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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Eve Online Made by me, a complete newbie experience

    Eve Online Made by me, a complete newbie experience

    Made by me, a complete newbie experience

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Rest well, Lychton Kondur

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Second day of playing, and this guy hits me up and helps me learn a few things. Next thing, I know he gives me a big welcome pack. Thank you Wusten for the generosity.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    7o Lychton Kondur ~ Glorious Leader Eternal ~ It's been a wild ride! 7o ~

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Victory Leshak, acrylic on canvas

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    flattening the curve

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    PH titan dies to INIT

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Say the line null blocks!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Goons respond to save Rorqual from wormholers, Supers DD friendly Nag. gf Goons

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    CCPlease Let the monitor Reload probes from the ammo Bay, that is all.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Meanwhile in New Hagilur

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    My Dissapointment is Immesurable and my Immersion is ruined

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    inconsistencies with clicking in space the last ~4 weeks.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Anyone else been having this?

    Basically, if you set keep at range, or orbit and just drag the camera around every now and again, seemingly completely randomly you'll align somewhere.

    It doesn't even look like it aligns in the direction you may have clicked either, someone else in snuffed was having same issue and supposedly, things got better when changing from USB3 to USB2 but no luck in my case.

    Is there many other people having this?

    submitted by /u/jamiew0w
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    Choppy eve performance?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Lots of stuttering, rubber banding, long jump tunnels, but no TIDI. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/sinergistic
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    My last week in a Wormhole

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I moved into a freeport C2 with a C3 static bout a week ago. As a relative newb, I was pretty scared of holes. I had been daytripping before, but never settled in. It's been incredibly lucrative though! I moved in with a ratting Myrmidon and a scanning Heron. I was only able to do a couple of combat sites because I can't really run a passive shield Myrm in a C3. Hacking however, has been lucrative!

    Here's everything I've earned in the last week:

    I look forward to making more!

    submitted by /u/Depr3ssed_Fucker
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    CCPLS Buff Nestor / Introduce new Battleship Logi

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Since the triage nerf I've been thinking about ways to fight outnumbered without triage quite a bit. We tried to use nestor in it's current form but it didn't really work that good, mainly because of scanresolution and cap management. So I would really like to see a buff to nestor, maybe add cap transfer bonus like cruisers have and increase scanres a bit to give us a valid option between logi cruisers and triage.

    We looked at Zarmazd because it has more ehp and can't be volley'd that easily but the problem is the spoolup is not that great when fighting munins online.


    A few people also raised a good point, shield doctrines do not have the option to go nestor or zarm so if nestor gets buffed ccp would have to make something available for shield too.

    Also a few people mentioned that they should just reverse triage nerf but I disagree. Triage is still strong, just not on a citadel grid. Also I would rather have more options available and bring logi cruiser, triage or logi battleship depending on situation.

    Now tell me why my idea is bad pls, thx.

    submitted by /u/pvprazor
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    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    And so the fun(feeding) must come to a halt + a brawl youre all invited to :)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Hey! Its me that annoying guy again. Ive been called into the army on this tuesday and will sadly not be able to play much, other than during the weekends. Being the "sole" FC and being the one handing out leshaks/dreads etc for every fleet, I fear the corp will sadly come to a halt now. We will still be active, but our big nice 50b+ feeds and the occasional dunks, will now be much more rare.

    With a bunch of battleship fleets, many many AF fleets, some Legion fleets and quite a few dread welps since my last post, it has been a fun two months. Here are some relevants battle reports.

    We learned how strong Leshaks were against unsupported dreads BR(we were with the green side, split up for clarity). Whilst trying to bait out some supers, although we might have been able to do a bit better on the baiting side(bringing our hics in from the getgo haha).

    We killed our first ever rorqual, on our little deployment down into great wildlands. Kill, we were with EBOLA who initially tackled it and called us, but after they killed our cyno(??????) we fought them, thinking they had turned on us.

    We ganked some capitals with SC, which we were in reality supposed to help :( I was dumbo and misunderstood intel. BR

    We had a super awesome 5 BS v 5 BS brawl in our homesystem, which might be quite insignificant. But was a lot of fun just duking it out. We had killed 3 of the enemy battleships and only lost 1, until a big russian nano gang came by and killed most of us. BR, rip Kaesers 1b but weirdly rigged hyperion :)

    We tried our fighting a 45 man tornado gang in an 9 man AF gang to help out amarr fw. I was in a probe confessor and bounced us in ontop of the tornados everytime they had landed and anchored up. We managed to snag 4-5 tornados, however we couldve snagged many more if we had a bit more dps as the nados were able to reposition into a favorable position before we were able to kill many of our caught nados off. In retrospect we shouldve stayed a bit longer on every tornado before bouncing and also we shouldnt have forgot that we had a pontifex :D Eventually Volta came and killed the friendly capitals and PL came into fight the tornados and us as well. BR. GF!

