• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Eve Online Someone had too much time on their hands....

    Eve Online Someone had too much time on their hands....

    Someone had too much time on their hands....

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Got ganked but they paid me?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:40 PM PST

    So I was ice mining in lowsec just kinda hanging out when four ships showed up, warp scrambled me, and killed me. That's fine. I kinda expected it and I already made plenty off the ice to pay for a new ship. But then one of the guys sent me money. I messaged him asking why and he just sent more. Is this a normal thing? I'm confused.

    submitted by /u/GnarShredder96
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    Preparing for defense timer....

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Life as a TEST Line Member by the Numbers

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Insightful guesstimates based on public data that may provide a better understanding of this fascinating creature.

    Native Population: 17,665

    Number of Regions owned: 3

    Number of Regions they are allowed to krab in: 1.2



    Number of pilots TEST members are blue to: 32,554

    Number of Blue Alliances * : 15

    Regions of Space that are currently blue to Test: 9


    ---------Friends but we don't like it when you say that-----------------

    Number of pilots that are protected by NIP: 47,889

    Number of alliances whose structures and sov can't be touched * : 10

    Number of Regions that can't be touched: 5



    Number of jumps from TEST Home Staging to the nearest entosisable IHUB: 45 (Etherium Reach)

    Number of Active Strategic Fight Level FCs: 1 (PGL is active right?)

    Number of Legacy Groups currently deployed to Tribute/Vale (because they don't know how to do anything but try and punch down): 3

    Number of Times they've lost the isk war to GOTG in Hurricanes: 0

    Number of systems still owned by Simple Farmers: 1

    Number of Supercapitals in the Coalition: >1000

    Number of Supercapitals allowed to jump to shoot the Stain Keepstar: 20


    *I got bored after counting through alliance number like 65. This is a shitpost, if you want real effort pay me isk


    EDIT: Sorry the SUAD guy's post reminded me of some more numbers

    Number of reactions allowed on TEST Fleet pings: 0

    Number of Memes that had to get banned because the corp members had their feelings hurt: 1 (Kick Suad BTW)

    Edit for Dunk:

    Number of Systems enemies are legally allowed to PVP in: 1 (GE-)

    submitted by /u/SerQwaez
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    My drawing of a Stratios

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:08 AM PST

    BREAKING NEWS: Sort Dragon just paid 41 Faction Fortizar

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Source: a spy in darkness.
    Since the ZH3 keepstar destroyed
    Sort Dragon says Dead.Co gonna pay 41 Faction Fortizar to Panfam for exchange 6 months NIP on
    Branch, Deklein and Fade.


    submitted by /u/Tuboshu_NEET
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    Once Again, Sort Dragon is asking for your financial support

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:50 PM PST

    Inner Hell Announces Successful Eviction of Tranquility Server

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:22 AM PST

    Space battle in providence results in some exploded space ships

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:27 PM PST

    So went for a weekday final timer for a content astra that cva put into one of the systems we took away from them a while back.


    This is the same citadel that we fought over a week or two ago (https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/eq7z1a/wts_muninn_fleet/ for reference where cva managed to online the structure at the cost of 50b in muninns).

    For HTP and crew our euro fleet attendance is fairly low during the week due to mostly living in North america and people typically being at work during the day so we took the fight with a 15ish man mach fleet, a stack of triage and a modest stack of high angle dreads + b52 to take the fight off the structure at 250.

    All in we had about 45 irl butts in seats starting the fight, vs provi's ~110 but had a cyno system jammer installed that cva was unable to take down prior to the engagement.

    Fight starts and we pretty much immediately lose most of the machs despite doing some casual em/thermal tanking to them, cva nightmare numbers are fairly swol and they manage to crack the armor ships with their backend reps fairly easily.

    Haw dreads hold the grid while we upship to carriers in the backend. Before the carrier wing is fully established on grid our b52 dies (with the astra in 10%) hull under the significant nueting pressure of the provi nightmares.

    Some further pings push our irl bodies to about 55 nerds, where we flood the grid with capitals and force the strategic victory at the expense of losing the isk war.

    In the immortal words of the cva fc

    Arkadios Sol > you nerds got memed so hard
    Arkadios Sol > bye

    I certainly feel memed :P

    submitted by /u/Meiqur
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    [Highlight] Solo Fight vs The Minions.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:50 PM PST

    Skills randomly broken/not applying when swapping Abyssmal rooms

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:06 AM PST

    So ran into an issue tonight where when changing rooms in Abyssmals, my skills sometimes are not applying AT ALL. I thought this was just a display bug, as I've seen such a bug before, but it wasn't; my missile range without skills was horribly bad. Oddly enough I think my AB speed was working, so maybe not ALL skills? Didn't really notice if shield booster was working properly because I was mostly speed tanking.

