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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - March 26, 2020

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - March 26, 2020

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - March 26, 2020

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Join us! We are new bro friendly!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    get hit talk shit

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Moon Mineral Distribution Update

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    This guy... xD

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    So, trying to make those dank iskies exploring and pop into a system with Castielec. Coincidentally at the same time as a roaming blue fleet. Launch probes and start scanning...

    In local:
    [15:00:08] Castielec > sigh

    [15:00:18] Castielec > i see your probes you know

    [15:00:47] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > my probes?

    [15:01:18] Castielec > are they yours

    [15:01:24] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Yep, just doin exploration

    [15:01:37] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Not with that fleet

    [15:01:42] Castielec > dont lie to me buddy

    Then, get private convo:

    [15:22:29] Castielec > aye buddy you lie tro me again you going on my super gank list you got it?

    [15:22:39] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Okie dokie

    [15:22:41] Castielec > your ship will be gone

    [15:22:46] Castielec > you got it!

    [15:22:47] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > but I didn't lie to you and you'll never catch me

    [15:22:59] Castielec > i be you i will man dont underestimate me

    [15:23:06] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > mmhmm

    [15:23:12] Castielec > i dont take kindly to liars

    [15:23:17] Castielec > i gank them

    [15:23:21] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Well, then you should like me

    [15:23:52] Castielec > just know im the best to ever do it

    [15:23:55] Castielec > remember that

    [15:24:06] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Ok good luck o7

    [15:24:11] Castielec > where you going

    [15:24:21] Castielec > i didnt give you premisson to leave

    [15:24:26] Castielec > you obey me bruh

    [15:24:26] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > I'll be on my way back to HY-RWO shortly

    [15:24:31] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > You can setup a camp for me if you want

    [15:24:37] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > from 4-07mu

    [15:24:46] Castielec > im the police of this region

    [15:24:55] Castielec > im gonna send my officers after you shortly

    [15:25:29] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Weird, I'm here all the time...you seem new to these parts

    [15:25:38] Castielec > no im not new

    [15:25:43] Castielec > im the new police officer

    [15:26:14] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > You must be REALLY bored lol

    [15:26:44] Castielec > dude im just a police officer doing my job thats all

    [15:26:49] Castielec > why make it harder?

    [15:27:10] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Well, because you're obviously corrupt, and I'm just

    [15:27:34] Castielec > how am i corrupt?

    [15:28:25] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Because you're bullying and accusing innocent of crimes they did not commit and attempting to be judge, jury and executioner

    [15:28:46] Castielec > dude i just want you out of my turf

    [15:29:11] Castielec > i think i want to put you in a pod

    [15:29:17] Castielec > what you think about that

    [15:29:27] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Ok, well unless you catch me that isn't going to happen. There's too many lush treasures to retrieve in "your turf"

    [15:29:39] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > and even if you do catch me, I'll be back so deal

    [15:30:32] Castielec > if you be back ill make sur eyou keep leaving in a pod buddy ole pal remember that

    [15:30:41] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > I got 97 mil in cargo, you gonna catch me this time?

    [15:31:08] Castielec > i really want that loot

    [15:31:12] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > I bet

    [15:31:15] Castielec > so im def gonna come find you now

    [15:31:36] Castielec > uh oh there you go

    [15:31:39] Castielec > time to get you

    [15:31:39] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Yep, here I am

    [15:31:50] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > Too slow bro

    [15:32:17] Castielec > oh you in a damn ceptor

    [15:32:19] Castielec > nvm

    [15:32:23] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > DUH LOL

    [15:32:27] Castielec > i dont want to fight you anymore

    [15:32:31] Ibetchuwontdoit Neu > xD

    [15:32:31] Castielec > bye

    Made me laugh, good times in isolation. :D

    submitted by /u/Ibetchuwontdoit
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    Ultimate 5Man Filament Challenge [5 Billion ISK to the winning team]

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Heres the details on the #SafariRoam Challenge!

    #SafariRoam Challenge information link

    Heres the discords to watch for the pings on!

    Less than 10 Discord

    Monsters Reborn Discord

    EVE-CS Discord

    Fwagons Discord

    submitted by /u/Hab0k-
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    They play For MONEY not FUNNY

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    Bad offer in Omega & Extractors bundle

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    I am the man who gets the SCRAM, and Orbits 500. WITNESS ME.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    Soon™ In a local chat near you...