    Same Great Taste hit our main home citadel in Arzad, for which we formed up our standard Leshak comp with dreads and fax to defend. SC came with 3 guards and 1 bhaalgorn to help us defend. Same Great Taste brought in 8 battleships with two fax, and we warped down our 16 battleships with a single fax. Our eyes on the amamake keepstar report that they are undocking carriers and dreads, so we prepare our dreads as well. It is clear here that they have swapped a few of their bs and instead prepared more capitals. Same Great Taste drop 5 carriers and 9 revelations, so we bring in our 9 revelations as well. We have quite a balanced fight but its quite obvious that the enemy dreads are specifically tanked for our em/therm damage(well played!) so we trade a bit unevenly, however we still trade somewhat. That is until FETID and panic drops in to help out Same Great Taste. BR Gf

    We learned the importance of secondary cynos and having my titan bridge fully fueled :D During the structure timer of a bait raitaru, we were met with 60 horde ferox and a 30-40 man battleship from a lowsec group. We cynoed in a single fax and tried to bridge in our battleships but ooooh no, theres no more stront in the titan lol. We spent a good 3-4 minutes on getting the titan fueled, however the fax pilot was unable to keep up the cyno and thus we need to burn a new one. The enemies have now also jumped in 2 fax, 1 carrier and 3 dreads. We have 6 dreads ready at once but the new cyno gets killed before all dreads manage to jump. Our dreads easily kill off all the enemy dreads without any losses, but our fax is slowly bleeding battleships, whilst we desperately try to get a new cyno into system lol. With our 3 dreads slowly dying out and the fax aswell, we dock up our battleships and await for the next cyno to arrive. Sadly we are not able to arrive in time to save the bait raitaru or tackle the enemy capitals. We jump in 3 revelations with replaced battleships and 2 new fax, however the enemy battleships and fax warp out, with only the ferox remaining who feed a few ferox and leave. BR GF even though we did many mistakes :)

    Dock Workers reinforced one of astras in kamela where we went into defend it with allies tmocc, in leshaks with fax support. Both sides shedded battleships despite us having fax reps. Our fax died quite easily and a bit too fast, so I had to switch into a ninazu myself. Dock Workers dropped in a few fax and we brought in our own dreads. Here we really messed up, getting baited on both the bait moros and losing all our dreads only killing 1 enemy dread. Oh well, shit happens :) GF BR.

    The most fun fight recently was down in great wildlands, where we had spotted a reinforced astrahus. We turned up to the final timer, with the enemies have a small drekavac and gila fleet hitting the structure. We manage to snag a drekavac, zarmazd and basilisk before the enemies warp off. We are in 6 bs with a single fax as support. 1 Minute later the enemies drop a cyno 200km off us, jumping in 2 dreads, 1 minokawa and 2 carriers. We buckle up and warp down to the cyno and brawl it out, putting neut pressure on the mino. The enemies continually dro in more carriers, eventually having 5-7(?) carriers on grid vs our 1 fax and 6 bs. The fax is bleeding cap so we decide to drop all our cap boosters in the apostles fleet hangar. We force one of the dreads off and begin chewing on the minokawa. Most of the capitals warp off because we are bad at tackling haha. One of the members in fleet call upon the members of the citadel who warps in 2 dreads and help us kill off the tackled mino and phoenix. Very very gf guys! BR


    Ive been thinking about plopping down an azbel and inviting everyone to come shoot it, but ive been a bit hesitant to actually do it. I figured that now is the time, therefore youre all welcome to come shoot my azbel tomorrow at 1945 eve time in tararan system. We will defend it with our trusty 15-20 man gang and hopefully have a cool brawl :) See you all there! Hopefully it dies so I dont have to defend it :D Proof It was supposed to be at 1900, but i fucked up and didnt realize azbel didnt fit in normal hauler, so we had to do some tricky jf business lmao.

    submitted by /u/Faymm
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    Federation Navy Putter

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Kills in the Minmatar-Amarr Faction War System of Floseswin.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    burning down the hus

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Need help making money with pve

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    Hello, im the newbro that made the post that got really popular, and with the money that people donated to me I bought a navy issue drake and outfitted it for pve

    Im wondering how to make more money doing Pve with my friend, since 3k per ship isnt very much and Im wondering if there is a way to make more money with pve. Ive tried doing some research on wormhole space sleeper stuff but it seems really complicated and i dont have an exploration frigate like the video says. if anyone can help thanks!

    submitted by /u/airsoft_man_961a
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    Pandemic Legion Gets FAX Bombed By TAPI

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Best faction battlecruiser for solo pvp?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    Looking for a Non-pirate faction battlecruiser that will perform well in pvp nullsec. Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/Cryptic_Donut
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    Was there a time neuts could stop people from entering warp?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Recently I met several player who played before I started, believe that neuting someone out can prevent people from entering warp, or even claimed they were using this to tackle in the early days.

    I wish to check: was that a thing before 2011 (when I started)? I am pretty sure that's not the case now as I tried on sisi, I never managed to stop people warping with 12 neuts keeping their cap at 0...

    (There is no real 0 cap, there is always 0.00000001 cap so you can enter warp with it, you will stop very soon though)

    If neut tackle was true, when was it changed and how? Was it because there wasn't today's mechanism that when you don't have enough cap, you will stop in the middle? Is there any footage, evidence or dev blog patch notes I can rely on?

    If it was false, why people have such a perception, what went wrong?

    If... it is still the case today? For example you can actually neut people hard enough that he will stop within the 150km minimum distance, so they are not able to enter warp because of that?

    Anyone can help? Maybe some veteran, or some dev who wrote the code?

    submitted by /u/Kthesf
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