_stnick u/rufotris u/Lucius_Arcturus

    Thank you!!

    Edit1: Added link

    Edit2: Re-added pictures that were removed with edit1 (stupid phone app)

    submitted by /u/molbal
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    All region background from wormhole and I made search system

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:08 AM PST

    No Omega Time?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:45 PM PST

    I just came back to eve and decided to buy a one month of omega time for 14.99$ and now when I do manage to get logged in I'm still alpha clone, is the store screwed up also? Or does it take awhile to apply the omega time

    submitted by /u/jbnett
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    Looking for someone to interview

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:22 AM PST


    So me and my friends have a school project, were we need to study the social aspects of a game. We chose Eve online, and would like to interview someone who plays the game alot.

    Comment on this post if you're interested

    submitted by /u/MajesticCate
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    02/02/2020 - TRIGG+etc vs SGGN+etc - Rakapas Fort Fight+(BAD)Commentary

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:29 PM PST

    Eve Online PvP (Hecates vs Navy Brutix) If Only He Attacked You!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:38 PM PST

    Pando's FC Chat #18 - StarFleetCommander

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Absolutely new to EVE and got a simple question.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:37 AM PST

    Hello friends,

    I really want to start playing EVE as I love the whole theme, however, I've got one question as I'm working quite a lot. Is EVE solely a PVP game?

    Is there no way of enjoying the game, your progress, and then going to sleep without having to worry about being destroyed during the night or having your fleets on whatever mission so you don't get sniped?

    Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/FrenchPleblord
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