    Luckily I was just trying out a setup in T3s so I was able to correct, but still almost lost a setup because. It was one of the rooms was the close-range BCs, and without skills my missiles were only hitting to 20k, and doing base skill damage. Notice in the fitting screen. my fitting stats are negative and everything else is default. I didn't get more screenshots because race against the timer and kind of panicked once I realized WTF was going on; finished with like 2 minutes to spare.

    By the time I realized WTF was happening and why I was applying no damage, it was almost too late. Note there was no ewar in this pocket; at first I thought I was getting incredibly unlucky with deviant automata ticks (there's ONE in the pocket) but it was odd because ZERO damage was getting through on 2 accounts, and one was fine. I tried kiting far away from the suppressor just to be sure anyway, and sure enough, missiles were disappearing at 20k instead of the normal 49k. I was triple boxing and 2 of my 3 accounts had this bug in this room. Last pocket was fine.

    This is incredibly dangerous, and it feels like this would be a "the logs show nothing!" situation if I were to die and try to petition. Sooo heads up, anyone else seen it?


    submitted by /u/Hehaw5
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    Eve is dead Day 10: Discover new horizons

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:23 AM PST

    • Finished 2 books - total of 500 pages
    • Reinstalled Diablo 1, did a speedrun.
    • Finished Hellblade after 2 years & Finally uninstalled it.
    • Did a long-ass grind on Destiny 2 - Probably i don't need to open that up for another month.
    • Cleaned the house like mad - Removed 3 boxes of misc. trash.
    • Pulled my free weights out of the storage, going to start working out by the end of this week.

    I'd like to thank the a-holes who Fd the EVE for this long.

    submitted by /u/angelophiliac
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    I had a dream a cat pulled a cottonmouth viper out from under a couch cushion and threw it at me so I’m moving to Serpentis Prime following this sign from Bob

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:26 AM PST

    RR Keepstar Down

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Brave - This is NOT a SOTA - February 2020

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Medium pos bash

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:02 AM PST

    Hello, fellow capsuleers. I decided to move to low class wh. I've found wh (which is perfect for me) without citadels, but there are few POCOs and single medium POS without shield and weapons. Should i destroy POCOs or/and POS? And how much dps is acceptable for bashing? I tried to calculate time needed for bashing with single oracle and got 14 hours (800dps vs 300 hp regen of POS). Is it correct?

    submitted by /u/Falconloverlvl387
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    Blueballs :(

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:06 AM PST

    TQ connection issues update!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Ratting Advice for Serpentis Space

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:27 AM PST

    Hey there guys i hope my question is allowed. I did comeback to eve from a long break like 5 years. Now i am starting again and i try to focus on PVE and ratting in Nullsec.

    I already spent some SP on following Skills:

    • Caldari Drone Spec 4
    • Drone Interfacing 5
    • Drone Sharpshooting 5
    • Drones 5
    • Heavy Drone Operation 5
    • Gallente Cruiser 5

    Currently i am flying in an VNI and later i the future i have the dream of ratting in an carrier. At the moment the VNI feels weak with only 3x Heavy Drones. I fly the VNI as speed tank.

    I was thinking about skilling onto the Ishtar. Is there a recommendation from you guys which way i can go?

    I saw a post here from 3 years ago:

    Catalyst > vexor > VNI > Ishtar > tengu > vindi > rattlesnake > Kronos > golem > carriers

    is this still correct?

    Shall i keep skilling on Drones or do i need to take some SP on Blasters/Rockets?

    Currently i only have around 100M ISK i am looking for a ship which i can generate good ticks and safe some money to go on bigger things.

    I hope you can follow my flow of ideas.

    Thank you very much for you answers and your time

    submitted by /u/420Kickdown
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    Losing most our veterans and co-leaders.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:32 AM PST

    I'm not an eve player but you have more experience on this i believe, i'm an Albion player and their reddit is a shitshow.

    We were getting crushed by a bigger alliance for a few weeks and people is losing hope and moral.what should you do? the disband seems near and leader is gone for a week, neither he nor co-leaders are giving us information about what happened.

    People are leaving daily now, we lost big names, we're about to lose our hideout (it's like a citadel in eve) and people who are not leaving is going innactive, lead tell us about improving and get better but how can we do that while our Veterans and Co-Leaders are leaving?, we don't have motivation to do that.

    I'm asking for those EvE veteran players or people who experienced this in the past, what a member should do in this situation, stay until disband losing money or leave and find another homeland?

    EDIT: all my assets are safe, i'm considering to leave the guild if our hideout got destroyed today.

    submitted by /u/Maszke
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    The Voice of the Bot-Aspirants.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:08 PM PST

    BREAKING NEWS part 2: Sort Dragon asks for support

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Realizing he already gave all of his faction fortizars in previous settlement Sort Dragon revealed new plan.

    GoFund.me page has already been mailed to all GotG members.

    submitted by /u/espehil
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    The Initiative: "We want more subcap fights"

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

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