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    VOLTA tries to tackle rorqs. Rorq ded. Keepstar tickles buttholes. Isk Positive.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Heathens VOLTA try to become relevant again after being fucked from their top member count by corps leaving them for l33t druggy group Sniffed Up.

    Yeeting sabres across Immensea with intel channel quality of a Galaxy Note 2 on fire. Rorqs bubbled, then sabres hazed by random hodgepodge of autistic children flying whatever their mom's birthday money got them.

    Rorqs were safe while FC's were screaming amidst the cacophony of screaming infants as one warps out while screaming Deja Vu, other panic jumps out to a random cyno beacon....one fucking system over and VOLTA chases....onto a Keepstar grid.

    Rorq starts deepthroating Triglavian kitchen sink, realizes he's turbo fucked, and says the immortal words. Fire the Doomsday. Doomsday spools up , VOLTA soils itself as KS pilot yells IMA FIRIN' MA LAZORRR]. Rorq pilot thinks he might be tanked enough to survive. Fuck right.

    Rorq pilot failed 2nd grade math, sexually identifies as the Hindenberg and blows the fuck up. Godspeed you amazing bastard.

    BR: https://zkillboard.com/related/30002181/202003260300/


    submitted by /u/-TempestofChaos-
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    feels like some people need to be reminded of this

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    One sentence for new players

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    "Knowledge and Ability are the true progress indicators in New Eden."

    Add one sentence for new players to think about, use, learn from, and share with others.

    submitted by /u/SamuelTriptee
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    Vily triggered by TAPI

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Sometimes, that's how it be.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Nine Inch Nails just released two instrumental LPs that are free, sounds very much like the EVE OST.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    haha supercarrier go brrrr

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    My trading blog: first > 100-million-ISK-profit trade

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Today is Day 45 of my trading "blog" and the first major activity since day 22 (link to previous blog post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/fcp2g3/my_trading_blog_finally_doubled_my_wealth/)

    I started trading 44 days ago, on February 11, 2020, with the intention of making the majority of my wealth trading. As you can see, I have stuck to that promise, making 99.3% of my money in trade (although I did go out and do some of the tutorial pvp missions, as I was bored of sitting in a station all day, and for other ... reasons ... as you will see)

    My current income sources

    So anyway, not much happened between Day 22 and Day 30. I traded some fuel blocks, bought some skills, etc.

    I also had my first few major unsuccessful orders. I tried to buy a lot of things, my orders stagnated for several days, and it felt absolutely awful to cancel those orders and waste the broker's fee. But it's always better to admit that you made a mistake and move on**, rather than irrationally invest because you don't want to hurt your pride.** I then bought and sold a couple of cruisers and made some cash, enough to bring my balance up to around 90 million ISK when all was said and done.

    I don't know whether to call this luck or skill, but I somehow found a ship where there was (relatively) a lot of trading activity going on, and yet the profit margin was over 60%. So I took a gamble and spent nearly all of my roughly 90 million ISK balance on it. This occurred on March 12, 2020, or Day 31.

    Oh, and by the way, the Broker Relations update was on March 10 ... yeeaaahhh ... so every time I needed to update my single extremely risky order, that was another 400k ISK down the drain. Which seems like a small number, but is definitely a very large number when your total balance is only a few million ISK and you have no other way to make money (remember, I promised to not supplement my income too much with explo or mining or anything else).

    So anyway, I felt extremely stupid sitting there and wasting a million ISK a day for an order that was never going to get satisfied. I realized that I was going to actually run out of ISK, and wouldn't be able to sell it again! This would be catastrophic! So I did what any self-respecting noob in my position would do: I boarded a free corvette and played the pvp tutorial missions!! Which were actually pretty fun. I didn't feel like I was cheating at my challenge, since my overall income from this was probably no more than 2 million ISK.

    And one day later, someone fulfilled my order!! But this was going to be the REALLY tough part, because I was re-selling it for a lot more, which means that the re-listing costs would be proportionally higher as well. Every update now costed a whopping 1.1 million ISK. I was running out of cash FAST. I limited myself to only 1 update per day but it was still super scary...

    My time was ticking and I had only 2 more day's worth of cash left. At this point, I was really desperate, and I placed some overpriced buy orders for frigates so that I could re-sell them quickly. The problem is, no one actually sold to them. I still have no idea why. So I had now worked myself into a hole: I had only 1 more order update worth of cash remaining.

    In a last Hail-Mary of desperation, I decided to vastly under-price my sell order. I was officially out of cash. Like, completely out. I had only 17,212 ISK left.

    And with my luck, someone undercut me by 100,000 ISK the next day. Big RIP. I felt like quitting EVE for a few weeks. Then I thought I might as well try to tour the various star systems in the neighboring regions, because I like spaceships and stars and space stations and they look cool. And then someone shot my frigate down in high sec space (????) but luckily I escaped with my pod. But either way, I was on a total downward streak. Like tilting, except it wasn't my fault - just random unlucky occurrences one after another.

    There was one silver lining: all the other sellers, besides that one guy, decided to stay at their original prices. And they would have been stupid to follow me anyway. I was acting out of desperation.

    Fast-forward two more days and it finally sells. This was my longest-running buy/sell ever. It took 9 days for my buy order to be satisfied and 5 days for my sell order to be satisfied - i.e. 2 weeks in total. But when all was said and done ... over 100 million sweet ISK in profits, from 1 single order! (I guess, 2, if you count the buy and sell separately) Very cool, very nice. I really had to work for that money!

    P.S. this ship is now in extremely high demand with very few sellers, so it's not like you or I can just use this to make a free 100 million ISK every month.

    P.P.S. I have a secret admirer on r/eve that downvotes my post as soon as I post it. It's happened 3 times so far! ILY, secret admirer! ❤️

    submitted by /u/Agent-008
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    What NPC corp do people suck up to nowodays?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    For industry, clones, etc.

    Is it still Caldari Navy and SoE?

    Caldari Navy has no systems outside of Caldari(duh) and SoE has only two highsec factories, both at ass-end of nowhere.

    submitted by /u/Zippo-Cat
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    Just saw a moon extraction cycle start. Thank you, CCP.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    I have been playing EVE on and off for a year now, but seeing a moon extraction cycle begin didn't happen to me until today.

    I hopped in my Anathema, looking for some moon ores in Boystin. I warped to a bounce bookmark near a refinery, which happened to position me above and just behind the refinery, facing the moon it is orbiting. And then, I saw it. A rapid pulse of energy firing from the refinery to the surface, striking the moon surface in an intricate pattern, then little circular shockwaves rocking the surface and forming a large circular black-and-orange vortex that separated a whole chunk from the surface, then a huge tractor beam picked up the chunk, complete with tons of dust falling off it in waves.

    I am a modder for another spaceship game for several years, and this has made me think of spaceships, planets and moons as mere digital objects with number stats, hollow shells dressed in textures instead of tangible, heavy things with steel and tubes or rock and magma inside. Because I know how games work on the inside, it has become difficult for me to suspend disbelief and actually live in what's happening on the screen. So is my perception of that other game, so was my perception of Eve. Until today.

    Witnessing a chunk being ripped away from a moon complete with molten rock boiling beneath and dust falling off it, witnessing the very second when a part of the surface gets transformed into a chunk, seamlessly as it would happen in real life, is what made me believe in EVE.

    Thank you, CCP.

    submitted by /u/Cheetah97
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    BREAKING NEWS! As shortage hit the moons across New Eden and Anoikis, the Caldari Navy releases the blueprint for a new, superior battleship to supply loyal capsuleers. It is said to only need the materials of a Corvette, and has the power of two battleships and a cruiser combined.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    3 Things you can do with the escape bay

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Is it worth it to start in 2020?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    I play SWTOR but am looking for a side game. Is it worth getting into now? Can someone enjoy the game a few hours a week? Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Happy_swtor
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    Any group suggestions?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Hey! I'm from Finland (utc +3) interested in mainly pvp focused groups that are noob friendly :D I played the game multiple years ago and have 1b money and Rokh with some sniper pvp fit. I barely even remember how to operate the ship, so someone would have to walk it all through with me :D I have a microphone. Lets see what you got :p I've been playing pretty much only Elite: Dangerous pvp for last few years, so I'm curious see what this game got to give.

    submitted by /u/Raawaim
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    CreoDrone drone implants question

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Where do we get them from?

    submitted by /u/Siggward_
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    Whats going on in Querious

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Is the QFC experiment over? Goons taking over another region to prep for upcoming changes?

    submitted by /u/Nedtot
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